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Worth Fighting For (Alpine Woods Shifters)

Page 13

by Bennett, Sondrae

  For a moment, all Misty heard was the deafening volume of the hybrids demanding her head. Then a banging as her original questioner pounded his gavel.

  “Quiet. Ms. Turner, Inform the council of the steps you took before lashing out,” he said.

  Although the phrasing was better than before, she still caught the accusation in his gaze. She looked at the friendly woman instead and took a deep breath.

  “I tried to get back to the vet’s office, or any building, but they blocked my way. I was surrounded. I tried to extricate myself from the crowd but they pulled my hair and pushed me into each other. They were shouting too loud to hear anything I had to say.”

  Justin gave her an approving look.

  The man nodded, then seemed to consult some papers on his desk. “At what point did you pull out the knife?”

  A palpable hush fell over the room. Misty stared at the man in shock before finding her voice.

  “Never. There was never a knife,” she croaked with an unsteady breath.

  “There are numerous eye witnesses who said you brandished a knife and shouted, ‘Get away from me, you filthy hybrids.’”

  All of a sudden, the room exploded in a rush of yells and shouts. The protesters in anger, and her supporters in indignation. Anyone who knew her, knew those words would have never crossed her lips. The gavel banged a few times before everyone fell silent.

  “Are you claiming you’ve never seen this piece before and did not stab it into the shoulder of a man during the struggle?” A man brought over a bag with a knife in it. Blood stained the tip.

  “I’ve never seen this before in my life,” she said with honesty.

  “Your honor, we would be pleased to submit fingerprints for verification that she did not use this knife.” Justin spoke from beside her.

  “There are ways around that,” the woman from the hybrid crowd shouted. Misty was at her wits’ end with the woman. Three times now she’d interjected against her. What had Misty ever done to her?

  “Are you really claiming I had time, while I frantically tried to get away, to wipe down a knife? Seriously? I left my clothes in shreds on the ground so I could run as fox, but I had time to grab a napkin and make sure I left no prints?”

  There was silence after that. The friendly council elder cleared her throat and spoke out. “Point made. I vote that we test the weapon. If, as she claims, her fingerprints are not on it, we have to conclude she did not use the knife and dismiss the case. Would anyone like to second the motion?” A few murmurs assented. “All right then. Misty, you are required to provide fingerprints. If we do receive a positive match, the case will continue at a date to be determined at that time. For the moment, you’re free to go.” Then with a wink, the woman slammed her gavel down.

  “No!” The hybrid woman cried out. “It is clear the council does not have the best interest of the hybrid shifters at heart. This trial has been a joke. We demand more.”

  “Who are you, exactly?” A man on the bench who hadn’t spoken before asked.

  “I am the Premier of the hybrid shifters of eastern Colorado.” She raised her chin in pride at the words. Whispers exploded throughout the room.

  “Excuse me? You can’t form a new pack and become a Premier just because you say it’s so. There is paperwork and permissions needed.” A frail woman on the board spoke.

  “It is clear that the council is only concerned with the rights of pure breeds. We will form our own council under my leadership unless you listen to our demands and change your ways.”

  The council exchanged looks before one woman swept a hand, gesturing to the podium where Misty stood. As the woman stepped forward, Justin ushered Misty over to Cody. His arms circled her from behind, and she leaned into his embrace. This trial was getting wildly out of control. Who was this woman?

  “We demand the council incorporate hybrids into their ranks to ensure fair trials for our kind.”

  The elders looked at each other, many nodding their agreement.

  “It seems fair. Is that your only demand?” one asked.

  “Seats for all the variations of hybrids in the world.” Her voice rang out clear.

  This time the council hesitated.

  Misty understood why as the implications slammed into her. There were far more hybrid breeds than pure breeds around nowadays. Giving that many council seats away would swing control into the hybrids’ hands. She shivered as she realized what would have happened to her today if such a thing were the case.

  “That, we cannot agree to. As we do not assign council seats based on percentages, it would not be fair to the other species. We agree to give the hybrids the same number of seats every other breed has, which would be three.”

  For a minute, Misty feared the woman would launch herself at the man. She looked angry enough to spit bullets.

  “Fine. I will take one, and the other two will go to senior members of my pride.”

  Again, the members of the council shook their heads. “That’s not how it works. The seats are determined by a vote among all the hybrids in the state. Your…pride…is only a small piece of the pie.”

  The woman’s eyes were bright with anger. “No! Those are our demands. I need a seat! I deserve a seat!”

  Cody tightened his arms around Misty as the woman exploded.

  Her gaze swung in their direction. A few of the wolves and foxes stepped beside them.

  “This is your fault. All of you. If you had just walked away and left my brother alone, none of this would be happening. I’d already have a foothold.”

  Seemingly beyond rational, the woman rushed them.

  Cody pushed Misty behind him and prepared to face the fuming bitch. The woman screamed as she launched herself at him, but Cody was too fast. He grabbed her hands and twisted, bringing her to the ground and covering her body. Across the room, the hybrids looked on with wide eyes as their leader screamed and raged from the floor.

