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Schooled in Love

Page 32

by Emma Nichols

  Over the next five frames, the same thing happened.

  I got gutter balls, and Vic got strikes.

  “So,” I said wryly, turning to him after his sixth strike in a row. “I’m guessing you were lying about the whole not really being good thing.”

  Vic chuckled and replied, “I thought about throwing the games, but I have too much respect for you to cheat like that.”

  I rolled my eyes.

  “Want me to give you a few pointers?” he asked, his tone all innocent, but the way his eyes tracked up and down my body, before landing on my face, was anything but.

  “Sure,” I said, the word coming out a bit breathless.

  I felt him come up behind me as I stood behind the arrows on the floor. The heat from his front hit my back, and a shudder ran through me as he skimmed his fingers down the back of my arm and over my elbow, until he was cupping the hand that held the ball.

  His breath was hot against my ear as he said softly, “It’s all in the wrist. Step forward.”

  I took a couple steps, with him mimicking my movements, until we were at the line, then he guided my arm back with his, keeping my wrist straight as we swung back toward the pins.

  “Keep your wrist straight and follow the arrows with your eyes, then release once the ball lines up just to the right of the center pin.”

  My breathing was shallow from his touch, and I was hyperaware of everywhere our bodies met. I knew I was supposed to be paying attention, but all I could think about was kissing Vic.

  I released the ball and it dropped with a loud thud.

  Not caring in the least, I spun on my heel. Vic was so close that the movement had my breasts brushing against his stomach, as my arms went up around his neck and I pulled him down to me.

  His lips met mine with a groan and his hands went right to my ass, squeezing the flesh with his fingers and urging me closer.

  I felt the length of his desire growing as the kiss deepened, and that’s when the cheering began.

  After a few seconds, the sound registered, and I pulled away from Vic with a blush.

  Vic lifted a hand and gave a slight nod at the other bowlers, who were cheering, whistling, and catcalling.

  “Let’s get out of here,” Vic said, and I nodded in agreement.


  My back hit the elevator wall as soon as the doors closed. Vic’s lips were on mine and his hands were … everywhere.

  “I want to feel you,” he said against my mouth and I wriggled against him in response.

  I heard the ding, and as the doors opened on my floor, I pushed him back, back, back, until we were off, then I shoved him against the wall.

  My hands reached the hem of his shirt, and snuck under. When my fingers hit flesh, I moaned and flattened my palm against his hard abs.

  Vic began to shuffle us down the hall toward my room, never disentangling from me, until we made it. He reached into the pocket of my shorts, taking out my keycard and sliding it in the slot without looking.

  I would have been impressed, but I was too busy trying not to trip as he shoved me inside and I pulled the fabric of his shirt as I tried to lift it up.

  He broke away long enough to fling the tee over his head, then he gave mine the same treatment. His gaze was hot as he took in the overabundance of cleavage spilling out of my bra, so I decided to give him the whole enchilada and quickly unhooked my bra. I let it hang there, unfastened but still covering my breasts, then slowly eased it off as Vic watched hungrily.

  When the lace fabric finally fell to the floor, he let out a little groan then bent and pulled one large, taut nipple into his mouth.

  “Vic,” I moaned, gripping his dark hair in my fist as I urged him closer.

  He worshiped one nipple, then the other, until I was so wet and ready for him I was practically vibrating.

  Needing to get more involved, my hands went to his fly and shakily unbuttoned his jeans, then let down the zipper, before reaching inside for what I really wanted.

  “Fuck, Molly,” Vic bit out when I wrapped my hand around his straining cock.

  I wasn’t happy that he was no longer teasing my nipples, but I was excited about where this was going. Specifically… “Bed,” I ordered, pushing, shoving, basically manhandling Vic until we were next to the bed.

  I let him go to take off the rest of my clothes, pausing long enough to worry that there was too much light in the room and he’d be able to see I had stretchmarks, which would cause some doubt, since I’d said I had no kids. Luckily, he was too into what we were doing to realize, or maybe he just didn’t care, because before I could think too hard on it, he was naked too and we were laying back on the bed.

