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Fae Dominance

Page 9

by J. B. Miller

  I looked down at him, my pulse racing. I felt like my fourteen-year-old self on the cusp of losing my virginity. In a way, I guess I was. This was the first time I had ever been with another male.

  He smiled up at me, and even though I was the larger one of us, he was definitely the one in charge.

  Robin’s hand cupped my cheek, caressing my face, and he smiled that his eyes lit with joy. “Don’t worry, puppy, I’ve done this before. I will take care of you.” The corner of his eyes crinkled with laughter right before he pushed me backwards onto the bed. I landed star-fished and stared up at him astonished at his strength.

  Robin openly laughed then. The bastard winked at me and threw his hands in the air. The colors in the room changed to swirling blues and greens turning it into a scene from a fairy tale. My Puck turned his burning gaze back to me and climbed onto the bed, wicked delight shining in his eyes.

  He crawled over me on all fours and leaned down chest to chest. He had grasped both of my wrists, pinned me to the bed, and lowered his head for a kiss. I drew in a breath when he nipped my lower lip. He came in again and bit harder, nicking me with one of his extended fangs. They had dropped with his arousal and he licked at the tiny amount of blood seeping from my bottom lip.

  “Damn it, that stung,” I growled.

  “Promise to make it better, puppy,” he smirked. “I’m going to brand you, Kale. After today, you are going to belong to me and all will know it. My mate,” Robin snarled at me. “Tell me, Kale—tell me that you belong to me. That you will accept me as your true mate, that I am just as important to you as our Dianthe. Tell me that you understand that one day soon Daniel will be excepted into this bond and that we will be a…” his voice broke and he whispered, “family.”

  I could do no less than what he asked. I looked up at him our faces were so close that our breath mingled. “Yes, my Puck. I will be yours. I will share the mate bond with you and we will be a family. Daniel and I will have to make our own arrangements but I will try. As long as you are willing to take on all of my bullshit and drama, then I’m yours.”

  His eyes hooded and contentment softened his grip. However, his lips soon pressed against mine and he kissed me with unbridled passion. His hands slid from my wrist and began to roam my body his mouth soon following.

  Robin worked his way down until he reached my straining cock. The tip was glistening with pre-cum and I couldn't hold in the groan when he licked a drop off.

  This time when he began to lick and suck the head, I was able to wrap my hands in that glorious mane of hair and pull him closer. Goddess it felt so fucking good. I guided his movements while he worked my meat like a pro. The Fae bastard didn’t have a gag reflex and he was able to swallow me whole.

  The feel of his throat closing around me had my eyes rolling back in my head, and when he worked his lubed fingers into my ass again, I thrust my dick deeper into his mouth.

  Where he kept pulling that lube from I had no idea, nor cared. I was just glad he had it. My thoughts shattered when he twisted his fingers and pressed them against my prostrate. His other hand wrapped around the base of my cock and squeezed, pressing down and stopping my orgasm dead in its tracks.

  He lazily pulled away and spread my legs wider taking his time. A cloth had appeared and he wiped his fingers clean before lifting my hips and setting them on his thighs. He made sure that I was watching before a jar of lube appeared in his left hand. With the right, he stuck four of his fingers in and brought out a large dollop. He held it up so I could see it, then wrapped the oil-covered hand around his own cock, making sure it was well greased. Robin then held the base of his own impressive length and leaned forward, placing the tip at my clenching hole.

  “Now, I’m sure you know how this goes from the other side of things. Relax and breathe out as I push in, Kale.”

  That was the only warning he gave me as he began to press forward and it felt like a telephone pole was being worked up my ass.

  Fuck me, the pressure was intense. I could not tell if I was in agony or dying of pleasure. The further in he went, the more it burned and stretched but at the same time the better it felt.

  After what felt like years, he finally sank home. By this time, we were both sweating and panting.

  “You feel so fucking good, puppy. I have wanted to do this since the moment I met you. This was meant to be and it is like coming home.”

