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John Ringo - Council Wars 01 - There Will Be Dragons

Page 24

by There Will Be Dragons(lit)

  "Bast!" Rachel snapped.

  "You can't quell her," Daneh said, shaking her head. "She's been like this for as long as I've known her and longer."

  "Life is too short to cry," Bast said. "Even for an elf. Horse, it's gonna buck and you're not going to like the ride at first, but you'll get past it. You're strong. Hey, Rachel, let's go out and see what mischief we can wreak!"

  "Bast." Daneh said.

  "Always so serious," the elf replied soberly, reaching out to stroke her cheek. "I won't get your child in trouble, Daneh Ghorbani-Talbot. On my honor as a wood elf. Right now, you have enough problems."

  "It's just Ghorbani, Bast."

  "So, if not horse you get back on."


  "Right, we're out of here," she said, grabbing Rachel by the shoulder again.

  Rachel found herself being dragged to the door. "Bye Mom. We'll talk later!"

  "Try to keep her out of trouble," Daneh said.


  "You have sense."

  Azure watched them wander out, then looked over at Daneh.

  "I don't know," the woman grumbled. "You think I can keep an eye on her?"

  The cat seemed to shrug then, with one more look at the woman, turned in the other direction and nudged open the back door.

  "And don't you stay out too late, either!" Daneh called after him.

  * * *

  Sheida sat up in her bed and stretched, rubbing at her temples in an attempt to quell the myriad voices that seemed to be running around in her head. Managing the avatars was turning out to be harder than she had ever imagined. Each of them was an almost perfect replica of her, just as sentient, just as "alive" and just as capable of making decisions. But she was the final repository and judge, so every day, sometimes every hour, they sent her gestalts of their actions. The gestalts tended to have their own personality attached and since the avatars were "her" there would be emotional content included. It was the best way to manage the massive number of interactions necessary to maintain some order in the chaos following the Fall, but it was beginning to drive her just a little bit crazy.

  She crawled across the bed and stuck her feet into slippers, padding across the empty room to a table at the side.

  "Tea, raspberry," she said, sitting down on the float-chair and taking the tea as it appeared in the air. She sipped the bitter-sweet concoction and considered the situation that her avatars had reported. So far, the loss of life in Norau had been low, considering the conditions. People were responding to the emergency much better than she had dreamed was possible. Communities were opening up their limited stores and trying to get people back on their feet. In the central plains area it was easier than in the others since food, for the time being, was in abundance. It would be nice if there was some way to move it outward, but so far none of the plans for that had worked.

  She shook her head and realized that she had to start worrying long term rather than short. Right now things were stabilizing. But Paul was continuing his assault on every power plant available to the Coalition and he'd managed to take two down. Furthermore, he was beginning ground attacks against settlements that were in support of the Coalition. There had to be some way to counterattack, but everything they had tried had failed.

  "Sheida." An avatar of Ungphahorn had appeared in the room and she looked at it with a frown. It was hard to read a quetzacoatl but he appeared worried.


  "Paul has destroyed the Amricar power plant," the quetza said tonelessly.

  "How?" she sighed.

  "A massive energy burst burned through the force-field and he sent in a suicide squad behind it. They overwhelmed the guards and then sent the plant into overload."

  "Where in the hell are they getting all this power?" she snarled. "It's all we can do to keep them from breaking through our defenses and they have enough storage for this?"

  "I don't know," he replied. "I have given the full report to Harry, perhaps he can shed some light on the subject. In the meantime, I have other needs to attend to. Take care."

  "Same to you," she sighed again, pulling at her hair. The door chimed and she shook her head. "Enter."

  Harry came in carrying a pad, his expression grim.

  "You know about Amricar?" he asked, pulling up another float-pad. Since being translated to Eagle Home he had taken up a position equivalent to aide, dealing mostly with minor issues that required human management but that she didn't even set her avatars on. He also had been trying to develop as much intelligence about Paul's side, including their near-term intentions, as possible.

  His thigh had been repaired but he still had a slight limp. She sometimes wondered if it was from lack of therapy or if it was psychosomatic. Nobody in this fallen world seemed to be without scars.

  "He told me, but I don't believe it," she snorted. "How much power did they use?"

  "Nearly forty terawatts, concentrated in an area less than a meter across," he replied.

  "Forty?" she gasped. "Even Mother would find it hard to manage that!"

  "And She is the only one that could be providing it," he replied, grimly. "That's not all. There was another attack on Sowese and they used another thirty on that. They have the constant output of their plants, to the watt, on our shields; we can't even move in or out without translating, which takes power. And yet they're finding more, much more, to attack us."

  "The elves?" she asked, quietly.

  "I. don't know," Harry said. "Do the elves have their own power sources?"

