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Virgin's Fantasy

Page 46

by Kayla Oliver

  "What the hell were you thinking, old man?" he murmured.

  Chapter Two

  Her heart beat erratically as Lisa tried to remain calm and poised in the plush, white chairs outside the office of Garret Mason. She was new at the image consulting game, but it looked as though her streak of luck was holding. Just last month she'd turned the new CEO of Lopate Supplies from an old man suffering from a heart condition into a man who looked twenty years younger and healthy as a horse. If he kept to the strict diet that she'd laid out for him, he might actually live for another twenty years too. Before that, she schooled a new junior executive on business etiquette so she could impress her new boss and get that promotion.

  They were small fry compared to Parker Industries. When Garret Mason called for an interview, she was over the moon. Then she did her research on the Parker brothers and realized the immense job ahead of her.

  She wanted it. She could practically taste it on her tongue. If she did this job and did it well, she'd never be without work again. She'd stop struggling paying for her crappy apartment and maybe upgrade to something more worthy of an image consultant. Maybe she'd finally be able to open an office rather than pretend that working from home was a choice rather than a necessity.

  She'd been worried about money ever since she was a child. Her parents were dreamers who always followed their hearts, and it wasn't until she turned sixteen that she finally put her foot down. While they continued gallivanting about the country, she stayed with a friend and worked her way through high school and college.

  Every single second of that stress would be worth it if things went well today.

  "Ms. Moore? Mr. Mason will see you now."

  Show time. She stood up and smoothed a hand down her black skirt. She'd gone with a bold choice in clothing to show that she was unafraid. A crimson blouse to match her crimson lipstick, and she'd pulled her dark hair up into a bun. First she would catch Garret Mason's attention, and then she would get the job.

  Lisa followed the older blonde into a simple office. She was surprised. The waiting area was classy and luxurious, but the office was sparse. The large, glossy oak desk was tidy with a desktop computer and several neat piles of papers. There were no pictures or potted plants. No proudly displayed degrees or awards.

  Garret Mason was huge. Towering well over six feet, he looked completely unimpressed and utterly intimidating when she walked in. Her breath caught when his dark and intense eyes swept over her, and she reminded herself that she wouldn't be here if they didn't think she was up for the job. She wasn’t going to let him scare her.

  "Mr. Mason?" She stuck her arm out and smiled. "I'm Lisa Moore."

  He ignored her hand. "Yes, I know. You don't look like the woman in your pictures."

  Lisa frowned. There were no personal pictures on her website. "What did I look like in my pictures?"


  Cocking her head, she lifted an eyebrow. She struggled to push down the rash response. "Care to explain what that means?"

  "Let's get one thing straight. I don't want you here. I don't need you here. I'd refuse to see you except that the board has decided that the job is too big for me to do on my own."

  This was going great. Deep breaths. She was here. She might as well sell herself. "Mr. Mason, might I remind you that your company called me. If you don't plan on interviewing me, then why am I here?"

  "Excellent. I like a woman who gets right to the point. Have a seat." His face was suddenly warm and charming as he sat behind the desk and leaned back. "As I stated, the board is insisting that I need help. I gave them your name. They fought me on it because you're so new, but they all had to admit that your resume, although short, has some impressive, recent accomplishments."

  Lisa settled in the seat and clasped her hands. It looked like things were looking up. Relaxing her shoulders, she tried to appear collected. "Despite the fact that I am new, I am very good at my job. The workplace is just about image as it is actual work. I help people put their best foot forward when it comes to impressing their bosses and the press."

  Garret waved his hands. "Ms. Moore, I don't need to hear your spiel. You're hired. Submit your fees to my secretary, and we'll get everything inputted into the computer. I'll submit reports to you, and you can use them when you update the board."

  "That won't be necessary. I'll be able to write my own reports once I meet with the brothers."

  "No," he said coldly. "You won't. Ms. Moore, you seem to misunderstand the situation. You're hired, but you won't be doing any work for this company. There isn't a chance in hell that I would let you anywhere near the Parker brothers. This situation is far too delicate for a woman who looks like she just graduated from college."

