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Bringing Out The Beast

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by Marie Medina


  Bringing Out The Beast

  by Marie Medina



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  Whiskey Creek Press

  Copyright ©

  First published in 2012

  NOTICE: This work is copyrighted. It is licensed only for use by the original purchaser. Making copies of this work or distributing it to any unauthorized person by any means, including without limit email, floppy disk, file transfer, paper print out, or any other method constitutes a violation of International copyright law and subjects the violator to severe fines or imprisonment.

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  Other Books by Author Available at Torrid Books:


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4



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  Bringing Out The


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  Marie Medina

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  Published by


  An Imprint of Whiskey Creek Press LLC

  Whiskey Creek Press

  PO Box 51052

  Casper, WY 82605-1052

  Copyright (C) 2012 by Marie Medina

  Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 (five) years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  Names, characters and incidents depicted in this book are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author or the publisher.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  ISBN 978-1-61160-183-1


  Cover Artist: Gemini Judson

  Editor: Fran Mathieson

  Printed in the United States of America

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  “I liked the mix of the two fairy tales. I have to say that if one has to have a virgin in modern times, I really liked the version here.... The romance and Beauty finding womanhood is well written. I really like how Kyros is a strong man yet completely taken with/loves Beauty... In the Beast's Lair does a good job of retelling, modernizing this fairy tale for adults. I know I enjoyed reading it, but I always was a sucker for Beauty and the Beast.”


  Sizzling Hot Books

  “With In The Beast's Lair, Ms. Medina offers a pleasant twist on Disney's famed cartoon Beauty and the Beast...the author's charming characters and interesting plot made it a fun story and an enjoyable read. For an adult only version of a classic fairy tale, grab a copy of In The Beast's Lair. Kyros is one beast I wouldn't mind taming myself.”


  Whipped Cream Reviews



  “Knave is a lot of fun. The jokes and puns playing on Alice in Wonderland will make you laugh. Alyss and Hart are sweet as well as sexy, somehow keeping a touch of innocence around them even after they heat things up in the bedroom... But don't be fooled, this is just as sizzling as Marie Medina's other work, even if it takes a couple chapters to get there (to the bedroom, that is). Overall, quite enjoyable!”


  Sizzling Hot Books



  “The plot sounds like a story that's been told many times before but Ms. Medina puts a new spin on this ‘woman done wrong by her man’ tale... The sex scenes are hot and—and shall I say—a little unique. I think you'll be happy with the ending and how things turn out for Cat.”


  Long and Short Reviews



  “Charles and Amanda both enjoy A Good Book, but the way they use a library will make you want to visit one soon! A Good Book is a fun story that reads very quickly with a cute premise that will make you smile.”


  Sizzling Hot Books

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  Other Books by Author Available at Torrid Books:

  Sparks to Flames

  In the Beast's Lair


  Winter's Kiss

  Make Me Yours

  Haunt Me

  Surprise Me

  Between Friends

  A Good Book

  Loving Arms

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  [Back to Table of Contents]

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  To Howard,

  who really believed in this love story

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  [Back to Table of Contents]

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  Chapter 1

  Sophia closed her eyes and turned back into her pillow. She let out a long sigh as she listened to her godfather Dominic walking around in his study on the third floor. The sun hadn't risen, and it wouldn't for almost an hour, so what could he be doing? He wasn't pacing, but he was never still for more than a few seconds. He continually moved back and forth across the floor. Should she do something? Would he tell her if something was wrong?

  She sighed again and opened her eyes. She wanted to go upstairs and ask him if he was all right, but she feared he would dismiss her concerns. Her parents had died when she was fourteen, and after the funeral Dominic, whom she hadn't seen since she was five, had taken her across the country to live on his massive estate. She had a picture of him holding her the day she was christened, yet for most of her young life he had only been the man who constantly sent her presents and called on her birthday. She'd been surprised when her parents’ will revealed that they actually wanted him to fulfill the duties of a godparent and take care of her after their deaths. Dominic, however, had known all along that her parents wanted this. She still remembered him telling the lawyer his home was ready for her and even presenting him with financial records to show that she would be well provided for even without the small amount of money her parents had left her.

