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His By Sunrise: A Military Erotic Romance (Sexy Siesta Series Book 1)

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by Talina Perkins

  Ahì ahì ahì! She’d really stepped in the frijoles this time.

  Worry formed in the pit of her stomach. What if she couldn’t go through with it? Walking away from Blake almost seemed cruel at a time like this.

  Her mama would cross herself and tell her El Diablo was alive and well in Isabella’s blood for this. She didn’t know about any devil in her blood, but her gut definitely told her something was wrong.

  She hadn’t planned it to work out this way, but it was too late to back out now. Or was it? She hadn’t turned in her resignation yet or sent in her job acceptance letter to the other company.

  Frustrated, she abandoned her search for her facial powder and tossed her purse in the seat with a heavy sigh. Why the hell did he want to see her now anyway? Shouldn’t he wait a few days before tackling the workload his father had left behind? Pure Blake style, he would probably want to charge head-on. Only he didn’t realize he’d picked the day she’d sealed both their fates with a pen stroke.

  Not even an hour had passed since his number flashed across her screen, taunting her to pick up. She’d been tempted to let voice mail take it, but something had her finger reaching out to press that little green button. Now here she was parked in front of his house in the backwoods of Texas.

  It had been a while since she’d been here. With Blake gone she hadn’t needed another reason to stay away from all the shared memories the place held...

  No need to rehash the past. She would steel herself, get the job done, and then….Then she’d deal with the fallout when she was alone like she always did.

  Isabella clenched her fingers around the wheel, her gaze locked on the front door. Second thoughts plagued her. Did he sense something was up? It wasn’t pure luck that kept him alive out on the battlefield.

  Big mistake, Bella. This had to make her the biggest push over this side of the Mississippi. She knew better than to answer his damn call.

  She moved her fingers to the keys still hanging in the ignition, ready to gun the Mustang’s motor and put some much-needed distance between her and the sexy not-good-for-her Marine with a single good-bye text to his cell. Fingers posed, a movement caught her attention from within the house.

  Too late.

  No mistaking the six-feet-four-inch silhouette of badass Marine as he moved stealthily through the front parlor. Even in the low light, she could make out the line of his strong jaw, thick shoulders, and well-defined arms. A shiver trickled down her spine. The man oozed sex appeal from a mile away.

  She knew her limits, and one look into those hazel eyes rimmed with a dreamy set of lashes would spell her doom.

  She knotted a lock of hair as she watched the shadow disappear from the window. With a single shared look, any hopes of a fresh start away from here would go up in flames. Those smoldering looks he had a habit of throwing her way, coupled with the low-slung jeans he favored, did things to her. Things that would have her in his bed with one come-hither crook of his finger.

  Like a traitor intent on torment, her mind called up the sound of his baritone voice that still carried a hint of his country roots even after years away.

  As much as she tried to fight it, that deep pitch washed over her, stroking every feminine part she had. Warmth shot through her, seeking out her most sensitive areas. Desire flooded her mind, her body responded. With every sinful thought, her core quaked with need, causing her nipples to pebble against the soft silk of her bra. The sudden assault on her senses pushed a whimper past her lips.

  She clamped her teeth and tightened her grip on the wheel. She had it bad.

  Whoa...slow it down, niña.

  Desperate for control, Bella threw the brakes on her rampant libido, but her breath still rattled fast in her chest. As she stole a glimpse of herself in the side mirror, shafts of moonlight broke through the surrounding trees to highlight her wild, lust-filled eyes.

  For the hundredth time she wished it was Blake putting that look in her eyes and not her wild imagination.

  Despite the December night, her hands sweated. She released the wheel to rub her palms against her denim-clad thighs. The motion helped calm her nerves, pulling her thoughts out of bed with Blake and on to what she had to do.

  Ambushed by her emotions, Isabella flung open the car door. Winter rushed her, and she welcomed the cold embrace.

