The Last Hero: Fords of Nashville, Book 2

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The Last Hero: Fords of Nashville, Book 2 Page 11

by Hildie McQueen

  "No, I was at the hospital...visiting my brother."

  "Why didn't you tell me you and the cupcake girl were messing around? Someone released a video of you two making out at her shop. You have to fix it. They're saying you cheated on Vanessa."

  "How bad is it?" He hurried to get into the car to see if he could bring up the video.

  "Let's just say Cassie Tucker's friends will be high-fiving her. It's pretty steamy."

  Jensen hung up while Mark was speaking. He stared into the distance and considered how far he could get before he ran out of gas. Stop in some cheap pay by the night motel, hide for several weeks.

  If Cassie hated him now, when she found out about the video, it would crush her. Not to mention it could hurt her business. Small town people had long memories.

  No this was time to man up. He'd be on the plane in the morning. Whatever happened, he'd ensure Cassie was kept from harm.

  "Welcome Jensen Ford, ladies and gentlemen," the talk show host stood and shook his hand. Ellen was one of his favorite hosts, and he'd called in advance to ask her help with the video. This was not an interview that Mark had set up, so he figured his phone would be ringing off the hook at the impromptu appearance at the afternoon entertainment show.

  "So everyone's talking about the steamy video of you and a woman named Cassie making out at her cupcake shop. What was that all about? Someone new in your life?"

  Jensen winked at the camera and grinned. "I save a lot of money that way, how I pay for food." The audience barked with laughter. He waited until they quieted. "Seriously. It was supposed to be a private moment between a beautiful woman and me. Our first kiss actually. It was great." The audience gave a collective "Awww."

  "What about Vanessa? This kiss happened just prior to you going to Cabo with her."

  Jensen let out a sigh and looked down. "The trip to Cabo was prearranged by our agents. It was purely platonic. We're just good friends."

  A picture popped up on the screen behind him of him and Vanessa kissing in the water. "What about these shots?" Ellen asked, her expression curious. "Looks like more than just friends." She held up finger quotes.

  "We were playing to the paparazzi." Jensen pointed at the screen. "I lost those sunglasses. Those are my favorite sunglasses. If someone finds them, mail them to me, please." The audience laughed again and he waited for Ellen's next question.

  The talk show host looked to the screen where a picture of him and Cassie was splashed. They were kissing, her arms around his neck, and her legs circling his waist. He held her up on the counter, his fingers in her hair. The audience's "oohs" and "oh wow's," echoed what he wanted to say out loud. "How are things now between you and Miss Tucker?"

  He smiled at Ellen. "I wish I could say it's a happy ending. Right now she's not speaking to me. I'm hopeful she'll give me a chance, but it's hard to say right now. Especially with this coming out."

  "I find it hard to believe American's Sexiest Man Alive can't get his girl. We'll be rooting for you." Ellen said and the audience burst into applause.

  Thankfully the airport as one of the few places he had an easy time blending into the crowd. With a duffle bag in hand, baseball cap and scuffed up boots, he lowered to a chair and awaited his flight. A news clip caught his attention. Clips of his interview with Ellen, under it the caption. Sexiest Man Alive admits to being unlucky in love.

  On the drive back to Lovely from the Nashville airport, the phone finally stopped vibrating. Jensen knew Mark was livid and decided not to answer when the man would be screaming into his ear. He waited for the call to go to message and then called Adam. "Hey Bro, don't sell the house in Lovely to anyone. I'll buy it. Need a place to get away. It's perfect."

  Adam was silent for a few moments. "I'm not selling it. Just use it when you want. It's already paid for. Will that work?"

  Yes, it would work. He texted Mark next. Taking the next couple months off. Put off the next movie or they can get another leading man. Need to work on getting a life. NO I won't change my mind.

  Chapter Fourteen

  After her encounter with Jensen at the hospital, Cassie had walked into Kevin's room and stood just inside the door. It was hard to not turn around and bolt. Get away from her ex and from every man in the planet.

  Upon spotting her, there had been hope in Kevin's expression. "I still can't believe you're here. Maybe there is a chance for us after all. Although short it may be."

