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Kiljorn Commander

Page 7

by K. D. Jones

  Chapter Ten

  TylOR turned the lights on low, stood and began to put his clothes back on. He could feel Elizabeth’s eyes on him and his body responded with arousal. This was not the time to be ruled by desire. He needed to keep a clear head to make his argument.

  “TylOR?” She sat up and wrapped the sheet around her body. She still felt self-conscious about being completely naked with the lights on. “The woman is supposed to be asked first. That’s what I have been told, but I don’t remember being asked.” She felt angry that he would do something so serious without talking to her about it.

  “I marked you. Something I wanted to do since the first moment I laid eyes upon you. I am not going to apologize for it.”

  “Are you at all sorry for not asking me first?” her voice rose a little.

  He sighed. “I did not ask your permission first. I should have, but it would not have changed anything. You are still…mine.” He turned to face her, expecting more of her angry words.

  “I’m yours?” She was trying to process what he was telling her. She was taken back. The way he looked at her had her heart fluttering.


  “Lieutenant DugER says that I am your mate. I know there are two different kinds of mates. A regular mate is one you choose to be with but your bond mate is one that destiny has chosen for you.” She knew this because it was included in the Katieran Culture Guide Book, which she helped to write.

  “What kind of mate am I to you?” It was important for her to know. The first type of mating can be dissolved if a true bond mate appears. A true bond mating cannot ever be broken.

  “Your are my true bond mate.”

  “Are you sure?” She didn’t want to get her hopes up.

  “Very sure.” There was a long pause as he watched different expressions flash across Elizabeth’s beautiful face. She was very expressive. Finally she spoke.

  “Okay.” She frowned but said nothing else. She was still mad that he would do something this serious without talking to her first. Was that what she had to look forward to with their life together?

  He looked at her in surprise. “Okay?”

  She nodded her head. She didn’t have a choice in the matter. “Okay. I’m your mate.”

  “Bond mate,” he corrected her.

  “Right, bond mate.”

  He came to her then, kneeling down on the floor directly in front of her. They stared into each other’s eyes. There was so much still unsaid between them. He wanted to tell her how he felt, but the words were stuck.

  “Elizabeth I…” he was interrupted by his comm link beeping. He frowned as he hit the connection button. “Commander TylOR here.”

  “Commander, you asked to be notified when we have entered the Kiljorn Solar System. We have arrived and Prime Leader KadEN is requesting communications with you immediately.”

  “I will be there in ten minutes.” He disconnected his comm link and looked apologetically at her. “I have to go get ready for departure to Kiljor.”

  “We’re here already?” Wow, where had the time gone? Guess when you are busy having super sex, time just flies.

  “Yes. You will be traveling in my shuttle with me when we go down to the planet. The guards will escort you there when it is time to leave.” He bent down and kissed her soft lips. He growled and kissed her deeper. “You drive me crazy with your scent.” He straightened back up and moved toward the door. “Stay with the security guard. It is for your protection.”

  “Can you tell me what happened?” She stood, keeping the sheet wrapped around her body.

  “I will explain it to you when we are on the shuttle. I have to go for now. But I will see you onboard the shuttle.” He left shutting the door behind him.

  Lizzie stood there wondering why she couldn’t be completely happy about her current situation. She was scent marked as a mate for a hot and sexy man. He said she was his bond mate, which was serious business to him and his people. But he never said that he loved her. Was it just a physical thing they have no control over? For someone who prided herself on learning the alien culture so quickly, she felt very unsure of what everything meant. Well, there was only one thing she knew to do, research it as soon as she could. She sighed and went to take a shower.


  TylOR looked at the replacement guard for Elizabeth. “Lieutenant LoEK. You and Lieutenant DugER will be escorting Miss Connell to my shuttle in two hours. Then while on Kiljor, you two will continue to guard her. You are not to let her out of your sight. If you notice anyone acting suspiciously around her, if any other males try to talk to her, you are to notify me immediately.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Satisfied that his orders would be carried out, TylOR headed for the command center. He needed to check with his second in command, TenON, to see if they made any progress in finding out who the bomber was. The idea of sending the bomber down to Kiljor ate at him. He would not put his leader or his people at jeopardy.

