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Claiming Her Cowboy

Page 2

by Tina Radcliffe

  He met his aunt’s perceptive gaze. Was he unhappy? Or simply disenchanted and searching for something real in his life?

  She frowned. “You always wanted to make a difference, Jackson. What changed?”

  “Make a difference? Did I say that?” He scoffed. “If I did, then you’re correct. That was a long time ago. What’s changed is that I’m not an idealistic attorney anymore.”

  “I think maybe deep inside you are.” She placed her hand on his arm. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad to have you here, but as far as Lucy Maxwell and Big Heart Ranch are concerned, you couldn’t be more off base. I still contend that you can’t make a decision to cut off their funding without investigating the situation.”

  “Off base? I did my research. That ranch is a money pit.”

  She offered a sound of disgust. “That doesn’t mean they’re mismanaging the funds. I don’t believe for a minute that anything shady is going on at that ranch, and I challenge you to find one bit of evidence to support your claim.”

  Meredith gripped her cane and walked to the wall of family portraits. Her hand trailed the ornate, gilded edges of the frames. A huge portrait of Jack’s grandfather hung next to a smaller one of her husband, followed by another of Jack’s father. She stopped at a painting of Jack with his twin brother, Daniel. They were nine years old, mirror images, with matching grins and dark curls. There, however, the similarities ended. Daniel was charming, outgoing and impulsive, while Jack was shy, hesitant and introverted.

  A wave of sadness and guilt slammed into him as he stared at the painting. Twenty-five years had passed, yet nothing would ever be the same. Daniel was gone and it was his fault. He’d been minutes behind his brother that day and hadn’t been able to save him.

  “I miss Daniel,” Meredith murmured with a soft sigh. He was surprised when she turned and wrapped her arms around him in a loving hug.

  The scent of his aunt’s lavender perfume carried him back years. “I miss him, too, Aunt Meri,” he whispered.

  His father’s words from when Jack left New York raced through his thoughts. When we lost your brother and your mother left, your aunt was there for both of us. This is an opportunity for you to be there for her. She won’t ask, but Meri needs help.

  He swallowed hard as he stared at his brother’s smiling face. “I’ll go to the ranch, Aunt Meredith.”

  Jack grimaced when he realized that the words had actually slipped from his lips. When his aunt’s face lit up, he knew that it was much too late to take them back.

  “Oh, Jackson, I knew I could count on you to do the right thing. I’ll call Lucy immediately.”

  The right thing.

  For a moment, he’d let his guard down and sentiment had strong-armed him. Jack took a deep breath. He suspected his orderly life was about to be blown wide-open, and he placed the blame squarely at the feet of Little Lucy Sunshine, the director of Big Heart Ranch.

  Chapter Two

  “I need a favor.” Lucy stood in the doorway of the children’s therapist and child care director of the Big Heart Ranch office. It belonged to her sister, Emma.

  “Good morning to you,” Emma said. She tidied the bookshelf in her already immaculate office and turned to Lucy. “What sort of favor?”

  “Can you handle my calls for a couple of hours? I have to start a new volunteer.”

  “Sure. Only because then I can remind you that you need to hire an assistant.”

  “Not going to happen.”

  Lucy glanced at a platter of chocolate muffins artfully arranged on a table. “You made muffins? Like you don’t have enough to do?” She nodded toward the portable cribs set up in the back of the huge room. Inside, her twelve-month-old twin nieces slumbered, thumbs in mouth and bottoms in the air.

  Emma shrugged. “So tell me what happened at the Brisbane Foundation yesterday.”

  Lucy grabbed a muffin and peeled back the paper. “Meredith said to tell you hello.”

  “Was that before or after she handed you a sizable donation check?”

  “Things didn’t exactly work out that way.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Meredith has a new attorney who hasn’t approved the funding. I’m sure everything will be taken care of soon.”

  Emma sank into a chair and nervously fingered her braid. “Lucy, we need to finalize our budget. I don’t understand what the holdup is. She sent us preliminary numbers weeks ago.”

