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The Bad Boys' Virgin Temptress (The Law Castle Bad Boys)

Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  “Wow. Does that happen all the time?” Noah couldn’t help but chuckle. They’d fucked her brains out, but to a certain extent she was still inexperienced. He placed the cloth to her mound cleaning away their combined releases. She winced when he put the cloth on her body.

  “Are you sore?” he asked.

  “A little.”

  Wiping her up, he got rid of the cloth in the bathroom and went back into her room. She was lying in the bed curled around Drew.

  “She’s asleep,” Drew said.

  “So much for a night of sex.” Noah got in the other side, leaning over to look at her. “She’s so beautiful.” He stroked the deep red curls of her hair off her face watching her sleep. She looked so innocent and fragile. Licking his lips, he was struck again by how much he loved her.

  He realised the love he felt for her hadn’t been instantaneous but had begun a few years ago when she’d turned eighteen. Around the time she’d turned eighteen, she’d begun to drive her mother’s car into the shop. Cheryl had been the first woman besides Gloria whom he talked with. He’d grown used to her, and it hadn’t taken him long to miss her visits. She never expected anything from him. Even with his bad boy reputation, she only ever wanted to talk. Her life had been too preoccupied with the care of her mother. All the other woman meant nothing compared to her. He knew if he had Cheryl for the rest of his life he would never look at another woman again.

  The only person he wanted was lying out on Drew, trusting them to care for her. She had no idea what it meant to him.

  “I love her, Drew,” he said.

  He waited for his friend to laugh at him or say something stupid. Nothing was said. The only sound in the room was of their breathing. Noah looked up and saw Drew looking down at the precious jewel he held in his arms.

  “I know, Noah. I know.”

  “What do I do?” he asked.

  Drew stared at him. Here was Noah’s best friend holding the only person he wanted in his life outside his uncles and aunts.

  “You love her back and show her you’re hers,” Drew said.

  “Do you love her?” Noah needed to know if he felt the same way.

  “I think I do. I know I don’t want anyone else to be with her but us.”

  “No more sharing, Drew. I only want to be with her.” After having the blonde in his arms, Noah knew there would be no other women. He would spend the rest of his life showing Cheryl he was worthy of her love. Even if he had to wait for the rest of his life, he was willing to wait.

  Chapter Twelve

  Cheryl woke up stretching out her sore muscles. She became aware of two things: one, she was naked, and two, she wasn’t alone inside the bed. Noah and Drew lay on the bed beside her. She reached out and touched both of them to make sure they were real and not someone she’d made up. Their bodies were warm to the touch. Rolling onto her back, she lifted the duvet and saw they were definitely alive. Looking at the size of their arousals, her pussy tightened in anticipation. Her cream leaked out of her hole down the cleft of her arsehole.

  “You’re finally awake,” Noah said.

  “How long have I been out?”

  “A couple of hours. So much for a night of hot sex.”

  She slapped him on the chest, outraged by his kind of talk. “Be nice. I bet the night isn’t over, and you can still get your leg over.”

  “I better. My cock is so hard I feel I’m going to burst.”

  Giggling like a girl, Cheryl sapped him on the chest. “Stop being such a guy.”

  “I don’t blame him. If cocks are being touched, then don’t forget about me,” Drew said.

  She turned and gave him a smile, which he reciprocated. He took her face in his hand and kissed her deeply. “I could get used to this.”

  “What?” she asked Drew.

  “I could get use to waking up with you. You’re lovely to look at, even if it’s not morning.”

  “She could move in with us. I’d be happy to have her at our house. The closer she is, the easier it will be to fuck,” Noah said.

  “What did you say?”

  “Come and live with us. We want to be with you, Cheryl. Give us a chance to prove it to you,” Noah said.

  They were moving fast. Would she ever be able to keep up? Rolling over onto her stomach, she contemplated what they’d said. Noah sat up and began touching her back. Drew followed him, and she felt his touch on her ass cheeks.

  She let out a moan as their touch wrought havoc with her ability to think.

