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Whiskey Dreams (Rebel Walking #7)

Page 4

by Hilary Storm

  “I’d like that.”

  “Alright, I’ll be in the basement bathroom taking a shower myself, so just text when you’re ready.” I walk toward the door and begin to hope like hell that I can give this girl a day that she can just smile and not worry about all the demons in her closet.

  “Aiden.” I stop walking and turn to look at her while she looks at me with those gorgeous eyes and those lips I want to feel again. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Now get your shower. My stomach is growling.”

  “Are you always hungry?”

  “I eat six times a day, so yes.” Her smile falls just slightly. Fuck. Let me guess, so does Luke. I leave her with whatever flashback she just had. My mission today will be to make her smile and laugh. That’s the best therapy when your heart hurts, I know this.

  I’m almost to my truck to grab my bag when my phone rings. It’s Luke. Shit.

  “Hey man, what’s going on? It’s been a helluva long time.” I answer just like I always would. I have always respected Luke, but I was always closer to the twins and Holden of course. Luke always flew solo.

  “I’m just trying to hang on. This ride of life has been wild lately.”

  “I heard. What can I do for you?”

  “I hear that you’re checking on Kimber for me. Can you please let me know how she’s doing?”

  “I can do that.”

  “Thank you. She left before I could really talk to her and I need to know that she’s going to be ok. I hate myself for how this ended, but Lilly is alive and I can’t tell you how many times I prayed for that.”

  “We all did.”

  “Kimber didn’t deserve to be pulled into my insanity and I just want to know that she’s going to be alright.”

  “I just got here late last night. Let me see how she is today and I’ll get back with you sometime either tonight or in the morning.”

  “Alright, buddy. If you see anything I can do to help, just let me know. The last thing I ever meant to do was hurt her.”

  “How is Lilly?”

  “She’s good. I’m so glad to have her back. I just keep looking at her stomach and thinking that I’ll be a dad soon. Shit. That’s scary.”

  “It is, but that kid will be spoiled and you know it!”

  “By me. I’m so ready.” He will make a good dad, there’s no doubt about that.

  “Ok, well I’ll talk to you soon, but I think it’s all going to work out for Kimber too. She seems like a fighter.”

  “You have no idea how much of a fighter she is. She doesn’t even know it yet, but she’s a great person. I need to know she’s good.”

  “You got it.”

  “Bye.” Our call ends and I lean against my truck and think about this mess. She needs to have a good day today. If I can give her a day of country life, maybe she’ll take it from there and find her own happiness. I’m going to try to be just like I was last night and not let the fact that Luke is involved matter. Because honestly, he isn’t involved anymore. I just heard it from his own mouth. He’s with Lilly and has no intentions of leaving her, which I knew before that call. Their connection was strong and no one even tried to deny it.


  When he touched me, I felt Luke. I felt the warmth of his skin against mine and I hate myself for that. I shouldn’t be torn up like this when I’m the one who walked away from him. But seriously, what else was I supposed to do?

  I take my time to get ready. I curl my hair and put on a full face of makeup. It won’t hurt me to feel good about myself today. After all, this is a new me. Today is the first day of the rest of my life. I know I said this before. That chapter of my life was just really short. It’s time to move on to the next section of this book.

  I text Aiden and wait for him in the kitchen while I sip on my first cup of coffee. He wants to go fishing. I’m not even sure I can catch a fish. I’m sure he can teach me. I’ve been deep sea fishing once, but Greg of course got all the action. I’m guessing this will be a little different and I can’t wait to see where he takes me.

  I’m going in to this day with an open mind. I’d like nothing more than a simple day and I’m positive he’s the perfect person for the job.

  He walks up the stairs with just his jeans on. No shirt. No shoes. I stare at him over the top of my coffee cup and take in his definition. He’s perfect. His muscle structure and hell, even his tan has me licking my lips. Fuck. Why does he have to be Luke’s friend?

  He turns to pull a shirt from the back of the bright red couch and I see his back. Holy mother of all things gorgeous. Why does he have to have a perfect back? He has a tattoo of an eagle with its wings spread open across his shoulders. The rest of his back is just muscled perfection and that’s when he catches me watching. Damn it.

  His smile kills me with those lips and piercing blue eyes that shouldn’t make me melt, but shit they do. I turn my back to him, because honestly I can’t look at him without his shirt on and not appreciate everything I see. It shouldn’t be like that since I’ve spent my entire life around fighters, but this guy is just a different level of beautiful. Damn him. And damn Luke for having a friend literally hours and hours away that I actually like to be around.

  “You ready to head out?” His voice startles me because he’s moved closer and stands only about two feet behind me on the opposite side of the bar.

  “Yes. If you are.” I keep my eyes busy and put my coffee cup in the sink and rinse it out.

  “You’re driving that Jeep of yours! We’ll do some off roading today and it’s the perfect thing to get muddy.”

  “Oh, I see how this is. Get mine muddy.”

  “We can wash it later with a water hose in our bathing suits. Don’t worry.” I stop in my tracks. Oh shit. He’s flirting again. Can I handle him doing that? I don’t respond, because honestly I don’t know how to.