  Robin twisted his hips slightly and a shudder racked through my body. He reached down, ran a finger up the length of me, and gently flicked the tip.

  “Oh holy hell, Robin,” I groaned. “Please don’t touch me, my cock is going to burst.” The skin felt so tight I was almost afraid it would split.

  “Don’t worry about it, my puppy. This is not going to last long. I am afraid the first time is going to be quick. Next time we will take our time,” he panted.

  “We need to do this right though,” he moaned before pulling me up and onto him as he laid back on the bed. He sank deeper, if it was possible, as I straddled him. We both moaned from the sensation. My cock, hard as it had ever been, strained before me.

  Robin grabbed my hair and jerked my head down to him. “It’s time to fuck you properly, wolf. Are you ready?”

  “As ready as I will ever be,” I groaned into his mouth. His hands slid down to my hips and he held me still so he could fuck up into me.

  His right hand left my waist and gripped my cock. It was still slick from the lube he had used and he began to pump me in time with his thrusts.

  Neither of us spoke, it was not gentle or sweet just hot, sweaty, dirty sex. We continued to kiss and devour one another’s mouth. It came to the point I had to move and I used my knees on either side of him to rise and fall on his erection. We began to move faster and faster, our kiss breaking so we could breathe through the passion overwhelming us.

  “My puppy, my mate,” Robin gasped. I was about to explode, and with his words adding to it, it was too much to me. I buried my face in his neck and felt my incisors grow.

  I didn't even need to think about it. Instinct had taken over. This was my mate and I had to claim him. My fangs sank deep into the crease between shoulder and neck and I came while he pumped harder into my clenching ass.

  Robin moaned and buried his own fangs into my neck as he shoved himself as deep as he could one last time. I felt his cock pulsing while he emptied himself into me. We both sat there for a minute catching our breaths. I leaned back, kissed him gently on the forehead before sliding back in the bed and laying down properly.

  “Damn, that was something else. That was definitely a don’t knock till you try it kind of thing,” I sighed.

  Robin looked at me for a moment blankly, then threw back his head and laughed happily. “I’m glad you think so, Kale, I most assuredly want to try that again. Maybe next time I will be on the receiving end.”

  “There is no doubt about that, mate of mine. Now shut up and come here. I need a nap,” I growled. “You wore me out.” I opened one eye as he climbed up to me and snuggled his back to my front. “If you ever tell Dia that you wore me out, I will deny it and then ride you till you can’t walk. You got it, you faery fuck,” I growled.

  Robin chuckled before answering, “Your legendary stamina is safe, wolf. We have been here for hours. We deserve a break,” he yawned.

  I watched while he cuddled against me and fell asleep, and then I shook my head at where we had come. The ache in my backside was a reminder that this was real. With a sigh, I wrapped the Fae in my arms and went to sleep.

  Chapter Eleven

  I was asleep. I knew it, but somehow I was still aware of things going on in the waking world. I was in the softest damn bed ever created and my body was curled around a finely muscled physique.

  Hmmmm…that was different, but I felt so fucking good I could care less. My wolf was awake and he let out a content huff. So whatever we were aware of obviously was no danger to us.

  I burrowed deeper into the bed and greedily pu
lled my lover tighter into me. In the back of my head, I knew it was Robin, and a low hum of satisfaction rumbled through me.

  This was the way it was supposed to be, and for once in my life, I was content. Even when Dia and I had mated, it did not feel complete, but now… I sighed and closed my eyes tighter. A part of me knew we were still not whole but I wasn't ready to think about that yet. The smell of my mate was so intoxicating, he was close, and his scent was so enticing, heavy with sleep.

  I could feel my erection growing and I smiled lazily against the back of his neck. It was my turn next to be on top. I grinned and began to nuzzle him, thinking how much I did love a fine piece of ass.

  A slap to my ass had me yelping and lunging from bed. I turned with a snarl to find a reclining Oberon lounging on the throne by the bed. I barely pulled back the growl, there was nothing I could do about the snarl that raised my lip.

