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Dark Pact: A Reverse Harem Fantasy Romance (Her Dark Guardians Book 1)

Page 23

by Alana Serra

  “How did you expect me to take it?” he asked, walking a bit closer to her. Close enough that she began to smell that scent of spice and smoke that clung to his leathers.

  “I’m not sure. It’s very… sudden, isn’t it? I’ve never done such a thing before, and I barely know any of you.” She frowned at that, uncertainty setting in. “I felt a connection with Wesley, but perhaps… I don’t know.”

  She didn’t want to admit that this had come after days of her wallowing because of Desmond’s very firm rejection of who she was and what she’d become—for him. She didn’t want to think that she was just using Wesley to make herself feel better, as some sort of consolation prize. She didn’t feel like that was the case, but perhaps he did. Perhaps he’d resigned himself to it and now expected that from her.

  Perhaps Karak saw all of it as desperation, too. Meant to be scoffed at, or perhaps just pitied.

  “I don’t think it’s sudden at all. Our hearts—or at the very least, our bodies—often know what we want, well before the rest of us catches up. It’s not wrong of you to simply own up to your desires, Rhia.”

  His voice was a deep, smooth rumble that fell over her in a soothing wave. He stepped closer yet again and she could feel the warmth of his body. It was so tempting to press against him, let herself be folded into his arms, but what would he think of her? What would Wesley think of her, if she allowed herself that comfort after being with him?

  This wasn’t how it was supposed to work. Things had been clear when it was only Desmond she wanted. Now, they were muddled and impossible for her to decipher.

  “It’s also not uncommon among Dark Ladies and their guardians. In such situations, a bond often forms. Deep and impossible to resist. Their destinies are twined together, and so it’s only natural that they would share more than just fate.”

  Every word, every syllable he spoke was resonant in her mind and her body. They pulsed through her, making her all too aware of the fact that he was still coming closer, bit by bit. And she wasn’t backing away from him, nor did she have any desire to do so.

  “I suppose that makes sense,” she said, trying to hide the fine tremor in her voice as she looked up at him and into those bright amber eyes that were fixed on her like a predator might be fixed on its prey. He looked as if he might devour her whole at any moment, and Rhia wasn’t sure she minded. “A Dark Lady growing close to one of her guardians. …Just one, right?”

  It was a safer way to wade into her true question, to test the waters and determine if she was some kind of degenerate for feeling as she did. He would tell her that yes, of course, it was only one guardian, and she would force herself to get a grip on these forbidden desires. But he wasn’t looking at her like someone who thought she had… alternative tastes. A slow smile spread across his lips, drawing Rhia’s focus to them.

  “That’s probably true of some Dark Ladies, but not the ones I’ve come across.” He stepped so close that he was nearly touching her, and Rhia had to stop herself from reaching out. Especially when his hand came up, making the promise of a touch that never came when he grabbed the cross-brace of the ballista behind her instead, giving her a view of the thick, corded muscles that made up his forearm. “A Dark Lady can’t function with just one guardian. She needs all of them to have her different needs met.”

  Rhia couldn’t catch her breath. In fact, she was fairly certain she forgot how to breathe for several long moments. “Because of her powers and what she needs to accomplish.”

  He didn’t answer. His lips just remained pulled into a subdued, seductive smile, the tip of one tusk peeking out. Immediately she was drawn back to the thoughts she’d had en route to Ebonhold, when she’d wondered what those tusks would feel like if he kissed her. She could find out. If she was reading him right, he wouldn’t be averse to it.

  But what if she was wrong?

  “Rhia.” Her name was a deep, inviting rumble in his throat, and she would have gladly listened to him say it that way again and again. “I’m not bothered by you and Wesley. I am a little jealous, but only because he got to experience you first, when we’ve all ached to do so since the day we met you.”

  She sucked in a breath, holding it there until her lungs burned. She wanted to provide some witty retort, some saucy remark that would help her feel on even-keel with this man, but she couldn’t manage it. He was in complete control of this moment and what happened. It should have frightened her, but she trusted him. Not only to keep her from harm, but to give her what she wanted.

