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The Last Days of Pompeii

Page 24

by Edward George Bulwer-Lytton

  ‘Sayest thou so!’ returned Julia. ‘Thou speakest like a free woman—and thou shalt yet be free—farewell!’

  Chapter VIII

  * * *

  Julia Seeks Arbaces. The Result Of That Interview.

  ARBACES was seated in a chamber which opened on a kind of balcony or portico that fronted his garden. His cheek was pale and worn with the sufferings he had endured, but his iron frame had already recovered from the severest effects of that accident which had frustrated his fell designs in the moment of victory. The air that came fragrantly to his brow revived his languid senses, and the blood circulated more freely than it had done for days through his shrunken veins.

  ‘So, then,’ thought he, ‘the storm of fate has broken and blown over—the evil which my lore predicted, threatening life itself, has chanced—and yet I live! It came as the stars foretold; and now the long, bright, and prosperous career which was to succeed that evil, if I survived it, smiles beyond: I have passed—I have subdued the latest danger of my destiny. Now I have but to lay out the gardens of my future fate—unterrified and secure. First, then, of all my pleasures, even before that of love, shall come revenge! This boy Greek—who has crossed my passion—thwarted my designs—baffled me even when the blade was about to drink his accursed blood—shall not a second time escape me! But for the method of my vengeance? Of that let me ponder well! Oh! Ate, if thou art indeed a goddess, fill me with thy direst Inspiration!’ The Egyptian sank into an intent reverie, which did not seem to present to him any clear or satisfactory suggestions. He changed his position restlessly, as he revolved scheme after scheme, which no sooner occurred than it was dismissed: several times he struck his breast and groaned aloud, with the desire of vengeance, and a sense of his impotence to accomplish it. While thus absorbed, a boy slave timidly entered the chamber.

  A female, evidently of rank from her dress, and that of the single slave who attended her, waited below and sought an audience with Arbaces.

  ‘A female!’ his heart beat quick. ‘Is she young?’

  ‘Her face is concealed by her veil; but her form is slight, yet round, as that of youth.’

  ‘Admit her,’ said the Egyptian: for a moment his vain heart dreamed the stranger might be Ione.

  The first glance of the visitor now entering the apartment sufficed to undeceive so erring a fancy. True, she was about the same height as Ione, and perhaps the same age—true, she was finely and richly formed—but where was that undulating and ineffable grace which accompanied every motion of the peerless Neapolitan—the chaste and decorous garb, so simple even in the care of its arrangement—the dignified yet bashful step—the majesty of womanhood and its modesty?

  ‘Pardon me that I rise with pain,’ said Arbaces, gazing on the stranger: ‘I am still suffering from recent illness.’

  ‘Do not disturb thyself, O great Egyptian!’ returned Julia, seeking to disguise the fear she already experienced beneath the ready resort of flattery; ‘and forgive an unfortunate female, who seeks consolation from thy wisdom.’

  ‘Draw near, fair stranger,’ said Arbaces; ‘and speak without apprehension or reserve.’

  Julia placed herself on a seat beside the Egyptian, and wonderingly gazed around an apartment whose elaborate and costly luxuries shamed even the ornate enrichment of her father’s mansion; fearfully, too, she regarded the hieroglyphical inscriptions on the walls—the faces of the mysterious images, which at every corner gazed upon her—the tripod at a little distance—and, above all, the grave and remarkable countenance of Arbaces himself: a long white robe like a veil half covered his raven locks, and flowed to his feet: his face was made even more impressive by its present paleness; and his dark and penetrating eyes seemed to pierce the shelter of her veil, and explore the secrets of her vain and unfeminine soul.

  ‘And what,’ said his low, deep voice, ‘brings thee, O maiden! to the house of the Eastern stranger?’

  ‘His fame,’ replied Julia.

  ‘In what?’ said he, with a strange and slight smile.

  ‘Canst thou ask, O wise Arbaces? Is not thy knowledge the very gossip theme of Pompeii?’

  ‘Some little lore have I indeed, treasured up,’ replied Arbaces: ‘but in what can such serious and sterile secrets benefit the ear of beauty?’

  ‘Alas!’ said Julia, a little cheered by the accustomed accents of adulation; ‘does not sorrow fly to wisdom for relief, and they who love unrequitedly, are not they the chosen victims of grief?’

