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The Crosstime Engineer

Page 10

by Leo Frankowski

  Then suddenly the blue bandit was gone, trampled beneath Anna’s hind legs.

  We continued toward Boris, but something felt very wrong. Still firmly in the saddle, I was slowly rotating off from the back of my horse.

  The cinch strap was cut! As I tried to untangle myself from the oversized warkak, Anna turned sharply and was actually skidding sideways on the snow so that she wouldn’t trample me as she had the bandit.

  I came down hard and felt the saddle crack between my legs. For a moment I was stunned. I saw Anna pulling away the saddle with her teeth. I got to my feet, shaking a bit, as an axeman landed a blow on the top of Boris’s gelding's neck. Blood sprayed, and the animal suddenly froze and then started to topple.

  Sword in hand, I ran to my employer’s aid. Anna, without saddle or baggage, was trotting at my left side. I blessed the man who had trained her. She acted as though she really cared about what happened to me and was staying close for my protection.

  Boris was still in the saddle when his horse fell on its side. The axemen jumped away from the crash and then were on him.

  Boris lost his sword in the fall and was pinned under his dying mount as one of the axemen prepared to deliver a death chop.

  I shouted to attract the attention of the would-be murderer, and the man turned to face me, slipping slightly on the blood-stained snow. As I ran to meet him, he swung a three-meter-long halberd down at me.

  A weapon that big is much slower than a sword although it hits a whole lot harder. If I had tried to parry it, it would have just kept coming into me, so I chopped at it with all my might and managed to cut through the hickory shaft and its iron reinforcing strips.

  The axe head glanced off my back as I skidded, trying to stop on the slippery snow.

  I realize now that what I had accomplished was to cut my opponent’s halberd down to a quarterstaff. As it turned out, he was very good with a quarterstaff.

  He took a quick step backward, found solid footing on Boris’s chest, and gave me a quick jab in the solar plexus, which knocked the wind out of me but didn't break my momentum.

  Boris grabbed the man’s leg as I was skidding. I slammed into them, knocking the man down and propelling myself over the motionless body of the gelding. From flat on my back, I caught a blurred image of the second axeman coming up to take me out.

  Suddenly the sky darkened and Anna’s hoofs came down centimeters from my face. She had jumped entirely over our struggling bodies to bowl over the second axeman.

  I lurched to my feet to see Anna taking on the second axeman in single combat. She danced aside from his axe swipes and then delivered a kick to his left arm that I was sure broke it.

  Then a whack on the side of my helmet knocked me down yet a third time. The first axeman had kicked his way free of Boris and was putting his newly made quarterstaff to use.

  I was hit twice more, across the back and the ribs, before I regained my feet. My opponent swung his staff in a blur of figure eights and twice parried my lunges by slapping my sword aside.

  I once read that the great Japanese swordsman Musashi fought sixty duels before he was thirty years old. In most of those fights to the death, his opponents used real swords while he used a wooden stick. I put it down as a fine example of Japanese embroidery. Or perhaps Musashi’s real talent was in finding incompetent opponents.

  That, of course, was before I encountered a man who really knew how to use a stick.

  My opponent was grinning at me through the open face of his helmet. Blood was running freely from my slashed left arm, I was staggering, and he knew I was beaten.

  Well, if I couldn’t get at him past that quarterstaff, I could damn well chop it up. I made it my target, focused on it, and cut the damn thing in half.

  The bastard was still grinning! Suddenly he had half Oil the quarterstaff in each hand and was fighting with two single sticks-Florentine style, I think it’s called.

  Something inside me snapped. He had no bloody right to be grinning at me! I was absolutely enraged, and in my rage I forgot everything I had ever learned about fencing. I snarled like an animal and started swinging like a drunken sailor.

  He must have hit me three or four more times; I neither felt the blows nor cared. In moments his single sticks were reduced to pungi sticks, so he reached for his dagger. I slashed his right hand off at the wrist.

  Suddenly, all fight was gone from him. He plunked down to a sitting position on the snow, staring at the blood spurting from the stump of his right wrist. The look on his face was one of astonishment.