  Shocked and furious, she stood and clutched her portfolio to her chest. "Then I decline your offer, and I'll be happy to let the board know just why I've declined it. I'm sure that will make the search for the next image consultant much easier."

  Scowling, he tapped his fingers on the desk. "Are you blackmailing me?" he asked in a soft voice. There was just a hint of danger, but Lisa ignored it.

  "Not at all," she said smoothly. "I wouldn't dream of working with someone like you. I'm just letting you know what I plan to do next."

  "Sit down."

  "I think we're done here." She spun on her heels and stalked towards the door when it slammed shut suddenly. Gasping, she whipped her head around.

  Garret held the remote for the door in his hand. "I believe that I asked you to sit down."

  "And I believe that I told you no. Open this door before I show you just how unprofessional I can be."

  Chuckling, he got up and stood by the large window. "I won't apologize, but I will admit that I underestimated you. Most people would be thrilled at the idea of getting paid and not having to do the work. You'll get the press and the credit."

  "I don't want the credit unless I do the work. I enjoy my job, and if you give me a chance, you might be impressed by what I can do. The eldest brother is far too tense and a little too temperamental. Not to mention that the press is already having a field day by highlighting just what he's lost. We need to show everybody that Blake Parker not only trusts his father's decision but also embraces the idea. I think he should volunteer for something cute and fluffy to help soften his image."

  Garret nodded his head. "And Cole?"

  "The middle brother has a few issues, but it's mostly with the choices that he's made recently rather than his personality that is the problem. He clearly wants to make a name for himself away from his family's legacy, and he's been partnering with your rivals. We need to dress him up and drown him in Parker family love. Prove that he's still loyal. Some public and fun family outings, and some public steps against his rivals. You'll have to hammer out the particulars on that one."

  "And Hawk?"

  Lisa grimaced. "Hawk needs a good spanking," she muttered. "Short of rehabilitation, which we don't have time for, the youngest brother will have to give up his partying ways for a year. We'll need to trade the designer jeans and expensive wife beaters for an actual suit and tie. It wouldn't hurt if he attended a feminist rally or two."

  Chuckling, Garret turned around. "A feminist rally? All Hawk will see is more women that he can enjoy. You've clearly done your homework, and you have some good ideas."

  With a small smirk, Lisa dropped her portfolio onto the desk. It landed with a loud thunk. "Does that mean you'd like to start this interview over?"

  "Oh, there's not a chance in hell that I'll forget a single second of this meeting," he said in a low voice. Her face flushed as his eyes slowly roamed over her again. "Lisa, I do believe you're hired."

  If he wanted to undermine her by using her first name, he had something else coming. "Garret. I have a feeling it'll be interesting working with you."

  "Under me."

  Snorting, she picked up her portfolio and gave him a withering look. "As it so happens, I like to be on top. I'll see myself out.
When you're ready to talk strategy, you let me know."

  Her hands were shaking by the time she left the building, and she suppressed the triumphant shouts of glee. It was a huge victory today, but she had a feeling that working with Garret Mason was going to be a challenge that couldn't be overcome so easily.

  Chapter Three

  Garret barely slept that night. Kept awake by the erotic images that filled his mind, he tossed and turned until a quick run and a cold shower finally helped ease him into sleep. He'd heard of Moore's Image Consulting from a friend, and her website was impressive. A quick background check showed that while the twenty-eight year old had an interesting upbringing, she'd settled into the city after college and stayed put. Most of her pictures depicted her as a mousey little thing, but there was nothing boring about the woman whose hips had swayed so lusciously as she sashayed into his office yesterday.

  She was hell on wheels, and he immediately saw the dangers of working with her. Blake would dismiss her on the spot, Cole would ridicule her, and Hawk wouldn't stop until he had her panting under him in his bed. He figured she'd take the money and go on a nice little vacation.

  He couldn't have been more wrong.

  Exhausted, he headed for the office only to find Karen, his secretary, pacing nervously at his door. "Mr. Mason! I've been trying to call you for the past hour!"