  ‘Ha!’ said Arbaces, ‘can unrequited love be the lot of so fair a form, whose modelled proportions are visible even beneath the folds of thy graceful robe? Deign, O maiden! to lift thy veil, that I may see at least if the face correspond in loveliness with the form.’

  Not unwilling, perhaps, to exhibit her charms, and thinking they were likely to interest the magician in her fate, Julia, after some slight hesitation, raised her veil, and revealed a beauty which, but for art, had been indeed attractive to the fixed gaze of the Egyptian.

  ‘Thou comest to me for advice in unhappy love,’ said he; ‘well, turn that face on the ungrateful one: what other love-charm can I give thee?’

  ‘Oh, cease these courtesies!’ said Julia; ‘it is a love-charm, indeed, that I would ask from thy skill!’

  ‘Fair stranger!’ replied Arbaces, somewhat scornfully, ‘love-spells are not among the secrets I have wasted the midnight oil to attain.’

  ‘Is it indeed so? Then pardon me, great Arbaces, and farewell!’

  ‘Stay,’ said Arbaces, who, despite his passion for Ione, was not unmoved by the beauty of his visitor; and had he been in the flush of a more assured health, might have attempted to console the fair Julia by other means than those of supernatural wisdom.

  ‘Stay; although I confess that I have left the witchery of philtres and potions to those whose trade is in such knowledge, yet am I myself not so dull to beauty but that in earlier youth I may have employed them in my own behalf. I may give thee advice, at least, if thou wilt be candid with me. Tell me then, first, art thou unmarried, as thy dress betokens?’

  ‘Yes,’ said Julia.

  ‘And, being unblest with fortune, wouldst thou allure some wealthy suitor?’

  ‘I am richer than he who disdains me.’

  ‘Strange and more strange! And thou lovest him who loves not thee?’

  ‘I know not if I love him,’ answered Julia, haughtily; ‘but I know that I would see myself triumph over a rival—I would see him who rejected me my suitor—I would see her whom he has preferred in her turn despised.’

  ‘A natural ambition and a womanly,’ said the Egyptian, in a tone too grave for irony. ‘Yet more, fair maiden; wilt thou confide to me the name of thy lover? Can he be Pompeian, and despise wealth, even if blind to beauty?’

  ‘He is of Athens,’ answered Julia, looking down.

  ‘Ha!’ cried the Egyptian, impetuously, as the blood rushed to his cheek; ‘there is but one Athenian, young and noble, in Pompeii. Can it be Glaucus of whom thou speakest!’

  ‘Ah! betray me not—so indeed they call him.’

  The Egyptian sank back, gazing vacantly on the averted face of the merchant’s daughter, and muttering inly to himself: this conference, with which he had hitherto only trifled, amusing himself with the credulity and vanity of his visitor—might it not minister to his revenge?’

  ‘I see thou canst assist me not,’ said Julia, offended by his continued silence; ‘guard at least my secret. Once more, farewell!’

  ‘Maiden,’ said the Egyptian, in an earnest and serious tone, ‘thy suit hath touched me—I will minister to thy will. Listen to me; I have not myself dabbled in these lesser mysteries, but I know one who hath. At the base of Vesuvius, less than a league from the city, there dwells a powerful witch; beneath the rank dews of the new moon, she has gathered the herbs which possess the virtue to chain Love in eternal fetters. Her art can bring thy lover to thy feet. Seek her, and mention to her the name of Arbaces: she fears that name, and w
ill give thee her most potent philtres.’

  ‘Alas!’ answered Julia, I know not the road to the home of her whom thou speakest of: the way, short though it be, is long to traverse for a girl who leaves, unknown, the house of her father. The country is entangled with wild vines, and dangerous with precipitous caverns. I dare not trust to mere strangers to guide me; the reputation of women of my rank is easily tarnished—and though I care not who knows that I love Glaucus, I would not have it imagined that I obtained his love by a spell.’

  ‘Were I but three days advanced in health,’ said the Egyptian, rising and walking (as if to try his strength) across the chamber, but with irregular and feeble steps, ‘I myself would accompany thee. Well, thou must wait.’

  ‘But Glaucus is soon to wed that hated Neapolitan.’


  ‘Yes; in the early part of next month.’

  ‘So soon! Art thou well advised of this?’

  ‘From the lips of her own slave.’

