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Kamikaze Kangaroos!

Page 40

by Tony James Slater

  Then Gill shouted the news up to her, as though she’d only just remembered it – and Mum, all five-foot-one-and-three-quarters of her, turned and sprinted back down the ‘up’ escalator as fast as her stumpy little legs would carry her.

  Alas, her somewhat gnomish stature didn’t lend itself well to such acrobatics, and after a good few minutes of full-tilt downhill stair climbing, just about keeping pace with the upward speed of the escalator, she gave up and let it carry her to the top, before taking the matching escalator back down.

  There, she embraced the happy couple, and whispered a few choice words in Chris’s ear, which none of us were to find out about until many months later.

  “If you hurt my daughter,” she’d said quite cheerfully, “I will kill you.”

  And then it really was time for her to go, and Gill and Chris were free to announce their engagement to the rest of the world.

  Roo and I made our engagement public soon afterwards.

  All of which left us with a couple of interesting dilemmas to sort out.

  Because Gill and Chris were now living in his mum’s house in New Zealand.

  And Roo and I planned to set up shop permanently in Perth.

  Most of the families concerned lived thousands of miles away in England – apart from the non-Australian contingent of Roo’s relatives, who were Dutch.

  We had two weddings to arrange, on one side of the world or the other – or both – and not quite enough money between all of us to pay for the cake.

  Oh, and for those of us who were still English, there would be the small matter of emigrating.

  “Don’t worry love, it will all work out,” Roo said.

  And deep down in my heart, I knew that she was right.

  Somehow, things always did work out for us.

  And after all, it was only marriage! How hard could it be?

  One thing was for sure – whatever we managed to organise, it was bound to be an epic affair.


  Potentially disastrous.

  And, at least from my perspective, utterly terrifying.

  I’m not a big fan of responsibility, you see. In fact, I regularly wake up in a cold sweat, having had a nightmare about owning a house and a car, struggling to make mortgage repayments, and holding down a job where they didn’t try to pay me in beer vouchers.

  And what did this mean for my life of adventures? Was it over?

  Was I on the verge of being domesticated?

  Nah. Not a chance!

  I had finally found the woman of my dreams, and she was very nearly as crazy as I was.

  So far she’d seen me at my best (which, I’ll grant you, isn’t fantastic) and she’d seen me close to my worst; and she’d seen me washed off the side of Australia’s national monument, so I like to think she had some inkling of what was in store for her.

  “Hey, does this mean we get a honeymoon?” Roo asked. “We could go anywhere in the world! How exciting!”

  “Erm… yes, quite,” I said.

  One more thing to add to the list.

  “And maybe you could publish that book you’ve been writing since before we met…” she added.


  And then of course, there was the biggest question of all to answer; because getting married was just a happy speed-bump on the road trip of our lives.

  For now, for once, we could see at least that far ahead.

  But what was around the corner?

  What would happen next?

  And you know what? We’ve just about run out of room here, so I guess I’ll have to keep that surprise for the next instalment…


  Your Free Ebook Is Waiting!

  Hi there folks!

  For a LIMITED TIME ONLY, I am offering a FREE copy of my first book ‘That Bear Ate My Pants!’ to anyone who signs up to my New Release Mailing List!

  The number one question I get asked by readers is: “When is your next book coming out?”

  Actually, that’s a lie. The number one question I get is: “How are you still alive?”

  But anyway, what if I told you there was a way to find out exactly when my next book was coming out? Personally? From me! And what if I told you I would also send you all sorts of cool stuff – completely free?

  Well, clearly you’d knock me over the head and steal my bus money.

  BUT WAIT – there is a way! I have created a special New Release Mailing List, specifically to let people know when my next book is ready to be launched. Not only will the people on it be the first to know, I’ll also send (very occasionally) special offers, updates on what I’m up to and what I’m planning next…

  Oh, and did I mention: a FREE BOOK?!?!

  Yes, I know. I’ve said enough.

  Follow the link below to claim your FREE COPY of the book that started it all; the crazy travel-comedy, ‘That Bear Ate My Pants!’

  You’ll also be able to secure a spot on my list, which is VERY GOOD NEWS INDEED. Why? Well, because I said so! But also because I’m working on something special: a compilation of the Missing Chapters from all my books (you know, the ones I had to cut out because otherwise they’d be way too long…). When those puppies are ready, the only place they’ll be going is to the people on this list.

  So. Are you in?

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  Sequel to Kamikaze Kangaroos is OUT NOW!

  Thank-you so much for buying and reading Kamikaze Kangaroos! If you’re interested in what happened after the end of this book, you’ll be pleased to know that the sequel – ‘Can I Kiss Her Yet?’ – has just been released!

  Check it out here: Can I Kiss Her Yet?

  Or type Can I Kiss Her Yet into the Amazon store of your choice.

  If, however, Kamikaze Kangaroos didn’t make any sense at all, it’s probably because you haven’t read my first two books – in which case, kudos for making it this far!