  I kicked his shoulder, and he just rolled over onto his side, still staring at the bloody stump.

  I looked up and saw that Anna had her man on the run. He was dodging between the trees, both arms dangling at his sides as if broken. He ducked behind a massive oak and then peeked out around the opposite side to see what had become of her.

  She outguessed him. As he stuck his head out, she put a forehoof in his face. I could hear the crunching squish from fifty meters away.

  Then she looked at the body, calmly stepped on its neck, and trotted back to me.

  I was just standing there, breathing hard, feeling the rage drain out of me and exhaustion take its place. Anna stopped, observed that I was reasonably alive, and then looked at the first axeman. The man was so intent on staring at where his hand had been that I don’t think he noticed as she stepped on his neck.

  How do you train a horse to do such a thing? I thought about it and decided that I didn’t want to know.

  The Black Sea. I could have gone to a nice resort on the Black Sea with girls in bathing suits and been back at my comfortable chair in the Katowice Machinery Works. My mother told me I should have gone to the beach…

  “Uh, Sir Conrad,” Boris said. “If you have a moment…”

  This brought me back to reality. I was beaten, bloody, and certainly not unbowed, but there was work to do. I went to help Boris, still pinned under his gray gelding. The axe chop to the neck had partially severed its spine; the body was completely motionless, but the head was writhing.

  “Well fought, Sir Conrad! But not me, yet. Dispatch my horse first. He has been too good a servant to leave in pain.”

  I opened my Buck jackknife, put it to where I thought the arteries were, and said, “Here?”

  “No, no. Up a bit. That’s it. Good night, old friend.”

  We had to tie a rope around Anna’s neck and drag the carcass from Boris's leg. Dead leaves and snow had cushioned his fall; his leg was stiff, but it worked.

  My knee hurt, but I could walk. I hurt all over, but no bones were broken. My arm was another matter. The cut wasn’t bad, but in a world without antibiotics, a scratch can kill. I dug out my first-aid kit to dress it as Boris began methodically stripping the dead.

  Somehow, that fight didn’t bother me as much as yesterday's killing had. Perhaps it was because the highwaymen had been so obviously in the wrong. Perhaps it was because my soul was scar tissue and I was becoming brutal.

  My saddle was destroyed, but the dead knight’s was about the same size and of considerably better quality. A beautiful thing; I wondered whom he had stolen it from.

  I had just finished saddling Anna when I heard a cry. “Was that a child, Boris?”

  “Sounded more like a cat in heat!”

  “I’m going to check it out.”

  “As you wish, sir knight.” He had mistaken my luck in battle for prowess and was willing to forgive my squeamishness afterward.

  I mounted up and rode in the direction of the cry. It sounded a few more times before I found the deserted camp. Now much there. A few brush huts, a cooking pot over a dying fire, and this kid. It must have been less than a month old, though I was no judge of age. It was wrapped up in a collection of rags and furs, with a fur flap covering its face.

  I yelled to see if the mother was around. I shouted that I was friendly, but no one answered.

  I could hardly leave the kid out in the snow. I yelled out my n
ame and said that I was taking the kid west. Still no answer. I remounted with the kid in one arm and rode back to the trail.

  “Not a bad haul, Sir Conrad,” Boris called as I approached. He had packed up our latest loot. “Horse, equipment, three sets of armor and clothing! Five thousand worth, I’ll wager. What was that you were shouting about a child?”

  “I found their camp. There was a baby in it.”

  “Ah! Such a poor child to be alone in this heartless world. Best baptize it and leave it with its mother, Sir Conrad.”

  “I tried. She must be hiding in the forest.”

  “You don’t know? I didn't see it happen, being engaged at the time, but in your path as you came to my rescue there was a woman in a blue cloak. Trampled, she was, with a cut on her hand. Here, I'll show you.”

  The bodies were naked now, stripped even of their underwear. The knight’s head was cut completely in two at eye level, yet his helmet was undamaged. My sword must have spun around in there like an apple slicer.

