The Last Hero: Fords of Nashville, Book 2

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The Last Hero: Fords of Nashville, Book 2 Page 12

by Hildie McQueen

  "You know..." Tesha's lips curved. "Adam says, Jensen only buys the family vehicles. He's given each of his brothers a Jaguar. So this means you're in. Part of the Ford clan now."

  She let out a sigh. "I don't think that is the case. But it is a very nice gesture. Almost makes up for the loss of income from the cupcake job. He's still a butthead."

  They laughed and Tesha pointed at a cupcake. "I want that one."

  An hour later, they arrived at Tesha's house. The setting sun gave the horizon a magical feel. The black Jag was parked at the house next door.

  "Why is Jensen's car still there?" Cassie's stomach pitched. "I figured he'd be gone to Nashville by now."

  Tesha shook her head. "No, he's staying here for a few weeks. Taking time off until the next movie or something like that."

  "He's staying here in Lovely?" Her voice pitched and she groaned.

  "Oh, stop," Tesha laughed. "You two can get along. You better make an effort at least to get through the wedding."

  Of course Tesha was right. The last thing she needed to do was stress her out right now, with the wedding stuff coming up. "Sorry. I promise to be patient with him."

  "And you will accept the car and thank him?" Her friend gave her a pointed look.

  Cassie smiled. "I can't give it back. I'm in love with it." She patted the dashboard and they got out and went into Tesha's house.

  "What are you going to do with the place?" Cassie asked when they went inside.

  Tesha put her purse down and went to the kitchen. She opened the refrigerator and took out some tea. "Debbie and Carol have been godsends. They're buying it. Partnering to open the B and B."

  "That's awesome." Cassie accepted the glass of sweet tea. "They are filling in for me when I go to Nashville for your wedding preparation too. Of course, on the wedding day and the day after, I'll be closed for business."

  The back door opened and Jensen strolled in. He swaggered across the room, phone to his ear, before noticing them. "Oh, hey."

  Since her new car was parked on the opposite side of the house, he didn't know she was there. His gaze went from them to the doorway, as if he wanted to escape.

  "Hi Jensen," both replied in unison.

  "What are you doing here?" he asked Tesha. "I thought you said you wanted me to check on the house." He slipped the phone into his back pocket.

  "I meant later this week. I'm going to Nashville tomorrow. " Tesha laughed. "I knew you weren't listening. Too busy watching Cassie and her new car."

  Her heart thudded against her breastbone. The effect the man had on her was something between a heart attack and acid reflux. She took a deep breath. "We should talk."

  Jensen's gaze met hers and he shoved his hands into his front pockets. "Sure."

  "Um...yeah, I need to water the plants." Tesha practically sprinted to the French doors and went outside.

  Jensen stood next to the kitchen table, right next to where she sat. Cassie swallowed wanting to tell him to stay a good distance away. "I wasn't going to accept the car."

  "Figured as much."

  "But I can't give it back. It's great. A very nice gesture. Thank you very much."

  "You're welcome."

  Standing with his hands in his jeans pockets, his wide shoulders stood out. His short answer made it harder to keep the conversation going, but it was time to say everything and get it out. "I don't get you." His eyes snapped to hers. "You can be so nice and then turn around and do or say something so hurtful."

  He bit his lip and frowned. She wondered if it was an expression from childhood. "I can be rash and impulsive. I do things without thinking it through first. I talked to Caden and he helped me see that what I do and say sometimes looks and sounds bad."

  "It doesn't just look bad. Sometimes it is bad." Cassie put her glass down and closed the distance between them. "You asked Vanessa to not invite me to do the catering job in LA."

  "That's because they are flighty. That was the third party they'd planned and canceled. I didn't want them to leave you hanging. You would have lost a lot of money if you'd bought plane tickets and all that only for them to call it off."

  Cassie let out a breath. "And I'm a big girl and would have handled it if you would have told me what to expect."

  "True." He lifted and lowered his shoulders "Sorry."

  "You've already apologized. I'm the one that owes you an apology. No matter how mad you made me, I shouldn't have said the things I did at the hospital."