  When my back hit the comforter, I scooted back until my head was on the pillow, and Vic followed suit, covering the length of my body with his. I opened my legs, eager and ready for him to have his way with me, but rather than thrust inside, Vic settled between my legs, propped himself up on his forearms, and dipped his head low to kiss me.

  He made love to my mouth, taking his time, his lips full and soft.

  Then, he started to move, rocking his heavy cock against my clit as he brought one hand up to palm my breast. I tilted my hips up to meet his thrusts and moved my hands around his back to feel the muscles bunched under his skin.

  I felt hot, lightheaded, and a little mindless, caught up in the moment. In Vic.

  “You feel amazing,” he said against my lips, before trailing kisses down my neck.

  Vic paused there, then licked the base of my throat before biting and sucking that tender spot.

  I felt my orgasm blooming as he nipped, thrust, and caressed me.

  “Oh God,” I managed, turning my head to the side and closing my eyes as I started to peak.

  I was coming down when I heard the sound of a condom wrapper being opened, and quickly opened my eyes so I could see Vic sheathing himself.

  His breath was rough as he lined the head of his cock with my entrance. I opened wider, eager to have him inside of me, to feel that connection. My breath caught as he began to enter me slowly, and I tilted my hips up to accommodate him.

  With his eyes locked on mine, Vic thrust in deeply, until he was fully seated, then, finally, he began to move.

  He was the sexiest man I’d ever seen. My gaze roamed, eager to take in every aspect of this moment to savor later, when I was once again alone.

  No, don’t think about that…

  Vic changed position, lowering so he could brush his lips against mine, which meant my clit was getting more attention with every movement.

  Before I knew it, pleasure was rising again. I wrapped my legs around his waist and used every muscle I had to keep my body in place, not wanting to lose the orgasm that was about to rock my world.

  Vic’s hand sought mine and held on as we both found our release.

  Chest heaving, I let my limbs fall back to the bed as I struggled to regain my breath. I felt fantastic. Thoroughly used, with sleepiness edging in, and I turned to look at Vic with a smile as he flopped onto the bed next to me.

  His eyes were heavy, but he looked utterly satisfied as his gaze caught mine.

  “Come here,” Vic whispered, reaching his hand out and helping me scoot toward him, then he stopped my progression when he said, “Oh, wait.”

  He jumped up, ran to the bathroom, and came right back and resumed his position.

  I moved until my head was on his chest and we were snuggled up next to each other.

  Vic’s hand caressed my back, while I did the same to his chest. Neither of us spoke, but I knew we were both enjoying the moment.

  I started to drift off to sleep when I was hit with a panicked realization.

  Tomorrow was Sunday. The end of the reunion and the day I went back home. Back to reality. Back to Applebee’s, single parenting, and an ex who was starting a new life. What I wouldn’t have anymore, was Vic.

  And, as I fell asleep, I knew I didn’t want things to end. What I didn’t know was h
ow I could come clean, and still be able to keep him.


  We woke up in the middle of the night and made love again. This time, it was slow, sensual … sleepy.

  The next time my eyes fluttered open the room was bright with sunlight, and my stomach was once again growling.

  Why does it seem like all I do is eat? I wondered, then I remembered last night and turned on my side to look at the gorgeous man sleeping next to me.

  What if I just told him that I’d come up with the lie about myself to give myself more confidence. To give myself permission to have fun while I was away? Would he still be really angry that I’d lied? After all, I didn’t lie about anything that important … well, other than the not having kids part. That one was pretty bad.

  I bit back a sigh, not wanting to wake him, then shook my head.

  It’s not like anything would come of it anyway, Molly. You live in Phoenix, and he lives in Seattle. He works undercover and saves lives, and you manage an Applebee’s.

  No, it was best to leave things as they were and say goodbye after brunch as planned.

