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Johnny Dash and the Doral Flower (Johhny Dash Series Book 1)

Page 10

by Unknown

  As he saw that everyone was afraid, the Captain got on his feet and gave a speech that, with the passage of the years, would become legendary…

  Mini-Chapter 120

  “Brave friends, we have come very far, we have fought shoulder to shoulder, like true blood brothers. We have been through so many difficult things that, truly, it seems surreal to see you all together here, now. I know that a difficult day awaits tomorrow. And the truth is I don't know what will happen. I only have to say that I admire you and that, along this trip, I have learned a lot from you; but especially, I have learned that I am not as cold as I thought… now I know that I have a heart. I had to tell you that…”

  Many of the brave ones were crying of emotion, they never thought that Captain Ernest was capable of saying such beautiful words. Then, the old soldier said:

  “...Even though I was raised not to have any kind of emotions, I have to accept that I have not been able to avoid feeling a bit of that which you call love. Besides, I have realized that… just like any other living being… I am capable of crying too… As I do it now… And, after all the things we have been through together, I have found in you the children I never had… Therefore, I don't care about what happens tomorrow… I only know that I'll protect you with all the strength of my heart. I promise I will fight as I have never fought before. I don't know if I'll win or lose, but I'll give my best…”

  When they saw the Captain's tears, they promised that they would fight with the same honor. One by one, they came to him and hugged him as they never had before. The crew could not hide their fear; however, they knew they had to fight: it was the only way to get the Doral Flower, which would save their people.

  Mini-Chapter 121

  Later, Taylor got close to Johnny Dash and, with red eyes because of all the crying, she told him: “I don't want to lose you, my love…” The young brave man replied: “Little one… you will not lose me.” Taylor hugged him tight. “Promise me you will come out alive!” Johnny looked at the sky; then, he replied: “My love… the truth is that… I can’t promise you that. But I swear that I will protect you, even if I have to risk my own life… because you are the most important thing for me!” There were no more words, both teenagers kissed softly. While they were doing it, they wished the moment was eternal; nonetheless, it only lasted a few instants. Would he feel again the warmth of his beloved's lips? What would happen the next morning?

  Mini-Chapter 122

  The day in which they would find the Doral Flower had arrived, and so did the day they would have to face the most difficult battle of their lives. The members of the crew had set their fear aside and were more motivated than ever. Austin Jaguar was much better. He looked at them, with great solemnity, and said: “Are you ready?” Captain Ernest replied: “Never before in my life had I been more ready!” When it heard this, the Jaguar added: “Then, let's go. I'll take you to the place where the Doral Flower is.” The brave ones walked with firm steps. None of them had time to think about fear; they just knew that, in the end, after thirty-one days of journeying, they were so close to the flower they had been searching for. That motivated them. They walked for an hour, until they finally reached the place.

  Mini-Chapter 123

  It was the most beautiful place they had seen in their entire life. A river with crystalline waters extended timidly. It was surrounded by very tall trees, plants and fine vines that protected it from normal humans. The sun light, filtered through the small spaces that there were between the leaves, fell sweetly and gave it a fantastic look. Suddenly, Johnny Dash saw it: like the Jaguar had said, in the center, next to the roses and green carnations, there was a flower that stood out from the rest, for it shone like a million suns together. Beautiful as no other thing on the face of The Earth. The Doral Flower was there, tender and timid, perfect in all senses. It had delicate and fine shapes, which made it even more beautiful. “WE FINALLY FOUND IT!!!” Johnny exclaimed, without being able to hide the excitement he felt. After so many days of travelling, they finally contemplated the wonderful Doral Flower. However, something took the happiness from them and filled them with deep fear.

  Mini-Chapter 124

  “Well, well. But, what do we have here?” The crew members could not identify whence the voice came from; but suddenly, they saw how a panther, which had been camouflaged amidst the vegetation, walked slowly and stood before them. Her golden and deep eyes contrasted with her ebony fur. She was cold and distant, like the night. Then, the predator said: “For what I can see, I'll have a splendid breakfast!” Nonetheless, the crew was not intimidated.