  He looked down at the floor. "Did you take the day after things?"

  "What?" It took a minute to figure out what he meant and her cheeks flushed. "No. I mean, I didn't even think about it." His eyebrows rose and she placed her hand on his forearm. "I'm not pregnant." She removed her hand when the urge to move closer came over her.

  "So..." she continued. "I'm so sorry for saying those mean things and for calling you a name."

  "I can be an asshole." His lips curved.

  "You didn't deserve for me to say those things. I was stressed."

  Jensen moved to stand next to the kitchen counter. "So you and that guy work things out?"

  She'd forgotten what she'd said about Kevin. "Who? Oh no...we didn't."

  "Wanna have dinner tomorrow night? I'll cook." His demeanor changed back to the carefree Jensen Ford. "I'll only accept your apology over my spaghetti Carbonara."

  "I'm not sure that's a good idea. We have to get along until after the wedding. Spending time together is pushing it." She loved the idea of dinner with him, but at the same time didn't want to chance getting closer to him. It would be harder when he left.

  "Friends have dinner. I think we can get along for one evening." He held his hand out. "Shake?"

  "You are crazy." They shook hands and clapping sounded.

  Tesha smiled broadly. "Yay. You are friends."

  "At least for now," Cassie grumbled picking up her bag. "I gotta scoot. See you next week." She hugged Tesha and waved at Jensen. "Dinner tomorrow."

  Chapter Seventeen

  It was just dinner, a simple ritual that many people did every day without a second thought. A meal shared with a friend, Jensen repeated in his head, and checked the oven, releasing the wonderful aroma of his roasted chicken strips. "Looking good, buddy, just don't dry up." Next he tossed the spaghetti, bacon and egg in a casserole dish and drizzled olive oil, minced garlic and seasoning over it. He put the dish onto the top oven rack to keep warm, and began chopping a cucumber and green pepper for the salad. "That's right, it's just a meal. With a woman I happen to have it bad for," he grumbled out loud.

  Part of him wished Cassie would not show up. It would make things easier. After all, she was not interested in pursuing a relationship with him. Not that he blamed her. Besides, with his schedule and his lifestyle, where would it leave her?

  He'd considered it many times. Whoever he married would have to be very understanding, secure in their relationship and put up with his less than stellar personality. Then there were the fanatical fans. This was the familiar list he often repeated to himself when confirming it was best to remain a bachelor until he could move back from the job.

  The doorbell buzzed and he let out a breath. "Don't say anything stupid," he reminded his mouth.

  Cassie stood on the porch holding a bottle of wine and a bouquet of flowers. She thrust the flowers at him. "Apology flowers."

  "Thanks." Jensen took them and stepped back allowing her through. "First time someone has given me flowers. They're...nice." He stared at the colorful display. "Not sure where to put them. Adam doesn't have any vases."

  Cassie took them back and gave him the wine. "I'll figure something out." She moved ahead of him to the kitchen. "Wow, it smells great. Did you pick whatever it is up at the diner?"

  "I cooked."

  "Really?" She whirled to face him. "You cooked?" It was nice to catch her off balance. Her pretty eyes shone with curiosity. "I didn't expect that."

  "I told you I would. Mom taught us all to cook
. Except for Tristan. He sucks at anything but grilling meat. Claims he doesn't like to cook."

  She found a pitcher and filled it with water. "She told me when I was over that all of you do well in the kitchen but that you were the best cook. Want to open the wine?"

  It had been years since he'd been nervous on a date. Jensen uncorked the wine. "She did, huh? What else did she tell you about me?"

  "That you wet the bed until you were ten."

  "I did not." He realized by her pursed lips, she kidded him.

  "Can you get a couple wine glasses?" The wine was a cabernet he'd not tried. Mostly he was a beer and Scotch guy, rarely drank wine.

  After he poured the wine, they both held the glasses up and Cassie touched hers to his. "To not fighting."

  He sipped it and had to admit to liking the fruity dry taste. "It's good."