  “You’re driving.” I toss him the keys before we get off the front deck and into the dark. It’s so damn early.

  He drives us to Rosie’s at a very slow and careful speed. I’m going to have to drive later and really get the Jeep muddy. Or he’ll be washing the tires with his bathing suit on. He parks the Jeep near the front door and there are literally three other cars in the parking lot, I’m not sure one wasn’t left up here after a night of heavy drinking.

  “I hope you like pancakes. Rosie makes mean pancakes with every topping you can imagine.”

  “That actually sounds amazing.” Lou used to make me chocolate chip pancakes as a kid. I wonder if she makes those, but I wait to look at the menu. Lou was the man my father let run the dojo and train the best fighters. He was more of a father to me than my own sperm donor ever was. He’s my one regret leaving California.

  We sit at the bar and Rosie smiles huge over the bottles of liquor she’s wiping down. “You mean to tell me the two of you are back in my bar this early? Please tell me it’s because you pulled an all-nighter and both need replenished after all that sex.”

  “No ma’am. But we do want some hot cakes to start off our day.”

  “What can I get for you?”

  “I’ll take the original, don’t hold back on me Rosie.”

  “You know I already know what you want. What’s the pretty lady want?” I don’t see a menu, but figure I may as well ask.

  “Can you do chocolate chip with no syrup?”

  “Sure can just for you. It’s not a usual, but any friend of Aiden’s gets house treatment.”

  “Thank you, Rosie.”

  “Of course, Sugar. Give me a few minutes and I’ll have those out for you.”

  “She seems really nice.” I wait until she’s out of earshot before I mention that to Aiden.

  “She is. She’s been running this bar since I can remember.”

  “So, do you live here?” He knows so much about me, yet I only know a handful of things about him, most I’ve observed myself.

  “I grew up here. My parents lived here for years. My dad’s business grew and
he needed to relocate, so they kept the house and bought a cabin so that we all have a place to stay when we come home. I graduated high school here.”

  “Do you live in Springfield usually?”

  “I started college there before I met the crew. Then as they grew, Holden asked me to help with security. We worked with my father’s private detective business some and have now started our own company providing security when needed. We also get called in to help with his big projects some.”

  “How did you meet all of them?” His laughter fills my ears and I know this story is going to be good.

  “Well, I went dancing with a few of my friends one night and ran into the girls before they committed to the twins. Let’s just say I watched over the girls and eventually became great friends with all of them.

  “Those girls are amazing. I knew they were something special when I first met them. I could see how much they cared about Luke and they didn’t hesitate to take me in as you can see. They just really have great hearts.”

  “They all do.” He’s right. I know the guys are just as caring if not more so. Hell, Holden is a perfect example. He took me under his wing and protected me the second Luke asked him to at that fight. He hasn’t stopped since.

  “Is Macy your only sister?”

  “Yes she is.”

  “I remember the girls talking about her one day. They all told me I’d get along with her.”

  “You would, but she’s just an easy soul to be near.” Like her brother. I wonder what their parents must be like.

  “Can I bring you two a drink?”

  “Coffee for me.” He nods his head, agreeing while holding up two fingers to let her know he wants the same. She moves to pour our cups and I start to think about what this might look like to her. I guess there’s one thing that’s a plus, at least I’m not wearing the same clothes as I was last night anymore.

  “So you like chocolate chip pancakes?” He’s smiling again like he’s about to tease me and I notice how easy he is to talk to.

  “Yes, Lou used to make them for me.”

  “Lou?” His curiosity shows on his face and in his voice.

  “He was like a father to me. He was the trainer to all the major fighters over the years. He actually trained Luke for his fight.”

  “I already like Lou.”

  “He’s a great guy and I don’t know how I would’ve survived all those years without him there to help me through my tough times.”

  “How did you meet Luke?” I stop and think about his question. How much of my life do I want this man to know? Talking is easy with him, but this question opens up the most vulnerable time in my life. A part of me that I can’t forget and I think about every single day of my life.

  This journey is all about me moving forward and to make that possible, I have to be able to heal. I decide to tell him my story in full and let Brie be the one and only lie he hears from me.

  “It’s a terrible story. Are you sure you want to hear this?”

  “Only if you want to tell me.”

  “I can tell you, just don’t judge me.”

  “Do I look like someone who has any right to judge you?” Rosie walks up with our coffee in hand and I take a deep breath and tell him about my darkness.

  “I met Luke in an alley. My boyfriend at the time had hit me a few times and I was crouched over when he came up behind Greg and laid him out on the ground.”

  “That’s my guy. Tell me he killed the mother fucker.”

  “No. But my father saw his strength and blackmailed him into fighting after that. Luke did it to help me and it all just turned to shit real quick.”

  “Tell me how he was able to blackmail Luke.”

  “It was money. Luke didn’t want to touch his bank account with the Rebel Walking money in it because he knew you guys would find him. He wasn’t ready to be found.”

  “How was it to help you?”

  “He wanted me to have the money to get away. I had all of my things packed in my Jeep that night and had bet all of my money on the sure win of the night. I won and my father gave the money to Greg just to make sure Luke stayed around for the next fight.”

