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Slipping In

Page 6

by Alyson Belle

  “I think there is something I can do about that,” said Amy. She smiled slyly. “I won’t make you do this, as much as it turns me on, because the idea of you wanting to do this turns me on even more. And I know, oh I know, that somewhere in that hot little head of yours you do want this, Mikala.” She leaned in even closer, breathed on her ear. “I can make you forget your fears and have the hottest, wildest night of your life. As good as anything Kyla’s ever felt, I promise. Just say the word. Tell me you want it.”

  As good as anything Kyla’s ever felt... she promised.

  There it was. I won’t make you do this. Tell me you want it. Mikala could just walk away, tell Amy no, jack out, and be done with it. All she had to do was say she didn’t want it. She didn’t, right? Being in a girl’s body, getting fucked by Chuck, of all people... it was gross, it was humiliating, wasn’t it? Wasn’t it?

  Then why are you hesitating? Amy’s eyes seemed to say. She was waiting for an answer. The boys were waiting for an answer. Everyone seemed to be holding their breath.

  “I want it,” Mikala whispered, dropping her eyes on the floor.

  “Good girl,” whispered Amy, tapping at her virtscreen. “This is an easy fix, actually. Let’s just fuzz your memory a bit, and ratchet up your avatar’s sex drive...”

  “Wait, what?” asked Mikala.

  But then suddenly she couldn’t remember what she’d been asking about. Amy smiled at her. Mikala smiled back. Gosh, Amy was pretty. Such blue eyes, such golden hair... her hands wandered down the length of her dress and clutched the hem tightly to keep them still. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d ached so much with need. In fact, she couldn’t remember much of anything right now, but it didn’t seem to matter... all she wanted was for Amy to lean in and kiss her. Amy must have seen it on her face, because she did. It was long and sweet and passionate. Mikala swooned when Amy’s hand glided up to stroke her jaw. Her knuckles were white on the hem of the dress. She was dying to pull it off.

  And then she saw the boys, again. How long had they been there? Her memory felt so fuzzy... she giggled. The names “Chuck” and “Pete” swooped out from the haze, but they didn’t really mean anything to her. Just two gorgeous boys, looking awfully nice to Mikala. Her gaze kept swinging back to... Chuck, his name was? She sighed, drinking in his strong, almond arms and his sweet brown eyes. She felt an almost animal attraction pulling her toward this hot, latin magnet. She brushed past Amy and attached herself to him, bringing one leg up around him as those wonderfully muscled arms wrapped around her, his surprised excitement evident on his face.

  God, his touch felt magical against her skin! She melted into him like a stick of hot butter, all weak and fluttery. “Hey,” she managed.

  “Hey,” he replied, eyes sparkling.

  “I think our party is on, boys,” said Amy.

  Corporate Plaything (His Executive Gender Swap Book 1)

  Ever since Edward Sharpe was fired from his job by the alpha billionaire business owner Jack Grayson, Edward has had to juggle two humiliatingly low-wage jobs just to make his rent and not get kicked out onto the street. It drives him crazy that he has to work and sweat for pennies while beautiful women, like his college friend Lisa, seem to get everything in life handed to them on a silver platter while flouncing around town with men like Jack.

  When Edward stumbles into a mysterious magic shop one night and makes a wish that his life could be just as easy as Lisa’s, he wakes up the next morning with some very unexpected results! Now he’s trapped in the body of an amazingly hot, 20-something year-old girl, and has no idea what to do about it. It’s not exactly what he had in mind, and even worse is that as far as he can tell he’s stuck like this! With no identification, no appropriate clothes, and no idea how to be a woman, he needs to figure something out fast if he’s going to make rent this month.

  Fortunately for him, his next-door neighbor Addison has a few bright ideas to help him make money while he figures out how to get his old body back...

  An excerpt from Corporate Plaything (His Executive Gender Swap Book 1):

  “Well, go on,” she said. Explain to me why this gorgeous blonde chick sitting there in Edward’s underwear is really Edward and not some crazy girl he banged last night.”

  Edward blushed again as the idea of getting banged by someone, by a man, flitted briefly across his consciousness. His nipples hardened again. Stop that, he told himself. You need to tell her what’s going on.

