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Page 12

by Marshall Huffman

  “The point is, I think we should talk directly so that no misunderstanding will occur.”

  “Certainly. What is on you mind President Clemons?”

  “It concerns the potential to allow Russian naval ships and airplanes to have bases within your borders.”

  “Yes. It has been something we have been giving some consideration to. As you well know, Russia is a UN participant and part of NATO. It isn’t like during the Cold War. Does that concern you?” Bouchard asked.

  “It most certainly does. Having Russian ships and planes parked next door to our border is of great concern to our safety.”

  “Is there some hostility between your two nations that I am not aware of?” he asked.

  “Minister Bouchard, please, let’s not play silly games. You know good and well it will create difficulties and cause friction between both Russia and Canada. It is simply something we are not prepared to accept.”

  “Not prepared to accept? I’m not sure what you mean by that. Does that mean you would completely cut off trade with Canada?”

  “That is of course one option.”

  “Madam President you have already pretty much done that. The borders are closed and very little flows to or from America. Closing it the rest of the way would affect us very little at this point. We knew you would consider that so we have taken certain precautions to minimize the damage that would cause.”

  “Are you telling me you are willing to risk the possibility of other un-pleasantries?” she said.

  “Humm. Other un-pleasantries. Could you be a little more specific? Are you hinting at the possibility of a military conflict between our two nations?”

  “That is certainly an option.”

  “I must say, I have heard that you were somewhat unbalanced but to threaten war is certainly a stretch even for you. For your information Madam President, we have a treaty in place with Russia assuring our mutual aid in the event of aggression by another country. I find your idle threats to be ludicrous and frankly tedious. Good day Madam President,” he said and hung up.

  She was so mad she tried to throw the phone across the room but it only went so far and crashed to the floor. No ‘nothing country’ like Canada was going to get away with talking to the President of the most powerful country in the world like that. She immediately sent for General Douglas.


  “I won’t have it. I simply will not have some second rate country telling us what they will or won’t allow.”

  “Madam President, Canada is far from a second rate country and Russia is certainly not. Together they would make a formidable foe. If they have a mutual aggression treaty in place, it would mean Russia would have no choice but to come to their aid. If they come in, you can rest assured that NATO will follow. It would essentially be us against the rest of the world,” he told her.

  “So I just have to take it. Is that what you are saying? Let them do whatever the hell they please? We were ready to go to war with Russia over placing missiles in Cuba but it’s okay to let them set up camp on our doorstep?” she said angrily.

  “Madam President the world has changed. We have become isolated from our allies and are now pretty much on our own. Our travel restrictions have hurt the economy in almost every nation. Unemployment is up worldwide and they are looking at the US as the culprits,” he told her.

  “And you think that is all my fault?” she asked.

  “Fault isn’t what we are discussing here. We are talking about the reality of getting into a World War. There is never just one reason a war breaks out. It takes many, many incidents before it comes to a head.”

  “It still boils down to the same thing,” she said dismissively.

  “What we need to focus on is defusing this situation,” Douglas said.

  “Defuse?” she said raising her voice, “Defuse? You can’t be suggesting that we do nothing and just let it happen,” she said, her voice starting to rise again.

  “I guess I could just unleash every Intercontinental Missile we have at Russia. We might have to re-target a few toward Canada. Right now we don’t have any aimed at her,” Douglas said sardonically.

  “Don’t pull that crap with me. I won’t stand for it,” she said, her voice shaking.

  “Madam President, we only have so many options. As I see it, we start a war, we try to mend our relationships with Canada, or we do nothing and let it pass. The Canadians and Russians will not make very good bedfellows and I would imagine the alliance will not last very long,” Douglas replied.

  “So, in the meantime we just sit on our hands while the Russians dig in right across the border.”

  “Unless you have another option that I am not aware of,”

  She sighed deeply and closed her eyes. Why was this proving to be so difficult? People were sheep for the most part. It should be easy to get them to follow along. Between that damned Mark Walker stirring people up in the northern states, and the militia working in the west, it was getting out of hand.

  “I need to think this through. The fact that Russia could be just a few miles away galls me.”

  “I’m not happy about it but I also realize that a World War would produce no winners. Even if we fight this one with atomic weapons, the next war, if there is one, will be fought with sticks and stones because mankind will be gone,” he said as he left.


  Carlton Blaine had been chosen as the Vice President, not because he was the most qualified. Clemons chose him because he would follow orders without question. She doubted the man had had an original thought in his entire time in politics. If fact, she wondered how he had even managed to stay in office so long. He was living proof that term limits should be mandatory. This is exactly what she had been looking for when she turned the vetting task over to General Lamb’s team.

  The other side of the coin was that he looked like a politician. He was tall and had a certain flair about him. He could remember people’s names and make them feel important, even if he hadn’t seen them in years. He was a smooth talker. It was said that he could sell a used car to a used car salesman. Something about him made you want to believe what he was telling you. That was how he had managed to stay in office for so many years.