  ‘It shall not be!’ said the Egyptian, impetuously. ‘Fear nothing, Glaucus shall be thine. Yet how, when thou obtainest it, canst thou administer to him this potion?’

  ‘My father has invited him, and, I believe, the Neapolitan also, to a banquet, on the day following to-morrow: I shall then have the opportunity to administer it.’

  ‘So be it!’ said the Egyptian, with eyes flashing such fierce joy, that Julia’s gaze sank trembling beneath them. ‘To-morrow eve, then, order thy litter—thou hast one at thy command?’

  ‘Surely—yes,’ returned the purse-proud Julia.

  ‘Order thy litter—at two miles’ distance from the city is a house of entertainment, frequented by the wealthier Pompeians, from the excellence of its baths, and the beauty of its gardens. There canst thou pretend only to shape thy course—there, ill or dying, I will meet thee by the statue of Silenus, in the copse that skirts the garden; and I myself will guide thee to the witch. Let us wait till, with the evening star, the goats of the herdsmen are gone to rest; when the dark twilight conceals us, and none shall cross our steps. Go home and fear not. By Hades, swears Arbaces, the sorcerer of Egypt, that Ione shall never wed with Glaucus.’

  ‘And that Glaucus shall be mine,’ added Julia, filling up the incompleted sentence.

  ‘Thou hast said it!’ replied Arbaces; and Julia, half frightened at this unhallowed appointment, but urged on by jealousy and the pique of rivalship, even more than love, resolved to fulfill it.

  Left alone, Arbaces burst forth:

  ‘Bright stars that never lie, ye already begin the execution of your promises—success in love, and victory over foes, for the rest of my smooth existence. In the very hour when my mind could devise no clue to the goal of vengeance, have ye sent this fair fool for my guide?’ He paused in deep thought. ‘Yes,’ said he again, but in a calmer voice; ‘I could not myself have given to her the poison, that shall be indeed a philtre!—his death might be thus tracked to my door. But the witch—ay, there is the fit, the natural agent of my designs!’

  He summoned one of his slaves, bade him hasten to track the steps of Julia, and acquaint himself with her name and condition. This done, he stepped forth into the portico. The skies were serene and clear; but he, deeply read in the signs of their various change, beheld in one mass of cloud, far on the horizon, which the wind began slowly to agitate, that a storm was brooding above.

  ‘It is like my vengeance,’ said he, as he gazed; ‘the sky is clear, but the cloud moves on.’

  Chapter IX

  * * *

  Storm In The South. The Witch’s Cavern.

  IT was when the heats of noon died gradually away from the earth, that Glaucus and Ione went forth to enjoy the cooled and grateful air. At that time, various carriages were in use among the Romans; the one most used by the richer citizens, when they required no companion in their excursion, was the biga, already described in the early portion of this work; that appropriated to the matrons, was termed carpentum, which had commonly two wheels; the ancients used also a sort of litter, a vast sedan-chair, more commodiously arranged than the modern, inasmuch as the occupant thereof could lie down at ease, instead of being perpendicularly and stiffly jostled up and down. There was another carriage, used both for travelling and for excursions in the country; it was commodious, containing three or four persons with ease, having a covering which could be raised at pleasure; and, in short, answering very much the purpose of (though very different in shape from) the modern britska. It was a vehicle of this description that the lovers, accompanied by one female slave of Ione, now used in their excursion. About ten miles from the city, there was at that day an old ruin, the remains of a temple, evidently Grecian; and as for Glaucus and Ione everything Grecian possessed an interest, they had agreed to visit these ruins: it was thither they were now bound.

  Their road lay among vines and olive-groves; till, winding more and more towards the higher ground of Vesuvius, the path grew rugged; the mules moved slowly, and with labor; and at every opening in the wood they beheld those grey and horrent caverns indenting the parched rock, which Strabo has described; but which the various revolutions of time and the volcano have removed from the present aspect of the mountain. The sun, sloping towards his descent, cast long and deep shadows over the mountain; here and there they still heard the rustic reed of the shepherd amongst copses of the beechwood and wild oak. Sometimes they marked the form of the silk-haired and graceful capella, with its wreathing horn and bright grey eye—which, still beneath Ausonian skies, recalls the eclogues of Maro, browsing half-way up the hills; and the grapes, already purple with the smiles of the deepening summer, glowed out from the arched festoons, which hung pendent from tree to tree. Above them, light clouds floated in the serene heavens, sweeping so slowly athwart the firmament that they scarcely seemed to stir; while, on their right, they caught, ever and anon, glimpses of the waveless sea, with some light bark skimming its surface; and the sunlight breaking over the deep in those countless and softest hues so peculiar to that delicious sea.