  She had never been afraid of Dominic, as other people seemed to be. He'd suffered severe burns and deep lacerations on the right side of his body and face when he was sixteen. He'd been trying to save his mother after a car accident, and the car had exploded. Multiple surgeries had only been able to do so much to improve his appearance. She'd never seen any pictures of him before the accident. He was quiet and had a very intimidating presence, but he was the kindest, most polite man she had ever known. She didn't understand people's reaction to his scars, but he always smiled and told her she was too accustomed to them. He never intimidated her at all. He had known exactly what to say to her the first time they were alone after talking to the lawyer. He'd told her about his mother's death and how it had affected him. On the plane, he'd told her stories about her father from when they were children, and she'd managed to briefly forget both that sh
e was afraid of flying and that she would never see her parents again. It had been obvious from the start her parents had made the right choice for her.

  Despite his burns and scars, Dominic made her pulse quicken when he walked into the room. He had broad shoulders and a muscular chest she constantly longed to caress. Toned and rugged with a strong jaw and classical profile, he personified masculinity for her. His dark hair and eyes lent him a brooding quality that made some wary of approaching him. He remained guarded with others, but when they were alone his eyes expressed so much to her. Her feelings for him had gone from a simple crush to a smoldering lust within a couple of years, but she'd always hidden her feelings so she could stay with him. She suspected his protective nature would extend to himself as well. His affection always seemed guarded, even at its warmest. He'd made it very clear his home would always be her home, so she'd attended a local college and gotten a teaching job at a nearby school to stay with him. She was twenty-four, but she had never dated a guy for more than a couple of months and had never brought any of them home to meet Dominic. She often wondered why Dominic never commented on the subject. Part of her wished he would so she would have an excuse to confess that she'd been in love with him for years.

  His pacing finally stopped above her. She listened for a few minutes, and when she didn't hear anything else she got out of bed and went into the bathroom. She brushed her teeth and then sat in her vanity chair brushing her long brown hair. She yawned as she got up and went back into her room to find her robe. She headed down to the kitchen for coffee, and she nearly knocked Dominic over as she burst out of her bedroom.

  “Ooops! Sorry!” she said. Her face burned with embarrassment because of what she'd been thinking. “I didn't expect you to be up.” She'd known he was up, of course, but if she said she'd heard him, he would think he had woken her up and apologize. He did wake her up every morning when he went to his study, but she liked waking up that way very much. It comforted her in a way she couldn't explain.

  He touched her shoulder and leaned forward to kiss her cheek. “I think we're both uninjured. You're up very early.”

  The warmth of his lips on her skin and the musk of his cologne made it hard for her not to sigh. He didn't kiss her cheek as often as he used to, so it always sent a thrill through her. She moved quickly to fall into step with him. “I woke up about half an hour ago and just couldn't go back to sleep.”

  They walked down the stairs together to the ground floor. She took a deep breath as the scent of coffee drifted into the hall and foyer. She fell more in love with their new timed coffeemaker every single day. He held the swinging door open so she could enter the kitchen first. She went straight to the cabinet and retrieved two cups. They hadn't had coffee together in several days, and she had missed it. He sat on one of the bar stools next to the long island and watched her. She tried not to blush again. She loved it when he watched her. The feeling of his eyes following her every move gave her hope. He knew she was a woman now. Did he find her attractive? He complimented her constantly, and she was the only woman who had ever appeared on his arm in public. She'd been attending business and charity functions with him since she was sixteen, and he always seemed so proud of her carriage and demeanor as she represented him and his company. She fixed his coffee the way he liked it and brought it over to him. When would he wake up and pull her into his arms and kiss her until she couldn't breathe? Every single time he kissed her on the cheek in greeting she had to fight the urge to throw her arms around his neck and pull his lips to hers.


  She blinked. “Yes?”

  “You can let go of the cup now.”

  She looked and saw she had handed him the cup but hadn't released the handle. “Oh, sorry. I guess I need this coffee more than I thought.” She quickly sat beside him and took a big sip of her own coffee. She'd been busy staring at his lips when she'd zoned out. Had he noticed?

  “Seems that way. Did you sleep well? Did something wake you up?”

  “I slept fine.” She shrugged. “I don't know. I just didn't feel like staying in bed.”

  His eyes met hers, and she thought she saw a glint of amusement. She wished that glint meant he was imagining her in bed, but she doubted it. He was probably entertained by her early morning idiocy.

  “I had trouble sleeping last night myself. It would have been an interesting coincidence.”