  "Yes," she replied. "Powerful ones. But. the Lady said that they were sitting this out."

  "Perhaps you should contact her and get some confirmation on that," Harry said dryly.

  "The Lady is not someone you just send an avatar to," Sheida replied. "Among other things, with Elfheim closed, there's no way that I know of to get to her. She'd have to contact us."

  "One of the elves that is in the Outside?"

  "I don't think they can get through either," she said with a shake of her head. "There is one hanging around Edmund, I'll send him a message. But we must find new sources of power!"

  "We've penetrated the Stone Lands and all the other active volcanic areas in Norau and off the coast," he said. "There's no more to be drawn there. We could try deep mantle insertions, but that has never been very stable."

  "Nuclear, hydro. there were other forms of power generation once," she muttered.

  "I suppose," he replied, frowning. "But they did a lot of damage. And how much could you get from them? Compared to a fusion plant or the tectonics?"

  "We can get some," she replied. "With the loss of Amricar we are truly up a creek without a paddle. I think I'll contact Aikawa. He sees opportunities where most don't."

  "In addition to the power wars, Paul is moving on the ground as well," Harry said, bring up a hologram. "He has consolidated all of Ropasa and Frika. Chansa has taken control in most of Frika, and Celine controls Efesia. Minjie and Aikawa are battling over control of Vishnya and the other areas around that region.

  "The oceans are a real toss-up. Most of the mer and delphinos are taking a neutral position but Paul has a significant number of kupuas and ixchitl that have come to his side. They're not attacking the mer, yet. But I think they're biding their time.

  "And there are significant Destiny societies in both Soam and Norau with virtually no corresponding Coalition areas in Ropasa or Frika. Or areas that have declared themselves to be neutral, in Norau at least." He said the latter with a frown.

  "I'm not going to force them," Sheida said, shaking her head. "We need to get in contact with all the towns that have gotten on their feet. It's about time for a constitutional convention."

  "You're actually going ahead with that?" he said, shaking his head in reply. "Sheida, this is a war. It's not something you want run by a committee!"

  "I'm also not going to fight it with slaves," she replied. "Or serfs or anything of the sort. People will fight harder for their freedom than t
hey will for chains."

  "But not necessarily as well," Harry said. "Okay, if that's how you want to run it, fine. But we've got enemies in our bosom right now. And the Kent has declared itself to be neutral. We need those horsemen if we're ever going to fight on the ground in earnest."

  "In good time," Sheida replied. "Is there any good news?"

  "Ungphakorn seems to be holding the Destiny forces that have been pushing against him from Edor. He gathered up a motley army of refugees and they are holding the main pass out of Edor into Bovil where most of his communities have concentrated. Other than that, no."

  "Well, we'll just have to hope that it holds," she replied.

  "I. have a question," Harry said, looking at the hologram of the world that was still spangled with red and green.


  "Tanisha has turned in her Key," Harry said.

  "Yes, she has," Sheida replied evenly. "She found herself slipping into Dream."

  "Has it been reassigned?"

  "Yes, it has."

  "To whom?"

  "Elnora Sill. She is a prot‚g‚ of Aikawa."

  "Okay," Harry replied, flexing his jaw. He paused for a moment then shook his head. "Did you even consider asking me?" he asked, evenly.

  "No," Sheida said, just as evenly.

  "What? Why?" Harry said, surprised.

  "Aikawa asked for it to go to Elnora," Sheida replied. "And I have known Elnora for some time. She is well trained in Web management and has practiced extensively in avatar generation. That was what crushed Tanisha; the inability to split herself and the lure of Dream. You have no training in splitting or resisting Dream."

  "And I can't get it if I don't have a Key," Harry argued doggedly.

  "You could," Sheida replied. "It doesn't take any more power than what you are doing already. And it's a good way to get things done. Very effective time management. But also somewhat dangerous. It's easy to find your personality splitting or to lose control of an avatar that becomes too much 'itself.' If you want to split, just ask and I'll approve it."

  "And to get a Key, I have to learn to split myself?" he asked.

  "There is no sure path to becoming a member of the Council," Sheida said. "But learning to split, effectively, is a good first step."

  "Yes, ma'am," the aide said, flexing his jaw again.

  "Don't get snippy," Sheida said tiredly. "You asked. I answered."

  "I understand," Harry replied, standing up. "Is there anything else?"

  "No," she said. "I'm going to have a light meal and get some real sleep. All my avatars have been dispelled and for once I can wake up knowing it's me."

  "I. very well," he replied, frowning. "Good night, then."

  "Good night, Harry," she said to his retreating back.

  And it will be a cold day in hell before I let you have a Key.

  The first thing that a Council member should know is that it was a curse, not a boon. And wanting it was halfway to never getting it.

  "For Brutus is an honorable man," she muttered. "Genie, light meal."