  Later, when this meeting was over, she could go home and fall into her fantasies where she dreamed of being Blake’s. But right now, she needed to shove those desires back into the closet before anyone got hurt.

  If her brother could see her now he’d tell her in his none-too-hurried drawl that she needed to shut that shit down. He’d already made damn sure she understood Blake was the type of man who couldn’t have just one woman. The echo of his harsh words cut deep, resounding with a final warning of forbiddance. Guess big brothers didn’t know everything, after all. Because the minute he’d said she couldn’t, it was all she dreamed about.

  Then Adrian died. Just like that her life—their life together as a family—changed. Before she could shove the pain back completely, a single fat tear escaped.

  She brushed it off. No tears here, Bella.

  She clamped down on the water works threatening to burst open, desperate to get a grip on her emotions before they suffocated her.

  Anxious to get the meeting over with, Isabella rocked back on her heels and took a second to clear her mind. Though the night sky was clear, their local weatherman reported a big snowstorm to hit sometime late tonight. She had no desire to be holed up with a man she couldn’t have, but if it came down to it, was she prepared? Could she weather such a powerful storm and come out on the other side with her heart intact?

  Besides the pale moonbeams, the only other light came from the small, golden glow of the porch light over the front entrance.

  She forced back the tension in her muscles enough to pull in a deep breath. With no one around for miles to help keep her libido from commandeering her actions, she steeled what little nerves she had left and reined in her fantasies of wild snowstorm sex. She was here to do a job, she reminded herself.

  Snowstorm or not, she bet the hot Marine would make her sizzle.

  Bad, Isabella. Focus.

  If only there was some other way out of this without hurting Blake, but that time had come for her to make a decision. Either stay and lust for a man that didn’t love her or move on and try to rebuild her life.

  One thing was for certain, no matter how much she craved his touch she knew that wasn’t going to happen.

  Since she only had control over her actions, Isabella refused to stick around for more heartache.

  The fact she was going to break his heart and trust in about seven and a half hours worked like a bucket of ice-cold water. As if to emphasize this, a big gust of wind rushed through the surrounding trees.

  “Holy mother of God!” Shivers racked her body. Her teeth knocked, and she was sure her lips would be blue if she didn’t get inside soon.

  Her mind set, she opened the back door and grabbed for her briefcase. She needed her copies of the contracts Blake requested if she was going to help him with this one last task. No matter what, come tomorrow, the whole enchilada would hit the fan and she doubted he’d want to be in the same room with her, let alone go over contracts.

  She waved her hand around in the area she always placed her satchel but came up empty-handed.


  How could she have forgotten the one thing she needed to bring? Easy enough considering the man consuming her every thought.

  With a deep sigh a sinking feeling formed in the pit of her stomach. She flicked on the backseat light, desperate for a better look.


  “Ah por dios! Que más!” Fear brought out her native language with a vengeance. The briefcase in question held more than just the contracts. She’d also placed her newly-minted resignation alongside a letter from Black Oak’s rival, accepting her new job.

  Then it hit her. She�
��d left it at the office. This night had just gone from bad to worse with a second helping of fuck me sideways.

  She swallowed once. Twice.

  But couldn’t get past the fear lodged deep in her throat. She clenched and unclenched her fingers.

  Breathe, Isabella.

  Just because she’d left the briefcase didn’t mean he’d gone digging in it the minute she’d walked out the door. Never assume, right?

  Nothing left to do now but march in there and hope like…

  She stepped toward the house then quickly turned back to her car, her bravado taking a huge nose dive. Nice, chica. Real nice.

  “Thought maybe you were going to leave before coming in.”

  Isabella whirled and came nose-to-chest with a wall of well-defined USA grade-A Marine muscle wrapped in a tight navy blue T-shirt . She could bounce a quarter off those pecs they were so hard. A strong scent of soap mixed with a hint of whiskey filled her nostrils.

  Blake. All one-hundred percent melt-your-panties male.

  “Plan on coming with me tonight or did you want to sit out in the cold?”