  “Relax, wolf of my Puck. While I do enjoy a good show, you have work to do,” he told me with a chuckle.

  Robin’s voice rose deferentially behind me and I glanced over my shoulder at him. He was now kneeling on the bed, oblivious to his nudity. One hand lay fisted over his heart and his head was bowed.

  “How may we serve you, my Lord Oberon,” he asked quietly.

  Where had my Robin gone? This was not the fearless wild Fae that I had grown to know. The male I knew did not give a damn for anyone or anything. His own pleasure and will came first. Even with our Dia, he would often manipulate things to go in the direction that he wanted. This astonished me. Here was a subservient and loyal soldier awaiting his king’s command. There was still much I had to learn about my mate.

  My attention was soon drawn back to Oberon when he sat forward and lowered his feet to the ground. He steepled his long fingers and rested his chin upon them.

  “Shield us, my Puck.”

  An almost invisible nod came from Robin and heaviness filled the air. “It is done, my Lord. You are free to speak now with no chance of eavesdroppers.” A cocky smile tilted the corner of his mouth and a dimple appeared in his cheek. Ahh, there was my Puck.

  “Excellent,” the king replied, tapping his forefingers against his lips. Damn, I wanted to laugh. I had watched too many episodes of the Simpsons in my youth. Or last week, hell, even I had my guilty pleasures.

  Oberon looked at me questioningly but didn't say anything about my aborted snort. He turned his attention back to my mate and smiled widely.

  “Now that I have you two alone, it’s time to have a little fun.”

  Okay, now the growl slipped out. The wolf in me did not share. Not counting those I had mated.

  “Hush, puppy,” Robin snarled. “You are growling at the one being in creation that can make a greasy spot out of the both of us,” he whispered out of the side of his mouth.

  I glanced back at the king who was staring at us blandly. He looked almost bored while he watched us quietly argue.

  “I don’t give a fuck if he’s the bloody Queen herself, he isn’t “playing” anything with you,” I growled back.

  Deep guffawing laughter pulled both our gazes forward and we gazed slack jawed while one of the most powerful beings in the known universes wrapped his arms around his waist and doubled over in laughter.

  He looked from Robin to me, opened his mouth as if he was going to say something, then closed it again. Oberon took a deep breath, tried to hold it, and began laughing harder.

  “Is he all right? I think he may have damaged himself with the magic he performed,” I rolled my eyes in Oberon’s direction while covertly twirling a finger at the side of my head.

  Robin’s eyes widened and he shook his head, “No” at me.

  “I am sure my Lord Oberon is fine, Kale. He has just found something of immense mirth at the present moment. A wise male would wait patiently to be let in on the joke,” he ground out.

  “Yeah, whatever.” I was not a Fae. While I understood I was in their realm, I was a king in my own right. Oberon had already stated the fact, and if he wanted to acknowledge me as an equal, I was going to live up to it. Besides, I was the Alpha for a reason. My breed had a lot of pride and arrogance.

  I straightened and put myself slightly in front of Robin. I had no real power and yeah, either of them could take me out without blinking, but hell, you had to go sometime and I was going out with the biggest set of balls around.

  I cocked my eyebrow and smirked, “So, Faery King. What is so funny?"

  If possible, his eyes widened more and a tear rolled down his cheek. Robin groaned softly behind me and I decided to go for the goal. I leaned a little closer and tilted my head to the side.

  “Did that magic fuckery, scramble your faery brains, oh mighty King?” A choking sound came from behind me but now I was on a roll. “Or is this just a normal day for you?”

  “Please stop, my wolf.” The sound of Robin’s voice in my ear was filled with fear. I looked back at him and his eyes were pleading with me to hold my tongue. Damn it, I sighed to myself. “Fine,” I grumped. “When his majesty has stopped his hysterics, we will see if he wants to smite us. If not, maybe he will tell us what he wants?”

  We turned back to Oberon, who by this time was laughing so hard the sound had stopped and all he could do was point and take gasping breaths. A few moments more and he was leaning heavily on his elbows gasping for breath.

