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The Playboy Next Door

Page 21

by Christina Tetreault

Squeezing her tight, he buried his face in the side of her neck. Neither of them spoke for a long time, but, eventually, reality crept back up.

  “We have a problem, don’t we?” Tony asked, his arms loosening around her.

  Considering the fact all her belonging were on a moving truck to California and her landlord had already found a new renter for her apartment, yes, she’d say they had a problem.

  “You’re expected in California and I can’t move right now. Maybe in a few months, but not today.”

  In her heart, she didn’t want to move. Everyone she loved and cared about was right here. “Ask me to stay and I will.”

  “No, I can’t let you do that.”

  “I’m not asking for your permission, and, honestly, I don’t want to go. Say the word and I’ll stay. They can promote Charles instead, and I’ll find a new apartment. Maybe I’ll stay with Striker until I do. He owes me.”

  “Are you sure that’s what you really want?”

  “Positive.” She pressed a light kiss on his mouth and almost cried again. She’d never thought she’d kiss him again.

  “Move in with me.”

  Tomorrow, she’d sort out things with work and get a hold of the moving company. Tonight, she only cared about Tony. “I’ve missed you.” She kissed him again. “Let’s go home.”


  Tony sipped his coffee and looked at the woman across the table from him. The woman he loved with all his heart. The person he wanted to marry and spend the rest of his life with. Both his sister and brother had dated their current spouses for years before getting married. Even Sean and Mia’s wedding was months away. A lot could happen in a few months. Life was too short to wait around for something that important.

  “Mom and Dad are glad I’m not moving,” Cat said when she put the phone down. “I’ll call Striker later and tell him. I hope he’s not too disappointed. I think he was looking forward to visiting me in California.” She raised her mug to her lips.

  “Let’s get married this weekend.”

  Coffee sprayed across the table and Cat started coughing. “Did you just say let’s get married?” She wiped coffee off her chin with a napkin.

  “Dad can marry us on Sunday or we can fly out to Vegas.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “I love you and want to spend my life with you. Why wait?” Maybe she wanted a big church wedding and reception like his sister and brother had. “We can always plan a church ceremony and reception for another time, if you want that.”

  “You really want to do this?” She smiled, her eyes alive with excitement. “Okay. Let’s get married.” Jumping to her feet, she wrapped her arms around him, her soft curves molding to his body and his heartbeat skyrocketed. “We’ll need to call our parents. Mom is going to go nuts when I tell her. Can we invite anyone else?”

  He didn’t care if she invited the entire town as long as it didn’t mean they had to wait past that weekend. “Whatever you want.” Capturing her lips, he caught a hint of the pumpkin spice creamer she loved so much, but he ignored it and coaxed them apart. In his arms, she shuddered as she returned his kiss with equal enthusiasm. “I love you,” he said, pausing just long enough to speak before he let desire consume him.

  Chapter 15

  Tony glanced at the stairs again. If Cat didn’t get downstairs soon, he was going up and dragging her down. Already he’d waited over a week for this day, and he wasn’t waiting much longer to make her his wife.

  “I’d understand if she tried to escape, but she wouldn’t have made it out the door without you noticing,” Striker said, coming over to him.

  Later today, they’d join their closest friends for a celebratory meal at Turin, but only their immediate families, Ella, who had arrived with Striker, and Sean O’Brien and his fiancée were at his parents’ house for the civil ceremony. His and Cat’s parents had tried to talk them out of getting married now. They’d insisted they needed a well-planned out affair. Both their mother’s promised they could help get a nice ceremony and reception planned in less than six months.

  Neither he nor Cat wanted to wait even a month, but they had agreed to wait a week so a few preparations could be made. Tony knew Cat and her mom had gone shopping for a new dress. Judging by the amount of decorations now filling his parents’ living room, his mom had used the week to buy out all the candle and flower stores in the area.

  “I know how much you’d like that.” Tony hadn’t spoken to Striker since the awards ceremony.

  Striker glanced down at the floor and then back up again. “I was giving you a hard time. Trina loves you and you must love her or we wouldn’t be here today. Her happiness is all that matters to me.”

  He wanted to give Striker hell for his earlier behavior, but how could he? The guy had only had his sister’s best interest in mind. “Then we’re good now?”

  Striker made eye contact. “Unless you do something to hurt her, we’re good.”

  Since he never planned on doing that, Tony had nothing to worry about.

  “Do I need to separate you two?” Sean asked, joining them.

  “I was just complaining about how long Trina is taking. I think I’ll go see what’s up.”

  Tony watched Striker walk away. Maybe he could light a little fire under Cat, so they could get this show going.