  Frowning, he dug into his briefcase and groaned. "It would appear that I left my phone at home," he muttered. "Well, I'm here now. What do you need?"

  "The board has called an emergency meeting with the Parker brothers in fifteen minutes. The new image consultant is going to be there."

  "Shit!" Shrugging out of his jacket, he opened the door and slammed the case onto the desk. "Where are they meeting?" Not that it mattered. Fifteen minutes was not enough time to introduce the brothers to Lisa and calm them down when they flipped out.

  "Seventh floor. Mr. Bennet had a few choice words, but I'll just paraphrase. He would like this meeting to prove that you and Ms. Moore can control the Parker brothers."

  "Perfect," Garret muttered. "Thanks, Karen." Grabbing his tablet, he headed for the elevator and dialed Blake Parker. When his friend's face popped on the screen, he didn't look happy.

  "Moore’s Image Consulting?" Blake growled. "Have you lost your mind? Have you seen her? Hawk and Cole are going to eat her alive, Garret!"

  "She's made of stronger stuff than you think. Blake, I'm on my way down, but we need this meeting to go smoothly. The board needs to see that the three of you are okay with this decision, so stow whatever issues you have."

  Blake looked to the side. "Did you hear that, Cole?" He shifted the tablet so that the middle brother came into view.

  "I promise to be on my best behavior, but Hawk isn't even here yet. I've got good money that baby brother is going to waltz in drunk as a skunk."

  "Damn it. Has anyone called him? Never mind. I'm sure he won't pick up for anyone." An idea popped into his head, and he smiled. "Leave Hawk to me. We'll just have to stall for a few minutes. I've got to go. I've got another call to make. See you in a minute."

  Garret made the arrangements for Hawk and met Cole and Blake at Blake's office. The eldest looked pissed as the middle brother lounged on his desk. "So when do I get an office?" Cole asked with a smirk. "I'm going to need one that's at least as big as my big brother here. Gotta show equality and all, right?"

  Before Blake said something that really pissed off Cole, Garret quickly intervened. "I'm sure that we can find something suitable. Before we meet with the board, I need to discuss Lisa Moore."

  "The woman looks like she belongs in a library. How is the media supposed to take her seriously? Fire her and hire another. Someone more seasoned," Blake barked.

  Obviously he had seen the same pictures that Garret had looked at. Wouldn't he be surprised when Lisa walked in? "There's no time. You three need to host a press conference by the end of the week to get the ball rolling. I had hoped to hire Lisa just to appease the board and do the work myself, but she's not exactly what I expected. We're just going to have to figure out a way to make this work. All of us." He looked pointedly at Cole.

  "Whatever." Cole shrugged as he stood and slumped in the chair. "It's going to be a year from hell no matter who we hire."

  “You think it’s going to be bad for you,” Blake muttered, but it was audible enough for Cole to hear, and an ugly and dark expression crossed the younger brother’s face.

  “Oh yeah, it’s going to be just so terrible for you,” Cole growled. “It’s not like you have to give up on your dreams for the next year and fucking move back home. The only thing that you have to deal with is us. We’re doing this so you don’t lose Dad’s precious company. I had opportunities this year to branch out, and they may never present themselves again, so how about you get off your damn high horse and realize that this is a shit show for all of us.”

  “You’re not doing this for me,” Blake accused. “You’re doing this so you don’t lose that precious paycheck that pays for your ridiculous business ideas.”

  Cole rose with his hands balled in a fist, and Garret immediately stepped between the two. “You two are welcome to say whatever you want within the privacy of closed doors, but there will be no physical fighting. Black eyes don’t look great in press photos.” The two men glared at each other, and Garret could see the calculating look in Cole’s eyes, but he finally relaxed. “Great. Is there anything that you two need to say to each other before we all pretend that everything is just wonderful in the family?”

  Sighing, Cole reached down and grabbed his briefcase. “You know what, Garret? I don’t think I’ve ever hated you more than I do right now.”

