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The Bad Boys' Virgin Temptress (The Law Castle Bad Boys)

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by Sam Crescent

  Evernight Publishing

  Copyright© 2012 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77130-108-4

  Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  I would like to dedicate this book and the whole series to Stacey Espino. She is an amazing writer and been an inspiration to me in the search for my dream. Stacey, thank you so much.


  The Law Castle Bad Boys, 1

  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2012


  Noah Lamb watched the startling red-headed beauty as she laid her mother to rest. All of the town had turned up to show their respect. At twenty-three years old, she had lost the only real parent she knew. He wanted to go over to her and comfort her but held himself back. She would need the time to mourn.

  Noah stood with his own family at the graveside, and he saw his best friend, Drew Patton, with his family. Cheryl Fisher threw the dirt on the lowered coffin and stood back. He saw no tears spill from her eyes. She had probably spent so much time crying already.

  He wore a pair of leather pants, as he refused to wear anything else, but he’d made sure to wear a shirt and tie.

  The priest finished saying a few words, then fell silent out of respect. Then Cheryl spoke up. “I want to thank you all for coming. It means a lot to me how many of you turned up. The town hall has been opened for us, and there will be food and drink if you wish to join me.” She nodded her head and went to the priest.

  “He should be here,” Noah’s aunt said with a hiss to her voice.

  “Don’t start. This is already hard on the poor child. Her dad left, and you can’t expect him to come back,” Noah’s uncle said.

  Shaking his head, Noah went to his friend. They shook hands and watched the woman disappear behind the crowd of guests.

  “Are you going to the town hall?” Drew asked.

  “I don’t want her to be alone.” Noah’s fascination with Cheryl had begun some time ago. He’d known how she cared about her mother, and he loved it when she visited him in the mechanic shop.

  “We’ve got to give her some space.”

  “I know, Drew. We can still be there for her even if she doesn’t know how we feel.” Noah knew he wanted to be more than a mechanic to her, but he didn’t know if his feelings would last longer than one night. Most of the woman he’d taken to bed only lasted the night, and then it was for a few short hours.

  Following behind the guests, they walked the short distance to the town hall. They watched, eating sandwiches and drinking beer, as Cheryl conversed with all the guests. After a time she made it ‘round to them.

  “Hi,” she said with a blush.

  “How are you doing?” Noah asked.

  “I’m getting there. Thank you both for coming. It really means a lot to me that you came.” She gripped their hands and placed a kiss on their cheeks.

  “Anytime.” Drew said.

  She smiled and walked off to the next person. Noah felt the sizzle of electricity up his arm. He wanted to do something about the attraction he felt towards her but knew he couldn’t. She was too fragile at the moment.


  For the longest time she’d been conscious of Drew and Noah. They were the only two men she’d gotten to know during the course of her mother’s cancer. She talked to everyone and retreated to a quiet corner to think. Her hand and lips were numb from all the talking, but she still felt the heat of Noah and Drew. They always had the ability to affect her unlike any other men.

  She wished she could approach them and ask them to be with her. The timing was awful, and she knew she needed the space to get her head on straight.

  Losing her mother had been hard, despite knowing for six years that she would eventually. Knowing didn’t make the grieving any less painful.

  Sipping her sweet tea, she stared out at the sea of people and wondered if she would ever have the guts to approach the two men and ask them to be hers?

  Chapter One

  One year later

  Drew Patton stared at his best friend, Noah Lamb, as he danced with the gorgeous blonde on the dance floor. Her skirt was too short and showed the bottom of her ass. The gorgeous blue thong was visible to anyone who took the time to look. Drew sipped at his bottle of beer and watched for any signs of the redhead coming into the bar. Noah gripped the blonde’s ass, inserting a leg between her thighs and pressing against her cunt. Drew saw everything his friend was doing and smiled. Noah was incorrigible. He did what he liked and never asked for anyone’s permission. People thought that because Drew wore the leather jacket and drove the motor bikes he was the more brooding of the two. They were wrong. Noah held a darkness that Drew did not possess.

  The local bar owner had decided to call his place, The Dugout. It was the only bar in town, and many of the town-folk converged there at the weekend. The blonde looked hot, but she wasn’t the woman Drew wanted to fuck. Glancing down at his watch, he wondered when the right woman would be walking into the bar.

  The door at the front of the room opened, and several women walked inside, followed by a couple of guys. At the back of the group that had just entered stood the woman he’d been waiting for.

  Cheryl Fisher entered the bar, and Drew felt his cock lengthen from the sight of her. Her red hair was piled on top of her head with spirals coming down around her face. She wore a small white shirt with a pair of tight jeans, her glorious figure on display for every person to see. She was the town’s good girl, but recently she’d been spreading her wings and trying out new things. He’d noticed her several years ago when she had turned eighteen and blossomed into a beautiful woman. He, like most men, appreciated her beauty, and as the years passed his attraction to her had only increased.