  “Why were you with a man that hit you? I have to tell you I hate a man that would ever lay a hand on a woman.”

  “That was the first time he had actually punched me. The other times he just squeezed me or pushed me. I know it sounds ridiculous, but I didn’t have anywhere to go. My whole life revolved around that group. I had to break away and Luke came at the perfect time to help make that happen. He saved me that night.

  “Sounds like it.” I hesitate telling him about the baby. The baby was a part of me and I still feel the emptiness of losing it that night. I’m extremely happy that Luke and Lilly will have a baby, but I can’t help but wish I still had my own. Even if Greg was the father. The father that killed his own baby with the force of a punch used in the ring.

  The pancakes show up and I stop talking to take in the greatness in front of my eyes. “Wow. Thank you so much. These look great!”

  “You nailed it as always Rosie. Thanks for taking care of me.”

  “Sure. Now you two come back for Karaoke tonight and tomorrow.”

  “We’ll have to see what’s going on Rosie.” He answers her right before he turns to me. “You know I have to try one of those chocolate pancakes.”

  “Just be prepared to fall in love.” I watch his face as I say that and catch a brief look from him, but I ignore it. I know he knows I didn’t mean anything by that. I hand him one of my pancakes and start cutting into my own.

  Taking that first bite brought me back to my childhood. My mouth waters with the delicious flavor filling it and I get lost in my food. He takes a few bites before he starts talking again.

  “So, have you ever been fishing?”

  “Just deep sea fishing once. But I don’t know if I can actually say I went fishing. I didn’t even get to hold the rod.”

  “Let me guess, bossy asshole boyfriend.”

  “Yep. He didn’t want the guy touching me to teach me.”

  “I hope I never meet that fucker.”

  “Don’t worry. Luke mangled him, then he went to prison after that fight.”

  “Good. I can think of one other place he belongs, but I bet he’ll be there soon enough.”

  “He will. I know for a fact.” Any man that kills a baby should have a direct pass straight to hell.

  “What else did he do to you, Kimber?” I take a bite and a deep breath. Why did I tell myself I wouldn’t tell him anymore lies?

  “I was pregnant that night. He punched me in my stomach.” He looks shocked and angry, then stands abruptly before he starts to walk back and forth behind me.

  “Kimber. You have got to be fucking kidding me.”

  “I wish I was, Aiden.”

  “I see red. I’d love nothing more than to be put in a ring with this guy.”

  “Aiden. Sit down. Luke handled him.”

  “Now I see why Luke is worried about you.” I knew he’d be worried. He was when I talked to him. I’m not his worry anymore. He needs to focus on his family and making up for lost time.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “He called me to check on you. He wants me to call him tonight and let him know that you’re coping alright. Shit Kimber. How are you dealing with all of this shit on top of Lilly being alive and Luke doing his thing? I mean, how much can one person fucking take?”

  “The answer is…. More than all of that. I’m still kicking and once I figure out where I’m headed, I look forward to starting a new page in my book of life.”

  “I can’t even imagine.”

  “We’re supposed to be having a carefree simple day. This seems difficult and complicated. Can we just enjoy our day and what was it you said I needed to do… Live?”

  “Yes we can.” He sits down, but I still feel his energy as he struggles with the anger that he just experienced. I’m so damn numb to it by now that I
don’t get angry anymore. I just hate to talk about it. I miss the fact that I knew I was pregnant and had already bonded with my baby.

  “Alright so fishing, then cooking out at the cabin. We’re gonna have to stop for some groceries. Let’s do that next and then we’ll go fishing.”

  “Are we going to have a backup plan for dinner?”

  “We won’t need one.” He takes a bite of the pancake I gave to him and stops mid bite. “Shit, this is good.”

  Chapter Six


  I can’t believe the shit she’s been through. I keep hearing more and I keep feeling deep hatred for people I’ve never even met. It all starts to fall into place. I now understand why Luke brought her home and why Holden is so worried about her. He didn’t tell me all of that shit. I had no idea she lost a baby to someone who fucking abused her. I want to ask her how far along she was, but decide to obey her wish to drop all of conversations about the past and make this day about having fun.

  We’re pushing around the grocery cart and filling it with everything we can think we’ll need at the cabin. I see her adding a few extra meals and hope it means she plans to stay a few days. I won’t pressure her, but I’d love to spend more time with her. Each time we talk, I learn something more about her and I just want to pull her against my chest and hold her tight. I’d gladly block every fucking evil thing from getting to her.

  I can also appreciate her wanting her independence. It’s actually a very attractive quality in a woman. I won’t talk about her body and how much it gets to me the more I see her.

  “Can you think of anything else?” I watch her drop the coffee in the cart and then she pushes it toward me.

  “Nope. I think that’s everything.” My eyes scan the cart and I see chicken, steaks, and stuff for a salad. Sounds perfect. “Unless you want something to drink while we fish. Isn’t what fishing is all about?”

  She may have just won me over for life. Hell yes I’d love to drink beer and fish, but I never expected a woman to be looking forward to that kind of day. I put some beer in the cart and we make it through the checkout with ease. That’s what happens when you shop before the butt-crack of dawn.


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