  “It would have.” She didn't know what else to say. A smile tugged at his lips. What was he thinking about? Sometimes his silence drove her half-mad. She felt comfortable most of the time when neither of them said anything, yet she wished he would open up to her more. He had no social life outside of his business obligations. Many of the men in his company considered him a very good friend, but he never spent any time with them. Who did he have to confide in if not her? He had never dated anyone in the ten years she had lived with him. He had never been married, and her father had never mentioned any girlfriends from before his accident. She had no reason to believe he was gay, and women swarmed around him at events. He always excused himself like a gentleman when one tried to entangle him in conversation or lure him away from everyone else. He had to realize they belonged together soon. She didn't know what she would do if he didn't.

  “Are you excited about the summer break?”

  “Yes. I loved teaching summer school last year, but this year I want to just relax and enjoy doing very little. I have to turn grades in today, but after that I am free for ten whole weeks.”

  He smiled. “Would you like to take a trip? I can arrange everything.”

  She jumped at the suggestion. “I would love to. Where should we go?”

  He began to speak, but then he stopped. “Oh, you want me to come with you?”

  “Of course! It wouldn't be any fun without you.” He'd thought she would go without him? How could he? Moments like this always baffled her. He knew good and well his entire world revolved around her, so why couldn't he see that hers likewise revolved around him?

  “I'm not sure anyone has ever thought my presence made anything fun, but of course I'll come if you want me to.” He cleared his throat. “I just thought you might want to go with someone else.”

  Did he mean a friend—or a boyfriend? He knew she wasn't seeing anyone. She pushed all negative thoughts away. She would make him see how much she wanted him around. “I don't want to go with anyone else. I want to go with you. We've never taken a trip together.”

  He stared down into his coffee and frowned. “I'm sorry, Sophia. I know I let work take over at times. I never knew you wanted to go anywhere.” He met her gaze again. “All you had to do was ask. For anything.”

  Anything? She wondered what he would say if she asked him to make love to her on the kitchen table. She was tempted to do so because if nothing else it would make him stop constantly apologizing. “Well, I'm asking now. I want to go on a trip with you.” She reached out and touched his hand. “I've never wanted for anything, and you know it. You're my favorite person in the whole world, and if you didn't already know that you have been working too hard.”

  His expression didn't change, but still disbelief registered in his eyes. “In the whole world? You obviously inherited your father's odd tastes.”

  He smiled at her, and she was sure his cheeks colored a little.

  “Then decide where you want to go, and we'll start planning right away.”

  She pulled her hand away. She wanted to say more, but what if he retreated at her confession? This trip might be the perfect time to tell him how she felt. She didn't dare risk scaring him away from the idea. “Great! When do you think you can be off from work?”

  He laughed. “Whenever you tell me you want me to be off. There's never anything to do but sign papers and say yes and no to requests when I do go into the office anyway. That's the beauty of being the semi-retired figurehead boss and having a very competent vice president.”

  She laughed too. “Then I will let you know very soon
.” She slid off her stool and put her cup in the sink. She started to leave the room, but she stopped beside him and touched his arm. She kissed his right cheek, and he turned to her in surprise. “Thank you.” She dashed out of the room before he could say anything.

  He'd always been sensitive about his scars. He always kissed her on her left cheek so the scars were turned away from her, and she had never tried to touch the right side of his face before. She'd felt him flinch a little under her lips. How long had it been since anyone else had touched him there? How long had it been, period, since he'd been touched by another person? Her heart ached as she considered how many years it might have been since he'd felt the loving touch of another.

  Dominic's skin burned where Sophia's lips had caressed him. He wanted to run after her and sweep her into his arms. He imagined kissing her soft lips, and his groin ached with need. He felt hot and breathless now. She had never touched him there before. Had she been so happy about their trip she simply forgot? She accepted him despite his scars, but he couldn't imagine her ignoring them completely. His heart raced as he remembered what she'd said. She'd said he was her favorite person in the whole world. More importantly, she'd been excited by the idea of them taking a trip together. What did it mean? Was he truly as important to her happiness as she was to his? Lately, he hadn't been able to stop thinking about her. She never left his mind, but recently his desire to make her truly his own had plagued him. He'd woken up from a very erotic dream early that morning and been unable to force himself to stay in bed. He'd gone to his study to read, but instead he'd moved from shelf to shelf without selecting a book as the sensations from his dream had lingered.

  He opened his pocket watch and looked down at the lock of hair he kept there. The inside cover of the watch had been made to hold a picture, but years ago he'd taken a lock of Sophia's hair and wrapped it around the small piece of glass and locked it into place. He ran his fingers over it and then closed the watch. He told himself for the hundredth time that he needed to stop fantasizing. He'd ruin the trip for her if he assumed it meant more than it really did.


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