  Lucy met her sister’s worried gaze. “The attorney is doing things differently.”

  “Is Travis aware?” Emma asked quietly.

  “Yes. But you know Travis. All he cares about is the cows.”

  Emma glanced at the calendar and cringed. “This puts everything on hold.”

  “I know. Which brings me to the other news.” Lucy dusted off her hands. “Leo quit.”

  “What? Why? He’s our best ranch hand.”

  “He was offered more money at a ranch in Driscoll. I simply can’t match the offer.”

  “So we’ll hire someone else.”

  “I’m not going to hire anyone until the budget situation is resolved. In fact, I may have to lay off staff if we don’t get the Brisbane Foundation backing by the end of summer.” She met Emma’s gaze. “All expenditures outside of the day-to-day ranch maintenance are on hold.”

  “What about the gala? I’ve already placed deposits for caterers, waitstaff and flowers. Not to mention the entertainment. Meredith always funds the gala.”

  “The gala is low on my worry list. Let’s try to focus on what’s really important. The kids.”

  Emma nodded.

  “The Lord has been the financial backing for Big Heart Ranch since day one,” she said. “This is His ranch. These are His children. He will continue to provide more than we can ask or imagine. Right?”

  “Right,” Emma said. “I couldn’t agree more.”

  Lucy took a bite of the muffin and glanced toward the parking lot.

  “Was there something else?”


  Travis stuck his head in the door. “That new volunteer is here, asking for you, Lucy.” He offered her a conspiratorial wink.

  “Thanks, Travis. I’ll be right out.”

  “What was that all about?” Emma asked. “And who’s this new volunteer?”

  “Jackson Harris.”

  “Who is Jackson Harris?”

  “Meredith’s nephew and her new attorney.”


  “Perfect timing, isn’t it? He’ll replace Leo.”

  “No one can replace Leo. He did the work of three ranch hands.” Emma stood and walked to the window.

  “All the same, we should be grateful to have the help for the summer.”

  “I’m confused. Why would Meredith’s nephew agree to volunteer on the ranch when it sounds like he’s opposed to giving us the funding?”

  “His aunt is very persuasive.” She turned to Emma. “No one is to know that he’s from the Brisbane Foundation.”

  “Why does Travis know?”

  “He was here last night when the call came through from Meredith.”

  “Why the secrecy?”

  “Mr. Harris is vetting us. I want his experience here to be positive. He needs to know we have nothing to hide. It’s the only chance we have that he’ll change his mind.”

  “Is that him?” Emma asked.

  Lucy peeked over her sister’s shoulder at the tall attorney whose back was to them as he talked to Travis.

  “Yes. That’s Jackson Harris.”

  Emma chuckled. “Look at him, all shiny and new in his designer jeans, Italian leather shoes and that dry-cleaner-starched shirt. Lucy, why would you take on a city slicker?”

  “I’m not in a position to be choosy.”

  “Can he even ride a hors

  “Meredith says he can.”

  Lucy edged closer to the window. When Jackson Harris turned around, she caught her breath.

  “Oh, my,” Emma said, her face lighting up. “Well, I suppose you could do worse.”

  Lucy turned to her sister. “What do you mean, I could do worse?”

  “The man is mighty fine-looking, that’s for sure. And you’ll be working closely with him all summer, dear sister.”

  “Don’t get any ideas. If I was looking for a man in my life, it certainly would not be another temporary cowboy.” She shook her head. “I have most definitely already been there and done that. And I have an empty house in the woods to prove it.”

  “Just remember that sometimes the Lord brings us what we need, not what we want.”

  Lucy tossed the muffin liner in the trash and dusted off her hands. “This discussion is over.”

  * * *

  “Six weeks!” Jack Harris stood outside a log-cabin-style bunkhouse next to Lucy Maxwell, trying to digest her words. “Where did you get the idea I was here for six weeks?”

  “Your aunt,” Lucy said. “She called me last night and said you want the Big Heart Ranch experience, and that you’d be filling our ranch hand position for the summer.”