  “What do you think, Cheryl? Do you want to come and live with us?” Noah asked.

  “What exactly would we do?” she asked. Noah was running his fingers up and down her back. Drew was playing with her ass. He seemed to like giving her rounded cheeks a slap. The sting from his touch made her yelp, but the rush of warmth in her clit had her blushing far more.

  “Play, fuck, eat, and date. You know what normal couples do.”

  She chuckled and moaned when Drew ran his finger down the crack of her ass. She noticed both men kept trying to tease her ass, pressing on her hole lightly. Their touch teased with the possibility of something more.

  “We can’t do that here?” she asked. Her mind quickly escaped her as their touch ignited the flame burning inside her.

  “No. We want you to come to our place,” Drew said, speaking up.

  “Think about it, baby. It will give you a chance to get away. You’ll be ours, and we’ll take care of you. How would you like the attention of two men?” Noah asked. The way he said it, moving in sounded heavenly. One of them slipped a finger past her ass to slip inside her pussy. She moaned, going to her knees to open herself up for their touch. A slap landed on her ass followed by a second finger sliding inside her.

  “What’s your decision? Tell us your answer, and then we’ll fuck your brains out.” Another tap landed on her ass, and Cheryl couldn’t fight the churning need inside her. She loved spending time with them, and leaving at the end of the night during the past week had gotten harder. The house she’d shared with her mother no longer held the fun, loving memories it once had. Moving on was the only solution.

  “Yes. I’ll move in with you.”

  Fingers were removed from her cunt replaced by a hard cock as it tunnelled inside her tight passage.

  Noah came to her front, held her head up by her hair and pressed the head of his cock past her lips. She took him willingly.

  Her heart was lighter than it had ever been. She didn’t want to dwell on her thoughts. Her feelings for Noah and Drew had already changed astronomically in the last week. She refused to believe she’d fallen in love.

  Love at first sight or anything that moved that quickly was reserved for books, movies, or fairytales. She knew firsthand she didn’t live in a fairytale. Drew tightened his hold on her hips, slamming inside her as Noah used her mouth. Each man voicing his compliments made her purr inside.

  She gave herself over to them for their combined pleasure. She loved being with them. They made her happy, excited, and desired. She never wanted her time to end with them. Moving in was a huge step, but she didn’t regret it.


  When she woke up on Saturday morning, Noah and Drew were nowhere to be seen. She scented the coffee rising up from the kitchen. Getting out of bed, she walked to the bathroom. Her body ached in the most delicious way. Pausing to stare at her reflection, she looked at herself. For many months she’d been staring at a woman who looked sad and lonely. Staring at herself now, she saw a woman who looked happy with life. A woman who wanted to live.

  She brushed her teeth and washed herself. Going back into the bedroom she found some clothes had been set out for her. On the way downstairs, she passed several suitcases and frowned. Noah and Drew were standing inside the kitchen. One was chopping up some bananas while the other read the paper. They looked so homey and comforting. She cleared her throat and moved to Drew giving him a snuggle and kiss, and then she turned to Noah doing the same with him.

nbsp; “Morning, baby. Did you sleep well?” Drew asked.

  “Yes. I missed you two when I woke up. What’s with all the suitcases by the door?” Drew placed a bowl of fruit in front of her with a cup of coffee. She thanked him.

  “We didn’t want to give you a chance to change your mind. We packed for you.” Noah put his paper away telling her what they’d done.

  Her heart wasn’t pounding, and her head wasn’t a mess. She hadn’t changed her decision.


  “No arguments?”

  “No arguments. You saved me a job, and I got to sleep in. Shouldn’t you guys be at your shop?” she asked.

  Noah shook his head. “We got Jake to open up. It’s only half a day, and Saturday is always slow. We’re going to take you home and get your settled.”

  Home. She liked the sound of having a home once again. A home to her had more than one person living inside. She had a house, not a home.

  “Wow, I’m surprised. No arguments. You’re being a very good girl,” Drew said, taking her dish and cup from her.

