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Safeword: Arabesque (Safewords Book 9)

Page 29

by Candace Blevins

  He worked his ass muscles as Frisco taught him, and Isaac nodded as his eyes went back into his head. “That’s it boy. Work your ass like a little cunt.”

  Isaac leaned forward and stopped with his cock buried. He placed one hand on Cam’s right cheek, and then slapped his left cheek a half dozen times before tweaking his nipples.

  Isaac didn’t slap hard, just enough to sting, and to make the point he was in charge and he could do pretty much whatever the hell he wanted. Another reminder of the slave’s position, and Cam heard himself thanking his Masters for using him.

  When Isaac pulled Cam’s ass off the bed and grabbed his hips from below to tilt him up, Cam knew it was almost over.

  Isaac lost himself in the pounding for the final minute or two, and finally came deep in Cam’s ass with a series of guttural, inhuman sounding grunts.

  * * * *

  Frisco stayed on the right side of the bed and kept Cassie near him. They slid Cam up beside her, and Isaac settled on the other side of Cam and reached across him so his hand was on Cassie’s hip.

  She wasn’t sure the bed was big enough for all of them to sleep, but loved having all three men touching her at once.

  She was drifting off as Isaac stood, and she opened her eyes to say, “Hurry back.”

  “Shhh, close your eyes and go back to sleep,” Frisco said. “Cam needs to be touched tonight, but Isaac can’t sleep with light and Cam can’t handle the dark.”

  “I’ll be fine, Sweet Thing.” Isaac leaned over Cam’s sleeping form to give her a peck on the lips. “I’ll be back up first thing in the morning to cuddle.”

  “You shouldn’t be alone, either. I’ll come with you and Frisco will be here for Cam.”

  Isaac looked to Frisco and back to Cassie. “You know the rules. If you sleep with me you’ll be bound to the bed.”

  Her pulse sped at the mere thought, and she smiled as she sat up.

  Isaac sent her to the restroom before he took her downstairs through a maze of hallways to what he called his bedroom.

  He buckled and locked a wrist cuff on her, and connected a chain from the bed rail to the same lock.

  “Why my wrist this time?”

  “Because I’m the Master and it’s how I want you.”

  She looked around the room and saw two doors but no window. “Frisco turned this into a bedroom just for you, didn’t he?”

  Isaac nodded before walking across the room and plunging them into darkness. “I’ve never stayed often enough to worry with installing the equipment to handle voice commands, but it looks like I may need to order the equipment and spend an afternoon installing it.”

  He slid into bed beside her, pulled her into him, and Cassie realized he’d put her left wrist in the cuff, the one laying on the bed anyway, and sighed in contentment as sleep once again pulled her under.

  * * * *

  Cassie awoke in bed with Frisco, Cam, and Isaac the next morning. She turned to look at Isaac in question, and he said, “I awoke early and decided we should all wake up in the same bed.”

  Instead of morning sex, the four cut up and teased, hugged and caressed, and just generally relaxed in a tangle of arms and legs.

  When they finally got up, Cassie grabbed Isaac’s shirt again, the two Doms put on shorts, and Cam remained nude. Except for his chastity device, of course.

  Frisco fixed French toast and two pounds of bacon, and had actual maple syrup as well as blueberry preserves.

  Cassie ate as if she hadn’t had real food in a month, and noted everyone else did, too.

  “Can we play in the meadow today?” she asked.

  “Of course,” Frisco said as he looked at Isaac. “Have you seen her in action yet? I love watching her move.”

  When they finally made it outside, Cassie noted Isaac stayed close to her once she made it to the tallest posts. She was well over his head and knew she’d get hurt if she fell, but her balance fine and she wasn’t worried.

  She didn’t take crazy chances, but didn’t hold back, either. Too much caution would make her fall faster than pushing too hard.

  When she finally made her way back down the plum posts she noted both Cam and Isaac looked as if they might be sick.

  Frisco laughed and said, “Unlike them, I had total confidence in you.” He pulled her into a kiss, and surprised her by pressing her lips apart, bending her backwards, and taking over all of her senses until she was gasping for air.