  Stunned, Jack rubbed a hand over his chin and closed his mouth when he realized it was hanging open.

  “Do you want me to call her?” she asked.

  “No.” He shook his head. “Look, between you and me, my aunt isn’t as strong as she used to be. She thinks she is, but those cancer treatments have taken a toll on her overall health.”

  “Apparently, she’s well enough to pull one over on you,” Lucy murmured. Her lips twitched as she concentrated on the ground, creating a line in the dirt with the toe of her boot.

  Jack’s gaze followed. She wore the red boots, this time with jeans and a bright red T-shirt with the Big Heart Ranch logo on the front and the word Staff on the back. Once again, she reminded him of a bright flower. This time a poppy. He averted his gaze and considered her words.

  Lucy had assessed the situation correctly. He’d been bamboozled by his seventy-year-old aunt. Aunt Meri was right about one thing: Jack had been away from Oklahoma for a very long time. Long enough to forget how stubborn his aunt could be once she got a bone between her teeth.

  “For some reason, she’s convinced I’ll change my mind if I see the ranch up close and personal,” he muttered.

  “Why is it you constantly think the worst of Big Heart Ranch?”

  “This isn’t personal. I have a job to do as the foundation’s counsel. And I happen to love my aunt. I’m simply trying to protect both interests.”

  Lucy stared at him, obviously biting her lip. The dark eyes glittered with unsaid words. It was clear he’d pushed her buttons and she was working hard to control her temper.

  “You seem to think we’ve committed an offense,” she said. “If so, what happened to innocent until proven guilty?”

  “Shouldn’t I be the one on the defense here?” he asked. “First, you fingerprint me like a criminal. Then you make me sign a release for a complete background check. Now you’re telling me I’m stuck here for six weeks.” He shook his head. “The kicker is that I get to do it while living with two other guys. I mean, come on. You must be kidding.”

  “You’ll be living like all the other volunteers. Think of this as summer camp for grown-ups.” Lucy looked him up and down. “As for the other, we’re entrusting you to care for our children. Children who have already suffered more in their short lives than you can even comprehend. These are children who have been abandoned, neglected and even abused. This isn’t kiddie rehab, Mr. Harris. They don’t come here to be fixed. They come here to live a normal life. We are their life. We are their family. Forever.” She paused. “Makes your trivial complaints seem insignificant, wouldn’t you say?”

  “Believe it or not, I did my homework, Ms. Maxwell. I understand the ranch mission statement.”

  She raised her brows.

  “First Corinthians thirteen. Faith, hope and love. Faith in God, hope for tomorrow, and unconditional love.”

  When her lips tilted into a huge smile, the effect nearly knocked him over. A guy could get addicted to a smile like that if he wasn’t careful.

  “You memorized our mission statement.” The words were a hushed whisper. “I’m impressed.”

  “Somehow I doubt that,” he muttered.

  “A lot of prayer and thought went into that mission statement, so yes. I am impressed.”

  He offered a short nod.

  She handed him papers from the clipboard in her hands. “A list of recommended gear you’ll need for the summer. Oh, and the schedule and a map of the boys’ ranch, girls’ ranch and important facilities. Phone numbers are listed, as well.”

  Jack glanced down at the form on top of the papers. “What’s this? Yet another form?”

  “Waiver of liability. If you choose to ride our horses without the recommended safety helmet, we need this signed.”

  “Do you wear a helmet?”

  “It depends on the situation.” She met his gaze. “Oh, and by the way, other than me, only Travis and Lucy are aware you’re from the Brisbane Foundation. You are simply a summer volunteer, as far as everyone else is concerned.”

  “So I’m undercover? Why the big secret?”

  “I don’t want anyone to panic, and actually, Mr. Harris, it’s to your advantage.”

  “How’s that?”

  “If everyone believes you’re part of the team, they’ll be open and transparent while you’re here.”

  “If you say so,” he replied.