  Cassie went to the bedside and placed her fists on her hips. "You are not dying, Kevin. I talked to the nurse. The cancer was caught early and you are going to recover. I don't appreciate you calling me and trying to use this illness to get me back."

  "I really do love you so much." He reached for her and she stepped back.

  "So much so that you didn't take into consideration I have a life separate from you now? I am letting down a friend that is counting on me right now to help with her business. I have my shop to run, that by the way I had to close for half a day to come here. You are a selfish person Kevin. I wish you well, I sincerely do. But you and I..." she waved a hand between them, " never going to happen again."

  His mouth fell open. "You can't leave me now. This is a horrible time for me."

  "Yes, I imagine it is. That's why I called your mom and dad. They are on their way here. I told them you had cancer and left it at that." She picked up her purse and slung it onto her shoulder. "Goodbye, Kevin."

  Once ensconced in her car, she covered her face with both hands and cried. There were too many things going on at once. The responsibilities kept her from doing what she really wanted to do: put the car in drive and go; keep going until getting as far away as possible.

  Raindrops hit her windshield and she watched them flow down the glass. The weather matched the gloom inside her. She formulated a plan to not have to face Jensen. Tesha would be back the next day and she'd ask her and Debbie to take over her duties. It was time to concentrate on her little shop.

  Her life, separate from Jensen Ford and all the movie crap.

  Her car hesitated, but thankfully came to life. Jensen had fixed it for her. Another thing she owed him. The thought angered her. Once she got home, she'd write him a note. Assure him there was no child and write him a check for fixing her car. Maybe apologize for the harsh things she'd said to him. Not that it bothered him. He enjoyed goading her too much.

  Once home, her phone did not stop ringing. Finally she gave up and answered it when she saw that Tesha had called twice. "You have to sit down."

  "Oh no, what happened?" Cassie's stomach lurched. Could the day get any worse? "Please just say it. Don't hold back."

  "Okay." Tesha began. "A video of you and Jensen making out. You know that day he came to the shop. It's gotten into the hands of the media."

  "Oh. My. God." Cassie sunk into her couch and looked at the dark television screen. "How bad is it?"

  "It's pretty steamy. Damn girl, you didn't tell me he had you up on the counter."

  "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh!" Cassie let out a scream. "No. No. No. This can't be happening."

  She could hear Tesha making soothing sounds. "I'm sure Jensen will do something to fix it. They are saying he was cheating on Vanessa."

  "How can I show my face at the shop tomorrow? Oh my God." The cherry on top of her horrific day. "Earlier I considered driving off into the sunset. I should have listened to my gut."

  Tesha laughed. "It will blow over. I'm sure after a couple weeks..."

  "No, it won't. The people of Lovely will never forget this." She let out a soft whine. "That man has been nothing but trouble."

  They continued talking; Tesha asked about her visit to the hospital to see Kevin, and it helped her forget about her situation for only a few moments.

  Sure enough, the next morning her shop was busier than ever. Although no one came right out and asked questions, they made comments that made her wince. "Did you wipe the counter off well, dear?" a woman asked while inspecting it. "I hear she takes special care
of certain clients," a man she didn't recognize mumbled under his breath to another one.

  Towards the end of the day Deputy Sebastian Castro walked in. She poured him a cup of coffee and waited for whatever he would say. His hazel eyes lingered on hers. "You planning on letting go of that cup?"

  It was then she realized she was gripping the cup and not releasing it. "I'm sorry, stressful day."

  "Anything I can help with?"

  Bless him; he didn't have a clue about the whole media blow-up. "Not really. Although I think you just made me feel better by being your normal self."

  His lips curved. "I can write you a ticket if that makes you even better."

  Cassie laughed. "Let’s not take it that far." When he walked out she watched him linger and speak to a woman with a small boy. If only she'd tried to date him when he'd asked. But she'd been too wrapped up in her recent breakup with Kevin at the time. It was a moot point now. Castro was in a happy relationship, and he and Eliza were perfect for each other.