  ‘How beautiful!’ said Glaucus, in a half-whispered tone, ‘is that expression by which we call Earth our Mother! With what a kindly equal love she pours her blessings upon her children! and even to those sterile spots to which Nature has denied beauty, she yet contrives to dispense her smiles: witness the arbutus and the vine, which she wreathes over the arid and burning soil of yon extinct volcano. Ah! in such an hour and scene as this, well might we imagine that the Faun should peep forth from those green festoons; or, that we might trace the steps of the Mountain Nymph through the thickest mazes of the glade. But the Nymphs ceased, beautiful Ione, when thou wert created!’

  There is no tongue that flatters like a lover’s; and yet, in the exaggeration of his feelings, flattery seems to him commonplace. Strange and prodigal exuberance, which soon exhausts itself by overflowing!

  They arrived at the ruins; they examined them with that fondness with which we trace the hallowed and household vestiges of our own ancestry—they lingered there till Hesperus appeared in the rosy heavens; and then returning homeward in the twilight, they were more silent than they had been; for in the shadow and beneath the stars they felt more oppressively their mutual love.

  It was at this time that the storm which the Egyptian had predicted began to creep visibly over them. At first, a low and distant thunder gave warning of the approaching conflict of the elements; and then rapidly rushed above the dark ranks of the serried clouds. The suddenness of storms in that climate is something almost preternatural, and might well suggest to early superstition the notion of a divine agency—a few large drops broke heavily among the boughs that half overhung their path, and then, swift and intolerably bright, the forked lightning darted across their very eyes, and was swallowed up by the increasing darkness.

  ‘Swifter, good Carrucarius!’ cried Glaucus to the driver; ‘the tempest comes on apace.’

  The slave urged on the mules—they went swift over the uneven and stony road—t
he clouds thickened, near and more near broke the thunder, and fast rushed the dashing rain.

  ‘Dost thou fear?’ whispered Glaucus, as he sought excuse in the storm to come nearer to Ione.

  ‘Not with thee,’ said she, softly.

  At that instant, the carriage, fragile and ill-contrived (as, despite their graceful shapes, were, for practical uses, most of such inventions at that time), struck violently into a deep rut, over which lay a log of fallen wood; the driver, with a curse, stimulated his mules yet faster for the obstacle, the wheel was torn from the socket, and the carriage suddenly overset.

  Glaucus, quickly extricating himself from the vehicle, hastened to assist Ione, who was fortunately unhurt; with some difficulty they raised the carruca (or carriage), and found that it ceased any longer even to afford them shelter; the springs that fastened the covering were snapped asunder, and the rain poured fast and fiercely into the interior.

  In this dilemma, what was to be done? They were yet some distance from the city—no house, no aid, seemed near.

  ‘There is,’ said the slave, ‘a smith about a mile off; I could seek him, and he might fasten at least the wheel to the carruca—but, Jupiter! how the rain beats; my mistress will be wet before I come back.’

  ‘Run thither at least,’ said Glaucus; ‘we must find the best shelter we can till you return.’

  The lane was overshadowed with trees, beneath the amplest of which Glaucus drew Ione. He endeavored, by stripping his own cloak, to shield her yet more from the rapid rain; but it descended with a fury that broke through all puny obstacles: and suddenly, while Glaucus was yet whispering courage to his beautiful charge, the lightning struck one of the trees immediately before them, and split with a mighty crash its huge trunk in twain. This awful incident apprised them of the danger they braved in their present shelter, and Glaucus looked anxiously round for some less perilous place of refuge. ‘We are now,’ said he, ‘half-way up the ascent of Vesuvius; there ought to be some cavern, or hollow in the vine-clad rocks, could we but find it, in which the deserting Nymphs have left a shelter.’ While thus saying he moved from the trees, and, looking wistfully towards the mountain, discovered through the advancing gloom a red and tremulous light at no considerable distance. ‘That must come,’ said he, ‘from the hearth of some shepherd or vine-dresser—it will guide us to some hospitable retreat. Wilt thou stay here, while I—yet no—that would be to leave thee to danger.’


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