  She climbed on a bar stool and watched him. "This is a awesome. I get to drink wine and watch Mr. Movie Star cook."

  The comment, although just conversation, unsettled him. It would be nice to just be a regular guy. Not someone who people saw as his work persona only. "I'm just a guy, Cassie."

  "You are." She drank from her glass, her eyes meeting his.

  A few minutes later they sat at the table. It felt good to watch her enjoy his cooking. "If you ever get married, your wife will be lucky to have a hubby that can cook this good."

  "Thanks." He cut a piece of chicken. "I like doing it."

  "I assume you are a confirmed bachelor, with your career and all," Cassie asked. "Probably good since it seems like most celebrity marriages don't last."

  It was the opportunity he'd been waiting for. An opening to gauge how she felt about him. "I want to get married. Just have to find someone that is willing to put up with a lot." He chewed his meat and waited for what she'd say next.

  "It shouldn't be hard. I mean..." She seemed discomfited. "You've got a lot going for you and all."

  Now he was curious. "Besides money, fame and this pretty mug? What else do I have?"

  Her mouth opened and closed. "You have a good heart. A great family and are a giving person. And pretty good in...ummm...bed." She blushed and picked up her glass. "More wine?"

  "Yeah. I guess. Of course, most women don't look past the things I mentioned. So I can't trust that whoever I fall for really cares for me or the other stuff." He studied her expressions.

  Cassie poured wine into his glass and met his gaze. "I suppose you're right." Her lips curved and his heart tumbled. "Love is hard anyway. I imagine it's tougher for you."

  She let out a sigh. "Let's clean up the dishes. Then I need to head back. Got a lot to do before heading to Nashville on Thursday."

  At the sink with her back to him, she ran the water. "I'll rinse them, you put them in the dishwasher."

  Jensen chuckled. "You're kinda bossy." He came up behind her and kissed her jaw. "How about you sit down and let me do this."

  "I..ummm." He kissed a bit lower on the side of her neck. A soft gasp escaped and she stepped sideways and faced him. "What are you doing?"

  "A friendly smooch, that's all." He opened the dishwasher and began loading it. "Go sit down. Keep me company while I load these dishes, then I'll walk you to the door."

  Her eyes narrowed, but she did as he asked.

  The kiss had rattled her. What was she doing there? Cassie knew she should be running out the door instead of sitting on a stool staring at the man's ass. He had nice butt. Filled out the jeans he wore quite nicely. She took a fortifying breath. The thought of him marrying someone made her unsteady, and so jealous she wanted to throw something. The worst part was that with him being famous; whoever he dated would be splashed all over the television, and she'd have a hard time avoiding it.


  He looked over his shoulder at her, his long lashed eyes playful. "Yeah?"

  "Why are you staying in Lovely? I thought you had another movie coming up."

  The sound of the dishwasher coming to life was the only sound in the room. He walked around the counter and placed his hands on the counter, trapping her with his arms. "You."

  "Me…what?" It was hard not to look at his lips, but looking into his eyes seemed even more intimate, so she looked from his eyes to the wall behind him. "Move back." Her hand on one of his shoulders, she pushed him away. He didn't budge.

  "I want to spend more time with you. I want to get to know you better. See where things go."

  It had to be a joke. He was up to something and she wasn't about to play his game. On the other hand there was vulnerability in his eyes, she'd only seen once. When she'd insulted him at the hospital. "I don't know what to say."

  "Are you willing to give me a chance? I want to be your man, Cassie."

  "Oh." Her lips curved and eyes misted. At a loss for words, she touched his cheek. "I'm afraid."

  "Me, too."

  When his lips touched hers, it was the sweetest kiss she'd ever experienced. Their bodies remained separate. Only their mouths pressed together.

  He pulled away and cupped her face holding it up and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "Give me a chance. That's all I ask."

  What would happen after he left? If she gave in, her heart would be crushed into a million little pieces when he broke it. Jensen would be surrounded by beautiful women, skinny models, and made up, rich movie stars. Cassie wasn't sure she could withstand not being around him. Then she would be too clingy and men hated that.

