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The Playboy Next Door

Page 15

by Christina Tetreault


  Cat heard the knock on the door as she slipped on her bra and panties. Grabbing the bathrobe she’d left on the bed, she pulled it on, ignoring the fact the material remained damp from her shower. She suspected it was Tony at the door. The football game should have ended about an hour ago, assuming it hadn’t gone into overtime. Judging by the way he had described the team North Salem faced today, she doubted it had.

  “And I was worried about running late.”

  She kissed his cheek and started back toward her room before Tony could say anything else. She didn’t get far though, because Tony took hold of her arm.

  “Is that all I get for a hello?” He undid the belt holding her robe together. “I think you can do better than that, beautiful.”

  Her robe opened as he pulled her against him. The cold leather of his jacket sent goose bumps across her bare skin while at the same time his warm hands caressed her back and he kissed her. The odd combination made her tremble.

  She allowed herself to briefly enjoy the moment and then brought the kiss to an end. “I’m almost ready. I only need to put my dress on.” This time when she stepped away, Tony didn’t stop her.

  “Take your time. I’m not in any rush,” he said as he followed her into the bedroom.

  Tossing the robe on the bed, she took her dress off the hanger. The look on his face as he watched her was very similar to the one he’d worn when he’d joined her in the shower that morning. Immediately, her mouth got dry as she thought about the way he’d touched her as he spread soap across her body.

  Clearing her throat, she willed the memory away and stepped into her dress. “How was the game?” If they didn’t leave soon, they’d be late. Now was not the time to be thinking about making love and steamy showers.

  “Too easy. I think the guys actually got bored after a while.”

  She could see how that would happen. If there was no challenge, people were bound to lose interest. “Can you zip me up?” One of the things she hated about more formal dresses, they often had zippers in the back. Whoever thought that was a good idea, either didn’t wear dresses all that often or always had someone around to help them.

  In one fluid motion, Tony rose and came up behind her. “I’d rather not.” He planted a seductive kiss on her shoulder, and a brief shiver rippled across her skin. “But I will.” He slid the zipper up and turned her around to face him. “You look beautiful tonight.”

  “You clean up pretty well yourself.” Unlike most nights, he wore a suit. Cat straightened his tie and said, “But I think I prefer you in jeans.” He looked good dressed up, but, man, she found him sexy in a pair of jeans and a T-shirt.

  As they drove into Boston, she asked him questions about that afternoon’s football game. While she had some interest in the game, she asked questions as a way to distract herself. From the time she’d gone to work for the company as a college co-op until earlier that year, everyone had always considered her Zack’s other half. None of her colleagues or friends at work had ever seen her with anyone else. While her friends like Jessie, Ella, and Kelsey accepted Tony, she wasn’t sure how her friends at work would respond to him. For the most part, Zack was a lot like her, a little on the geeky side and big into computers. They both had computer degrees and had attended the same college.

  She didn’t think there was a geeky bone in Tony’s body. Sure, he used a computer, but he didn’t care about the latest updates in technology. From what she’d seen, as long as he had a computer that received emails and allowed him to type documents, he was happy. The people at the party tonight were the complete opposite.

  “I almost forgot. I saw Ella at the game today.” Tony opened the door into The Harbor House Restaurant. “I don’t know if she was there for the entire game, but she met Striker on the sideline at the end. She says hi.”

  Cat shook her head as she followed the signs toward the correct ballroom.

  “What was that for?”

  “My brother and Ella. I can’t believe he’s still with her.”

  “Your brother has had girlfriends before, Cat. I know that’s hard to believe.”

  She couldn’t stop herself from elbowing him in the side. “I know that, but he started seeing Ella around the beginning of October, and Striker’s always been as bad as you, so for him, that’s a lifetime with the same girlfriend.”

  “Maybe he’s had his reasons for not staying with a woman for too long until now.” A troubled expression crossed Tony’s face, but before she could question him, his lips formed a half smile. “So if they’ve been together for a lifetime, does that mean we’ve been together the equivalent of two lifetimes?”

  Tony hadn’t agreed or disagreed when she compared her brother’s record in the relationship department to his, and she didn’t want to discuss the matter any further. When she’d made the comment about Striker being a lot like him, she hadn’t thought it through, and the last thing she wanted was to remind Tony how long they’d already been together. If she did that, some internal timer might go off in his head reminding him it was time to move on.

  “I see Lorianne and her husband already sitting down. I’d like to introduce you to her. We work on a lot of projects together. She’s the one I drove to New Jersey with,” Cat said, moving the subject away from relationships.

  Next to him, Cat and her coworker chatted about the rumors currently swirling around the office. Since he didn’t know any of the people involved, he remained silent and enjoyed his espresso. While it wasn’t as good as the ones served at Peggy Sue’s, the espresso was much better than a lot of restaurants served. Depending on what time they left, maybe they could stop at Peggy’s on the way home tonight and grab an espresso. For whatever reason, caffeine didn’t affect him the same way it did most people. He could drink a coffee or a whole bottle of cola at midnight and still fall asleep without a problem.