  Her gaze shot up and locked on his. She was about to tell him hell yeah, she wanted to come with him tonight, but she clamped her mouth shut at the last second. It seemed Blake read her mind because a wicked glint flashed across his eyes. Arrogance sent him back on his heels, arms crossed, the bait hanging between them like the trap it was.

  “Inside, I mean.” His eyes alight with mischief.

  So he thought she wouldn’t bite? Well, he’d better get ready to dance.

  Isabella lightly rested her hand on his forearm and followed his lead into the two-step he’d started.

  “I’d come with you, amor,” she pulled her hand back from his arm, cupping the fullness of her breasts before continuing, “But you couldn’t handle what all this needs from a man.”

  Before she could step out of his reach, Blake had her pinned against her car. Cold from the metal at her back seeped through her thin sweater in contrast to the wall of fire at her front. From chest to hip he pinned her body, his mouth poised a whisper away from her all-too-ready lips.

  “You’re playing with a fire you can’t control, Bella. Careful how you handle it. I’d hate for you to get burned, baby.” Cold weather forgotten, his breathy words sent another kind of shiver through all five-feet-four inches of her body.

  Que fuego! He could scorch, burn, set her ablaze, and she’d take it all if it meant he was finally ready to reach out and take her for his own.

  In a low voice, she taunted back. “Big words for a man afraid to touch.”

  She stepped out of his reach but caught the flash of anger her words caused. Or was that pain she saw in his eyes? In the low light she couldn’t tell, but she knew well enough what his silence meant.

  She turned to apologize. Before she uttered a syllable though, he brought down a wall, effectively closing her out. Arms crossed and jaw set, Blake stood there, his stance no longer filled with challenge.

  Isabella hated when he did that to her. Shut her out completely when she hit a little too close to home. Must be nice to have the ability to shut down the way he did.

  When her brother died, she’d wished long and hard for the ability to block out all the pain. Maybe things would be different for her now somehow.

  Yeah right. Ignoring her heart only got her so far, that much she knew.

  As for Blake, no doubt in her mind his ability to switch his emotions on and off had saved him countless times while out on a tour of duty with his Recon unit. Here in her world, it just infuriated her. Right now she didn’t care if her words sliced to the core. He wasn’t the only one hurt by the death of loved ones. About damn time he realized it.

  Words meant to slip the knife a notch deeper poised on the tip of her tongue. Before she’d uttered a syllable, he stepped closer, placed his hands low on her hips, and hoisted her up to sit on the trunk. He positioned himself squarely between her legs. In one pull, he had their bodies connected with only a few pieces of clothing between them.

  She stilled as Blake lowered his face next to hers just enough so his day-old scruff scraped seductively against her cheek. He spoke close to her ear. “Sweetheart, make no mistake, when you walk out of here tomorrow, every inch of flesh on your beautiful little body will ache with pleasure from knowing my touch.”

  His words, his deep voice, or the brush of his soft beard—probably a combination of all three—caused warm liquid to wet her panties in anticipation. Anything she was going to say now forgotten.

  Her breasts grew heavy, and with every breath Blake took, the light caress sent a lick of fire straight to her clit. It was too much.

  She shoved against his chest, but he didn’t budge.

  Right. Solid wall. Remember, you like that kind of thing.

  “Step back and let me down, Blake.”

  He eased back enough to give her some space but not lose contact. His warm hand engulfed hers still resting on his chest, his thumb gently smoothing the skin across her knuckles. As if he wanted to calm her when it had been her who’d hurt him with her words just moments before. He was always thinking of others. It’s what she loved about him.

  Isabella raised her gaze from their linked hands. So many questions ached for a voice, but the look in his eyes begged her to accept what was happening between them. How could she fight that when she wanted the same?

  Blake raised his free hand and cupped her cheek. “Thank you, Bella”. Let’s get inside before the storm catches us out here.”

  My thoughts exactly.