  By the time he’d finished his story and answered all of the many questions Addison had to prove it was really him, her demeanor had totally changed. She looked more awed that skeptical now.

  “Wow,” she said, peering at him closely. “It really is you in there. Weird stuff. So, uh... what are you going to do now?”

  “Do?” he asked, his voice rising into an embarrassing crescendo. “Do? I have no idea what I’m going to do! I’m hoping this just wears off and I get back to my normal life soon, and in the meantime I’m freaking out because I have no idea how to be a girl and no idea what to do and I’m going to lose my job and get kicked out of my apartment and everything is wrong!”

  Addison’s mouth dropped open, and Edward realized he’d stood up during his tirade. His hands were clenched and he swallowed gulp after gulp of air, confused by the torrent of emotions assaulting him. He could feel tears coming, barely held back at the corners of his eyes, and he burned with shame. Why would you start crying, damn it? It was this stupid hormonal body. Everything seemed to feel more intense than it had when he was guy.

  Suddenly Addison was at his side, lowering him back down to the couch, stroking his hair, one strong, supple arm thrown around his shoulders. “Shh, honey, shh. It’ll be okay. I hate to see a pretty face get so worked up like that. I’ll help you out. Don’t worry. And I’m sure whatever weird magic is happening here will all wear off soon enough.” Addison’s touch and soothing voiced calmed him, and his breathing quieted. It felt so good when Addison stroked his hair like that, and he reflexively leaned over and put his head on the taller girl’s shoulder.

  “There you go, baby,” she murmured. “Everything will be okay. Come on. We need to get you some proper clothes while you’re stuck like this. I’m a little taller than you, but you look like you’re about a size 2. I probably have something that will fit you.”

  Edward followed her into her bedroom where she sat down on the bed and gestured toward him. “Well, strip down. It’s okay. We’re all girls here, right?”

  “I’m not a girl,” Edward protested, but his protest squeaked into an octave a man never would have been able to manage, and Addison just smirked at him.

  “Whatever you say, sexy.”

  He repeated his act from the bathroom that morning, pulling off his t-shirt and boxers, and stood before her naked, hands covering his large breasts. His cheeks burned with embarrassment. Her repeated pet names for him were starting to make him feel a little strange, and he started wondering what she was thinking. She’s not into men. She’s just helping me because she’s a friend, he told himself. The way she was staring at him, thinly-veiled hunger burning in her eyes, suggested otherwise, though.

  “Well?” he asked, trying to ignore the obvious pleasure she was taking from this. “What do you think? Do you have anything I can borrow until this wears off?”

  Addison tapped her lip as she studied him. “I think... I think I have a slight change of plans. You need to be at work at 9am, right?”

  “Work?” Edward sputtered. “I can’t go to work like this! I was hoping you could think of a way to get me out of it.”

  Addison tsked and shook her head. “No, you said it yourself earlier. You can’t afford to lose this job. And they don’t know whether you’re a boy or a girl showing up, do they?”

  With a sinking feeling in his stomach, Edward realized she was right. Calling in sick would just get him fired, but the temp jobs never checked his license. They just asked for his work number, preferred name, and the
agency he was with and sent him off to do whatever assignments were needed that day. I’m going to have to go out in public like this.

  “So here’s the thing,” Addison continued, rising up from the bed to walk over toward Edward. She moved his hands away from his breasts, placing them at his sides, and ran her hands over his shoulders and his hips, studying him with a practiced eye that was still half-teasing. She was really enjoying this. “I do have some work clothes that would fit your cute little body, I think. A silk blouse, a designer pencil skirt.” She arched an eyebrow. “I think you’re going to need a pair of my heels too, if you want anyone to take you seriously. You look like you’re 22, so you’re going to need the added height.”

  Edward was suddenly very, very conscious of how much taller the other girl was from him. The Addison he knew had been a few inches shorter than him, and despite her toned muscles, she’d still been a little wisp of a girl in his old body. But now that he was an even more petite little girl, she loomed over him. She could do anything she wanted to him, and he wasn’t sure he could stop her. He began to feel an only-to-familiar tightening in his crotch. Why does that thought turn me on so much?