  “She’s bat shit crazy,” one of them muttered. A couple loyal followers tried to reach their fallen leader, but others held them back.

  The council members all pounded their gavels, trying to restore order.

  Jason and his brothers reached down and held the woman so Cody could rise. At the urging of the council, they carried her back to the podium and held her before the bench.

  “Who was your brother?” one asked, obviously catching her slip from earlier.

  She shook her head mutely.

  “What is your name?”

  Again, she refused to speak, raising her head in challenge.

  The man sighed. “Do you have anything to say in defense of your actions?”

  She didn’t speak.

  “In that case, you will be taken into our custody until we can get to the bottom of this. It is becoming increasingly clear you stand at the center of the rioting and protesting lately. We will decide what to do with you after the facts have been assembled.” He banged his gavel and the wolves carried the woman to the side of the room.

  “As far as the council seats for hybrids,” the man continued. “I believe it is a good idea regardless of the reason it was brought before this council.” A couple people around the room, both hybrid and non-hybrid, nodded in agreement. “In the next few weeks, we will set up a vote and provide hybrid shifters three seats on the council. If no one else is going to have a breakdown,” he paused a moment and gazed around the room, “I call this meeting adjourned.”

  Misty breathed a sigh of relief as the gavel cracked down. She clutched Cody’s shoulders from behind until he spun around and swept her into his arms. Without a word to the supporters around them, he carted her with determined strides toward the exit in the back.

  Misty threw a cheery wave at the crowd over his shoulder before he turned the corner. Relief swamped her. It was over. Had she been standing, her knees would have wobbled. With a giggle, she buried her nose in Cody’s throat and let his scent flood her senses as he carried her out of the building and down the street
toward their car.

  As the shock and worry from the trial faded, Misty’s senses went into overdrive. Cody’s scent surrounded her and she rubbed her nose against his throat. His steps slowed at the caress, his pulse picked up speed, hammering against her cheek. Turning her head, she rubbed her lips against the furious beat before opening her mouth and sucking. His taste, deliciously male, exploded on her tongue. It short-circuited all thoughts, leaving only an aching need to be taken by him. Filled by him.

  “Jesus,” he breathed out. Then he ran, his feet eating up the distance to the car. He practically threw her into the passenger seat before taking position behind the wheel. Without looking, he pulled out of their space. A honk from the car he’d cut off blasted behind them.

  Lust raged inside her, driven on by the emotion she felt thrumming through the bond between them. With a naughty smile, Misty sent a wicked thought through the connection. Her smile widened at the sight of his hands tightening on the steering wheel. The sound of his dark groan filled the car.

  She wiggled in her seat, felt the heat and moisture below. Unable to sit still, she rubbed her legs together, but the friction wasn’t enough. She needed his fingers, his tongue. She needed Cody.

  As their vehicle ate up the road, traveling much faster than the posted limit, Misty’s passion built to a ravaging fire inside her. The tension became too much, demanded release.

  With a growl, she unbuckled her seatbelt and crawled over the middle console. She took Cody’s ear between her teeth and ran her hand down his torso, releasing buttons along the way until she reached between his legs and clutched the growing bulge there.

  His hands jerked on the wheel, causing them to swerve. Lucky for them, there was no oncoming traffic.

  “I’m not gonna make it. Pull over,” Misty whispered in his ear, squeezing his cock through his jeans.

  “Hold on. Just hold on.” The car picked up speed, ricocheting down the road. They turned down the first side street they came to. A dirt road leading God-only-knew-where. On these long rural highways, it was anyone’s guess. Rocks pounded on the windows as they shot forward.

  After what felt like eternity, Cody stopped the car and threw it into park, the main road barely visible from the back. His hands reached for her, ripping the collar of her shirt as he pulled down to free one breast. The cold from the air conditioning rushed over the bared flesh.

  She arched forward with a hiss as his fingers swept over her nipple. But she needed more. Her fingers searched the folds of his pants until she found what she’d been looking for. Forcing herself to be careful, she pulled the zipper down and reached between the parted fabric and through the slit in his boxers. The back of his head thumped against the rest as she pulled him out.

  “Move your seat back,” she commanded, grateful he didn’t question her in the haze of passion.

  All she thought about was getting him inside her. Of riding to release. After there was enough room, Misty crawled into his lap, her skirt flaring out around his hips. She rubbed against him, and moaned at the friction against her clit. Not even the seat belt latch digging into her knee would stop her from seeking her pleasure.

  Finally, she grabbed him and guided him inside her. Their groans tangled between them. She leaned in and bit his shoulder, as she thrust her hips, sliding up and down his length.

  Not bothering to start slowly, Misty threw herself into a frantic rhythm, biting harder on Cody’s shoulder as the pressure built below. His dark musky favor heightened her awareness of him. As did his hands digging into her flesh. She felt the sharp sting of his claws as they scratched her. The small pain mixed with her pleasure, ramping it up until it spilled over, throwing her into a powerful release.

  She cried out as it swept her away, her inner muscles clenching until with a grunted shout, he exploded inside her. Her writhing slowed to a gentle caress until finally, she collapsed against him. Opening her eyes, she saw the indent of her teeth on his shoulder and leaned in to place a butterfly kiss against it.

