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Darkest Hours

Page 7

by S. K. Yule

  She would like to experience sex before she died, and she was certain he would make a wonderful lover. Her toes curled as the image of him in his towel played through her mind. Even though the man was huge he had not hurt her in any way during their encounter in his bedroom. He had been gentle with her. She knew he would be an excellent teacher.

  Heat seeped into her body at the mere thought, burning a sensual path down deep in her belly. This plan had several advantages stacked in its favor. Didn’t most women say that you could control a man to some extent with sex? How hard could it possibly be?

  After stepping out of the tub, she reached for a fluffy white towel. She argued with herself while drying, then finally made up her mind. She was going to do it. She had to plan it carefully and keep it completely impersonal, for if she didn’t, she had a feeling she would be nothing but an empty shell at the end of it all. She mustn’t get emotionally involved with him because he made it clear when this mess was over, he would return her home. She knew his intentions were to walk away from her afterward.

  What did she really have to lose? Great sex with a gorgeous man that made her burn was not a loss, but a broken heart would be. Could she really pull it off without getting hurt? She didn’t know, but at this point she was willing to risk it. Okay Ebony, sex and that’s it. Keep your mind focused.

  She distracted herself from lingering on the possible consequences by rummaging through her clothes. What does one wear to seduce someone? She didn’t have many choices, only having a meager wardrobe with her. She pulled out her snuggest jeans and a close fitting, red shirt. It was the only top she owned that showed a little cleavage. She hoped it was enough and not too much at the same time.

  She dried her hair and put a small dab of blush on. After teasing her hair a bit, she let it fall around her shoulders to frame the cleavage she so carefully put on display. She looked in the mirror. Wow, is that really me? She actually looked sexy. She normally didn’t look sexy. She was just plain Ebony. She felt anxiety creep back in, and her shoulders slumped. I can’t do this.

  After pacing around the room a few times she worked her courage back up. Yes, I can do this. She squared her shoulders and made her way back downstairs before she could change her mind again. She had decided to figure it out as she went and not plan too many details, which would probably lead to her chickening out.

  * * * *

  Ashe drummed his fingers impatiently on the smooth cherry surface of the big desk he sat behind. After filling his brothers in on all the details of Ebony’s attack, well, except for the little detail of her seeing him while shielded, they had decided at this point it would be best to spend the next several days scouting for information. He was sure Estril had told them that she thought Ebony was his viata amant, but at least they had been smart enough to leave his love life alone. Yeah, what love life? He didn’t have one, and he didn’t want one.

  Since Aiston spent a lot of his time in establishments frequented by many vampires, he was the number one choice to make discreet inquiries about any in the area who still kept drudges. Not to mention he had access to the high paid escorts of those establishments as well. Men had a tendency to run their mouths around attractive women about anything they thought might impress them. Ashe and Aldin also had several contacts among fellow shadow drifter hunters.

  Estril had interrupted to remind them about the annual Midnight Ball in a week. She had managed to bully them into having a Midnight Ball every year on Halloween. Midnight Balls were a tradition among their kind. However, the brothers didn’t really care to dress up in tuxes, or what they referred to as monkey suits, and get social. Estril informed them it was good for them, and that was how they came about being utterly bored, irritated and somewhat humiliated for several hours every year.

  They hated the whole ordeal, but of course, they would endure it for Estril. After some discussion they decided the ball might not be such a bad idea this year since it could possibly prove useful by providing a perfect opportunity to gain information about Ebony’s attacker.

  Vampires were, more often than not, guarded with the information they shared. How better to get conversation flowing than a party? Most would relax a little during a gathering, and the stocked bar would loosen tongues up even more. Vampires didn’t stay drunk long as their bodies would heal this affliction rather quickly, but most could stay fairly intoxicated by drinking at a moderate pace.

  Ashe had decided that this year Ebony could help Estril with the arrangements. He figured this would serve as an effective distraction to keep Ebony out of his hair while trying to find her attacker. He knew she was definitely going to cause him trouble if he didn’t keep her busy.

  Light footsteps coming toward the study pulled him from his thoughts. The sweet smell of honeysuckle teased his nose. Any time she got near, her scent curled its way through his body and wrapped itself around him, embracing him, caressing him like a lover. For Christ’s sake! Get it together. He barked “come in” even though she hadn’t yet knocked. The sight of her stole his breath, and his body instantly hardened when she turned to shut the door. Her jeans hugged her fine ass, perfectly outlining every delicious curves.

  She sauntered across the room. Sauntered? Ebony did not saunter. She didn’t need to. Her movements were naturally graceful and sexy. He watched as she propped her curvy hip on his desk and batted her eyelashes at him. What the hell was going on?

  “Hi, Ashe.”

  The words came out breathy and overexaggerated to his ears. What the hell? Was she flirting with him? He sucked in a breath when she leaned down and treated him to a view of her delectable cleavage. Damn it! He could not believe what she was trying to do. Her thoughts were practically screaming at him, broadcasting live what her intentions were. He tried to be respectful and stay out of her mind, but thoughts were amplified when strong emotions such as fear or nervousness were involved, and even though she was trying hard to hide it, she was nervous.