  “Give it time,” Garret joked with a small smile. “We’re only just getting started. Come on. I want you two to be in the room first. It’s very important that you act as though you’ve already met with Lisa, all right?”

  Blake looked bewildered. “Why? And what about Hawk?”

  “Hawk is precisely why I need you to pretend that you’ve spoken to Lisa this morning. You don’t have to give particulars. Just go with it.” Checking his watch, Garret tried to push down his feelings of anxiety.

  It surprised him to learn that he was good at his job, but Robert Parker always said that he could see the potential in Garret. The manipulations. The white lies. Anticipating the reactions of others. It was everything that Garret used as a youth to con adults out of their money, and it was the same tools that he used now in public relations. Tell people what they wanted to hear and do whatever it takes to make it happen.

  Still, if he pulled this off, it would be the biggest triumph of his career. The Parker brothers knew all of his tricks, so it would take more than his usual smooth talking to get them to actually see the potential that they had.

  If they worked together, they could be unstoppable.

  Blake sat at the head of the table. Cole sat to his right, and Hawk would be on his left. Knowing that Cole would behave himself, he reserved the seat next to him for Lisa and sat next to Hawk’s open seat to make sure that the younger brother didn’t try to play grab-ass under the table.

  The board members trickled in. Some, like Roy Bennet and Dennis Wayfair, had been with the company for over thirty years. Janet Mayfield was the first woman appointed to the board, and although she’d already passed the age of retirement, she was reluctant to let the seat go. A couple of women had come and gone over the years, but Mary Seavers was the only other current female board member. She and Janet were both terrifying, and there wasn’t a single man on the board ballsy enough to go against them.

  Garret adored them both.

  The two main voices of opposition belonged to the two youngest and newest members, Joshua Lowell and Dan Tibbers. Their ideas and arguments were solid, but since they were a good twenty years younger than the rest of the crowd, they weren’t always taken seriously.

  It would be interesting to see how the dynamic would change now that the brot
hers were taking over.

  “Blake,” Roy growled. “Is your other brother going to join us any time soon?”

  Garret quickly stepped in. “It’s my fault that he’s late. I asked Ms. Moore to meet with the brothers individually this morning before the meeting, and I’m afraid Hawk’s meeting is running a little late. He should be here any minute.”

  Janet cleared her throat and fingered her pearls. She used so much hairspray that her short-cropped, grey curls practically formed a helmet on her head and could probably be considered a fire hazard, and she wore a ridiculously large diamond on her withered finger. Fixing a steely glare on Garret, she shook her head. “Young man, I hope you didn’t hire this Ms. Moore because she looks good in a short skirt.”

  Despite her ball-busting attitude, Janet actually had a soft spot for Garret. She often said that he reminded her of her second husband.

  Unfortunately, her second husband didn’t last long, and she married four more times.

  “I have a feeling that you’re going to like her,” Garret said with a small smile. “And that you might be the only one.”

  Janet cackled with glee just as the door opened. Garret was privately relieved to see that Lisa had exchanged her skirt for a pair of pants, but when he saw how they curved over her ass, he immediately had to look away.

  He was not about to get an erection during a board meeting.

  She’d pulled her dark hair up into a coil at the nape of her neck and wore a filmy blue blouse that, despite its loose shape, did nothing to hide the figure underneath.

  Next to her was an extremely well put together Hawk Parker. He shot Garret an amused look before nodding at the table. “Ladies. Gentlemen. My apologies for making everyone late. Ms. Moore here had quite a bit to say.”

  Meaning she probably kicked his ass all the way from the bed to the office. Lisa looked completely unperturbed as she slid into her seat. Garret took his cue and stood as he addressed everyone. “Now that we’re all here, I’d like to get started, and I’m going to be frank. I know we were all taken aback by the stipulations in Parker’s will, and I’m sure I can speak for everyone when I say that we’re all not sure how this is going to work. The wording from the will gives Wiltshire and Donovan some wiggle room if they want to contest our actions. We’re going to be walking a thin line all year.”


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