  When he let her up for air, he asked, “Why didn’t you audition for a new slave after you kicked Cam out?”

  Frisco looked at her a few seconds, flicked his eyes to Isaac, then to Cam. He sighed as he looked back to Cassie and said, “I did.”

  Cassie looked to Cam, and saw Isaac wrapping his arm around him for moral support. She looked back to Frisco. “And?”

  “And I wasn’t interested in training any of them.”

  Cassie looked at him several long moments, waiting for him to continue. When he didn’t, she said, “I need to know what happened. I need to understand how it was so easy for you to just delete Cam and I from your life. You say you love us, and I want to believe you, but…”

  She wanted to see how Cam was doing, but didn’t break eye contact with Frisco. “Can you please talk to us, explain it without us having to play twenty-million questions to pull it out of you?”

  “Yes, but can we go to the house? Sit down and talk?”

  The group was silent as they walked back, and Frisco got a beer from the kitchen before joining them on the sofa. Isaac sat with his arm around Cam, and Frisco sat with Cassie.

  “I had a few relationships in high school,” Frisco began, “but I embraced being bi when I was nineteen, and soon discovered just having a man in my life, or only having a woman in my life, wasn’t enough. I need both.”

  He took a swig of his beer and said, “I decided long ago I’d never come out to my mother, and that meant I was never going to be in a long term relationship. I’ve had a lot of short flings, but none were designed to last more than a few months. In my mid-twenties I landed on the training thing, and it worked great. Seven slaves in as many years, and the contract allowed me to have someone around so I wasn’t lonely, but there were no complications.”

  Frisco leaned forward, his elbows on his knees, and he picked at the lettering on the beer bottle. “I wasn’t interested in training any of the boys I auditioned because none of them were Cam.”

  Cam’s sob filled the room, and he slid from the sofa to the floor and crawled the two yards to Frisco’s feet. Frisco pulled him up on the sofa and wrapped his arms around Cam, saying, “I love you. You’re my boy, and none of them were. I kept thinking I could make myself forget about you, that in another month you’d fade from memory and someone else would appeal to me, but it never happened and I never stopped missing you.”

  He looked over Cam’s shoulder to Cassie. “Your email hurt, it was like a knife in my gut and a hot poker through my heart, and I couldn’t handle it.” He shook his head. “I convinced myself the easiest way to make the pain go away was to make you go away.”

  Cassie spoke through her tears. “Did it work?”

  “Fuck no, it just got worse, but you wouldn’t give me the time of day. I didn’t know how to talk to you, what to say. I managed to sit by you at the fights in Vegas but you treated me as if my skin were poison, all scrunched up in your seat to keep from even brushing against me, and then when you went to the bathroom you sat somewhere else when you came back. You hated me, and I didn’t know what to do. When I said hi or tried to talk, you looked at me as if I were speaking another language, and turned around and walked away.”

  “And why did she act this way?” Isaac asked.

  “Because I hurt you,” Frisco said to Cassie. “You were defending your heart against me, and I deserved every glare and every rebuff. I’m so sorry. I hurt you both and I’d do anything to go back in time and change things.”

  Frisco still embraced Cam, and he lifted the arm n
earest Cassie and invited her into their hug. She leaned into him and accepted his warmth, but said, “No. Nothing gets changed.” She looked at Isaac, motioned him closer, and then pulled his arms around the entire group as she told Frisco through her tears, “You pushing me away is what made me go to Isaac. If you hadn’t, it would just be the three of us, and I love Isaac, too.”

  She leaned in to kiss Cam’s forehead and said, “I’m crying because I can finally forgive Frisco. I hadn’t realized how pissed off at him I still was for hurting us, and now…with all of that anger gone? It’s such a relief to be rid of it. Can you tell us why you’re crying?”

  “I’d had this wall up around my heart,” Cam said through his sobs. “I convinced myself when I superglued it back together in the months after he kicked me out, that the hard shell of the glue would keep me from ever getting hurt again. I was never going to give myself to anyone so completely again.”