  Here are links to them, in case you’re interested:

  ‘That Bear Ate My Pants!’ – the book that started it all, following my stint as a volunteer in an exotic animal refuge in Ecuador:

  That Bear Ate My Pants!

  ‘Don’t Need The Whole Dog!’ – the sequel, based partially in the UK, and then following my adventures in Thailand:

  Don’t Need The Whole Dog!

  A fifth book, about an epic, six-month long adventure around Asia, will be out shortly. I promise!

  Meanwhile, you can always visit my website, which features pictures of Rusty, Roo, Gill, and all our adventures around Australia (as well as pictures from my first two books). It's here:

  Also, you can find me on Twitter:!/TonyJamesSlater

  or catch me on Facebook:

  or if you get the urge, you can always email me:

  or see what’s happening on my crazy blog:

  If you enjoyed this book, please consider leaving a review on Amazon – it doesn’t have to be long! Even a couple of words can help convince other readers to try it – and word of mouth is the best form of recommendation an author can get. I really appreciate my reviews, and I read every single one. Thanks in advance!

  Review Kamikaze Kangaroos!

  And turn the page for a pair of excellent books from my good friends…

  ‘Free Country’ by George Mahood

  The plan is simple. George and Ben have three weeks to cycle 1000 miles from the bottom of England to the top of Scotland. There is just one small problem… they have no bikes, no clothes, no food and no money. Setting off in just a pair of Union Jack boxer shorts, they attempt to rely on the generosity of the British public for everything from food to accommodation, clothes to shoes, and bikes to beer.

  During the most hilarious adventure, George and Ben encounter some of Great Britain’s most eccentric
and extraordinary characters and find themselves in the most ridiculous situations. Free Country is guaranteed to make you laugh (you may even shed a tear). It will restore your faith in humanity and leave you with a big smile on your face and a warm feeling inside.

  Check out ‘Free Country’ on Amazon!

  ‘More Ketchup than Salsa’ by Joe Cawley

  When Joe and his girlfriend Joy decide to trade in their life on a cold Lancashire fish market to run a bar in the Tenerife sunshine, they anticipate a paradise of sea, sand and siestas. Little did they expect their foreign fantasy to turn out to be about as exotic as Bolton on a wet Monday morning.

  A hilarious insight into the wild and wacky characters of an expat community in a familiar holiday destination, More Ketchup than Salsa is a must-read for anybody who has ever dreamed about jetting off to sunnier climes, finding a job abroad, or momentarily flirted with the idea of ‘doing a Shirley Valentine’ in these trying economic times.

  Check out ‘More Ketchup’ on Amazon!

  About the Author

  Tony James Slater is a very, very strange man. He believes himself to be indestructible, despite considerable evidence to the contrary. He is often to be found making strange faces whilst pretending to be attacked by inanimate objects. And sometimes – not always, but often enough to be of concern – his testicles hang out of the holes in his trousers.

  It is for this reason (amongst others) that he chooses to spend his life far from mainstream civilization, tackling ridiculous challenges and subjecting himself to constant danger. He gets hurt quite a lot.

  To see pictures from his adventures, read Tony’s blog, or complain about his shameless self promotion, please visit:

  But BE WARNED! Some of the writing is in red.

  Table of Contents

  Concerning Rusty

  Meeting The Locals

  The Curve

  Ready For The Off

  Heading Up

  All Creatures Great And Small

  Happy Returns


  Getting High

  Why Not To Drive At Night

  Rest and Repair

  Road Trip



  Hell’s Crack

  Return To Hell’s Crack

  Escape From Hell’s Crack

  Smashing Pumpkins

  And Then…

  Where Do We Go From Here?

  Back To Nature

  Field Day



  Under Pressure

  Dressed To Kill


  Mine Kamp

  Strange Bedfellows

  Incorporating Fieldwork

  The Kangaroo Suicides

  Good Company

  Something for Nothing

  The Tree House

  Kuta Beach

  Another Day In Paradise

  Life Underground

  Getting Barred

  The Things You Have To Do

  Lies That Trevor Told Us

  George Gets Pushy

  Be Prepared

  First Steps

  Staying On Track

  Supply and Demand

  Halfway Home

  The Memory of Trees

  Point Of No Return

  Desert Crossing

  Mum; Incoming

  Mum; Outbound

  Mum; Addendum

  Student Digs

  A Christmas Miracle

  Separation Anxiety

  Melbourne Bound

  Inflatable Love



  State of The Union

  Tricky Situations

  The End Of An Era

  New Zealand

  Ruapehu Alpine Lifts

  Dirty Jobs

  Uneasy Rider

  The Great Storm


  Gill For The Win


  White Out

  Ma Homies

  Full Circle


  Your Free Ebook Is Waiting!

  Sequel to Kamikaze Kangaroos is OUT NOW!

  ‘Free Country’ by George Mahood

  ‘More Ketchup than Salsa’ by Joe Cawley

  About the Author




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