  “Bloody queen herself,” he gurgled. “Magical fuckery. Oh dear Danu, my Puck. I do approve of your mate. He has what is needed to stand up to you and survive. I never thought I would see this day. Well played, wolf of my Puck. It warms this cold heart to see such loyalty.” He paused to take a breath and calm himself.

  “I do not want to “play” in that way,” he laughed softly this time. “I meant play in intrigue and deceit. There are those that are already trying to take advantage of my weakness and make a bid to depose of me.”

  That caught our attention and Robin bristled with his rage. “Who dares, my Lord? I will make them rue the day their mother birthed them.”

  “Damn, Robin,” I said. “Don’t go violent murdering Fae on us or anything. I’m guessing assassination attempts go with the territory,” I looked at the king questioningly.

  “Indeed, Kale,” Oberon nodded in agreement. “As you say, it goes with the territory. However, normally I have no problem dealing with the situation myself. Right now, I am more weak than I care to admit and will be for several days more.

  “Just how weak are we talking here,” I asked.

  “In essence, I am mortal. You are more powerful than I am at the moment. Something as simple as a gun would easily kill me and I have no power to speak of. The magic I worked as your bonding gift took most of what I have. That is why Puck raised the shield to give us privacy,” he smirked. “I had to walk here.”

  “Fuck,” I rubbed my hand over my face. “We are in some deep shit.”

  “Exactly,” Oberon nodded.

  Chapter Twelve

  Robin was standing beside the bed fully clothed. With a thought he had dressed me as well. “My King, with your permission I would take us some where more secure,” he bowed.

  “As you will,” Oberon replied regally.

  The room flashed to grey and then we were in Robin’s personal room. This time however, there was a table before us set for three. Fruits, breads, and cheeses with honey and milk sat alongside wine and water.

  “It is safe, my Lord. I can guarantee it,” Robin spoke to Oberon in a deep and serious voice. I was starting to comprehend how easy it was to be a wolf. We did not deal in this kind of subterfuge. If you wanted an enemy dead you challenged them and killed them openly—or died trying.

  “Thank you, my Puck. I am famished. I have not eaten since before," he nodded to us. Oberon sat down and began to load his plate. It must have been an indication as Robin followed suit, so I mimicked him and sat down.

  We sat in silence for a few moments while everyone filled his plates. We all must have been hungrier than we thought as
no one was talking but spending the energy getting food.

  Oberon loaded his up until his plate groaned with the weight and began to eat heartily. Even with the gusto that he ate, it was still extremely well mannered. A small smile crossed my lips at the thought.

  Oberon noticed and called me on it. “What has you smiling, Kale of the wolves?”

  “You couldn’t get any more food on that plate and even though you are eating like a starving man at his last meal, you still have perfect manners,” I chuckled. “I guess I am more used to males eating like animals, pun intended.”

  Oberon laughed softly but kept eating. When he took a moment to breathe again, he replied, “You are right, Kale. Millennium of etiquette has turned me soft in some ways. But you lose very little food this way.”

  I laughed with him. “There is that.”

  Robin must have become bored with our banter because as soon as Oberon finished eating he went straight to the heart of the manner.

  “My King, has there been an actual attempt on your life yet?”

  Oberon sighed. “To the point as usual, my boy, but yes there has. The guards you left behind are dead, killed by cold iron. However, the wards that you left behind were stronger than those trying to eliminate me were and there are several traitors dead in my rooms now.

  "It worries me that they were able to get into the mounds. That is very unusual. The fact that very few know of my private rooms also means a higher treachery. Someone close to me has betrayed me. There is few that know where I sleep and in my heart I know who it is.”

  A look of grief briefly passed over Oberon but quickly passed.

  Robin stiffened his spine and clenched his hands into fists. “Blayre,” he said emotionlessly.

  Oberon’s reply was one word. “Yes.”

  This was a lot closer to home than it should be. I wanted to know why.

  “Who is Blayre, and why does he want you dead?” Robin tried to kick me under the table but I was expecting it and moved out of the way.


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