  Frisco’s arm muscles shifted as he held Cam tighter, and Cassie looked up to see tears in Frisco’s eyes as well.

  Cam took a few minutes to get enough composure to go on, and he finally said, “Hearing him say he couldn’t train them, because they weren’t me — it was like the shell around my heart shattered, and I’m vulnerable again, and I’m scared shitless.”

  “You both need to know all the reasons I had for getting you out of my life are gone. My mother knows I’m in a relationship with all of you, she’s knows I’m bisexual, and she has an idea we’re all kinky. I just knew I was going to lose her when I came out, but I couldn’t live without the two of you.”

  Cam looked up, his eyes red but his voice strong through his tears. “I didn’t give myself to you fully in the contract. We need to make a couple of changes please, Master.”

  Frisco kissed his forehead. “You and I and Isaac will set up a time to sit down and go over it in the next couple of days, then. I love you, and you’re my boy. No one else.”

  “Thank you,” Frisco said as he turned towards Cassie. “We needed to have this conversation more than I realized. Thanks for making me talk.”

  Isaac chuckled. “Oh, get used to it. We’re all going to insist you talk about your feelings with us. I’m even thinking we write something in Cam’s contract so he can’t get in trouble for insisting you be open with him.”

  Cassie looked up to Isaac and smiled, and he leaned down to give her a quick kiss.

  “Isaac’s right,” she told Frisco. “With four people in a relationship we’re all going to have to be honest about our feelings — good and bad. If we have one person refusing to communicate? A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.”

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  It wasn’t often Cameron went to someone’s house for four days with nothing but the clothes on his back.

  He had no performances or rehearsals this weekend, and was so far ahead with classwork his professors had given the okay to go out of town and miss Thursday and Friday. Frisco, of course, gave him time away from work.

  Cam would be in almost constant bondage from Wednesday evening to Sunday evening, and there was no way of knowing how much of the four days he’d spend in the dark.

  If the weekend was a success he’d spend the night in Isaac’s bed Sunday night, in the dark, before going to class Monday morning.

  Isaac stepped onto the porch as Cam exited his car, and motioned for him to enter via the front door.

  He put his arm around Cam’s waist as they walked inside, asking, “You cleaned yourself inside last night?”

  Cam nodded, embarrassed, but Isaac asked, “Thoroughly?”

  Cam nodded again as he said, “Yes, Sir.”

  “When did you last eat?”

  “I had a light breakfast as you instructed, and some miso soup for lunch.”

  Isaac pulled him into a hug and then leaned back to establish eye contact. “I’m going to put you through hell, and you’re going to hate me, or at least hate what I’m doing to you,” he caressed Cam’s cheek, “but we both have the same goal, yes?”

  “I know, Master. Thank you for spending the time to help me.”

  “You’re very welcome. Frisco will be here with you for five or six hours tomorrow while I go into the club. You’ll only be alone with him a few hours before Cassie arrives, though.”

  He leaned down to kiss Cam’s forehead. “She’ll be here most of the weekend, to help.”

  Cam realized Isaac had never kissed him. I mean, sure, a peck on the lips, but he’d never kissed him.

  “Are you ever going to kiss me? I mean, really kiss me?” Isaac considered the question so long Cam regretted asking. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have—”

  The large man silenced him with a touch to his lips. “I hadn’t realized, and I’m sorry. Perhaps this can be one of your rewards, once you can spend the night with me?”

  Before Cam could respond, Isaac stepped away and ordered, “Strip and go to the bedroom, boy. You’re smart, you’ll figure out where I want you.”

  Isaac had enema equipment set up, with a one-gallon bag hanging high on the bed. Too high.

  And there was a double balloon nozzle. Cam hated having the control to evacuate taken from him. He’d never released an enema without permission, but losing the option — having it taken from him should he get desperate — was damned scary.

  Clear plastic lined the floor and bed, and rubber wrist and ankle cuffs were on the cart.