  Chapter Fifteen

  "Jensen. I didn't expect to see you today, son," his father said, pulling a second cup from the cupboard. "Your mom's gone to get Caden."

  He accepted the cup of coffee and took a swallow. "He finally talked her into getting him out?"

  "Nah, Patrick is discharging him today. Between his grumbling and flirting with the nurses, I'm sure they are going to be happy to get rid of him." Roman Ford laughed. "That boy."

  As always being home settled him. After a week of rattling around at Adam's house trying to figure out what to do with his time off, he came to the conclusion that it was best to go ahead and do the movie in Australia in a couple of months. After that he'd take a couple years off.

  His father settled into a chair and studied him. "You ever plan to come home? We miss you around here, son."

  "This is where I'm going to settle. I've got another ten years, then I'm going to retire." He began to discuss his plans to build a house there in Nashville with a contractor friend of the family. From there, he'd travel to film. "I'm not going to be a lifer. I love acting, but I hate everything that comes with it."

  His father listened. "I don't know how you do it. For a long time your mother and I were worried that the lifestyle would change you. I'm glad you're coming back."

  "It did change me for a while. I was disconnected and fell into the whole ego thing. But I'm realizing now that it's not worth it. I don't like being that guy. Not a very nice person."

  His father shrugged. "You have to protect yourself. It's understandable, but not at the expense of losing who you really are. Or hurting someone who cares for you."

  "Too late for that. I think I just lost the right woman by being a total ass."

  They sat silent for a while. His father looked to him. "Don't give up so easily. You may be able to fix it."

  There was a ding and his father motioned for him to get up. "Your brother's here. Let's get him inside and settled."

  Caden sat at the couch, refusing to lie down. With a blanket over his lap, remote control in hand and bowl of cereal, he leaned back with a wide grin. "Now things are perfect."

  "You're an idiot." Jensen looked down at him with a smile. "I can't believe you still live here."

  His mom pushed Jensen aside and place a glass of water on a side table along with two pill bottles. "Even if he didn't live here, he would be staying here. He can't get around that well yet."

  His brother's crunching noise made Jensen laugh. "Yeah, poor sick baby."

  "Don't be jealous," Caden replied with his mouth full, and swallowed. "Hey, did you fix things with your lady friend?"

  Jensen held his breath knowing his mother would pounce on the comment. Sure enough, she was beside him in a flash. "What lady friend? What did you do?"

  "Some woman told him he was an a-hole."

  "That's not nice." His mother said, pulling him to the opposite couch. "What did you do?"

  His brother ignored his glare. "I insulted what she does for a living. I ruined a chance for her to get a catering job in Hollywood, and I assumed she was going to do something stupid. On that one I may have been right. I don't know for sure yet."

  "Does this have to do with that embarrassing video?" His mom's gaze pinpointed him. "Because you owe Cassie an apology."

  "For kissing her?" The conversation was going in the wrong direction. Damn Caden.

  "You kissed her like that and then jetted off to Cabo with that floozy, Vanessa. Didn't she sleep with Adam, too?"

  Oh boy, his mom knew a lot more than he expected. Jensen squirmed and groaned when he noticed his dad standing in the doorway.

  "We don't like that floozy," his brother piped up.

  "Shut up, Caden."

  "Be nice to your brother. He's medicated," their mother said while glaring at him. It was going to get interesting. When his dad sat at the kitchen counter and watched, Jensen realized it would not get easier, either.

  "Hello, Cassie," Mrs. Miller entered the shop and inhaled deeply. "I just love walking in here. Makes me happy."

  In the two weeks since the media issue, she'd managed to regain the normalcy of life. Tesha was right, some singer was caught on camera stumbling down a busy New York street drunk and falling into the street butt naked. It sent the kissing Jensen episode into yesterday's news.

  "How are you today, Mrs. Miller?" She waited for the woman to approach the counter and choose a cake.

  Instead, Mrs. Miller stared at her. "I desperately need your help. I'm alone at the hardware store and can't get a display moved. It's on rollers, but takes two people to maneuver it around. Could you be a doll and run over for just a bit?"