  “Report, Second Commander!” he yelled as soon as he passed through the doors.

  The Second Commander stood at full attention. “Sir, we finished interrogating all of the returning Kiljorns onboard. There are five that we have put in a holding cell for further interrogation.”

  “No one admitted to the crime?”

  “Not yet, sir.”

  “Has Commander AshOR reported his findings?”

  “Yes, sir. He had also put five in a holding cell for further interrogation.”

  “Fine. Put me on with Prime Leader KadEN.” TylOR waited for KadEN’s image to appear on the viewing screen.

  KadEN spoke as soon as they were connected. “Report, Commander TylOR!”

  “Sir, we have a total of ten people detained in holdings cells, five onboard our transport and five onboard the Colonial transport for further interrogation.”

  “I want the best interrogator we have working on this. I don’t want those suspects to be sent down with the rest of the Kiljorns. They are to remain onboard until answers are found.” KadEN ran a hand through his hair. “We’ll do a full debrief once you and Commander AshOR arrive on planet.”

  “Yes, sir.” The communication ended. Their best interrogator was not someone he would ever willingly choose to let loose on anyone. But if it meant finding the bomber responsible, then he would do what needed to be done.

  “Lieutenant, get me StrykER on a secure line.” Stryker was military trained but specialized in interrogations, breaking enemy defenses. He had been known to make Morins cry. He was what the Earth people would call…their boogieman. Not a social person, and would more likely kill a person than help them. He did not like it. But what other choice did he have? May the Goddess help them.

  “Yes, sir.”


  A couple of hours later Lizzie followed both her guards to the landing bay. She didn’t see TylOR anywhere and it worried her that he hadn’t contacted her at all. What could possibly be so urgent? Was it the Morins? Had they attacked? Are they close by?

  Lizzie felt her stomach turn at the idea of the Morins being anywhere close to her. An image of the Morins as they tried to drag her away popped into her mind. They were sickly looking with yellow skin, and their eyes were an unnerving full yellow with no pupils. They didn’t have any hair at all, not even eyebrows. Unlike TylOR and AshOR who were very healthy and good-looking but considered oddities because of their lack of facial and body hair, the Morins were gruesome looking. She hoped to never come face to face with one again. She shivered with dread.

  “This way, Miss Connell. Commander TylOR wants you to get strapped in the shuttle. He will be along shortly,” Lieutenant DugER said while the other lieutenant had her bags and was loading them onto the shuttle.

  “Thank you.” She was helped inside the shuttle. She nodded at the pilot who was doing his checks on his control panel. She took a seat in the corner. She didn’t know who all would be on the shuttle. She hoped she didn’t have to deal with those Kiljorn w
omen. Especially the one bitch, MarjAY. She was going to flip her lid when she found out that TylOR had marked Lizzie as his mate.

  Actually, she was looking forward to seeing the hateful woman’s expression when she found out. Maybe she could take her digital tablet and videotape her reaction to play over and over. Yeah, that would be funny as hell. Voices right outside the shuttle door caught her attention. One voice in particular was familiar.

  “You and Lieutenant DugER will be traveling on this shuttle. You will be Miss Connell’s guards while on Kiljor,” TylOR told him.

  “Yes, sir.”

  TylOR entered the shuttle and sought out Elizabeth. Seeing her safe and waiting for him eased his fear. He wasn’t used to feeling fearful or worried. It was new to him and he wasn’t sure he liked feeling this way, so out of control of his own emotions. It was another sign that she truly was his bond mate. He nodded at the pilot before shuffling his large frame over to where Elizabeth was sitting. He took a seat next to her and because he could not help himself, he grabbed her small hand in his gently but firmly.