  “But they’re pretty expensive,” she said. “I’d hate to see them ruined, and you don’t even know the bare basics of being a girl yet. There’s no telling what you might do to them. I think I should maybe get something in exchange for my help, don’t you think?” She raised a hand to stroke his cheek as she said it, and Edward’s nipples hardened. He blushed even harder.

  “Addison,” he said. “You’re a lesbian... I don’t want things to be awkward between us...”

  “Oh, believe me,” she breathed. “I love women. And you, my dear, are a fucking gorgeous woman.”

  Books by Alyson Belle

  Standalone Books

  Forbidden Flirtations

  The Virtnet Chronicles

  Slipping In (Book 1)

  Going Deep (Book 2)

  Losing It (Book 3)

  Trading Up (Book 4)

  His Executive Gender Swap

  Corporate Plaything (Book 1)

  Gender Swapped by the Witch Queen

  Savagely Swapped (Book 1)

  Gender Swapped SciFi

  Space Swapped (Book 1)

  Gender Swapped Coeds

  Sorority Daze (Book 1)

  Sexy Times

  Sometimes you want to come back to a book you loved and experience the spicy hot sex all over again, right? Because I know it’s a drag to go hunting for that super-hot scene when you’ve already read the story once, I like to include all the sexiest scenes again at the end, for easy access. Enjoy! ;)

  Mike and Kyla

  He knocked very softly on the door, hardly more than a light thump. “Kyla?” he whispered. “Kyla, I’m coming in...” When she didn’t reply, he gave the door a little push. It swung in on silent hinges. Light from the hallway spilled in, falling across the familiar fluffy white comforter on her four-post bed and casting long shadows against the boy-band posters lining her walls. Did she still listen to those guys? The room was decorated in shades of pink and white, a princess theme from when she’d been little. Kyla had gotten over princesses by the time she was seven, but it suited her fine to let her parents think she was still their little princess. It meant she could get away with anything.

  Right now she was reclining on a twin of Mike’s long, low virtnet chair. She had her hands at her sides, her virtjack blinking green just below her ear, and a crumpled blanket lay on the floor next to her. It must have slipped off. He blushed when he realized how little she was wearing, but he couldn’t turn away. All of the things Mike hated about his body, about his stupid quarter-Korean genes, helped to make Kyla one of the hottest girls in school. Why couldn’t his dad have had two girls? He wondered what it felt like to be that attractive.

  Her smooth, slender legs spread out in front of her, climbing up to the tight, white cotton panties that curved around her perfectly rounded ass. A too-tight babydoll t-shirt tried and failed to reach down to her flat, muscled abs. She was bra-less underneath, and practically bursting out of it. He gasped to see that her face was flushed and pink, and a thin, translucent line in the crotch of her otherwise pristine panties informed him that she was soaking wet down there. That bitch!

  Mikala and Amy

  It was time to go. This might be the chance of a lifetime, but it wasn’t worth getting caught over. He shuddered to think what would happen if anyone found out what he was doing. Amy might tell Kyla someone had logged in, but she’d never know it was Mike. He ran the command to jack out.

  Nothing happened.

  He pulled away from her, shocked, and tried to run it again. It was a simple mental command. Once more, no result. He looked around in a panic. The lack of doors in the room seemed more ominous, suddenly. He’d never been stuck in virtnet before... let alone in a girl’s body. A light sweat broke out across his back.

  “Oh no,” Amy said. “I have my private console up. I can see you trying to exit. I locked the room.”

  “You can do that?” he asked.

  Amy frowned. “Of course. It’s my room. My rules. You know that I...” She trailed off, eyeing him suspiciously. Suddenly she gestured and a small virtscreen appeared floating in the air next to her. It was her console, no longer private. She grabbed it like a tablet computer and started tapping at a program, glancing up at Mike periodically.

  “Whoa!” she said, taking a step back. “These aren’t Kyla’s brain patterns I’m reading... who the hell are you?” Mike gasped. Amy looked furious.

  “How can you possibly tell that?”

