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Smith's Monthly #13

Page 20

by Smith, Dean Wesley

  Jewel stuck her hand and head out of the side of Patty and said to everyone in the room. “That was me. That work for you, Patty?”

  “Works perfectly,” Patty said.

  Jewel could tell that Patty was a little surprised and nervous about this, but Jewel knew Patty would be fine, shortly.

  “Now that’s the strangest thing I have ever seen,” Screamer said, indicating where Patty stood with Jewel sticking her head out of one side.

  “I’m doing my best to scrub that image from my mind,” Poker Boy said.

  Jewel went back inside and made sure her connection with Patty was secure and that there was room for Belle.”

  A moment later Belle joined her.

  “Cozy,” Belle said as she settled into the imaginary room that Jewel had made.

  A moment later Nancy joined them.

  “We’re all set,” Jewel told Patty. “Unless you want all three of us to stick our heads up through your shoulders to really mess with people.”

  “I think they are messed up enough,” Patty said, laughing.

  Jewel could see that everyone in the room just sort of stared at Patty.

  “We will return,” Patty said.

  A moment later they were over the beautiful surface of consciousness that shimmered gold thousands of feet above the planet. Millions of human aura connections were woven through the surface, some touching, some flowing past others, some merging.

  The map of the entire surface of the world’s consciousness was clear inside Patty’s mind and Jewel could see it.

  “Hold here,” Jewel told Patty. “Let us get our bearings.”

  “So what are we looking for?” Jewel asked Belle and Nancy.

  “We won’t see it from up here I don’t think,” Nancy said. “At least not at first.”

  “Okay,” Jewel said to Patty. “We’re going to need to go into your aura connection to this net to find what we are looking for. Can you maintain this position?”

  “I can,” Patty said out loud to nothing at the high altitude where she was floating. “But Laverne only taught me how to do this flying and teleporting thing a few hours ago, so if I’m a little unsteady, ignore me.”

  “So hold us together,” Belle said to Jewel.

  Jewel imagined the room as a small bubble and then she sent the bubble down along the wide, golden stream of Patty’s consciousness and into the surface of the world’s consciousness.

  They hit a spot quickly where she was connected in various ways to hundreds of people. Jewel stopped there before going any farther. It felt like never-ending linked tunnels going off into a thousand directions. She was afraid if she went farther, they would be lost forever inside the surface of consciousness.

  Belle said simply, “This isn’t going to work.”

  “I agree,” Nancy said. “We are inside the network looking for corruption in the network. We need to be above the system to see the pattern of the corruption, not down in it.”

  “Back to Patty’s mind,” Belle said.

  Almost instantly Jewel had them back inside the room inside Patty’s mind. She felt completely relieved.

  “New plan,” Jewel said to Patty. “Hold on and we’ll figure it out.”

  Patty only nodded. Jewel could tell that Patty was worried about her ability to stay in the air. This was all very new to her.

  Jewel quickly went into Patty’s mind and calmed her and reinforced what Laverne had taught her earlier.

  “That help?” Jewel asked.

  Patty sighed. “Yes, much better. Thank you.”

  “The map is the key,” Belle said. “Let’s jump to where in the world this originated and see what this black magic even looks like in an infected person’s aura.”

  “I agree,” Nancy said.

  Jewel told Patty the plan and indicated on the map the area in Europe they wanted to hover over.

  Patty understood and a moment later they had jumped to that part of the world.

  “Oh, no,” Belle said.

  Jewel could see the problem. Over Las Vegas the surface of consciousness was mostly all golden threads woven into a shimmering incredible site, like a golden sheet flowing gently in a breeze.

  Here, about half the threads were covered in something that looked like a sticky, black tar. The gold threads were still fine, but covered over, like someone had poured some awful black substance over them.

  And as they watched, the black substance seemed to crawl and move, as if it was alive.

  “We need to get out of here,” Patty said.

  Jewel could not agree more. She had never been so frightened of anything in her life.

  Or her death, for that matter.

  “Have Patty take us back over the surface over Las Vegas again,” Belle said.

  Jewel told Patty and a moment later they were back over the surface of the golden shimmering surface of the consciousness of the people of Las Vegas. Jewel could feel the relief until Belle said, “Have Patty go right down to the surface of the consciousness directly below us.”

  Jewel instantly saw what Belle had seen as she told Patty.

  One thread there had the black, tar-looking substance crawling on it like a slime monster from a bad movie.

  Jewel could feel the panic in Patty’s mind start to grow and sent her calming feelings even though she was feeling just as panicked.

  “We need to follow that down to the person,” Nancy said.

  Jewel told Patty and a moment later they were diving toward the surface, following the golden aura covered in black magic slime.

  It turned out it was an elderly man sitting at a penny slot machine in the MGM Grand casino.

  “Laverne,” Patty said into the air.

  Belle and Nancy and Jewel crawled out of Patty and stood next to her in the noise of the casino as Laverne and Poker Boy and Stan appeared, followed an instant later by Tommy.