  She smiled, loving the atmosphere around them.

  Once they were done, they promised to keep coming back and collecting her food with other trips. They loaded the truck with her bags, and then they were on their way. The drive didn’t take long. The residents were up and shopping at the market.

  They pulled up outside their house, Drew and Noah carrying her bags. They wouldn’t let her help. She took the key from them, opened the door and followed them inside. They both went straight upstairs into the bedroom they’d first taken her in.

  “Start unpacking. We’ll get the rest of your stuff,” Noah said.

  Shaking her head at his bossiness, she opened one suitcase and began to load up the wardrobe with her clothes. Noah and Drew came in a couple more times carrying her stuff. She didn’t know she had so much.

  Unloading the cases was a load of fun, especially when Noah and Drew helped. Their efficiency made her laugh. They wanted to make it hard for her to leave.

  “You’re never getting rid of me now,” she said, going between the two as they stood looking at the bed.

  “That’s the idea.”

  She laughed, squealing as Drew pushed her to the bed, and Noah joined them. Cheryl had no idea how she was going to survive living with them. Every time she was with them, she wanted to jump their bones.

  Their touch sent her mad with longing. All they needed to do was put their hands on her, and she was gone.

  Noah and Drew gave her the best house warming gift, ever.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Times flies by when you’re having fun, and the statement was true for Cheryl. She woke up to be surrounded by two sexy handsome men who gave her so much pleasure she felt she could burst at times.

  They attended to her every need, from cooking for her to loving her. When they didn’t have to, they woke up to walk her to work at six every morning. Most mornings they woke her up early to take her, loving her body unlike anything she could imagine. They went to The Dugout frequently, and she loved it when they brushed off women, taking her in their arms. She felt sexy and desirable in their arms. Noah, out of the two men, demanded more of her time. He became so possessive of her. She loved watching him scowl at any man who’d talk to her.

  Brenda had to shoo him away because he scared some of her customers with his gorgeous scowl. Cheryl was so happy and knew she was falling for them. There were times she caught women checking them out or touching them, and before she could stop herself, she’d gone and claimed them for herself. Telling the women to leave her men alone had become the highlight of her life.

  Yes, Noah and Drew like a woman with curves. They want someone who they can handle.

  On the outside they were loving and attentive in front of people. In the house was a different matter. Within the first week of living with them, they confiscated her panties. She wasn’t allowed to wear any underwear. When she’d asked why, Noah and Drew had shown her in great detail why they wanted her bare all the time.

  She could be standing, making a drink, and they would bend her over the counter, taking her from behind. Skirts were permitted at all times. Outside the house, they preferred her wearing jeans. She found it funny waking up in the morning to see her outfit for the day all ready for her to wear.

  Some women would hate that kind of possessive streak. She loved it.

  The sex was getting spicier every time. Noah and Drew were driving her crazy with the way they kept fingering her ass. The burning pleasure as they pressed a finger inside her ass sent her off the deep end. At first she’d been embarrassed by the wicked way they played with her, but eventually she started to crave the carnal touch. There were times she wanted to scream for them to fuck her ass, and every time she held herself back. Was she scared of taking that step? She didn’t know.

  Her dreams were dominated by the thought of taking Drew and Noah at the same time. Is that what they wanted? To take her ass and pussy?

  During one of her Saturdays alone in the house, she’d found their stash of porn. She knew they didn’t watch it because it was in the basement of the house. Intrigued by what the two men watched, she’d taken a few disks upstairs and watched.

  Most of the clips were off one woman with two or more men. The scenes were impersonal and fake, but she couldn’t help being affected by the images. They were so dirty and made her more curious.

  The weeks passed, going from one week to the next. Brenda taught her how to make bread, cookies, and donuts. She tried out some new recipes on Noah and Drew to see how they went down.

  On their sixth Friday together since she’d given them her virginity, she kissed them goodbye and then walked into Brenda. She noted they were different with her. They held themselves back. Waving from behind the window, she got started on her work.