  "What are you thinking?" He kissed her lightly and smiled. "I can see your wheels turning."

  "I need to think. As much as I want with you. I'm not sure I can be strong enough to be your girlfriend. What if I turn into a clingy sappy mess?"

  He frowned and let out a long breath, his lips pressed into a thin line and he swallowed. "Then let's get married. Let's elope. You can be my clingy sappy wife."

  "What? Are you crazy? We have to be at Adam and Tesha's wedding this coming weekend. I can't marry you without....umm....Is this some sort of gag?"

  "No. Come here." He pulled her to her feet and wrapped his arms around her. She closed her eyes and leaned on him. In the embrace it was easy to say yes. Because it's where she wanted to remain. But why was he asking?

  "I love you, Cassie. I don't want to lose you. Tell me what to do." His heart was beating fast and his breathing quicker than normal. "Talk to me."

  She hugged him tight and then looked up at him. "You love me? But you don't even like me."

  "I've been trying to keep you at arms length. Too damned scared to admit how I felt." He kissed her temple. "You're the one that doesn't like me."

  "I like you. I more than like you. I'm totally in lust with you."

  "That's good. It's a start." He chuckled. "Although I am hoping for more."

  It became hard to breathe. To admit her feelings would leave her wide open, in the perfect position for him to tear her heart open. Love was about chances and maybe it was time she took another leap of faith.

  He stepped back and she took his hand and put it up to her chest. His palm flattened above her breasts. "You have my heart, Jensen. And right now the power to break it, because I am madly in love with you."

  His eyes widened and his smile made her grin back at him. "Hot damn!" Jensen grabbed her and lifted her off the floor, turning in a circle while laughing. "Yeah!"

  "Put me down, you goof." Cassie was laughing, but with the combination of turning and the wine she'd drank, it made her dizzy.

  Cassie slid down his body until her feet touched the ground, only to be kissed with so much force, she had to cling to him to keep from falling.

  God help her, her life was about to change forever.

  Chapter Eighteen

  "It's been a busy day," Debbie said while icing cupcakes. "That bell over the door hasn't stopped dinging."

  Cassie pulled a tray from the oven and began placing the tiny cakes onto a cooling rack. "Yes, the new tractor company is bringing more people to move here. The new subdivis
ion is selling houses as quick as they're being built."

  The night before, she'd left Jensen's house with so many mixed emotions, the entire drive home was a blur. Torn between grinning like a loon and "Oh God's" she'd barely slept. Despite the lack of sleep, the busyness of the day was helpful.

  Customers walked in; a young mother and daughter moved to the display and Cassie went to help them. The bell over the door sounded again and a group of teens sauntered in.

  What would happen to her cupcake shop if she married Jensen? What about Kyland? She didn't even know where he lived.

  "Cassie?" Debbie gave her a puzzled look. "Isn't that your brother?"

  One of the teens who'd walked in was Kyland. She'd not recognized him with the new buzzed hair. He grinned at her. "Hey, sis."

  Moments later, she leaned back into the chair and stared at her brother. Her mind was awhirl. "How could you do this? You joined the Air Force without discussing it with me."

  Kyland shrugged. "I didn't want you to talk me out of it."

  She choked back tears. "So you haven't been in school?"

  "Nope, I was at boot camp. Heading to my first duty station next week."

  "Duty station." Her mind was fuzzy and she could only repeat words back at him. "Next week."

  "Yep. Well, it's training school, anyway; I'll be there for six months. Going to be a computer geek. Then I'll get the follow on assignment...."

  Kyland continued talking. He was excited and motioned to his friends to join him. They'd driven from Florida and were planning to stay at her house overnight before heading back again for school. They explained plans and gave her all kinds of information that mostly flew over her head. Her baby brother was on his own. He was a man and from what she could decipher, graduated top of his class and had already been promoted.


  "You're going to Texas?" She finally was able to focus. "For what?"

  Kyland patted her hand. "That's where I'm going to be stationed."

  "Oh, well, that's not too far." She felt faint. "I am planning to buy Tesha's truck for you. You need a vehicle, don't you?"


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