  “I do.” Lucy pulled out a key and opened the bunkhouse door before dropping it into his hand. “Welcome to your new home. This is bunkhouse number one. It has all the amenities you should need—coffeemaker, microwave. If you need something more, let us know. We’ll vote on it at the next budget meeting. Of course, that won’t be until after the foundation makes their funding decisions.”

  A smiling Travis greeted them at the door. “Hey, Jack. You’re bunking with us? Great.” He held open the screen. “Come on in.”

  Jack folded the papers from Lucy and put them in his back pocket as he moved into the living quarters. “You live here?”

  “Only during the summer,” Travis said. “It’s easier than driving home after a twelve-hour day, so I moved my stuff over today.” Travis tossed his black Stetson on a bunk and winked at Lucy. “Besides, it keeps the boss happy, because if the boss isn’t happy, nobody is happy.”

  “Keep it up, little brother,” Lucy muttered.

  “Who...” Jack waved a hand at the other bunk.

  “Tripp Walker,” Travis said. “The horse whisperer. Doesn’t talk much. If it involves horses, though, Tripp is your point of contact.”

  Jack nodded.

  Travis looked from Lucy to Jack. “Madame Director giving you a hard time?”

  “One might conclude that.”

  “Her bark is worse than her bite,” Travis returned, as though she wasn’t in the room.

  Lucy offered her brother a slow nod, obviously letting him know he could expect payback for his comments. Jack couldn’t help but smile at the affectionate sibling interaction. A part of him was envious at their bond. Would he and Daniel have been like Lucy and Travis? He brushed the thought away.

  Travis turned to Lucy. “I just got a call. Beau is loose. We’re on lockdown.”

  Lucy released a breath. “Of course he is. Any sightings?”

  “Not yet.”

  “Did you drive the Ute over, Trav?” Lucy asked.

  “Yeah. It’s parked behind out back, on the street.”

  “Mind if I borrow it to take Mr. Harris on a little tour?”

  “No problem.” He tossed her the keys.

  “Ute?” Jack asked as he followed Lucy out the back door and down a gravel walk.

  “Utility vehicle. Like if a Jeep and a golf cart had a child.”

  Jack smiled when he saw the black vehicle with the ranch logo emblazoned on the hood. “That’s a fitting description,” he said as he slid into the doorless passenger side.

  “What was Travis talking about? Beau?”

  “The boys’ ranch mascot. Beau is literally an old goat. He’s nearly blind, mostly hard of hearing, yet somehow, he manages to get out of his corral now and then.”

  “A goat?”

  She nodded. “You better fasten your seat belt, Mr. Harris. Around here you never can tell what might be waiting down the road.”

  He stretched the seat belt across himself and connected it with a click. “Couldn’t you call me Jack or Jackson? Mr. Harris seems a little formal.”

  Lucy shrugged. “That’s fine. However, our children will be calling you Mr. Jack. Those are the rules.”

  “What about you?” he asked.

  “What about me?” Lucy put a hand on the gearshift knob.

  “What do they call you?”

  “Miss Lucy works.” She paused. “I mean for the kids. You may call me Lucy.”

  “Thanks, Lucy.”

  She shot him a sidelong glance.

  “Can you tell me about the ranch?” he asked.

  Lucy turned in her seat. “I’m sure you had us investigated. Exactly what is it that was left out of your report?”

  “Your family’s qualifications for running this operation.”

  “I’m an orphan.” The words were a flat admission. “Obviously, my brother and sister, as well. We cycled through the foster care system until we were adopted out.” She shrugged and started the Ute. “More than you probably care to know.”

  Jack paused. He understood and cared far more than Lucy Maxwell would ever know. When his brother died, he too had been orphaned. His mother had taken off and his father had checked out.

  Aunt Meri had saved him. He needed to remember that. His aunt was the only reason he was giving Big Heart Ranch a second chance.

  She steered the Ute toward the main ranch road. “I have a master’s degree in business management from Spears College of Business Management. Travis majored in animal sciences and graduated from the Oklahoma State University College of Agriculture and Natural Sciences. Emma also attended OSU and is a licensed social worker with a master’s degree.”


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