  “Well, haven’t done that since I was a teenager,” Cody muttered after a moment.

  Misty growled a warning and nipped the juncture of his neck.

  He laughed. “Now now, don’t get jealous. You know you’re the only one for me.”

  With a sigh, she snuggled against him, content to remain exactly as they were. After all, now that the trial was over and Misty was a free woman, remaining here, in Cody’s arms, sounded perfect. But even as the thought crossed her mind, the desire for something more than a hasty fuck in the front seat of the car assailed her. She wanted to feel his skin against hers, the hair on his chest tickling her nipples as she rubbed against him. Wanted to taste the erotic flavor of his manhood, and feel his tongue everywhere.

  She leaned up and looked into his eyes. “Take me home, my mate.”

  He raised his head and captured her lips in a heated kiss. “Not chief?” he joked after they finally broke apart.

  Misty had to think a minute to pick up the trail of their conversation. “You don’t like my mate?”

  “I do. I love being your mate. But I prefer being your commander in chief.” He wiggled his eyebrows as he said it.

  “Chief I can do. Commander?” She snorted, climbing back over the console into her seat. “Good luck with that.”

  He laughed as he righted his clothing, turned on the car, and pulled around. “Are you saying I don’t command your heart?” The smile on his face melted her.

  “You do,” she admitted breathlessly.

  He caught her hand and brought it to his lips. “Good. Because you command mine as well.”


  With a pop, the cork came out of the champagne bottle. Misty looked around blearily, still trying to dispel the passion Cody had stirred up moments before the group had shown up on their porch steps. No doubt the rumpled clothing when they’d gotten around to answering the door told everyone exactly what they’d interrupted. But at the moment, Misty couldn’t summon the energy to be embarrassed.

  “To a successful day,” Jason said, raising his glass in the air as his mate thrust one into Misty’s hands.

  She smiled at Samantha before drawing the bubbles into her mouth, savoring them, and swallowing. The taste lifted some of the haze from her mind.

  “Guys, this is too much,” she said, gazing at the champagne and cake they’d brought over.

  “Nonsense. Besides, I feel a bit guilty for getting you into this in the first place,” Julie said as she sat on the stool beside her on the kitchen island. Her mate, Brendan, growled in frustration across the room, but held his tongue. Judging by the glare he threw Julie’s way, Misty guessed they’d argued over her guilt.

  After the trial, Jason had stayed behind to help question the hybrid woman. They’d been forced to use drugs to discover the whole truth, but they’d gotten the story out of her, beginning with her brother and the reason she resented the foxes and wolves so much. Charged with conspiracy, attempting to overthrow the council, and the kidnapping plan she’d been a part of, she’d been sentenced to the same fate as her brother. She was probably sitting in a cell somewhere.

  But Misty didn’t have one thought to spare for Stella. She’d been given a second chance at life, and she wasn’t about to waste one moment on the woman or her brother. Time was too precious.

  “Don’t be silly. No one is to blame but her and her brother, and in the end, she paid for it. Now that our problems are finished, it’s time to get on living!” Misty declared. Raising her glass in the air, she toasted, “To solving problems.”

  “Not to rain on anyone’s parade, but we’re not problem-free quite yet. Apparently, the protests and riots in the area have drawn the attention of some government officials. The council believes an undercover agent has moved into the cabin off route 70. Since our two communities are the closest around, we’ve been asked to make sure they don’t discover something they shouldn’t.” Jason looked around the gathered group. “We need to figure out how
to approach this and find out what is known. And keep the wrong information from getting out.”

  “Well, that’s easy enough,” Misty said, drawing everyone’s attention. “There’s only one unmated woman here. Laurie will just have to seduce the agent.”

  “Oh, no…” Laurie began, but Jason cut her off.

  “The agent is a woman. Although she is young enough something like that might work.”

  No one spoke for a minute. The logical conclusion hit them all at the same time. As one, their eyes swung to Danny, Jason’s unmated brother and the only single man in the room. He swung his head around, taking in everyone’s stares directed at him.

  “Shit,” he said.

  About Sondrae Bennett

  I love romance. I love reading romance, living romance, but I especially love writing romance. There's no greater feeling than watching my characters come alive in each other's arms. Most of all, I love giving my characters the happily ever afters they deserve, with a little necessary drama first.

  Cody caught my attention from the very beginning–a fox Premier with a healthy dose of dominance, humor, and courtesy. I knew I had to find him a mate, and where better than hidden within his own skulk. Misty was more than willing to take him on. The two of them together were a blast to write, and I hope their story has touched your hearts as much as it has touched mine.

  When not writing, I can usually be found curled up on the couch with a good book, taking my dogs for walks or spending time with my family. I love to hear from readers. Please feel free to email me or drop by my website or blog to learn about upcoming releases. I can also be found on Facebook and Twitter.

  Sondrae’s Website:

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  About the Alpine Woods Shifters Series

  Book 1: Arctic Winds

  Available in ebook from Lyrical Press


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