  Without another word, he turned on his heels and led them into the warmth of the den. The smell of pine hit her on a draft of warm air followed by a hint of cinnamon and vanilla. Her favorite combinations during this time of year. Candles, the source of all the holiday scents she assumed, scattered the parlor tables filled with memorabilia, their placements just as she remembered. He must have worked fast to bring a sense of cheer to the home. Did he do it for her?

  A kaleidoscope of fond memories of the three of them flitted across her mind in an array of vivid color, like no time had passed at all since their last gathering around Blake’s table for one celebration or another.

  How could he still live here and be sane? True, he was rarely home, but still… Everywhere she looked she saw her brother. How did he find comfort where she only found pain?

  No wonder he’d called her over tonight. He’d rather work than be alone.

  A soft click of a lock brought her out of the inner thoughts. Her balance wobbled just slightly, and she bumped into a table. She shot out a hand and grabbed a photo before it could fall to the hardwood floor.

  Isabella zeroed in on the image. There he was—Adrian—all smiles and full of promise. That did it. Tears broke loose and fell freely. Obviously being here was a mistake.

  She sensed Blake’s strength a second before he wrapped his arms around her from behind. A warm arm slipped around her waist while he took the photo from her grasp. Solid muscle pressed up against her back. Her body instantly molded to his and she welcomed the support.

  Blake set the picture on the table and turned her to face him.

  Catching her chin in a firm but gentle hold, he forced her to look at him.

  His warm, hazel eyes were filled with something she’d only seen when he was either pushed past reasoning or dead set on wanting something. She only hoped it was the latter because deep down she didn’t want to leave.

  “No,” he stated firmly.

  Bella paused. What? That fast? A single drawn out word not two minutes in the door and that’s that?

  “No what?” Her voice shook from the emotions clogging her throat. Her gaze steadied on his, looking for some kind of clue as to where she stood. Was he already regretting getting close to her?

  She leaned into his warm hand, soaking up his touch before he pulled away from her. A single tear slid down her cheek at the thought of letting go of him for good this time.

  But he didn’t pull way. Not in the way she thought he would anyway.

  He stroked her jaw with the soft pad of his thumb, then swiped at the tear. She watched in fascination as he wrapped his lips around the digit then sucked, never taking his gaze off hers. It was like he wanted to take all her pain and grief away.

  “No,” he repeated this time with more grit. “Tonight is about us, sweetheart. No tears, no regret.” He paused and took a deep breath. “And definitely no guilt.”

  That last declaration had to be for his own benefit, because there was no way she’d regret loving him even if for only one night. With all the loss he’d suffered she knew just how deep his wounds went. He couldn’t hide his pain of losing the people he loved from her anymore than he could hide how much he wanted her.

  He returned his hand to her face and pulled her closer to rest his forehead on hers.

  “I’ve dreamed about stripping you naked and taking you by my fire place. I want to see the warm glow of the light dance across your body as I slide my dick balls-deep into your sweet pussy.” His words a low husky whisper filled with promise.

  She pulled back, stunned. Their dance around each other had just escalated to a completely new level. And it pissed her off. Lava boiled in her veins and overflowed.

  “How dare you, Blake Mitchell! Damn you!” She glared at the man and shoved her hands in her pockets—that or risk breaking her fingers on the man’s stubborn jaw. Obviously he didn’t see her as a threat. He stood with his thumbs hooked in his jeans and a daring look in his eyes.

  “You pick today, of all days, to seduce me. I’ve wanted you for God only knows how long, and you’ve pushed me away every time I’ve gotten close.” She threw her hands in the air, unable to make sense of anything.

  Deep breaths, Isabella, Deep breaths.

  Anger tinted her words. “Tell me something, Blake. Why does your family keep me around? Is it only because of you?” She searched his eyes for some kind of truth. “Is it so you can keep an eye on me out of some promise to my brother?” He took a step back from her, crossing his arms. In a blink his expression switched from would-be-lover to full Marine mode. Diablos. Her shoulders slumped. A brick wall would give her more answers.


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