  The Jaguar roared: “Not so fast, Misery! I am with them!” “Ah, yes, my old friend, the weak and useless Jaguar Austin. So long ago I do not see you! You perfectly know that I am so much stronger than you will never be. Are you tired of your monotonous existence?” The Jaguar replied: “No! I know my limitations very well, but I assure you I will not fall so easily. I'll fight till the end!” The Panther added: “Well, I see you really wish for me to end you, but first, let me ask you something, out or certain curiosity. Why do you do it? What are you looking for?” Austin Jaguar replied: “I want the Doral Flower.” The Panther laughed; then, she said: “You are a complete idiot! Why have you come with all these inferior mammals?” “They are a lot stronger than they seem to be! They need the Flower to save their people. Besides, they saved my life.” “I see… then, I will have to end all of you. You have come in the best time, since I was bored and needed to hunt something to have some fun.” Captain Ernest shouted: “YOU ARE A MONSTER!” Misery Panther replied: “Insolent mutant! I'll eat you first, you old dwarf.” However, the Panther had not realized that Johnny Dash had been putting in motion a secret plan he had devised the previous night, before going to sleep.

  Mini-Chapter 125

  The warriors shouted: “We will fight too!” The Panther laughed again: “Do you know how funny you are? Idiotic freaks! Do you really think you can defeat me?” Even with old Austin you are only four, you have no chance. Let me see what else you got…” Misery examined the whole crew, then, laughed louder than ever: “Really? Is this your pathetic team? It's obvious they are very weak; what's more, it seems they have never fought before. Do you really think you can defeat me with them? You have lost your mind, Austin. They are only nine small humans and you!” When he heard this, Captain Ernest felt satisfaction. The Panther had not realized that, while she had been mocking them, the soldier had put the plan in motion.

  Mini-Chapter 126

  Johnny Dash kept advancing secretly, camouflaging below the dry leaves until he reached the Doral Flower. He had taken it out with great care and stored it in the left pocket of his suit, under the broidered “Homeland.” The plan had been perfectly executed! However, just right after saving the Flower, Johnny Dash stumbled with a stone and made a noise. The Panther turned around and, when she realized their strategy, she shouted: “NO!!! There was another one. You bastards! NO ONE MAKES FUN OF ME!” Captain Ernest shouted: “RUN, JOHNNY!” The Panther jumped and attacked the young man, but it was too late.

  Mini-Chapter 127

  Johnny Dash had managed to pass between Misery's legs, using his incredible speed, and was running with all his strength. When she saw this, the cruel feline tried to follow him, but the Jaguar took a defensive stance, showing its claws and fangs, ready to attack. The warriors drew their swords and Captain Ernest unsheathed his legendary katana, while saying: “YOU WILL HAVE TO FIGHT US FIRST!” When she saw they had weapons, the Panther limited herself to contemplate how Johnny got away with the treasure. The feline roared with all the fury in her heart. “I swear you will pay for this! I will have no mercy on any of you!” Meanwhile, the young man, who was still running, set the second part of the plan in motion.

  Mini-Chapter 128

  Johnny Dash advanced, along Taylor, Jeff, Leonardo, Edison and the physicians to the outskirts of that magnificent place. There were ten macaws, to whom Austin Jaguar had requested hel
p the previous night. When the members of the crew arrived to where they were, the young man said: “Let's go, friends! Get on! The macaws will take you to Happy Town.” Johnny looked at his beloved Taylor and said: “Can you locate Happy Town?” The Tech quickly checked her Fire and replied: “Yes, I already have the exact location.” When he heard this, Johnny Dash took the new Doral Flower from his chest pocket and gave it to his beloved: “Take great care of it, my love!” “How? Where are you going?” She asked him while receiving the valuable flower and putting it in her backpack. The young man replied: “I will not let the Captain and the warriors fight by themselves! I have to help them… it is my duty!” “Don't go, Johnny!” When he saw she was crying and held onto him with affection, he kissed her and told her: “I love you! No matter what happens… I'll never stop loving you. Understood?” With great softness, he separated Taylor's arms, which held onto him with despair, and ran, decided to fight. Meanwhile, the other crew members realized that they could not help at all and, as the Captain had told them the night before, they got on the macaws and got ready to go back to Happy Town. However, they felt sad for leaving the brave ones by themselves. But it was the most reasonable thing they could do. How could Captain Ernest and the warriors be?