  He watched as she walked to the bar, her glorious ass swinging with each step, tempting him with the beautiful sight. Taking another quick swig of his drink, Drew walked onto the dance floor to where his friend had his hand under the blonde’s shirt. The blatant sexual display made him roll his eyes. If they ever got a shot with Cheryl, Noah would have to curb his bad boy behaviour.

  “I don’t mind both of you tonight,” the blonde said.

  “Baby, that is an offer I can’t refuse,” Noah told her.

  “Actually, we’re going to be busy tonight. Noah?” Drew pointed his head in the direction of the redhead. His friend looked and pulled away from the woman.

  “We’ve got plans tonight. See you around.”

  Both men left the dance floor and headed to where the woman they mutually wanted stood.

  She was currently being flirted with by several men. All of them worked at the mechanic shop on the outskirts of town, the very same mechanic shop that Drew and Noah owned. Checking out the competition, Drew signalled the bartender to do another round of drinks as they got to where Cheryl stood.

  “So how about we take you home with us and show you a good time?” Jake said. The guy’s arm wrapped around her waist brought her flush against the other man. Every possessive instinct inside Drew came to the surfac

  “Actually, this woman is taken.” Drew pulled her into his arms as Noah went to her other side, his hand resting at the front of her stomach.

  “We got here first.” Jake was clearly determined not to back down.

  “Well, I guess none of you will have a job to come back to,” Drew said. Cheryl gasped and pulled out of their hold.

  “Don’t even think about fighting over me,” she said and stormed off, taking her drink with her.

  Drew and Noah stood together and faced their competition.

  “So, how are we going to play this?” Noah asked. He folded his hands over his chest, and Drew smirked at the step back each of the men took.

  “Cheryl is too young for you. Leave her to one of us,” Jake said. It looked like Jake had taken the lead role in the discussion.

  “Do you really think you’re good enough for her?” Drew asked. Jake and his buddies’ reputation was that they liked the hard, rougher side of sex. He’d heard tales of the women being unable to walk straight for days after the pounding they had taken. They wouldn’t care for her the way he and Noah could.

  A pretty brunette walked by, distracting Jake and his buddies. In no time at all, the other men were off chasing another bit of skirt, leaving Cheryl to Drew and Noah.

  She stood on the edge of the dance floor, alone, with a drink in hand.

  “Are you ready for this?” Drew asked his long-time friend.

  “Never been better. I’ve wanted Cheryl for as long as I can remember.”


  Cheryl knew they were behind her before she felt their hands on her body. For as long as she could remember she’d been attracted to the two older men. Six years wasn’t a long time, but compared to her twenty-four years, they were far more experienced than she. When her mother had been diagnosed with cancer seven years ago it had been Cheryl who’d taken care of her. The long nights and extensive care meant she rarely got to leave the house for longer than half an hour.

  A year ago her mother had passed, and she’d forced a promise from her daughter to finally live life. Cheryl smiled as she recalled the words her mother had said.

  “I want you to promise me that no matter how scary something may seem, I want you to take every chance you’ve got. Go out and have fun. Live life. Have sex, but swear to me you’ll never grow old with a man who could never love you.”

  Cheryl took a sip of her drink to try to distract herself. The past year she’d spent many times crying. She refused to cry any longer. Her mother would want her to live life to the fullest. Drew and Noah were part of her plans to live life and experience everything. The two men owned the mechanic shop out on the dirt road. She’d taken her mother’s car into the shop since she could drive. The men were always pleasant and didn’t rip her off with too high a price.

  The moment she had turned eighteen a crush had developed on Noah, which she struggled to keep secret. When she turned twenty, she had developed a crush on Drew. A year after that, she admitted to herself she fancied both men. For the past three years all of her fantasies had gotten steamier, and her dreams more raunchy. Now she had no choice but to prove to the two men she was more than ready for them. Their reputation unnerved her, but this is what her mother had meant, wasn’t it? To be able to live life to the fullest.

  Either way, she’d been round Drew and Noah trying to tempt and tease them. When they’d told her they would be at The Dugout, she’d made herself dress up with the intention of letting them know she was on the market. Even though she stood looking unconcerned about where she was, in her mind she was screaming to leave. The music was too loud, and her clothes left her feeling exposed. Should a woman with her full figure be wearing tight jeans and showing her tummy? She didn’t exercise like most women, and she was happy with her figure. She was larger than the size zero models and loved her curves.

  Drew put a hand on her shoulder. His body pressed to the left side as Noah replicated the move on her right.

  “Do you want to dance, Red?” Noah asked.

  His voice sent shivers down her spine. Her pussy creamed with delightful tremors as he caressed her neck.

  Why did her body respond to these men?