  “Congrats, Bates.” Sean slapped him on the back. “It’s good to see you happy like this. And thanks for shocking the hell out of the town. I think everyone forgot about my engagement when they heard you were getting married. I appreciate that. I couldn’t take another best wishes card from one of Ma’s friends.”

  “Please. Everyone is still talking about how you’re engaged to Mia Troy, Hollywood’s Sweetheart.”

  “Don’t call her that. She hates when people refer to her that way. I see Cat’s mom coming down the stairs. Looks like we’re a go.”

  Sean was right. Mrs. Striker entered the living room and joined his mom. Tony looked back toward the stairs in time to see her start down. Cat looked beautiful in the red off-the-shoulder gown, and he suspected he was grinning like an idiot as he watched her and Coach enter the room. He couldn’t help himself.

  “I’m happy for you,” his dad said, stepping up next to him. “And I’m honored that I get to perform the ceremony for you and Cat today.” Since both his sister Andrea and brother John had traditional church ceremonies, their father hadn’t performed their marriages.

  Before Tony expressed his own feelings, Cat stopped next to him, and his dad faded away.

  “You look gorgeous,” Tony said, kissing her cheek.

  “That part doesn’t come until later,” Dad said.

  Ignoring his dad’s comment, Tony brushed a tender kiss across Cat’s lips before turning forward. “Then get started.”

  He didn’t want to waste another second.

  The people most important to them filled the semi-private room at Turin. As much as Cat appreciated that everyone had joined them, she would’ve been happy even if they hadn’t. Tony was now her husband, and that was all that mattered.

  We’re married. Giddiness did a shimmy through her body. Even with the gold band on her finger, all the events of the past week seemed like a dream. A dream she never wanted to wake up from.

  “We told you so,” Jessie said when she and Kelsey joined her.

  “Maybe next time you’ll listen to us,” Kelsey said.

  “Go ahead, rub it in.” She could admit when she’d been wrong. “And when you’re done, let me check out your ring.”

  She hadn’t seen Jessie since the day she helped her pack up her apartment. In fact, when she’d called to tell her the news about her and Tony, Jessie had been in Florida with Mack and Grace. During that call, Cat managed to get out nothing more than a hello before Jessie announced Mack had proposed.

  “Have you decided on a date?” Cat asked, examining the diamond engagement ring on Jessie’s hand.

  “Maybe in the summer. We haven’t decided for certain.�

  “Everyone around here is getting married. First Charlie and then Mrs. O’Brien, now you and Tony,” Kelsey said, also checking out Jessie’s ring. “Sean and Mack are both engaged. Who do you think will be next?”

  Jessie pointed to the table opposite them. “Striker and Ella.”

  Her brother and one of her closest friends married? “Do you think?”

  “They’ve been inseparable since October,” Kelsey said.

  She knew they’d been seeing each other, but inseparable? Maybe she should’ve asked Ella about her relationship with Striker. Instead, they’d both ignored the subject whenever they spoke.

  Cat looked over at the couple in question again. They did look cozy. “She could do worse than my brother.”

  “You’re terrible,” Jessie said with a laugh. “But seriously, she hasn’t said it, but I think she loves him. And he’s always surprising her. He’s sent her flowers a few times, taken her away for the weekend, and last week, he cooked her dinner.”

  “Striker cooked, and Ella didn’t end up in the hospital?” Her brother must be in love. “You guys might be right. They might be next.”

  “Who is going to be next at what?” Tony’s hands came down on her shoulders.

  “Striker and Ella will be the next people we know to get engaged.” Cat tilted her head back so she could see him.

  He shrugged. “I just overheard your mom say the same thing to Mrs. Larson before they got into a debate over who’d have children first, me or Sean. I left before they started grilling me about our plans in that department.”

  “Smart man, if they’re anything like my grandmother, once she gets going about when she can expect some great grandchildren, forget it. She can go on forever.” Jessie stood. “I’m going to go find Mack. I’ll see you guys later.”

  “I need to go too. I still have papers to correct at home,” Kelsey said, leaving them.

  Tony dropped down beside her and pulled her chair closer. “I’ve never sent people running away like that.”

  “Don’t worry. I still love you.”

  “That’s all that matters.” Leaning closer he whispered the words against her lips before he claimed her mouth for a kiss.

  About The Author

  I started writing at the age of 10 on my grandmother's manual typewriter and never stopped. When I am not driving my 3 daughters (ages 8, 6, and 6) around to their various activities or chasing around our three dogs, I am working on a story or reading a romance novel. Currently, I have two series out, The Sherbrookes of Newport and Love on The North Shore. You can visit my website or follow me on Facebook to learn more about my characters and to track my progress on my current writing projects.




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