  “Carlton, I need you to go see Prime Minister Bouchard and try to explain our concerns about having the Russians so close to American soil. It could lead to conflict and we want to avoid that at all cost. You need to be a peacemaker. You have my permission to make me the ‘bad guy’ due to all the stress being created here at home. You need to slip in the problems being caused by Mark Walker’s non-stop broadcasts. Let him know that is one of the biggest sources of irritation. If they would send Walker back to the US, we would certainly be grateful enough to open easier passage into Canada and increase the amount of goods flowing into the country.”

  “We would open our borders again?”

  “Oh, heavens no. Don’t even mention such a thing. Just hint at what could happen if Walker was extradited back to the US.”

  “Just to be sure I understand, we don’t really intend to do any of that. I am to bring up the possibility, knowing we are not likely to do that.”


  “Alright. And if they show good faith before they hand him over what should I say we will do?”

  “Tell him we will immediately open three roads, Niagara Falls, in New York, Windsor in Detroit, Michigan, and one other of their choosing.”

  “We will do that before the exchange?” Carlton asked.

  “We will. Of course after we get him back, who knows what will happen. Road repairs or any number of things may force the closings again,” she said.

  “I understand.”

  “Good. The second part is to fly to Russia. You are to meet with Velessie Solanzi. You are to explain in the strongest terms possible our concern about them putting bases in Canada. It could do cataclysmic damage between our nations sending us back to the Cold War era.”

  “I’m not sure that will
carry much weight,” he replied.

  “Make it carry weight.”

  “I’ll do what I can.”

  “Alright. Your trip and appointments have been arranged. You will be using Air Force One to make a show of representing America.”

  “And I shall,” he said.


  Mark had just stepped out of the CJCP television station after having done a thirty minute interview. He immediately noticed swarms of CFMP officers. A long limo was parked at the curb. Two of the Canadian Forces Military Police officers came up to him.

  “Mr. Walker, would you please accompany us? We know you have a radio interview scheduled in one hour and that has been taken care of.

  “Sure. I doubt I have much choice in the matter.”

  “Probably not,” the officer agreed.

  They escorted him to the limo and he got into the back seat. Prime Minister Bouchard was already seated, drinking from a cut crystal glass.

  “Mr. Prime Minister. I wasn’t expecting to see you today,” Mark said slightly shaken.

  His immediate thought was that this could be very bad news indeed. Maybe he had overstepped his boundaries or worn out his welcome in Canada.

  “Nice to see you Mr. Walker. You can go now Charles,” he said to the driver.

  “So, here we are again,” Mark said.

  “Yes indeed. Would you like something to drink?”

  “Am I going to need it?” Mark asked.

  The Prime Minister laughed.

  “Probably. I need one almost every day because of something.”

  “Then I’ll have a CC with a little ice if you have it.”

  “But of course,” the Prime Minister said handing him a glass with ice and pouring a generous amount of Canadian Club in the glass.

  “Oh dear, It must not be very good news,” Mark said looking at the amount in the glass.

  “Relax. I just wanted to give you an update. First, the money you requested to be sent to repay your debts has been taken care of. Neither party expected anything, and were quite socked.”

  “Thank you for taking care of that. I had no way of tracking them down.”

  “No problem. It was very noble of you. Now, you probably know your broadcasts caused a major uprising in thirteen states along the southern border of Canada, from New York to South Dakota. It created quite a messy situation for your government.”

  “Not my government. It is my country, but not my government. I love my country but that does not mean I have an allegiance to the administration, especially a corrupt one like President Clemons presides over.”

  “Yes, well put. Anyway, your new Vice President is on his way here. I am sure you will be a large part of the conversation. I know there are several things on his agenda but you are certain to be one of them.”

  “I see. And are you telling me in a polite way that my situation is in peril?”

  “Mark, I gave you my word that we would not extradite you back to the US did I not?”

  “Yes sir, you did but I understand that the best intentions sometimes have to be sacrificed for the good of many. I think I told you at the time I understood that you have a lot more to worry about than what happened to one insignificant person when it came to doing what you must of the good of your nation.”

  “Yes you did say that but I also assured you I would not do that.”

  “Alright. So here we are drinking some of this wonderful CC and having a big boy conversation. What does his arrival mean?”

  “I would like for you to be there.”


  “I’m quite serious.”

  “I would like for you to be there. You see, I had a rather tense conversation with your President. She is now sending the VP in Air Force One, nonetheless. She seems to think that will intimidate me and frankly it makes me laugh. The point is, I want you there to show that we have absolutely no intention of bowing down to her wishes.”

  “You do understand that she is a megalomaniac? I’m serious; she has delusional fantasies of being omnipotent. She honestly thinks if she keeps pushing the American people that they will not do anything about it. She is convinced that she has them totally under her control. That was the idea with the ISS. You do what I say or off you go, never to be seen again. So far it’s been working.”