  Jewel hugged Tommy. Before the change of plans, he and K.J. were to have been on the teams destroying the black magic, something that had scared Jewel more than she wanted to admit.

  Patty pointed to the man sitting at the machine. “Look at his aura and his life connection.”

  The minute she pointed it out, the black, crawling slime around the life connection became clear.

  “Damn,” Laverne said. “Just damn.”

  Jewel had no doubt that if Lady Luck herself was swearing, things had just gone from bad to worse.

  Section Five



  Belle stared at the black magic slime crawling over the poor man’s aura connection to the larger world. More than likely he was a good man who had lived a decent life, since his aura was mostly gold and red and brown. Very little black in the essence of his aura.

  But the black magic almost covered his connection to the larger world.

  Laverne took the entire group out of time, shutting down all the movement of everyone around them and all the sound as well. To Belle, that intense silence was very unnerving.

  “Hold this bubble,” Laverne said to Stan. “We need someone who has seen this before.”

  Then she was gone.

  Nancy started toward the man with the black magic on his aura and Belle followed, wanting to stop her, but not saying anything.

  “Don’t touch that,” Stan said as all of them stopped within a few steps of the man.

  “It’s not moving,” Nancy said. “Which means it has a life of sort and is connected in real time.”

  “Something alive can be killed,” Belle said.

  “Black magic is very much a living thing,” Patty said. “It lives by consuming hosts which is why in darker times those suspected of black magic were killed.”

  Belle glanced back at Patty and could see the hurt in her dark brown eyes from that statement. Patty had been around many centuries, Belle knew, from being inside her head. More than likely she had seen such awful things happen up close.

  “So besides killing the
host, what kills black magic?” Poker Boy asked, standing next to Patty and letting her lean on him.

  “I honestly don’t know,” Patty said.

  Belle did not want to think about killing all the people infected. That would be millions. She pushed that thought away.

  “Well,” Nancy said, “if there is something that kills it, we can send it back right here into the larger consciousness layer through this man.”

  Belle nodded. “Standard system cleaning. Find an infection and turn the infection back on the rest of the infection to clear it out.”

  A moment later Laverne returned inside the time bubble with a man with a long gray beard, long gray hair, a long deep blue robe that went all the way to the ground, and a colored pointed hat with bright stars on it. He looked like the worst example of a cliché magician Belle had ever seen.

  If she hadn’t been standing in a time bubble with ghosts, superheroes, and gods, she might have laughed.

  Beside her Nancy smiled and shook her head.

  The old man said, “Tsk, tsk.” Then he stepped toward the black tar frozen around the aura of the poor man at the slot machine and cut off a piece with his knife.

  He held the black piece up to look at it. It just looked like a black piece of hard tar to Belle, and she shuddered at the fact that he was holding it.

  “I will return,” he said to Laverne, who bowed slightly as the man vanished.

  Poker Boy asked the question Belle was thinking. “Who was that?”

  “One of the ancient ones,” Laverne said, shaking her head. “We do not say his name.”

  Poker Boy nodded and a moment later the ancient one appeared, stuck the piece of black magic back where he had cut it out, and wiped off his hands on his robe.

  “Nasty troll magic,” he said, sounding clearly disgusted.

  His voice sounded deep and raspy and almost echoed in the silence of the time bubble.

  “They should be stopped,” he said.

  “This is hundreds of years old,” Laverne said, “and those that planted it inside the heads of the unsuspecting have been destroyed.”

  “Good,” he said, nodding. “So what is it that you need from me if you knew the source?”

  “This has infected millions of innocents around the world,” Laverne said. “If allowed to progress, this world will cease to exist.”

  “Well, that can’t be allowed to happen,” the old man said. “Kill all the infected ones.”

  Laverne nodded. “We have considered that. But we hope for another solution.”

  Belle was flat shocked that Laverne had considered mass murder, even to save billions of other lives.

  “How can this sort of troll black magic be stopped and destroyed?” Laverne asked.

  “Darkness is always destroyed by light,” the old man said. “This troll dark magic here will easily fall to a spell of intense brightness.”

  He looked back up the aura string covered in the black substance. “The light would need to come from inside the human’s connection to the great consciousness. I have no idea how you would do that. Better off to kill the humans infected and be done with it.”

  With that he vanished, leaving the silence even more intense inside the time bubble.

  Belle couldn’t stand it after a moment and turned to Laverne. “So where do we get a very bright, and very infectious white light?”


  Jewel just felt stunned at the old man in the funny robe and hat. He had looked like someone’s grandfather dressing up in a magician’s robe and pointed hat for a costume party. She couldn’t believe the guy actually dressed like that normally.

  And Jewel had felt sick to her stomach when the man had simply said it would be better to kill millions to solve this problem. And Jewel could tell that Laverne had to consider that option.

  When Belle asked her where they could get a bright and infectious white light, Laverne had nodded, then said, “Remain here. I will return.”

  “Could she really think of killing millions to save the planet?” Tommy asked.