  Rachel was even more amazed to see the encampment in the morning. Besides the large area of shelters, more permanent structures were going up and everywhere there was the sound of sawing and hammering. Crowds filled the street as well and there was a. reek of humanity that she had never experienced before. In general it wasn't unpleasant, but it was very strong.

  "Humans are always like this," Bast sighed. "Like beavers, even with dams," she added, pointing up the hill to where, yes, another dam was under construction. "Backwards from beavers, though. First humans build shelters then dams."

  Bast was armed now, having picked up her saber and bow on the way out the door. She wore the weapons as if they were just another form of clothing, to such an extent that they almost escaped notice. In fact they mostly did escape notice because everyone was looking at the elf carrying them.

  "Not so in Elfheim?" Rachel asked, trying not to notice the looks of the men in the area. Bast was a walking advertisement in more ways than one and made her feel positively homely. Bast, on the other hand, didn't seem to notice at all.

  "No, our homes are in the Wood," Bast said. "And we don't change the area around us more than necessary. I suppose, with humans, this is necessary." She sighed again. "So many humans. I haven't visited the human cities in many years. This is more than I have seen in one place in a long time."

  "More than I've seen in a long time, too," Rachel admitted.

  "Some of them are not so bad, though," Bast said. "Look at those two over there, one for each of us!"

  Rachel looked where she was pointing and laughed. "I don't know who the one on the left is, but the one on the right is Herzer Herrick."

  "A friend?" Bast asked, walking towards the two young men. "Introduce me?"


  "Oh, sorry, is he yours?" Bast asked. "I never stop to think about that."

  "No, he's not 'mine,' " Rachel said. "It's just."

  "Good, then you can introduce me and you can have the other one!"

  "What if I don't want one?" Rachel asked.

  "You like girls?" Bast asked. "Hmm. I haven't tried it in a long time. Maybe threesome?"


  "Oh, sorry, virgin princess time, eh?" the elf winked. "I know that ploy, too. Works every time!"

  "Bast!" she hissed as they neared the two men. "Be good!"

  "I'm not just good, girlie, I'm great."

  "Hi, Rachel," Herzer said. He was dirty and looked as if he hadn't had time to wash that morning. He also looked as if he hadn't slept well.

  "Hi, Herzer, this is Bast," Rachel said.

  Bast in the meantime was circling the young man and inspecting him as if he was a prize horse. "Hmmm."

  "Hi, Bast?" Herzer said. "Rachel, this is Mike. I met him and Courtney last night."

  "Quick work," Bast said. "I think maybe I like you a little more cleaned up, but if you work that quick."

  "Courtney is Mike's."

  "Girlfriend," Mike said, looking at Rachel with approval. "And you're."

  "Sorry, Mike, this is Rachel Ghorbani."

  "Oh, I've heard about you," he said, sticking out his hand. "You're Edmund Talbot's daughter."

  "Always," Rachel said sourly. "How's it been, Herzer?"

  "Well, dirt is remarkably soft to sleep on if you're tired enough," he said cheerfully. "And breakfast was cornmeal mush. Just that. But things are looking up; we're both going to be going into the apprenticeship program. What are you going to be doing?"

  "I've got the funny feeling I'm being groomed as a doctor," Rachel admitted.

  "Makes sense with who your mom and dad are," Herzer admitted. "And you, Bast?"

  "I'm just wandering through," she said, looking him up and down. "I know where there's a creek that's just right for a bath. Want to join me?"


  Herzer looked shocked for a minute then tried not to grin and tried not to look at Rachel at the same time. "Uhmm. maybe later?"

  "Sure, I've got things to do with Rachel right now," Bast admitted. "Sometime this afternoon?"

  "Uh, sure," Herzer said, clearly not sure if he was having his leg pulled.

  "After lunch, I'll meet you by the tavern in town," Bast said. "I'll bring the soap."

  "Okay," Herzer said, looking light-headed.

  "See you then," Bast said, waving as she turned away. She grabbed Rachel by the arm and gave them a wiggle in goodbye.

  "Where are we going now?" Rachel asked acerbically. "Now that you've mortally embarrassed me."

  "The other one looked as if he wouldn't mind sharing the stream," Bast said philosophically. "And I want to see who's coming in. There were more people headed this way and people are so much fun to watch."

  Rachel sighed as she was towed, very much like a barge behind a smaller tug was the thought that crossed her mind, to the edge of the encampment by the Via Apallia.

  There were large numbers o
f people on the road. Not thousands, but a steady stream of every sort of humanity. Some of them kept going down the road, either for other settlements that were their planned destination or just into the wilderness for some reason of their own. Most, however, were turning into the village, and Rachel hoped that this was the peak of the flow. If it wasn't, Raven's Mill would quickly become uninhabitable.


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