  She waved the virtscreen at him. “Special programs. Something I whipped up in my spare time. I don’t know who you are but you have no idea who you’re messing with.”

  Mike felt his temper flare up then. What right did she have to lock him into virtnet? “Maybe I do, Amy Saunders. Maybe you should let me go right now if you know what’s good for you.” He pointed a finger at her and stuck his chin out defiantly, annoyed that those threats didn’t sound very threatening coming from the dulcet voice of a girl two inches shorter than Amy.

  Amy waved her hand towards him. He felt his wrists snap together in front of him, and a sudden weight on them pulled him tottering to his knees, hands slamming against the floor. He winced at the pain as his breasts bounced on the way down, and then he felt similar weights slide over his ankles. He struggled and struggled, shaking against the invisible bonds, but couldn’t move his hands or feet. It was like he was chained to the plushly carpeted floor, bottom waving in the air as he fought. Panic clawed at him again, but he pushed it down and glared up at Amy through angry eyes.

  “Let me go. Now.” He tried to make his voice sound authoritative, but it came out sounding more like a breathy sex slave’s voice.

  “You’re not in much of a position to make threats,” she replied. She flicked her hand and he felt something hard and supple strike him across the ass. It left a thin, burning line that crossed both cheeks, and he felt his eyes water at the pain, anger melting into fear as he tried in vain to wiggle away from it. His bindings held him tight. He burned with shame at the involuntary squeak that popped out of his pretty mouth when it happened.

  “I can do more than make you squeak,” Amy said. “Now talk. How do you know my name? How did you get into Kyla’s account?” He couldn’t tell her the truth, and he didn’t know what to say, so he kept his mouth shut, whimpering softly. She flicked a few more times and Mike felt the same burning length smack him again and again. He tried to grit his teeth and take the pain, but finally his lips parted and he cried out. This was terrible. He had seen porn like this, masturbated to porn like this, but never imagined how bad (and still somehow good) that burning sting would feel. The high-pitched noises he was making were actually turning him on. His brain struggled to resolve the erotic feelings with the humiliation of being the girl who was punished.

  “Please stop...” he begged, tears ro
lling down his face. “I can’t tell you...”

  Her eyes flicked back to the virtscreen and she frowned. “Strange... your brain patterns are so similar to Kyla’s, but I know you’re not her...” She looked at him again.

  “Mike?” she asked, eyes widening.

  Mike wanted to die just then. He felt a deep, deep shame rising up inside of him. It burned with a rushing warmth that spread through his whole body, and though he tried to prevent the blush from blooming on his face, there was nothing he could do. Even without a mirror, he knew his face had turned a deep enough crimson to match the color scheme of the room.

  Amy didn’t miss the significance of that blush. She tossed her golden curls back over her shoulder and laughed and laughed at him until her eyes were brimming with tears. Bound as he was, all he could do was wait in humiliation while she wiped them away and calmed herself.

  “Please, please Amy...” he said. “You can’t tell Kyla. She’ll tell my dad. She’ll tell everyone. Please...”

  “Oh Mikey, Mikey, Mikey...” Amy said, still fighting back giggles as her laughter died down. “Who knew that you had such adorable little fantasies?” She started tapping her lower lip as if considering what to do with him. “You look so cute down on all fours like that, wearing your sister’s avatar.”

  He felt the blood rush through his face again.

  “Oh, you like that, don’t you?” Amy asked, her face dancing with amusement. “You like being a helpless little girl, subject to my every whim?” She crouched down near his face to whisper in his ear. “This is your deepest, darkest fantasy, isn’t it Mike?” He could feel the heat of her breath on his ear, turning him on. He wanted to protest, but his back arched without his consent, pushing his bottom higher. “Do you want to know what one of my fantasies is?” He felt her hand on his ass, suddenly, sliding down toward his sex. She stopped just short, fingers cupped against Mike’s inner thigh and rubbing in warm little circles. “I’ve always wanted to take a boy and turn him into a pretty little girl,” she whispered, forcing a single fingertip through glistening lips and gliding up the length of his wet, hot pussy. He gasped at the explosion of sensation and he jerked forward, but he was still locked to the floor. He was shaking with excitement, burning with shame.


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