  Poker Boy and Patty and Stan all nodded.

  “Ever heard of Atlantis?” Poker Boy asked.

  “Let’s not talk about that,” Stan said. “And never ask her about that. We need to stay focused on solving this in a better way than what happened with Atlantis.”

  Jewel and everyone nodded.

  Jewel had a hunch she knew what Belle and Nancy were thinking, but she wanted to be sure.

  She turned to Belle and Nancy. “So you are thinking we get the light and climb into this guy and kill black goo all the way into the world’s subconscious cloud?”

  “It would be easier if we could just send the light in like a virus,” Belle said.

  Nancy nodded. “And let it expand through the network on its own, but I have a hunch it won’t be that easy.”

  Laverne again appeared, this time with two very tiny, pointed-eared women who looked like elves and from what Jewel could tell, actually were elves. Only both were very old, dressed as older women in Vegas would dress, with long dark slacks, sweaters, hats to keep the sun from their faces and hide their ears some, and large black purses.

  One carried a coin bucket full of nickels.

  Laverne pointed at the black magic surrounding the man’s aura connection.

  Both older women stepped back and put a hand over their mouths.

  “Troll black magic,” Laverne said. “Planted a hundred years ago by the Awgwas to wipe the memory of Christmas from all humans.”

  “They were evil,” one short woman said.

  “Very,” the other said. “We owe the Huntsmen a debt of gratitude for wiping them out.”

  “I agree,” the other said, nodding.

  Jewel just kept staring at the two. Between the guy in the hat and these two, this morning was about as strange as any dream she had ever had. Maybe worse.

  “So I assume you would like to try to destroy this with elfin light?” one of the tiny women asked.

  Laverne nodded.

  The woman nodded and pointed at an area above the poor man’s head and a white light shot from her finger.

  The black vanished from around the core of connection leaving the man’s normal golden aura connection for a few feet.

  The older woman nodded. “It seems our light will do it just fine. But it will need to be from the inside of the infected person’s aura to be effective.”

  “Can your light, in any fashion, be carried by these four?” Laverne asked.

  She pointed to Jewel and Belle and Nancy and Tommy.

  “Ghost Agents?” one woman asked.

  Laverne nodded.

  “It can be,” both women said at the same time.

  “Can your light be made to be infectious?” Belle asked, bowing slightly first before asking her question.

  Jewel was impressed Belle had the courage to even talk to real elves.

  “In what way, dear?” one tiny woman asked.

  “There are millions that have been infected with this dark magic,” Belle said. “We would like to try to put as much white light into the consciousness layer overhead to flood down into every person on the planet and completely wipe out any chance of the black magic surviving.”

  “Like fighting a computer virus with a cleaning program,” one elf said to the other, who nodded.

  Jewel was stunned that these two older women, or elves, knew what a computer virus even was.

  The two women looked at each other for a moment. “Laverne, please come with us before the great council. We may have a solution.”

  With that, once again the four ghosts plus Patty, Stan, and Poker Boy remained in the intense silence of the time bubble.

  Finally Tommy turned to Poker Boy. “Are all your missions this weird?”

  Poker Boy laughed. “Not all of them.”

  That meant some of them were, and Jewel wasn’t sure if she was happy or not to hear that.


couldn’t believe she had actually had the courage to talk with two elves, but at this point, nothing much was going to surprise her anymore. She and Nancy had only been dead a very short time and everything she had come to believe about the world was tipped on its head, including the entire idea of dying.

  How, as ghosts, she and Nancy found themselves fighting to now save millions of lives was beyond her. It would take months before any of this really sank in.

  If it ever did.

  Suddenly Laverne was back with the two older women. They each handed Patty two golf-ball-sized spheres.

  “White light,” Laverne said. “Use one to clear the path up through this man’s aura and into the consciousness layer. Keep the other for protection.”

  Patty nodded.

  Laverne turned to Jewel and Belle and Nancy. “You three will be with Patty, as you did before. The Great Elvin Council has agreed that all elves, as is needed, will send white light up through their aura connections into the great consciousness layer.”

  “This is what it will look like,” one of the older elves said.

  Belle watched as suddenly a stream of white light shot up through her aura connection and through the roof.

  “Elves have most green aura connections twisted around with lines of gold,” one of the elves said.

  Belle could see what they both were saying and that would be easy to spot now that she knew what she was looking for.

  “Thank you,” Nancy said.

  Belle liked this idea a lot. The cure would be coming in from a thousand sources around the world into the network.

  Laverne went on. “It is your job to direct the white light sent up to you and ask for more if you need it. Patty, just speak aloud and I will hear you and send more into the area you are in.”

  Then, before Belle or Nancy could say anything, Laverne turned to Poker Boy and Tommy. “You two will monitor their progress from above the consciousness layer, making sure they do not get lost. Or that they do not miss an infected strand. Tommy, you will be able to hear Jewel’s thoughts while this mission lasts. Understood? And connect with Poker Boy so he can hear your instructions as well.”


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