  “I don’t mind sharing,” he said in a near-purr, his breath warm against her lips. “Watching you straddle Wesley, I would’ve given anything to be a part of that. Kissing you. Touching you. Teasing your clit while he fucked you…”

  She let out a whimper that was completely beyond her control. Her body felt like it was on fire and in danger of melting into a useless puddle. She couldn’t help being aroused and utterly transfixed by his words, by the thought of both men being with her, their attentions put toward bringing her to climax again and again.

  “So.” His lips were a breath away from hers, the words practically spoken against her mouth. “I hope you’ll consider me, because I intend to fight for you.”

  She clutched at him, grabbed at the leather strap that was held tight across his chest right as Karak finally closed that agonizingly small distance and kissed her. His mouth was hard against hers, the impression of his tusks pressing against her lips, snagging just like teeth might. A shudder overtook Rhia as she gave herself over to it, to him, his strong tongue plunging into her mouth with no reservation. Large arms came around her, pulling her against his hard body, and she moaned into his mouth as she felt the hard ridge of his erection press insistently against her.

  The longer he kissed her, the more she expected to lose all sense of herself; to be caught up in the frenzy of desire again. But Karak controlled the pace of the kiss, slowing it gradually until it became a sensual exploration of mouths, tongues, and teeth. There was something shockingly intimate about it, every detail present in her mind, given time to be fully savored as she just enjoyed the kiss for what it was.

  So much so that when he pulled back, she didn’t feel as though she’d been left wanting. Oh, she would have gladly taken more, but she could find no fault in that kiss as it stood.

  And she didn’t feel guilty about enjoying it. She felt strangely empowered. Liberated, as if a new world had been unlocked to her.

  “As I said, Lady,” Karak’s voice still held a husky edge, his amber eyes darkened by desire. “I hope you’ll consider me.”

  He turned, leaving her there, her whole body still tingling from the encounter. The smallest smirk tugged at her lips as she reached up to touch them, feeling the slightest hint of bruising from his tusks.

  She knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that there was no chance of her being able to forget that kiss, or the words that accompanied it.

  Chapter 22

  Tanris’ information-gathering spree lasted longer than he thought it would.

  He’d known the four of them were sending him to the four corners of the earth—or at least the northern part of it—but he’d hoped to barter for a few more direct rides to get where he needed to be. That or send someone else to find the information and cover more ground than just going in himself. But his associates had proved unreliable and merchants were less and less likely to offer him safe passage. He couldn’t imagine why.

  Fortunately, Tanris never left a job unfinished, and these in particular were too valuable to ignore. There was a price associated with each, a favor he knew he could call in at will. Because he hadn’t just learned requested information and left it at that. Of course not. He’d discovered enough to make each of the Dark Lady’s guardians sweat a bit. That way if they refused to honor their end of the bargain Tanris was so graciously allowing them, he’d have some recourse.

  And even if he’d miscalculated and they weren’t as desperate for information as he assu
med, there was still the matter of buying the Dark Lady’s trust. She was a curious sort, to be sure. It hadn’t occurred to her to threaten him and demand he do these things as a show of loyalty. He’d built upon her guardians’ suggestion, and Tanris hoped it would pay off. Quite literally. He needed that money to make sure his mother didn’t have to live the way she’d been living for over thirty years now.

  If there was a bit extra to buy him a fine ship, then so be it.

  Arriving at Ebonhold in the late afternoon, having spent the previous night at the inn near the crossroads some distance away, Tanris immediately noticed the changes in the keep. The lands surrounding it were tended, no longer overgrown with brambles and weeds. The fortress itself was repaired, not guarded by a palisade but a sturdy stone wall, along with a trench that was charred pitch black, embers smoldering away as an overgrown lizard skulked through it. There were people around, too. Orcs and gnolls, which certainly wasn’t an unusual set for a Dark Lady to acquire. As he rode into the outer bailey, though, Tanris noticed that they seemed to be living there, not merely visiting.