  Why did that thought make me so sad?

  I reluctantly got up and went to the bathroom. After I’d showered, brushed my teeth, and came back out in a robe to grab clothes, Vic was sitting at the table, watching me with those smoldering eyes, a fresh pot of coffee in front of him on the table.

  “Oh, you ordered room service?” I asked, my tone conveying how grateful I was.

  I crossed to him, dropped a kiss on his cheek, then greedily filled my cup.

  “You’re the best,” I cooed after taking the first, life-affirming sip.

  Vic chuckled.

  “After breakfast yesterday, I figured you needed coffee to get your day started.”

  Gah, he’s so observant. So, Sweet. Couldn’t I keep him?

  “You are correct,” I replied with a happy smile. I reached out and lifted the silver dome on the table, “What’s this?”

  “Well, I know we’re going to brunch, but since that isn’t until eleven, I thought we might need a little something to tide us over.”

  I scoffed at that when I revealed a tray full of eclairs, danishes, donuts, and muffins under the dome.

  “A little something?”

  Vic shrugged. “We worked up an appetite.”

  I smiled shyly at him, and when he winked, I giggled.

  We were disgusting.

  “Seriously, you thought of everything. I was in there showering and only worrying about myself, while you were out here seeing to our needs. How can I even the score?” I asked, my grin turning naughty.

  “You can have your breakfast from my lap,” Vic suggested, and by the tone of his voice, I knew he was joking.

  His eyes widened as I stood, grabbed my coffee cup, and rounded the table to sit on his lap.

  I snuggled back, loving how strong he was all wrapped around me. And, that’s how we ate breakfast. Me on Vic’s lap, grabbing delicious pastries off the table and breaking them into pieces as I gave some to him, and some to myself.

  It was a lovely moment, one I could tell we were both reluctant to leave.

  “Are you sure you want to go to brunch?” Vic asked, hugging me to him.

  I chuckled.

  “I think I should actually go to one event where I talk to people at this reunion.”

  “I’d rather we hid in here until it was time to go to the airport,” Vic admitted softly.

  I turned my head to look at him.

  “Me too,” I whispered, but I fought the urge, knowing it would only make leaving harder, and slapped him on the arm as I said, “But, we’re going.”

  Vic mock groaned, but I thought I saw real regret cross his features, before he nodded.

  “Okay. I’m going to head to my room and pack up. We have to check out and load up the cars before brunch, so I’d better get a move on.”

  I sighed as he kissed my forehead then turned to leave.

  I wanted to tell him to stop, to stay in the cocoon of this room permanently, and not let the real world in, but I didn’t. I let him go, then started packing myself.

  An hour later, I was all checked out, my rental was loaded up, and I was following Vic’s rental car to Café Willow Bay, where the reunion brunch was being held.

  As I got out of the car, a wave of nerves hit me. I didn’t know if it was because I was about to go in and see the bulk of the class of two thousand eight for the first time this weekend, or because it was the last thing Vic and I were going to do together before going our separate ways.

  “You okay?” Vic asked as he came up next to me.

  “Yeah, I’m good,” I lied.

  I was getting really good at this lying thing. I hoped I’d be able to stop once I got home.

  He put his hand on my lower back and led me to the restaurant, holding the door open so I could enter in front of him.

  God, I was going to miss his gentlemanly ways…

  Shake it off, Molly, I ordered myself. You did this to yourself.

  “It looks like they’re back here,” Vic was saying, and we started toward what I assumed was the party room.

  “Hey, where you been all weekend?” a man with blonde hair said to Vic, stopping us before we could reach the room.

  “Here and there,” Vic said lightly, trying to get around him.

  “I saw you Friday night, then … poof. I thought we were going to kick it old school at the dance last night,” the man complained, his voice a little louder than necessary.

  He was waving what looked like a Bloody Mary around, and I wondered how long he’d been partying. Maybe he’d never stopped.

  “Yeah, we got caught up,” Vic replied, taking my hand in his and trying to bypass the exuberant reunion goer.