  The woman might once have been pretty, but you couldn’t tell. Her limbs were all broken, and there were puffy dents in her chest and stomach. Her face was a ghastly, flattened caricature. The fresh stretch marks on her belly told of recent birth.

  “I didn’t know,” I sobbed. “I saw that you were in trouble, and I was coming to help. She grabbed my reins. I didn't know I killed a woman.”

  “Sir Conrad, again I am in your debt. Again you have saved my life. But you could not have done so if you had stopped for this woman. Another moment and I would have been dead.”

  “So she is dead instead.”

  “And what of it? She had a quick death, which was better than she deserved! Man, she was living with highwaymen, aiding and abetting their murders. Anyway, you didn’t kill her. You only made that cut on her hand, and that's no mortal wound. It was an accident, her falling under your horse, or maybe a suicide.”

  “I’m going to look at that camp. You pull yourself together, man. And do what's right by that child. If you don't have water, melt a few drops of snow with your hand and see that it's baptized.” He rode off on the horse that we had “found” the day before, dragging the naked axemen behind him.

  In an emergency, any Catholic can perform the sacrament of baptism. I still had some water in my canteen, and I dribbled a few drops on the kid’s forehead.

  “I baptize thee in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. I name thee…” Whom should I name him after? Of course! “I name thee Ignacy!”

  I had the bodies off the road when Boris returned.

  “Their loot, Sir Conrad! We’re both rich! They had more than a hundred-thousand in silver and gold, robbed from travelers like us! Damned if you didn't step right over their chest!”

  Somehow, I really didn’t care. “I'm taking the kid with us.”

  “Sir Conrad, you are the damnedest combination of wisdom and ignorance that I have ever encountered. You are an absolutely deadly knight yet maudlin as a pubescent girt in a convent. But to torture a child is senseless! How do you plan to feed it? Are your male nipples going to spring forth with milk? How do you plan to keep it alive this very afternoon? It’s getting colder, and the snow is deeper. It grows dark, and it's a long way to shelter.”

  He was right. I knew he was right. The kid would die. Why cause needless pain? And why bother with it? “I’m taking the kid.”

  “Sir Conrad, as your employer I order you to put that child with its mother! Oh, damn you! Give it here. I’ll do it.” He leaned forward.

  “Boris, do you really want to fight me?”

  He stopped. “Oh, all right! Keep the child if you wish. But now we must ride if any of us is to live.”

  That afternoon was horrible, but the evening was worse. The snow slashed into our faces, blown by a westerly gale. The trail was all but invisible, and without Anna’s strength we would never have broken through the drifting snow. I was leading the knight's war-horse, our second strongest mount. Boris followed on his captured horse, leading the mule.

  I wrapped the kid up with my cloak, at the expense of my legs. Hours later, I reached inside his bundling, and his body was as cold as my hand. This wouldn’t do.

  Working under my armor, I unzipped my close-fitting windbreaker, stretching out the mail, my sweater, and my underwear. I put the kid inside, next to my skin. He was cold. I packed his bundling around me as best I could and wrapped my cloak tight. Shortly, he returned the favor by urinating on me, I guessed that meant that he was still alive. We floundered on in the starless darkness. I couldn’t even read my compass. To stop was death, and it was impossible to continue on. But we did go on. And on.

  Interlude Two

  The screen had gone from full color to black and white with poor definition, which indicated that the probes were using infrared and that the scene was in nearly total darkness. Yet the red mare was proceeding without difficulty.

  I hit the pause button.

  “Tom, that horse is impossible.”

  “What do you mean impossible? Do you think that we’d doctor a documentary?”

  “I mean that that horse can see in the dark! It acts like it’s got a compass in its head! And the way it killed those highwaymen! Something's wrong here.”

  “You mean something’s right here. Yes, that's one of our horses. She's the result of many years of careful selective breeding, along with a bit of genetic engineering. She has an IQ of about sixty and understands Polish perfectly. And yes, she can see somewhat into the infrared, and she does have the same magnetic sense that a pigeon has.”