  "Oh. Of course." Cassie rounded the corner and pulled her key ring from her apron pocket. "I need some fresh air anyway."

  Once inside the hardware store, in the entrance a short shelf on wheels with a display of differing kinds of tools blocked their way. They moved around it and she picked up on of the tools. "What a cute hammer." The handles of the tools were decorated in different bright colors patterns.

  "Tools for women," Mrs. Miller said, going to the other end. "Now I just need to position it so it catches the eye when people enter, but doesn't block so much."

  Once that was done, Cassie walked out and stood on the sidewalk. Main Street Lovely was quiet, just a few people making their way to the diner. It was three in the afternoon. Too early for the after-work customers, and parents were picking up children from school.

  She dug her hands into her apron pockets and looked across the street to her shop. An SUV was parked in front of it. The tan and green paint matched her shop perfectly. Curious, she walked toward it then her eyes rounded. On the side of the car was her shop's logo. Sweet Indulgence, in slanted italics, surrounded by the outline of a cupcake.

  "Of all the crappy things to do." Cassie walked around the SUV, her hand trailing on its surface. "That damn Jensen." On the back windshield was an acrylic outline of a woman holding up a cupcake. Cartoony Cassie was cute. "I'm going to kick him in the kneecap for this." Her mouth fell open when peering into the passenger seat. On it was a single pink rose, keys and a piece of paper with two words. "I'm sorry."

  "It's perfect." Mrs. Miller came up with a huge grin. "That Jensen sure is a sweetheart. He told me he wanted to do something, for all you did for the movie crew and such."

  ", that's right." Cassie stuttered and opened the passenger door. She grabbed the note and put it into her pocket. "That was nice of...them."

  "Oh, I'm sure it was all him." Mrs. Miller opened the back door and looked in. "This is perfect for your business."

  Cassie rounded the vehicle once more and then walked toward the shop. She'd not let him do it, no way would she set herself up for disappointment when he pulled the Evil Jensen stunt, which of course he'd do next.

  Her phone buzzed as she walked back inside. It was Tesha. "Hey, girl." Cassie ensured her voice was light. "Are you in town?"

  Tesha laughed. "Yes. I'
m watching you from inside Jensen's car." She looked through the window to the Jaguar across the street. Her friend got out and Jensen drove away.

  Mrs. Miller and Tesha hugged and the older woman headed into the hardware store while Tesha crossed the street to hers. The bell jingled as her friend walked in. "Isn't it adorable?" Tesha looked to the new SUV through the window. "I knew you were sold when you walked around it your hand never leaving it."

  Cassie smiled at her friend. "I can't possibly keep it. It's too much."

  Her friend rushed to her, her eyes wide. "Are you crazy? It's not that much to him. Besides, after losing you the Hollywood cupcake job, and the media mess, it's the least he could do."

  So he'd not told Tesha about their night. Cassie let out a sigh of relief. "The media thing wasn't his fault. I suppose famous people can't have a personal life. Besides, I have to admit, it's helped business. The cupcake job, now that was his fault."

  "Wanna share a cup of tea?" Tesha peered at the cupcake display with an expression of excitement. It would be lonely once Tesha left to move to Nashville. Cassie tried not to think of it, but the Tesha and Adam's wedding day was quickly approaching.

  "How are the wedding plans going?" She placed a cup of tea on the counter and waited for Tesha to make up her mind on a cupcake.

  Her friend gave an exaggerated eye roll. "Adam's mom is great. Only a few details left and she insists on taking care of it. She and my mom are meeting with the caterer and going to the reception hall this week. They get along like long lost best friends."

  "That leaves me out of much to do. Except plan a fun shower." Cassie leaned on the counter.

  "No shower." Tesha shuddered. "They are boring. Let's just plan a girl's weekend away. Just you and me. I don't have any bridesmaids except Tristan's daughter."

  "New York?"

  Tesha gasped. "What a great idea!" She jumped up and down clapping. "Yes. That is perfect."

  The SUV caught her attention. "It is a beautiful car. Subtle, not over the top and the logo on the back window is so adorable."


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