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Dark Pact: A Reverse Harem Fantasy Romance (Her Dark Guardians Book 1)

Page 33

by Alana Serra

  From what Wesley said, she’d spent too much of her life locked away. She deserved to see the world.

  It was a gift Rhia never imagined being able to give another person. Not in this way, at least. She always thought she’d end up traveling with a band of adventurers, completing work for the guild. Going from town to town, heralded a hero. She certainly wasn’t that now. Not to the humans. But she didn’t need to be. The people who needed her understood what she brought to the table, and her guardians supported her more than anyone ever had.

  There was one niggling thought that plagued her, though, burrowing into her mind each night when she lay down to sleep. Aeredus’ command. The mark was still tight around her neck, and she swore she could feel his presence looming just behind her. He wanted her to bring down the guild, and she hadn’t done it. She had no intentions of doing it, either, and had made that known to all who would listen. There was no way it hadn’t gotten back to him.

  For that reason, she wasn’t surprised when he paid her a visit once they settled back in at Ebonhold.

  She’d finished helping Emma get her room set up to her liking and had returned to her own chambers, eager to enjoy a bath in peace. As much as she wanted to continue things with Wesley—and hopefully the others—she desperately needed the time alone. Naturally, that was when Aeredus came to her. Right as she closed her eyes, her head sinking back against the tub.

  “You’ve been a busy little bee,” his otherworldly voice echoed through the room.

  Her eyes snapped open, the water splashing as she moved to cover herself from his vile, intrusive gaze. The dark god’s avatar just laughed, coal black eyes squinting in mirth.

  “Nothing I haven’t seen before, my pet. You needn’t cover yourself for my benefit.”

  “I promise you, it’s not,” she said through gritted teeth. “What do you want?”

  “I’m sure you know.”

  Aeredus walked the room, his too-tall form filling the space with darkness. Long, spindly fingers reached out to touch her comb, her jewelry case, all of her other little trinkets.

  “You’ve used my powers, adorned yourself in all the things befitting your new station. You’ve even seen fit to pact with your guardians. And yet, you still think to defy me.”

  She opened her mouth to speak, but Aeredus held up one finger and suddenly Rhia felt her windpipe being closed off, ever-so-slowly. She reached for her throat, clawed at it, tried to cry out, to no avail.

  “Commoners should really know to be silent when their betters are talking,” the Dark God said with a sigh, turning to look at her with a bored expression. “You needn’t deny it. I know exactly what you intend, and I know you think you’re succeeding. I’m here to tell you you’re not.”

  His lips curved into a slow, sinister smile, and he gestured dismissively. Suddenly Rhia could breathe again, the invisible hand loosening from around her neck. She gasped loudly, desperate to pull breath into her lungs.

  “Here’s a fun fact for you, pet. Stragar, the man you sentenced to death for a crime he didn’t commit? Brilliant plan, by the way. I doubt I would have concocted anything better myself,” he purred. “He was a rather prominent member of Platsia’s guild. His ‘corruption’ will surely lead the paladins to investigate the entire guild, and who knows how many more Lady Tremont will decide to take down with him.”

  Rhia stopped coughing right as her stomach sank like a stone. Bile welled in her throat, all the blood leaving her face in an instant. No. He couldn’t have been. He was just some mercenary. A man who would’ve gladly killed for money.

  “I didn’t know,” she croaked out, clutching at her throat.

  “And yet you still made the decision. Condemned that man to death to protect your own.” Aeredus’ lips curved into a grotesque smile. “Why should his life be more important than your dear Wesley’s?”

  Rage burned inside of her, and though she knew it was fruitless, Rhia surged from the tub, sending water flying all over the room. Her powers surged with her, upending nearby furniture, a table flying through the translucent form of Aeredus’ avatar.

  “My, my,” he chided, “such a temper. You’ll have to control that, Rhiannon. You wouldn’t want it to consume you. What defense will you have then to avoid giving in to the true nature of your powers?”