  “Yes, but all megalomaniacs are overthrown at some point. I know you Yanks. You want to believe in the good of people almost to the point of being naïve, but once you have had enough, look out,” the Prime Minister replied.

  “And what would my being there accomplish?” Mark asked.

  “Ah well, that is real question isn’t it? Here is what I would like for you to do…..”


  All the drones were finally in the bunker just outside of Osage City, Kansas. The whole operation had gone better than anyone had expected. It was almost impossible to believe that not one single life was lost on the ARM side.

  “Amazing,” Thomas said shaking first Gerhardt’s hand then Kim’s.

  “It went pretty well, all things considered,” Gerhardt said.

  “Pretty well? What does it take to please you?” Thomas asked shocked.

  “No loss of life by innocent bystanders. I feel sorry for the guards we had to take out permanently. If there had been another way we would have used it. As it was, they were simply too far away.”

  “It was still remarkable that you only had to take out five people.”

  “Not according to the media. It seems we slaughtered fifty poor unsuspecting employees as well as ten guards.”

  “Yes, well, what else can you expect from the media when it is controlled by the government,” Thomas said.

  “What do you have for us now?”

  “Nothing at the moment but we will soon. We are working on a plan to create some havoc in the southern states. So far they have stayed pretty much uninvolved. It seems kind of strange because you have the idea that there are a lot of rebels in the south. If that is true we need to stir them up.”

  “I’ll give my people some down time but I want them to keep active,” Gerhardt told him.

  “It won’t be long, I promise.”

  “Just so you know, Kim and her team were brilliant. They had a much more difficult time as it turned out. It just goes to show how important knowing how to improvise is. In her case, it was the difference between being here with us now and being in prison. I am very proud of her,” Gerhardt said.

  “Stop. You’re trying to make me blush,” she said slugging him on the arm.


  “Mr. Vice President. Welcome to Canada. I hope your flight was a pleasant one.”

  “I was indeed. Air Force One is truly amazing.”

  “I’m sure. Please have a seat. I understand that you have an agenda you wish to discuss. I’m sure I can guess most of it, but please proceed,” Bouchard said.

  “Yes, well, like you said, there are a couple of things that are causing the President a lot of concern. As you know, she is trying to shape America to become a more efficient, less foreign aid dependent, country. Of course change can be difficult for anyone to accept but imagine trying to get an entire nation to understand the need to change. A country’s safety must be the top priority of any government. Also, living beyond our means, spending money we don’t have and then ending up being beholding to other nations is a crucial issue President Clemons has been dealing with. We have been depending on foreign oil like beggars with our cups out. America was headed in the wrong direction and President Clemons is doing her best to make the people understand the need to change.”

  “So it is all about getting the nation back on track, so to speak,” Bouchard said.

  “Exactly. Yes, she can be a bit overbearing and short tempered from time to time but it is because she believes so strongly in what she is trying to accomplish that she sometimes forgets the correct way to talk, even to heads of state. She wishes for me to express her apology for the outburst during yo
ur last conversation.”

  “Really? She could not call and tell me that herself?”

  “She wasn’t sure how it would be received.”

  “So she sends you. Interesting. Alright, let’s talk about your agenda,” Bouchard said.

  “America’s concerns are centered around two troubling issues…”

  The door opened and a man walked in with a tray of glasses and a bottle of Canadian Club.

  “Ah, excellent. Would you care for drink Mr. Vice President?”

  “Well…I guess that would be alright.”

  “Mark, please. Three glasses of CC,”

  Mark looked at the Vice President and realized that he had no idea who he was. This was going to be priceless.

  “Rocks Mr. Vice President?’

  “Yes, Please.”

  Mark added the ice cubes and two for the Prime Minister. He put several in his glass as well and poured the three drinks. He could see the Vice President frowning.

  Mark handed one to each of the men and then took the last one for himself.

  “Cheers,” he said.

  The Prime Minister touched glasses immediately. The Vice President was hesitant but followed suit.

  “Excellent,” Bouchard announced.

  “Indeed,” Mark said as he sat down.

  The Vice President was looking from Mark to the Prime Minister.

  “Oh heavens, I’m so sorry. My manners. Mr. Vice President this is Mark Walker. Mark, Vice President Carlton Blaine. Mark offered his hand but the Vice President just sat there. He placed his glass on the table and looked at the Prime Minister.

  “I would like to be taken back to Air Force One,” he said stiffly.

  “But we have so much to talk about,” the Prime Minister replied.

  Blaine stood and strode toward the door.

  “Have a nice flight, and please come back when you can stay longer,” Bouchard said to his retreating back.


  Even with media blackouts, travel restrictions, and a constant barrage of lies some things simply cannot be suppressed. The uprisings in the Border States soon make their way across America. Mark’s book, Life in an American Gulag was making its way into the country as well. Resistance was growing daily and the ISS was struggling to maintain control.


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