  His dark mood suddenly lifted. So she wanted to play did she? “How did you like your tour of the gardens?” He clasped his hands behind his head and sat back in the chair stretching his long legs in front of him, and crossed his feet at the ankles. He was pleased by her surprised look at his nonchalant reaction. However, the pleasure turned to desire when she suddenly bent over and stretched her body like a cat to tie her shoelace. She gave an exaggerated wiggle to her jean clad ass, and he sucked in a harsh breath.

  “Yes, it was one of the most gorgeous things I have ever seen.” She gave her behind one last wiggle before standing and propping her hip back on the desk.

  Ashe couldn’t believe she was trying to seduce information out of him. She obviously didn’t know how much she fired his blood simply by just being herself. If she ever realized how unnecessary her acting was, she would be horribly embarrassed. Although, he had to admit, wiggling her ass in front of him wasn’t such a bad idea. In fact a specific other part of his anatomy thought it was an exceptional idea.

  Hadn’t she learned that she should be more careful with such things from the incident in his bedroom? Hadn’t she learned that she was too innocent to play such games with him? He took another look at her luscious behind and felt his cock stand in full salute. Aw hell, she’s got to learn to stop playing around with me like this! This would be the second time now that she had placed herself in a possibly precarious situation with a man she barely knew. Although, he had to admit, it felt like he had known her forever.

  Enough was enough. Leaning forward, he grabbed her firmly around the waist and pulled her on his lap, putting his lips to her ear. “What are you doing, Ebony?”

  Ebony squeaked as Ashe’s arms clamped around her and pulled her down on his hard thighs. “What do you mean, Ashe?” She struggled to turn around, but he held her firm.

  “Oh I think you know, baby.” His words were low, predatory. He pushed his nose in her hair and inhaled deep then traced the outline of her ear with his tongue.

  Need raged in his ve
ins. She squirmed to get away, but the friction on his lap caused his already interested arousal to ache. The scent of her desire floated through the air, invading his body, promising pleasure, promising relief, promising submission.

  He put his lips against her neck, just below her ear and inhaled her scent even deeper. It seeped into every pore of his body, imprinting her on him forever. The beast in him demanded to taste her. Need surged through his veins. He thought his cock might explode and shifted a little to ease the strain against his jeans.

  He moved one hand up under her shirt, cupped her breast through the lacey bra and toyed with her nipple, rolling it between his thumb and finger until it hardened through the material. He continued teasing the hard peak gently while his other hand worked on the button of her jeans. Her skin was like silk and satin, smooth and soft. “So soft, so sweet.”

  A small moan escaped her when he cupped her breast. He wanted her to need him as he needed her. He wanted her body to scream for his as his did for hers. Her skin was hot. Her body begged for more of his touch. He undid her jeans and slid his hand under the top of her panties where he cupped her, gently palming her sensitive little nub. She sucked in a sharp breath and froze.


  His balls tightened in anticipation when he felt the tight curls, damp with moisture, brush his palm. He wanted to plunge his finger into her tight little sheath and feel her wetness and heat surround him. But, he knew he had to take it slow when her body tensed at his intimate touch. He wanted to please her, show her the countless ways a man could pleasure a woman. He stilled his trembling hand and kissed her neck while he continued to stroke her nipple.

  “Relax, baby. I won’t do anything you don’t want me to do. Do you want me to stop?” He hoped like hell she’d say yes . . . He hoped like hell she’d say no.

  He teetered on the brink while he waited for her answer. She pushed her nipple harder into his hand, and he palmed and gently kneaded it. A rush of wetness coated his fingers, and he growled low in the back of his throat. Her body was an instrument, and he wanted to play the perfect chord.

  “No, please don’t stop, Ashe.”

  Her breathy little plea was nearly his undoing. The beast roared in victory as he pulled her mouth around and plunged his tongue inside imitating what he wanted to do with his body. He was lost to all but the feel and scent of her. He wanted to devour her, possess her, and hear her soft moans turn into screams as he made her come over and over. She was driving him mad with need.

  He pulled his mouth from hers and put it on her nipple, sucking the already sensitized peak deep into his mouth. He groaned at her taste and when she tugged his hair to pull him closer, he could no longer keep his hand still and began to thumb her core, making small, slow circles as his index finger split her slick folds, stroking back and forth. She was so wet and hot, he wanted to yank her jeans off and drive his full length into her.

  She gasped and then sighed as his finger slid deeper. He knew he needed to go slow for her, but his control was slipping, and the beast continued to demand he claim her.

  “Just relax, baby.”

  She was so hot and wet, her body instinctively strained toward the unknown. He pressed into her even deeper, and she gasped, clutching her thighs around his hand as she bucked against him. She rode his finger as it worked in and out of her, thumb still rubbing her sensitive bud. Small pants of pleasure escaped her lips.

  “Oh, Ashe!”