  We’re not going back to my place tonight. For a moment, he’d forgotten Cat moved back into her apartment that morning. After having her living with him for so long, it was going to be odd not having her around all the time anymore. Even coming home this afternoon after the game had been strange. The entire house had been in darkness and she hadn’t been there waiting to welcome him home with a smile or kiss. It amazed him how much he’d gotten used to walking into the house and having her greet him.

  In another week, it’ll be like she never lived there. Tony took the last sip from his cup and motioned for the waiter to come over, so he could order another. I like living alone, he reminded himself of that fact once again. Yeah, but you like living with Cat more, the little devil on his shoulder whispered.

  “Tony? What are you doing here?”

  He pulled his thoughts away from the argument waging in his head and looked up to find Nolan Hernandez, one of his gym’s clients, standing next to the table. “My girlfriend works for the company.” The conversation next to him stopped as he nodded in Cat’s direction.

  “No kidding? I didn’t know you and Catrina knew each other. If I’d known that, I would’ve gone a little easier on her during the interview.”

  He’d known Nolan worked somewhere in Boston, but he hadn’t known or cared where. Both he and Richard maintained a friendly professional relationship with all their clients, but rarely did that extend outside of the gym.

  “Catrina held her own regardless. She even survived the questions Claire asked her during the interview.” Nolan glanced at Cat. “I hope your interview with Harry went just as well yesterday.”

  “I believe so.”

  Nolan waved at someone across the room. “My wife beckons,” he said, sounding unhappy about the prospect of joining her. “Have a great time tonight and I’ll see you at the gym next week.”

  Tony waited until his client walked away before he spoke. “I thought he was single or maybe divorced.”

  “Nah, he’s been with his wife for a while, although rumor has it he’s not happily married,” Lorianne said from the other side of Cat. “
Dolores, who’s his secretary, says she often hears him arguing with his wife on the phone.”

  Maybe all the arguing had something to do with the various women Nolan left the gym with. Either way, Nolan’s romantic life was none of Tony’s business. “I didn’t know you worked with him.”

  “He’s the VP of human resources. The first interview I had was with him and Claire Underwood. She’s the Director of software development in our building.”

  “And yesterday you interviewed with who?”

  “Harry Carson, he’s one of the company’s presidents. Since the position is in his department, he’ll make the final decision.”

  For a moment, he considered seeking Harry Carson out and having a little chat with him. However, Tony knew he’d never do it. From the sound of it, Cat wanted the promotion. If she’d made it this far in the application process, she must be qualified. It would be wrong of him to derail her just so she didn’t move across the country. Besides, even if she did stay in the area, what then?

  “Oh, man. Please tell me he’s not heading this way,” Cat said, causing Tony to glance around the room.

  “Zack came alone tonight? Wasn’t he dating that temp in human resources?” Lorianne asked.

  “Not anymore. He asked me to come with him.”

  Tony spotted Zack coming toward their table. He’d known Zack would there, but he’d thought the guy would be smart enough to keep his distance.

  “You both look beautiful tonight.” Zack sat down without asking if they’re were expecting anyone else at their table. “Carlos, it’s been a long time. How have you been?” he asked, speaking to Lorianne’s husband without so much as a glance in Tony’s direction.

  Tony blocked out Carlos and Zack’s conversation and leaned closer to Cat. “I’m going to get a drink. Do either of you want anything?” He needed something stronger than the second espresso the waiter brought over.

  “All set, thanks, Tony,” Lorianne answered.

  Cat pushed her chair back. “I’ll come with you.”

  Zack’s eyes darted in his direction and Tony smiled before he led Cat away from the table. A full service bar had been set up on the other side of the room, and they joined the line.

  “The company throws a party like this every year?”

  “At least since I’ve been working for it. Last year, they had the party at The Hilltop Hotel. This is much nicer.”

  He’d never attended a function at The Hilltop, but this place was not only well known in the city but also very nice.

  “If Nolan Hernandez works out at your gym, I wonder if anyone else here does.”

  He’d had the same thought. “I wouldn’t be surprised,” he said as they reached the front of the line.

  Tony said a little thank you prayer when they returned and found Zack had left. Now, if he just stayed away for the rest of the night, he might be able to enjoy himself.


  Around him, the waitstaff cleared away the dinner dishes and set out dessert as the deejay took up his position behind his equipment. It looked as though Cat’s company went all out on their holiday parties. So far, at least, he’d enjoyed himself. Zack never returned to their table. Instead, a third couple had joined them. While Cat, Lorianne, and Cheri, another woman who worked for the company, discussed some knew television series he’d never heard of, Tony and the other two men discussed football.

  “You’re wrong. Denver is going to dominate Kansas City,” Donald, Cheri’s husband said.

  Before either Tony or Carlos could comment, the speaker behind them came on as a man holding a microphone moved into the middle of the dance floor.

  “I know no one wants to hear me speak tonight, but before we all really start enjoying ourselves, I’d like to say a few things,” the man holding the microphone said.

  “That’s Rodney Godard. He’s the company’s CEO.”