  Cam buckled the bondage gear onto himself and leaned over the end of the bed to wait.

  Isaac arrived within minutes and restrained Cam without speaking, and then quickly lubed him before working the deflated balloon into his ass.

  “We’re going to swap things up a little. For this exercise, turning the lights on releases the water and fills you, turning them off stops it. You’ll need to have them off ten minutes straight in order to stop the exercise. So, we’re finished when you can either last ten minutes in the dark, or the entire four quarts is in your gut.”

  Cam had managed nearly seven minutes once. Jumping to ten was huge but he didn’t argue. He’d agreed to trust Isaac to get him where they both wanted.

  The last of the balloon went in, Isaac pumped the internal one and the external, and Cam gritted his teeth and remained silent.

  Frisco had taken Cam’s chastity device off for rehearsal, but had put it back on when he’d arrived at work after practice the night before. Cam wore it now, and wasn’t sure when, or if, he’d get another orgasm. It’d been five days, and he’d been through twice as many teasing sessions.

  Isaac had a key, as well as Frisco. However, Isaac probably wouldn’t give him any orgasms until Cam managed to survive the dark.

  When Isaac opened the valve, Cam was expecting the pressure from a bag six feet above him, but it flowed in gently.

  “Did I mention?” asked Isaac. “The regulator is keeping the pressure low for now. Every twenty minutes it’ll increase by twenty percent.” Isaac caressed his hip. “When you want the water to stop, turn the lights off.”

  “Lights OFF,” Cam said.

  Darkness encapsulated him, the water stopped, and Cam counted in his head to regulate his breathing. Isaac massaged his back, but didn’t talk.

  Cam reminded himself Isaac was right here, touching him. Nothing was in the room that hadn’t been here in the light. His heart sped until it sounded like a herd of wildebeests crossing the savannah, but he modulated his breathing and ignored his racing heart — and the shot of adrenaline it produced.

  Just before his body went into total panic he said, “Lights ON.”

  The room came back into view and he immediately felt silly for needing the light. Everything was exactly as it had been before, he just hadn’t been able to see it.

  The water started again, filling him, and he gasped and squirmed as his bowels protested.

  He breathed through the discomfort until he thought he could handle the dark again, and finally said, “Lights off.”

  “Such a good boy,” Isaac s
aid as his hands massaged Cam’s shoulders and kneaded his back. Long strokes from shoulders to ass, along either side of his spine, and then magical fingers worked the top of his ass muscles and the area around his sacrum. However, despite the relaxing touch, Cam’s heart sped again as he freaked about the damned dark.

  Cam closed his eyes and tried to convince his brain it was light, and if he only opened his eyes he’d see everything.

  His body didn’t buy it, and his heart raced until he thought he might pass out. “Lights ON!”

  His adrenals took longer to recover this time, and he screamed, moaned, and grunted as the water flooded his insides.

  He shouted for the lights to turn off in order to stop the water and cramps this time, and not because he was ready for the dark, so he panicked the instant the world ceased to exist around him.

  “Breathe through it, boy.” The voice helped ground him, and Isaac’s hands held him and calmed him.

  “I’m here,” Isaac told him. “You’re safe.”

  Cam’s bowels were full already, but no more water came in while the lights were off, and he obeyed the order and breathed.

  This time, he closed his eyes and didn’t try to trick his body, but it calmed down, anyway. Soothing hands rubbed his back, his ass, his shoulders. “You’re safe,” Isaac repeated. “I’m right here and you’re doing great.”

  “God, I’m on my way to falling in love with you, Master Isaac.” His voice sounded desperate, but he meant every word.

  “The feeling is mutual, Cameron, and I’m so proud of you. Feel the nourishing air coming into your lungs, and the spent fuel going out. Oxygen in, carbon dioxide out. Use your nose to bring it in, and your mouth to push it out.”

  Isaac kept talking to him, touching him, and Cam’s heartbeat slowed, his adrenaline levels evened out, and he said, “It’s working, Master. Fuck me, but it’s working. Please keep touching me?”


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