  Most of the other men who’d tried to date her had left her feeling cold, whereas Drew and Noah always filled her body with the heat of a promise, a promise of pleasure so wicked she couldn’t even think about what they would do.

  Other women around the bar were giving her filthy looks, but she didn’t care. Drew and Noah held her undivided attention.

  “I’d love to dance,” she said.

  Drew took her drink away as Noah led her onto the centre of the floor. The place was crowded, but everyone gave them a wide berth. Drew came up behind her.

  “We’re going to have to get close,” Noah said and draped her hands around his neck. Her body was flush against his. She felt the hard length of his cock press into her stomach. The wicked sensation made her gasp as Drew rested his hands under her breasts, his own body going behind her, his cock pressing against her ass. Through the denim fabric of her jeans she felt the heat of both men.

  The shocking sensuality of the feeling had her closing her eyes to try to deal with the surreal moment.

  It was not surprising that caring for her mother had meant she hadn’t had any physical relationships. She was a virgin, and the idea of Drew and Noah being her firsts sent a thrill of excitement and dread through her. Their reputation wasn’t a secret. Many women talked about the prowess of the two men who owned the mechanic shop. They fucked all night long but never stayed around to see the light of day.

  She didn’t see the men as anything other than a way to get rid of her virginity and to have a little bit of fun along the way. There was nothing long-term in her plans. She never thought they’d see her as anything other than young Cheryl Fisher. A young girl with a crush. She had always hoped they’d see her as more but never expected for them to.

  Opening her eyes she stared into the green depths of Noah’s gaze. He tempted her with only a look. His hands on her waist made her want to beg for him to move down. Just because she was a virgin didn’t mean she didn’t know about sex. She’d watched many porn films along the way and read tons of erotic books. The picture in her mind was clear. Ménage relationships were an everyday occurrence in their small town of Law Castle. Couples were always accepting of sharing a woman. She never knew why, especially when most of the outside world shunned the idea of two men to one woman. Her own mother had stayed married to one man even after he left her for a younger woman. She didn’t know where her father was or what he was doing.

  She shook herself mentally and opened herself up to the blissful peace of being in between two sexy men.

  “What bought you to The Dugout, Princess?” Drew asked at her ear.

  “I was told two sexy men would be on the look-out for a woman.” She didn’t intend to play coy. Cheryl wanted to play with Drew and Noah.

  “You came to the right place. Noah and I will keep you entertained.”

  Noah didn’t speak a word while he danced. His focus was entirely on her even as women tried to grab his attention. She felt like she was the centre of his world with the hard length of Drew at her back making her feel complete. Biting her lip, she stared into Noah’s eyes as he took her on a mental ride. The only people on the dance floor were the three of them. Nothing else mattered as they moved to the beat of the music. Where their hands were on her body made her aware of how sensitive her flesh was. The heat from their hands penetrated her skin and warmed her up inside.

  Biting her bottom lip to stifle her moan, she began to play with the hair at the base of Noah’s neck.

  “You look hot,” Drew said. “Look at his eyes. Noah wants to be inside you, baby.”

  Cheryl couldn’t believe how blatant Drew was being. She never expected to respond so quickly to his attention. A pool of heat began to gather between her thighs, making her realise how closely they danced together.

music zoned out, and the only thing she could hear was the sound of their heavy breathing.

  Every now and then dancers bumped them, but she didn’t care. Every bump of a body drove the men closer to her.

  She knew taking on Drew and Noah was probably the worst idea she could have. Their reputation was well known by everyone in town. Most of the women who fell into their bed usually ended up getting their hearts broken. She had no such ideas. Tonight would be about complete, utter abandon, the start of her new life that her mother had asked her to live.

  The song ended, and they helped her over to a free booth. Drew ordered a couple of beers and then sat beside her. Noah sat on her left while Drew occupied her right. None of them spoke as the bartender bought their beers over to them. She gave the girl a smile before turning her attention back to the two men in the booth with her. From their corner she couldn’t see anything else that was going on in the bar. Both men took over all of her senses. She couldn’t think straight, and that was exactly how she wanted it to be.

  Noah took a curl of her hair and began to wrap it around his finger. “Your hair is so soft and silky. I can imagine it sliding over my body as I fuck you.”

  This is what she wanted. She wanted to hear the coarse language and to be more than her mother’s caregiver.

  “Is that why you came to The Dugout? To be with us?” Drew asked.

  Closing her eyes, she tried to still her rapidly beating heart. Cheryl nodded her head and gasped as Noah placed his hand on the inside of her left leg. Opening her eyes, she stared at him in wonder.

  Is this how easy it is to get a man to want you?

  She nodded her head again at Drew’s question while she kept her gaze on Noah. His stare was hypnotic. It was like he was taking her on a sensuous journey of pleasure, every touch merely a teaser of what he could do if she let him.


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