  Mini-Chapter 129

  Johnny Dash arrived and realized that the fight had not yet started. The enemies were looking at each other, exchanging insults, but no one had dared to throw the first punch. He did not understand what the Panther was doing; after all, she was stronger than everyone else. He was surprised to see her so calm, and he was greatly surprised when she talked to the young brave one and told him:

  “I was waiting for you, insect! Did you think you could make fun of me so easily? I will terminate you with much more cruelty than this four dimwits. I'll enjoy myself enormously eating you! You will pay your boldness dearly!” However, Captain Ernest, Austin Jaguar and warriors Rock and The Olympic Warrior were not willing to allow the Panther to accomplish her objective. When he arrived to the Captain's side, Johnny Dash told him: “Here I am, Captain! It all came out as we expected it!” The old soldier replied: “Don't call me Captain, Johnny… After the incredible feat you performed, we are at the same level. What's more, you are much more valuable and admirable than I am… and you have your whole life ahead of you. I am proud of you! Thanks for everything, son! Promise me you will take the Doral Flower to our village!” As Johnny Dash could not understand why Captain Ernest was behaving so emotionally, he only replied: “I promise, my Captain...! Or better put… I promise, Ernest!” Then, with tears in his eyes, the Captain told him: “Promise me you will replant the Doral Flower and that you will save Happy Town as I would have done it. It is the only thing I ask from you…!” Johnny still did not understand the Captain's emotionalism; after all, he was doing what had been arranged the previous night. Then, Captain Ernest shed a lot of tears and said: “And, especially, forgive me for this, son…” The young man was visibly surprised when he heard this last comment; however, something interrupted his surprise.

  Mini-Chapter 130

  Rock hit him in the back of the head and Johnny Dash was unconscious. Then, with Olympus's help, they carried him. “It all came out as planned, Ernest! But, are you sure about this?” The Captain replied with unmatched militarism: “I had never been more certain about a decision in my whole life! Now, take him to the others. Take care of it, my friends… Take care of my beloved Happy Town too, since I don't think I'll see it again… How much would I have liked that…! I only ask for you to keep defending it as you always have, friends.” For the first time in their lives, thick tears rolled down the warriors’ hard and insensitive cheeks. “If this is what you want… we will do it, Ernest! Thanks for all… friend! I am sorry if we break our military code… but we can't help but cry… all of this is so sad!” The warriors hugged him as if they had never hugged someone in their whole lives and, for a few seconds, they felt the warmth of the old soldier's brave heart. Then, Captain Ernest said, with the solemn tone which characterized him: “It has been an honor to fight at your side!” And performed a military salute. The warriors replied: “The honor has been ours!” “See you later, Ernest!” “See you later, friends!” The Captain drew a huge smile, which was different to the few ones he had drew in his life. Not only was it an authentic smile, it was warm and beautiful. Nonetheless, something interrupted him.

  Mini-Chapter 131

  “Wow, so emotional! The old man has decided to sacrifice himself!” Then, Misery Panther looked at the warriors and told them: “And you call yourselves warriors? Leave this place, run away like the cowards you are!” When they heard this, Rock and Olympus wanted to fight, but Captain Ernest made a gesture and they understood. Then, they started to run with big care, because they were carrying Johnny Dash. After a moment, they arrived where the others were. “Is he hurt?” Taylor asked very worried. Rock replied: “It's nothing serious, he's just unconscious. I hit him softly… it was the only way. He is very stubborn… He would have never let the Captain fight on his own.” Taylor said: “But, what will happen to the Captain? We can't leave him alone! It is unfair!” This time, Olympus replied: “We are only doing what he asked us to do! We are only fulfilling his will!” After seeing they were all there, the warriors gave the order and the macaws departed in direction to Happy Town. They were all happy because they had found the Doral Flower, which they had been searching for so long. However, their sadness was greater, because now there were only nine crew members coming back, they had left their beloved Captain Ernest fighting by himself. The only thing that comforted them was that they were fulfilling the old soldier's will.