  “Then what was she doing for sale in Cracow?”

  “She was there because I put her there, hoping that Conrad would have brains enough to buy her, which he did.”

  “Look, there are some other things about this that you should understand. You know that rich American relative who put Conrad through school? Well, I’m he. Conrad Schwartz is my third cousin, and while I've never tried to run anybody's life, I have tried to see that my relatives had a decent start in life.”

  “Of course, I’ve had to work within certain rules. Besides the physical limitations of causality, I have two partners in the time-travel business, and we have agreed on some very sensible regulations. Tampering with history is out-we don't play God. But we do permit the helping of blood relatives out to the fourth generation back and their descendants.”

  “I had nothing to do with getting Conrad dumped into the thirteenth century. That was a screw-up by the Historical Corps, which is under Ian’s jurisdiction. But once Conrad was there, I had a perfect right to help a needy blood relative. Being without arms and money in the Middle Ages is serious!”

  “You mean that you set him up to get into those fights and capture that booty?”

  “Not quite. I learned about the fighting the same way you did, watching this documentary I had made. I wasn’t worried about him, since I had met him ten years later, alive and healthy. But after the second fight, when he was bandaging his arm, I hit the pause button and ordered a pair of 'merchants' with a chest of gold to pass through there four days before. On being attacked by highwaymen, they abandoned their cargo and fled.”

  “This left Conrad with enough money to live comfortably for the ten years he’d have to spend in the Dark Ages.”

  “And the sword, was that your doing, too?”

  “Sure, diamond edge and all. What’s more, had he gone to the Polish armor shop instead of to that German, he would have found a good set of Turkish plate mail, exactly his size, that he could have picked up cheap.”

  “Huh. Well, I guess you can’t win them all.”

  “No. you can’t. But you can sure as hell try. Now, back to the blizzard.”

  Chapter Nine

  The dead knight’s stallion was the first to fall. I felt it, but I couldn't see it. It got up and went on for another half hour. It fell again and didn't get up. It was crying in pain.

  “Leave the beast, Sir Conrad
! That sounds like a broken leg. But if we dismount to dispatch it, we’ll never find our horses again.”

  I was learning to love our horses, and the beast’s screams hurt me. But Boris was right; I left the stallion to die in pain.

  We went on until we saw a tiny light ahead. Soon a great log barricade was in front of us.

  “Hello in the fort”’ Boris yelled. “We are two good Christians, dying in the cold!”

  It seemed forever before a voice answered. “Stand close to the light! Who goes there?”

  “Boris Novacek and, Sir Conrad Stargard. Is that you, Sir Miesko?”

  “Yes, Master Novacek!” A small gate opened in front Of us. “Best go straight to the castle. I’ll take care of the mule. Hello, the castle' Visitors!”

  Our horses were taken away by a sleepy groom, and we were led into a large, warm kitchen. Four young women sat there. From their expressions, we must have looked like zombies. I certainly felt like one.

  “We are sorry to meet you in the kitchen, sir knight, but—”

  “First things first,” I said. I pulled the kid out from under my clothes. “Do any of you know what to do with one of these?”

  This caused a flurry of motion and fast feminine conversation.

  “Oh, my God! Is it dead?”

  “No. No! The heart beats! When did it last eat?”

  “This morning at the latest,” I said.

  “What happened to the mother?”

  “Dead,” I said.

  “Who, then?” She looked at the others.

  “Mrs. Malinski just lost hers!”

  “I’ll go get her!” One of the women threw on a cloak and ran out.

  Another carefully took the kid near the fire. “Diapers! The darling hasn’t been changed all day!” She glared at me.

  Another of them ran upstairs, presumably after diapers. The two remaining were inspecting the baby. We mere males were forgotten. I could see that the kid was ’in good hands.

  I tried to remove my outer clothes, but my chain mail was frozen to my windbreaker. Distracted by my efforts, one of the women turned. “Oh! You men must be frozen. Come, sit by the fire.” In seconds, we were handed huge mugs of wine heated with pokers glowing from the fire. We drained them.


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