  “My guardians won’t let me,” she growled, seething. “They’ll make sure that never happens.”

  Aeredus laughed, the sound grating at her nerves. “Oh, please. Once they see you veering down that path, they’ll either join you—gladly—or they’ll fling themselves from the sinking ship like the rats they are.”

  She roared, hurling a bookcase at his form, knowing it was absolutely useless. He was trying to rile her, preying on her insecurities. She knew it, and yet she let herself be baited.

  She wasn’t alone to face him, though. Footsteps thundered in the hall outside, Karak the first to burst through the door. His gaze fell on her, then on Aeredus, an entity she wasn’t sure he’d see. The others followed suit.

  “Leave this place, demon,” Karak growled.

  “You have no power here,” Liam said, his tone low and threatening.

  Aeredus just smiled at them, and for a moment, Rhia’s heart stopped. He could hurt them. Kill them, likely with just a flick of his wrist or a snap of his fingers.

  “On the contrary, paladin. I have all the power here. Unless you wish to break your pact?” His lips stretched in an unnaturally wide grin that sent a shiver down Rhia’s spine. “I’m happy to oblige. Then you can see just how miserable your pathetic little lives would be without my help.”

  Wesley and Tanris arrived, all four of her guardians crowding into the room, but it was too late. Aeredus vanished, dark smoke left in his wake, along with a laugh that echoed through the room, shaking her to her very core.

  Once he was gone, Rhia wanted to sink to the floor and curse herself for a fool. But she refused. She stood there, stark naked, dripping water amid her own ruined bedroom, and held her head high in defiance.

  “He knows everything. All that we’re trying to do. He’s going to try and trick us, undermine us at every turn. But I refuse to play his victim any longer.” Her gaze swept over her four guardians, lingering on each in turn. “We have to be smarter. We have to work together to stay one step ahead of him. I know what I’m asking will be difficult, but—”

  “Of course we’ll do it,” Wesley said.

  “We’ll be by your side, Rhia, every step of the way,” Karak put in.

  “And he’s not the only one who knows a few tricks,” Liam added, his gaze resolute.

  Even Tanris, who she expected to scamper away from the pact now that he’d seen the severity of its terms, seemed intent. “I can’t much abide cheaters, but I’m not above bending the rules to make a fool of them.”

  “We’re here for you, Rhia.” Wesley’s voice was soft, his touch gentle as he pulled her dressing gown from the floor and draped it over her. “He won’t win this.”

  She let out a heavy breath, her nerves finally easing. Rhia gave them a tired smile, opening her mouth to thank them when a ripple tore through her consciousness. She knew in an instant what was wrong. The magical wards she’d erected around Ebonhold had been breached.

  Someone knew she was here.

  “What’s wrong?” Karak asked, his expression one of concern.

  “Someone’s gotten past the wards. It could just be a malfunction. Maybe the shaman’s magic is conflicting with my spells.”

  Even as she said it, she knew that wasn’t the case. Liam gave voice to that sinking feeling that welled in the pit of her stomach.

  “Or it’s someone who intends to attack.”

  She nodded, prepared to give them the orders she knew they were waiting for when something familiar tugged at her, demanded she search her memories. Rhia rushed past them, making her way to the parapets, needing to confirm what she already suspected; what she already knew.

  Her guardians followed b
ehind, calling out to her, but Rhia was driven. She didn’t stop until she reached the edge of the stone, looking out into the courtyard where she saw a rider sitting atop a pristine white destrier, his golden armor gleaming in the sunlight.

  Desmond had come for her. And he hadn’t come alone.


  Look for Book 2 of Her Dark Guardians coming in September!

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  Also by Alana Serra

  Fantasy Romance

  Sin & Salvation

  Sky Lord’s Mate

  Sky Lord’s Desire

  Rite of the Raknari

  Storm Lord’s Bride

  Sci-fi Romance

  Warriors of the Karuvar







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