  “You can take off when ready,” TylOR told the pilot.

  “Yes, sir. Doing final checks now.”

  A few minutes went by then Lizzie felt when the grappling hooks that held the shuttles secure in the docking bay were released. A hissing sound was next indicating the bay doors were opening to the open space. The shuttle slowly lifted into the air and the pilot maneuvered it out of the docking bay doors.

  Lizzie couldn’t take the silence anymore. She whispered her question, “So what’s going on? Why do I need a security detail?”

  He smiled down at her cute little button nose with sprinkles of freckles across it. He had to give her credit for handling all of this stuff so well. She had not yelled or complained the entire time. She waited patiently for him to tell her what was going on and he respected her for that. She deserved to know what was happening.

  “There was a bomb that was activated in the Colonial Prime Building the moment our transport was out of the Colonial Planet’s range.”

  “Was anyone hurt? Lola and LarIS?” Lizzie clutched his hand in fear.

  “Some bruises but they are fine. There are others who were more severely injured and a few that were killed.”

  “What about your sister and her family?”

  “They had already left the Prime building before the bomb went off.”

  “Does Leader LarIS know who did it? Could it be linked to the Morins?”

  He shook his head. “We believe the Purist rebels are behind this. Because of the timing, it looks to be someone onboard either this transport or Commander AshOR’s transport that had access to the Prime Building.”

  “So that’s what you’ve been doing? Trying to find the bomber?”

  “Yes, we have ten suspects in holding cells. Five on each transport. We are sending for a specialized interrogator to continue questioning them.”

  She could tell this situation was tearing him up. Unlike the Morins, this new enemy was one among their own people. If the Katierans and Kiljorns have Purist rebels, it would be very hard to find them and contain the revolt. Earth’s history had similar situations like the Civil War. It would be devastating to the people to battle against one another.

  “I am so sorry. Is there anything I can do to help?”

  “Yes. Stay with your security detail. Do not allow yourself to be alone with someone that you are unfamiliar with. I need to know you will help in keeping yourself safe.” He touched her cheek as he bent closer to her. “I do not think I would handle it very well if something were to happen to you.”

  His admission touched a place within her heart with a sudden realization that she…loved him. She was completely and utterly in love with TylOR. She gulped. This was a big revelation for her. She had never loved any man except her father. It was scary as hell because with one bad word from him, she would be crushed. She wasn’t ready to share her feelings with him just yet. She needed more time.

  “I’ll be careful but you must promise to do the same,” she insisted, leaning her face against his warm hand.

  “I’m the Commander, I am always careful,” TylOR stated smugly.

  Lizzie snorted and then giggled when he gave her a glare. God, she really did love this man. “I’ll remember that, Commander.”

  Chapter Eleven

  The didn’t say much else the rest of the way down to the Kiljorn planet. Lizzie stared out the viewing screen awed by the brilliant shine of the metallic buildings within the Prime City. Out of the three nations of Katiera, Kiljor, and the Colony; Kiljor was the most futuristic looking. Its waters were blue much like Earth but the buildings were all made out of a shiny silver metallic material.

  It was hard to believe it had not been long ago the Morins had attacked Kiljor Prime City damaging many buildings and demolishing others. The quickness with which they rebuilt their city was astounding. It looked almost completely whole again. Now, with its citizens returning home, it would be.

  The landing of the shuttle was just as smooth as the takeoff. She used to hate flying in planes back on Earth that had rough landings or takeoffs. That’s why she would never eat right before a flight. And sometimes she would get an alcoholic beverage in midflight to ease her nerves. But she never had to do that while onboard a Katieran shuttle or transport.

  “Wait here until I signal for you to come down the ramp,” TylOR said to her as they stood at the door of the shuttle.


  “Because I demand it of you.”

  “Sometimes you can be so damn difficult to understand.” She frowned up at him.

  “I just want to make sure it is safe for you.”