  Noah watched her for several minutes before he turned away. They walked to the shop in silence. The last few weeks had been magical. He loved waking up with her in the morning and going to sleep with her at night.

  He wanted to take her with Drew. The need to sink into her tight ass while Drew rode her pussy was growing stronger. The moment she’d fallen asleep, he and Drew had talked about it last night. They’d spent time preparing her tight little asshole to accept them, using their fingers to spread her open. She’d grown so desperate to feel them inside her hot channel she’d begun to openly beg for it.

  She would lose herself in the moment before her orgasm and scream for one of them to take her, to fuck her ass and make her theirs.

  They opened up their shop and began working on the cars. Drew helped him replace an engine and check some wires on a few of the cars that were being collected that day.

  “Tonight,” Drew said.

  Noah glanced around wondering who he was talking to.

  “Tonight. We’ll take her together tonight.”

  Excitement coursed through Noah. He couldn’t wait.

  He went back to working on the cars with a dance to his step and a song in his heart. Being with Cheryl was amazing, and he couldn’t wait to show her what it would feel like having both him and Drew together.


  Drew saw how happy his friend was and knew he felt the same way. His feelings towards Cheryl had gotten clearer with every moment he spent with her. He knew he was in love with her. His feelings had developed over the last few weeks, living with and watching her. She lightened up his life and made him want things he never thought he’d get. A family with a white picket fence.

  He wanted to grow old with her and settle down. Going out and screwing faceless women had lost its appeal. She was all he needed. Her fire, passion, and submission were amazing to witness. He never knew a woman could challenge him in life but then do everything he asked the moment they were naked. She was the ideal woman.

  Her caring nature extended to everyone. The scents of baking through the house pleased him. At one time the thought of a woman baking in
his kitchen and singing would have sent his world crashing down. Cheryl was different. She gave as much as she took.

  The love he felt for her was getting stronger every day.

  He left Noah to finish working on the car and searched for peace and solace in his office. Closing his eyes, he thought about the coming night. He wanted to claim her with Noah. The timing felt right. Everything with Cheryl felt right.

  Pushing away his nerves, he began to read. The night time couldn’t come soon enough.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “We’re not going out tonight?” Cheryl asked as they entered their house. Noah and Drew were silent like they’d been all day. She gave a yelp as Noah went under her skirt and pulled off the panties they’d allowed her to wear for work.

  “You won’t be needing these for the rest of the weekend.” He threw them away and replaced his hand on her mound. She cried out, her pussy sensitive to their touch. In a matter of seconds she was wet and wanted them. He inserted two fingers inside her, gathering her cum on his fingers to spread over her clit. He fingered her clit and unbuttoned her blouse with his other hand. Drew helped, pulling the fabric down her arms off her body.

  She cried out from the sensual onslaught of their touch. The sound of tearing forced her to look down and see her skirt in two parts on the floor.

  “I didn’t want to move my hands,” Noah said. Her pussy contracted at the look he gave. The intensity of his eyes froze her to the spot. Something was different about him. Something carnal and sinful. The pulse in her neck pounded, and her clit pulsed as if it had a will of its own.

  “I think we need to take this to the bedroom,” Drew said. Drew always managed to keep his head. She didn’t like the fact he could think. Noah let her go, and she missed his touch. Together they walked up the stairs.

  When she walked through the door, Drew was unbuckling the belt to his jeans. She stopped her heart picking up speed. He seemed so threatening as he looked at her when he removed his belt. His arms bulged, and his chest caught her eye from all the flexing. Going to him, she ran her hand over his hard muscles marvelling at how strong he appeared. The jeans went to the floor. His cock stood out and proud. Drew took her hand and wrapped it around his length, stroking the length over her fingers. She tore her gaze away from his cock to look at him. He bought his thumb to her mouth. “Open,” he said. She did. His thumb slid between her lips. She tasted his cum on her tongue. Moaning, she sucked his finger and fucked his cock with her hand.


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