  It took me a second, but then I snapped my fingers and said, “Hey, you’re Grady, right? Grady Cox?”

  “That’s right,” Grady said, his eyes narrowing. “Who’re you?”

  “I’m Molly, Molly Murphy, we had math together freshman year.”

  “Oh, yeah, hey, we were all in that class together, remember, Teddy?” he asked, and I looked around to see who he was talking to.

  That’s when I realized, he was looking at Vic.


  “Teddy?” I asked, utterly confused.

  Then I looked, really looked, at Vic. Those eyes, that hair, and tried to imagine a younger, gangly freshman who hadn’t yet filled out into a man.

  “Oh. My. God …. Teddy Manning?” I asked, my hand coming up to cover my mouth as I looked at Vic in shock. “You tutored me in that math class the second half of the semester.”

  “How you guys doing?” Grady asked, oblivious to the bomb he’d just dropped.

  “Can we go outside?” Vic asked.

  He took my hand and started pulling me away from Grady, who shrugged and left us to go to the back room with everyone else.

  “I can’t believe it,” I said, my mind still blown from the revelation. “You remembered me … on Friday night, you called me by name … Why did you say your name is Vic?”

  Vic waited until we were out on the sidewalk in front of the restaurant, then he took my hands and looked earnestly at me.

  “My name is Theodore Victor Manning,” he explained. “In high school, everyone called me Teddy. I hated it. So, when I went to college, I started going by Vic, and that’s what I’ve been called ever since. Except when I’m back here.”

  I nodded, then scrunched up my face and asked, “But, why didn’t you clarify who you were? Were you trying to keep it a secret?”

  Vic ran a hand over his face and sighed.

  “I liked you … freshman year. I spent the entire time we spent studying trying to work up the nerve to ask you out, but I never did. Then, when we came back sophomore year, you were gone. When I saw your name on the RSVP list, I couldn’t believe you were going to be here, and, it’s stupid, but I thought if you knew who I was, you wouldn’t give me the time of day. So, I devis
ed this plan and have been less than honest with you.”

  “Less than honest? Is that a fancy way of saying you lied?” I asked, my mind still whirling.

  Vic chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the side, and in that moment, I wondered how the hell I hadn’t seen that he was Teddy.

  I guess we only see what we want to see…

  “Yes, that’s what I’m saying,” Vic admitted, then took another deep breath and cleared his throat, before finally saying, “I’m not in the FBI, undercover or otherwise … and, I don’t live in Seattle.”

  “You’re not? You don’t?” I asked, my heart beginning to thump as I realized what had happened. It was almost too unbelievable. “What’s your real story?”

  He held out his hand.

  “Hi, it’s me, Teddy Manning. I go by Vic now. I’m a divorced accountant who lives in Las Vegas. I had a crush on you in high school and came to this reunion specifically to see you.”

  “Wow,” I breathed, and then … I started laughing.

  Big, loud, belly laughter. The kind that hurts your sides and makes tears fall out of the corner of your eyes.

  “Molly?” Vic asked, bending down to look closely at me. “Are you okay?”

  He probably thought I’d lost it. Or worse, that I was laughing at his declaration, but I couldn’t seem to stop.

  I tried to stop laughing and catch my breath. It took a while, but eventually I was able to stand back up, clutching my sides, as the last chuckle escaped my lips.

  “Oh, man, sorry,” I panted, then looked into his face.

  Vic was standing still, clutching his hands and looking guarded.

  I held out my hand.

  He looked down at it, then back at me, before placing his hand in mine.

  “Hi, I’m Molly Murphy. We were in freshman math together, and in the summer before our sophomore year, my family moved to Phoenix. I’ve been there ever since. I’m a divorced mother of two, and I manage an Applebee’s.”

  Now it was Vic’s turn to look shocked, then his face split into a wide grin.

  “It’s nice to see you again, Molly,” Vic said, shaking my hand.


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