  She was so tight. He imagined his cock buried in her sheath while it enveloped, gripped and milked him dry. He was so close to coming. The small contractions of her inner muscles warned him she was as close as he was.

  “Easy, baby. Come for me.” He pushed deeper and deeper into her slickness.

  “I can’t.” Ebony cried out and bucked her hips forward, welcoming him deeper. Her body demanding more. She thrashed her head back and forth, panting. It’s too much, Ashe. Please I can’t.”

  The words had barely left her mouth when a low keening noise chased them. Her body tensed, and her muscles clamped down on him. “Oh God, Ebony, that’s it. Just let go, baby.” Her release hit him, wave after wave calling to him like a seductress. Pure instinct to possess captured him as his fangs unsheathed. He slid them effortlessly into her neck. Her blood ran thick and rich into his mouth, and it was the sweetest thing he had ever tasted. Her limp body quickly tensed, and he knew he had just made a horrible mistake.

  He firmly held her in place to avoid tearing her soft flesh while he gently eased his teeth out of her beautiful neck. He licked the punctures to seal the wounds. The tiny marks left on her smooth and flawless skin would be gone by morning. She jumped off his lap as soon as he released his hold on her and spun around. He watched the fear chase the last hints of passion from her eyes and cursed himself.

  Shit! He hadn’t warned her of what he was about to do. Of course you didn’t because you were scared she’d say no. Instead he had taken the coward’s way out and did exactly what he wanted, selfishly not caring about her feelings one tiny bit. He knew she still hadn’t completely accepted him as a vampire, but she would have no doubts now.

  Ebony backed up as Ashe stood and slowly walked toward her. Clutching the doorknob behind her, she wrenched it open and ran upstairs. He heard the slam of her room door, the click of her lock, and the sobs that immediately followed. He raked his fingers through his hair then punched the wall with his fist.

  Chapter Six

  He really screwed up this time. When he realized Ebony was trying to seduce him he had been angry. He knew she was too naive to realize the possible ramifications of her actions and just wanted to show her how dangerous the game of seduction could be for an innocent like her to play with a sexually experienced man. He hadn’t planned on it backfiring horribly.

  He shouldn’t have let things go as far they had, but once he touched her and saw the desire burning in her eyes his good intentions had been forgotten in a flood of burning want of his own. He’d been lost to all reasoning. The only thing he had proven was that he was no better than any other cad. He had to go to her and apologize. He nearly ran over Estril on his way up the stairs, a testament to just how preoccupied his thoughts were.

  “Is something wrong, Ashe? Is Ebony okay? What happened?”

  Concern vibrated like a tuning fork off Estril and bounced in the air around him. “Don’t worry about it, Estril. Nothing’s wrong.” Why did his sister have such a knack for being in the wrong place at the wrong time? He didn’t have time to stand here and shoot the fucking breeze. He needed to get to Ebony.

  “Did something happen to Ebony? I heard her door slam a few moments ago. Is she okay?”

  Ashe shot her an annoyed look. “Look, Estril, I said don’t worry about it. Now, please will you give it a rest?”

  Estril’s eyes widened in surprise at the sharp tone Ashe used. Now he had hurt his sister’s feelings too. He pulled a deep, calming breath into his lungs and briefly closed his eyes when he let it out. “I’m sorry, Estril. Look, I just need to talk with Ebony, okay?” After squeezing her shoulders in brief apology, he darted the rest of the way up the stairs.

  * * * *

  “Come on Ebony, open the door.”

  Ebony easily ignored the soft knocking on her door, but when the warm invasion of his voice flowed through her brain, well that she couldn’t. It was like not eating that last piece of chocolate with creamy filling in the box. It just wasn’t possible.

  “Go away, Ashe!” She was so stupid! She couldn’t believe she had actually tried to seduce the man. How had she been able to convince herself that it had been a good idea? He was completely out of her league in more ways than one and had turned the situation around effortlessly, making her the one being seduced. She had assumed he would take the bait like any normal male. Yeah, but he isn’t normal now is he? No, that wasn’t exactly true. She just hadn’t wanted to believe he was a vampire. Well, she believed it now.

  After the incident in his bedroom she
should have known better than to think she could get casually physical with the man. And, boy had it gotten physical and not casual in any way. He sent flames through her body with a mere glance. The man made her burn with no effort, and once his mouth had touched hers, she had been lost to all rational thought.

  “Please Ebony, open the door.”

  She knew he was too dang stubborn to just go away. Ebony slid off the bed, wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and freed the deadbolt from the lock, determined to get this confrontation over with. She was surprised when Ashe didn’t enter her room and continued standing where he was, staring at her expectantly. Was that actually guilt on his face?

  “Well, aren’t you going to come in?”

  Ebony shuffled over to stare out the window at the approaching dusk and waited to see what Ashe would do. She wanted him to go away . . . She wanted him to stay. Who actually enjoyed being bitten by someone? You did. He really was a vampire! Maybe if she said it a few hundred more times, it wouldn’t seem so strange. Sure.


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