  An interesting tactic. It wasn’t unwise to have one’s allies close by, especially if Rhia was planning on building an army. For his part, Tanris took note of the ones that seemed to have the most power. Those who claimed leadership roles often had a certain presence about them, and he identified an older orc woman and a gnoll shaman who seemed to have importance in their clans. Two more people who would owe him favors eventually, if he played his cards right.

  “Couldn’t make it to the window this time, thief?”

  Tanris turned to face the owner of a deep, masculine voice, a smile curving the rogue’s lips. The paladin—former paladin, he’d learned—strode up to him as if he were in charge of the entire affair. He really was a handsome sort, those piercing green eyes making Tanris wonder what it would be like to be pinned by them in a more intimate setting. Perhaps while he was on his knees, with Liam barking orders, tugging him around by the hair, gripping the back of his head to hold him where he wanted him.

  A delicious thought, and Tanris licked his lips, his cock making its interest known. “Thief, is it? I’ll have you know I haven’t stolen anything at all, good paladin. Besides a few hearts, and a few more sets of knickers, if you must know.”

  He winked at the man, amused by the fact that a muscle in his face twitched just so, betraying an interest. It was something to pursue later. For now, there was business to attend to.

  “I didn’t think we’d see you here again,” Liam said, stopping before Tanris’ mottled gelding.

  He dismounted, loosening the straps of the saddlebags and bringing them with him in lieu of a pack. “And yet, here I am. Where is your lovely lady? I have some things I need to discuss with her.”

  “Inside,” the oathbreaker said in what was little more than a grunt of acknowledgment.

  “What a thorough assessment. I’ll definitely be able to find her with such crystal clear instructions.”

  “If you think I’m letting you roam free in the keep, you’re deeply mistaken. Smartass.”

  Tanris gave the man a wolfish grin, turning around as if he were a player strutting about on stage. “And here I didn’t think you’d noticed my ass. It is rather smart, isn’t it?”

  He put a hand back there for emphasis, and to see if he could rattle the former-paladin any further. The sharp intake of breath—subtle, but more than noticeable to Tanris—was enough of a reward, and he behaved himself for the rest of the walk. As tempting as it was to try and taunt the man into action, he could just as easily end up with the wrong kind of sword at his throat.

  So he followed like a good little dog, letting Liam lead him to a clean and spacious library that was currently occupied by the Dark Lady and her warlock associate. As soon as the man saw him, his interest was caught. Blue eyes met Tanris’ brown ones, and he smiled encouragingly at the warlock.

  Oh, I know what you want. You’re not getting it just yet, though.

  “Tanris,” Rhia said, rising from an overstuffed chair. “I have to say, after the first week, I didn’t expect you back.”

  “Thorough information-gathering takes time, Lady. But I’m hurt you didn’t have faith in my abilities,” he said, clutching his chest.

  She dismissed his theatrics with a shake of her head. “You have information for us, then?”

  “I do,” he said simply, Wesley’s rapt interest not escaping his notice.

  “Let’s talk it over in the war room. We can grab Karak on the way there,” she said, smoothing down the skirt of a flowing black gown, as if the fabric needed any help clinging to her luscious figure.

  Oh, to be that silk hanging off her hips right now. It was almost a painful sight to behold, especially when Rhia walked past him, her shapely rump snug against the fabric. He made no move to restrain his gaze as it lingered, watching her ass pull the fabric tight, then slacken it again with every step she took. His hands itched to reach out and touch her, but despite all flirtatious remarks to the contrary, he wasn’t that type of man. When he touched her, it would be because she begged him to do it.

  The same was true for any of them, though in Liam’s case he suspected that might come from being thrown against a wall at any moment. The oathbreaker’s emerald gaze bore into him, hard and furious and possessive all at once. Curious for a guardian to feel as if he had sole rights to a Dark Lady. That wasn’t going to work out especially well for him.

  “Keep your eyes where they belong, thief,” Liam growled, walking close enough so that Tanris could hear without alerting Rhia.

  “And where is that, exactly? Would you prefer I look at you instead?”