  Mini-Chapter 132

  “Now we are ready to fight! We don't have to worry about anything!” Said Captain Ernest. Austin Jaguar prepared himself as well. The latter knew it had no chance of winning, but he was motivated by the great bravery attitude that the old soldier showed. Nevertheless, the Panther exclaimed: “Wow, it would seem you think you are very strong. You are nothing more than a foolish patriot. And a lot more naive than I had thought. Your plan has failed! Before I finish you, I'll tell you why…” Even though, in the beginning, the Captain did not want to accept it, what the Panther had said was true. Their plan, apparently perfect, had one error, only one, but an enormous one.

  Mini-Chapter 133

  The Panther continued: “That little coward left this.” Misery picked Freeman Wise's map with great care so as not to break it. Then, she added: “Now I know how to locate you! After I finish with you two, I'll visit your village, I'll destroy everything and, since you have humiliated me, I'll eat all your friends and relatives. Besides, I'll recover the Doral Flower and bring it back. After all, you have earned it, meaningless mutant!”

  Before he could avoid it, the Panther got lost in the depths of the vegetation and hid the map in a place only she knew. Captain Ernest felt disappointed. “So much effort for nothing! —he thought— if we don't manage to defeat this monster, there won't be safety for anyone in Happy Town.” Then, he looked at the Panther, prepared his katana and told her: “I promise you I will not let you fulfill your cruel intentions! AND I ALWAYS KEEP MY PROMISES!” Encourage by his willingness to fight, he felt how his special skills appeared again. He felt he had that superhuman strength and incredible reflexes again. Only then did he realize that his powers only emerged when he was in a critical situation. However, he did not know if they were enough to defeat such a powerful opponent. At least, the fight was going to be more leveled and, probably, the most incredible battle he had had in his long life. Then, the Captain looked at his partner and shouted: “Now, Austin!” Once he had said this, they both ran towards the encounter with Misery Panther. She, on her part, ran at full speed. A second before clashing with her, Captain Ernest thought about Happy Town and Johnny Dash. Would he manage to reach his beloved town or would he be too late?

  Mini-Chapter 134

  During the two days that it took to return to their beloved Happ
y Town, Johnny only cried. He could not believe they had left Captain Ernest fighting on his own. He looked at the stars with great and inconsolable sorrow. He reflected for a long time about the absurdity of wars and fights; because, after all, they only caused pain. Despite all this, he felt big admiration for that great soldier. He felt proud for having met him and having fought by his side. Even if he wanted to avoid it, he could not stop thinking of him. What could have happened to his beloved Captain? Had he managed to win or had he lost? Would he ever see him again?

  Mini-Chapter 135

  When he finally arrived, Johnny Dash could not recognize his beloved Happy Town: there was smoke everywhere; the houses were gray and empty. There was no trace of plants and everything was cold and lonely. He thought he was mistaken, that there must have been an error. He thought they might be visiting the City of Normal Humans, but they were not. It was Happy Town, his Homeland. Only that it was completely desolated and polluted. The macaws barely managed to land, since the smog covered everything. Then, they kindly bid farewell. Even though they were exhausted, the brave ones ran to the central square of Happy Town. They knew that there was not a lot of time left, each second counted. Once they arrived there, they were surprised to find most of the citizens there. They had been waiting for them. “You have returned!” Many of them exclaimed. “You have made it! We are saved!” When he saw his parents, Johnny ran as if he was a child again and hugged them as tight as never before. “You're back, son!!!” “I promised… I'd come back… I love you.” They replied: “We thought we would never see you again! Never distance yourself from us!” Johnny Dash replied: “Here I am, dad, mom, I never stopped thinking about you for a second.”


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