  “Why didn’t you just say that.” No one in her life had ever done so much to ensure her safety. He was bossy and demanding but he looked out for her. She kind of liked it, but no way would she tell him that or he’d be worse.

  TylOR greeted KadEN as he stepped down from the ramp. “Prime Leader.”

  “Commander, it feels like you have been gone from home way too long.” KadEN clasped TylOR’s forearms.

  “It does feel that way to me too. I am looking forward to a few days home,” TylOR said as he turned and greeted Lindsey.

  Lizzie stood to the side at the top of the ramp watching and listening. Home, this was home for TylOR. She shared a suite with a few other Earth females on Katiera and Lola had a suite reserved just for her when she came to visit. Would TylOR want her to move to Kiljor?

  “Prima Lindsey, you are lovely as ever.” He looked down at Prima Lindsey’s swollen stomach. She was breeding. What a miracle.

  Lindsey decided to forgo the formality and reached up to kiss TylOR on the cheek. She ignored her mate who growled in protest. “We are glad you are back. You will have to tell me about the Colonial Planet. I have never been there.”

  “I will. But I do not know it as well as my mate does.” At his statement they look at him in surprise. TylOR turned and motioned for her to come down the ramp.

  Wow, way to introduce a person. She gave him a frown and walked down the ramp and over to him. She wiped her sweaty palms on her pants legs. Damn, she felt nervous, like she was meeting his parents for the first time or something.

  TylOR pulled her up against him as he introduced them. “This is Dr. Elizabeth Connell. My bond mate. Elizabeth, this is Prime Leader KadEN of the Kiljorn Nation and his bond mate, Prima Lindsey.”

  “Nice to meet ya’ll.” Every damn protocol she had taught went right out the window.

  Prime Leader KadEN bowed a little toward her but didn’t reach for her hand. Most males do not touch other male’s mates. Okay, she remembered that one. Lindsey was different. She wasn’t Kiljorn. Lindsey took her in her arms and hugged her.

  “I am so glad to meet you, Elizabeth…uh, Dr. Connell.”

  “Please call me Lizzie.”

  “Well I am Lindsey and I think we are going to have fun with such similar names.”

y best friend is Lola and it is fun when our names get mixed up.” Both women laughed while the men stare in confusion.

  “So, you are a doctor?” Lindsey rubbed her very pregnant belly.

  “Yes, but not that kind of doctor. I specialize in language and cultures.”

  “Oh wait, you were one of the instructors on the Katieran transport coming from Earth that taught the Katieran Culture classes.”


  “I enjoyed those classes very much. Especially your parts. You are a great teacher,” Lindsey told her with a warm smile.

  Lizzie blushed. “Thank you. I love teaching.”

  “We weren’t expecting you. But I think we have an available suite we can put you in.” Lindsey looked at KadEN.

  “Actually, she is going to be in my suite.” TylOR turned her to face him. “I have to go to a debriefing. You will be okay while I am gone?”

  Lizzie nodded her head. “I’ll be fine.”

  “You’ll stay with the security detail?”


  “Then I will see you in a couple of hours.” He gave her a quick kiss on her lips.

  “Come, I’ll take you to Commander TylOR’s suite.” Prima Lindsey motioned for Lizzie to follow her to the lift. The males watched the women and the security detail as both of them left.

  “A mate?” KadEN asked once the females were out of sight.

  “A bond mate.” TylOR smiled at KadEN. They weren’t just Prime Leader and Commander, they were best friends, as close to brothers as either of them had, at least until TylOR found out he actually had a half-brother.

  “When did this happen?” KadEN and TylOR walked over to the railing to the rooftop-landing platform.

  “I met her months ago when the Morins had attacked the Katieran transport ship. I felt something for her then but did not act on it. Not until now.”

  “So it is a recent mating?” KadEN asked.

  “Yes, very recent. I am attempting to convince her to stay with me. I am evidently…difficult.”

  KadEN laughed. “My friend, we are males. There isn’t anything in this solar system that is more difficult than us to deal with.”


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