  “I’d prefer you look at the inside of a dungeon, and if you keep pressing your luck, I may get my wish.”

  Tanris flashed him a brilliant grin, the quip on the tip of his tongue. He wouldn’t have minded playing with manacles so long as Liam was around to act as dungeon guard. He could tell the man expected him to say something to that effect. He was watching Tanris like a hawk. But the rogue simply smiled, keeping his mouth shut. What was the point of being outrageous if one couldn’t also defy expectations from time to time?

  As they walked, Rhia poked her head out of one of the entryways, calling for Karak who’d been in the training yard. A treat for all involved, as the half-orc jogged to reach them, his naked torso shining with sweat. This place really was entirely too distracting, and even Tanris saw the need to rein his thoughts in as the five of them made their way to the war room.

  That, it seemed, was just as sparse as the last time he’d been. “No renovations on this room?”

  “None needed,” Rhia explained, moving to stand on the opposite side of the table. “We aren’t planning a war.”

  “Fair enough,” Tanris sat with a shrug, dropping uninvited into one of the sparse few chairs around the table.

  A table he lifted his boots onto. No need for war, no need to respect the war table, clearly. He could feel Liam’s and Karak’s eyes on him, narrowing, but Rhia just snorted under her breath.

  “How much of your time are you going to spend posturing like a peacock?” she asked, an amused glint in her eyes. “I’d like to know so I can be sure to ignore you until you say something worthwhile.”

  That earned a genuine grin. Tanris sat up in a more respectful fashion, dipping his head to her. “A Lady’s time is valuable. I would hate to impose. Consider the cockery momentarily suspended.”

  “Somehow I doubt that,” Liam muttered, his arms folding over his chest.

  He winked at the man, but didn’t rise to the obvious bait. Instead he hefted his saddlebags on to the unused war table and began to undo the snaps. “I’m sure you’re all eager to know what I’ve been up to, but I’m afraid it’s only right that the Lady goes first. Sad to say, Rhia, you likely already know what I’m about to tell you.”

  His gaze flickered toward her in time to see the frown, her eyes downcast. “I’m sure I do.”

p; “Your Desmond has been inducted into the Noble Order of the Holy Blade. Inducted and fast-tracked to knight, in fact. It seems he brought some valuable information straight to the guild, though I was unable to determine what. They keep their secrets locked up tighter than a cloistered maiden’s virtue.”

  Liam’s gaze narrowed. “It could be anything, knowing the Holy Blade.”

  Tanris tsked. “Wait your turn, oathbreaker. We’ll get to you in just a moment.”

  He pulled out a scroll case and passed it across the table to Rhia. Long, elegant fingers grasped it, breaking the seal that Tanris had thoughtfully reapplied after breaking it himself a week ago.

  “I intercepted this correspondence. It should give you some idea as to the kind of marching orders your handsome friend is under.”

  She scanned the missive and Tanris “read” along in his mind, recalling the words as though he’d just finished looking at the scroll himself. One of the benefits of having such a keen memory when it came to recalling words and images.

  “He’s leading a unit that’s looking for Relics of Belisan. Do you know what those are?” she looked to Tanris first, then when he shook his head, her gaze moved to each guardian in turn.

  “Holy relics,” Liam explained. “They’re prized by paladins, used to cast out evil.”

  Lines creased into the Lady’s forehead, marring her features with worry. She carefully rolled the letter and returned it to the scroll case. “This is helpful, Tanris. Thank you.”

  “Of course,” he said, giving as theatrical a bow as he could manage while seated. “I’m only sorry I couldn’t get the information to you sooner, before you ran into him.”

  “And why is that?” Karak asked. “It’s very strange to me that you were able to intercept this, but could not warn the Lady about it.”

  “If you don’t think couriers departing to the southern lands are shaken down by every official imaginable, you’re mistaken,” Tanris said with a wry smile. “It would’ve never reached you. And yes, I certainly could have brought the information in person, but I’d already moved on by the time I received that missive. To a subject that will interest you, I’m sure.”


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