  Warm breath touched his cheek as Cat whispered in his ear, and he couldn’t resist turning his head just enough to kiss her. “He comes to the gym too. He actually hired Richard as his personal trainer. I figured he must be some bigwig CEO or something. Richard’s training fees are steep.”

  “First, I want to welcome you all to this year’s holiday party. As you all know, it’s been an exciting year with many developments and changes. None of those things would be possible without all of you, so thank you. You already know we are expanding our California office, so be on the lookout for the exciting news and updates regarding that over the next few weeks.” A round of applause followed the CEO’s statement. Once it stopped, he spoke again. “I know nobody came here to hear me speak, so before Harry gives me the boot, I’ll let you all get back to having fun.”

  Laughter filled the ballroom as the CEO handed the microphone over to the deejay and sat back down.

  Change, he couldn’t seem to escape that damn word. Since the summer, the word had surrounded him, infiltrating so many aspects of his life. He’d never considered himself the type to shy away from change. But, man, he’d started to hate not only the notion but also the very word.

  “Tony, Lorianne and I are going to the ladies’ room. Do you want me to get you another drink while I’m up?”

  “I’m good for now.”

  “Be right back.” She kissed him before she pushed back her chair and stood.

  He watched as Cat, perhaps the biggest change in his life, walked away. Once again, Sean’s words came back to haunt him. You haven’t acted like this since Isabella. Tell her you love her. It’s easier than begging for forgiveness later. Trust me.

  As far as he was concerned, he wasn’t acting any differently now than he had been six months ago, so he didn’t know precisely what Sean was referring too. However, he couldn’t deny that something inside him felt different. Emotions that hadn’t surfaced since Isabella now rattled around inside him and the thought of Cat moving made his chest ache. That scared him.

  A lot.

  He’d survived loving and loosing someone once. He doubted he’d survive it a second time. Especially this time.

  While he’d loved Isabella, the emotions that nagged at him whenever he thought of Cat overshadowed anything he’d experienced before. Maybe it would be the best thing for both of them if she moved and put an end to their relationship before it turned into love for either of them.

  And Cat didn’t love him. She cared about him and enjoyed spending time with him, but she didn’t love him. If she did, she would have said something. She was the type to share feelings like that, not keep them bottled up inside.

  Lorianne pulled out her chair and sat down again next to her husband.

  “Where’s Cat?” Tony asked when he didn’t see her join them.

  “We ran into Zack in the hall outside the restrooms. She’s out there talking to him.”

  He stood before Lorianne finished her sentence. Outside the ballroom, Tony followed the signs to the restrooms. A place this size probably had more than one set. He hoped he was headed toward the right ones.

  “Come home with me tonight.”

  The scent of alcohol hit Cat in the face. Zack occasionally had one or two drinks too many, but never when he attended a function such as this. And he must have had a few too many, otherwise he wouldn’t be acting this way now.

  “We can talk without a hundred people around. Sort things out between us.”

  He moved closer, forcing her to step back until her back hit the wall.

  “I miss you,” he said as he touched her face, his body pressed against hers.

  “We talked about this. I don’t want things to go back to the way they were. I’m happy now.” An iota of fear slipped down her spine. This is Zack. He’ll never hurt me. “That doesn’t mean we can’t be friends.”

  “Cut the crap, Catrina. I know you love me. You always have. This thing you’ve got going with Tony just has you confused.” His hand moved down her cheek to her collarbone. “Get rid of him, and you’ll see I’m right. We can start planning that wedding you used t
o talk about.”

  “Zack, you’re drunk. You don’t know what you’re saying.” Cat gave his shoulders a little push. She didn’t want to cause a scene, but she wanted him away from her.

  He didn’t budge.

  “I had a few drinks, big deal. That doesn’t mean I’m drunk. I know what I want, and that’s you.”

  As if in slow motion, she saw him lower his head toward hers. He’s going to kiss me. Her brain registered the notion, and without a second thought, she punched him in the solar plexus like Striker had shown her years ago.

  In a scene worthy of the movies, Zack bent over and grabbed his stomach, swearing the whole time.

  “I guess you don’t need my help.” Tony’s voice drew her eyes away from Zack’s bent form. She’d been so focused on stopping Zack, she hadn’t noticed Tony off to the right, but there he stood looking ready to tear into Zack.

  “Are you okay? Did he touch you?”

  She suspected Tony’s voice was cold enough to freeze the entire Stonefield Lake in North Salem.

  “Everything is fine.” At least now. She’d never seen Zack behave this way. If Tony hadn’t appeared when he had, she wasn’t sure what her ex-boyfriend would’ve done next.

  Tony glanced from her to Zack, who still had an arm around his middle and then back.

  “I think I’m ready to go home.” She moved closer to Tony and touched his arm. His expression now reminded her of how he’d looked the night Striker compared her to a whore. She didn’t want him fighting with Zack.

  Instead of putting an arm around her and leading her away, Tony moved in front of Zack. “She’s not interested, Cummings. Got it?” Tony took a step closer to Zack. “She doesn’t want to see you or talk to you.”


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