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Falling for Hudson (Marlowe series Book 2)

Page 11

by Bishop, Alexandria

  Taking in a deep breath and then letting it out, I ask, “Did you and Jax ever sleep together?” Jeez, real smooth there Hudson. I couldn’t lead up to it. Just had to throw it out there and be super blunt about it.

  She doesn’t even look shocked that I asked her. Almost like she was expecting me to ask her eventually. “Nothing ever happened between Jax and me. We spent hours talking to each other, but it was never anything more than that.”

  What the fuck? “Seriously? What could Jax have to say for hours?”

  She lets out a small giggle and says, “We talked about lots of stuff. Mostly the band, our futures. He talked a lot about Erin too. You should have let me beat the shit out of her at the Halloween party.”

  “I can’t believe you two never slept together.”

  She rolls her eyes. “Because I’m some big slut that sleeps with any willing guy?”

  Shit, I walked myself right into that one. “No, nothing like that. That’s how Jax is. But honestly, I just meant because all of the time you spent together. Don’t get me wrong, I’m fucking ecstatic. Just a little shocked, too.”

  “Well, Mr. Ecstatic, why don’t I show you how much you’re the right Hartley brother for me.”

  And then she does, until we pass back out blissfully in each other’s arms. I’m pretty sure life can’t get any better than it is for me right now.


  “What the hell? Who’s in there? You better open this door!”

  What is going on? I peel my eyes open to a glorious sight. Chloe’s hair is partially falling in her face, but she’s sleeping so peacefully. In fact, I’ve never seen her sleep so still in the months we’ve been sharing a bed.

  Bang. Bang. Bang.

  Oh shit! That must have been what woke me up. Fortunately, we both got redressed last night. Peeking again at Chloe, she’s still sleeping like a rock. I hate to wake her while she’s so peaceful, but I do it anyway.

  Shaking her shoulder slightly, I say, “Hey, Chloe.” She grumbles nonsense and rolls away from me. A little louder, I say, “Babe. C’mon, you need to get up.”

  That causes her to stir a little more, and her eyes peel open. Of course the dude outside the door chooses right then and there to jiggle the doorknob, which sends Chloe into panic mode. She goes from dead asleep to wide awake in five seconds flat. She flies up and away from me, attempting to straighten her clothes with her hands. Getting up, I reach for the doorknob and open it.

  Standing in front of me is a very red-faced janitor. “What the hell are you kids doing in here? I could have you arrested for trespassing.”

  Chloe’s eyes go wide with panic. I hold my hand up to her to appease her and turn my attention back to the janitor. “Excuse me…” I look down at his name tag like I’m inspecting it. “Bud, is it? I would have you know that we have been trapped in here all weekend. Chloe and I had an after school project to take care of before the holiday weekend. Unfortunately we got locked in. As you should be well aware, you cannot get any cell reception while you’re in here. I guarantee you our parents have sent out search parties for us and my father could have you arrested for being negligent about the safety of two students. Fortunately for you, there are bathrooms, running water, and vending machines in here. If there hadn’t been, you could have walked in on a very different scene this morning and faced some very serious charges. Now you can let us go and I can drop it. Or you can make more empty threats, and I’m sure my father would be very happy to press charges.”

  He stumbles over his words and finally spits out, “Get out of here, the both of you. I don’t want to ever walk in on this again. You hear me?”

  Still scared shitless, Chloe nods her head and quickly gathers up her belongings. I take my time grabbing my things and stroll right out of there. It isn’t until we make it out to my Range Rover that I let out a shaky laugh. “Holy fuck. Motherfucking fuck! Oh, fucking shit balls.”

  I calm down enough for Chloe to squeak out, “What just happened?”

  I start laughing again and motion for Chloe to get into the SUV. “I didn’t think that would fucking work.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I was blowing shit out of my ass the entire time. I have no idea if anyone was worried about us or what’s happening back at home. But all of that other shit…fuck. I guess I am my father’s son.”

  Shaking her head, Chloe says, “Okay, now you’ve lost me.”

  “What just happened in there is one hundred percent Jacob Hartley. My dad can bullshit a bullshitter, and apparently so can I. When we were in there…it was weird, but I didn’t even have to think about it. I just channeled my dad and said whatever I thought he would say.”


  “That’s it? Huh.”

  Her eyes blaze. Shit, she’s pissed.

  “I almost peed my pants. I thought we were getting arrested back there.”

  “I never would have let that happen. Besides, even if I couldn’t talk our way out of it, my dad would have. Trust me. Neither one of us would have seen the inside of a jail cell.”

  She doesn’t look like she believes me, but I pull the car out of the lot anyway. I need to get out of here and into a shower, like yesterday.

  Chapter 15


  My heart is still racing. I can’t believe how calm and collected Hudson acted back there. I thought for sure we would both be hauled off to jail. If the cops had been called in and searched us, there’s no question I could have been arrested for the empty rum bottle in my bag. I don’t know much about the law, but having anything on your record is bad, no matter what it is.

  I’m so lost in my head that I don’t even realize we’re already at his house. Was I stuck in my head for an hour? “Sorry for speeding. I just wanted to get as far away from there as soon as possible,” he says, answering the question I had in my head. Without a second glance my way, he gets out of the SUV. Well, that was weird. I’m pulled out of my thoughts when the passenger door is opened and Hudson unbuckles me and envelops me in the biggest hug. A few minutes pass while we stay in our embrace until he pulls back slightly. Bringing his hands up to cup my face, he looks into my eyes and asks, “Are you okay? I know I said back there that we were fine, but I can tell you’re not fine.”

  Leaning into his hands, I close my eyes with a sigh. He’s always being my prince charming, coming to my rescue. “I’m fine. A little shaken up, but I’ll be okay. You handled the situation perfectly, and because of you, we’re sitting here right now.”

  “I don’t know if I would say that.”

  “Well, I would. So let’s drop it before we get into a stupid argument over this.”

  He nods his head and steps back from me, holding out his hand. I grab it and step out into the cold November air. As I let out a small breath, I can see it float away in front of me. I zip up my flimsy jacket and hug my arms to myself. When did it get so cold out?

  We step foot in the door and Jax is waiting for us. Without hesitation, he says, “Downstairs right now.”

  I’m not sure if I should laugh right now or be scared. I never thought I would see a serious side of Jax come out like this. Especially not a pissed off side. I look over at Hudson as we walk down the stairs to their practice room, and his face is blank. He’s staring straight ahead and I’m freaking out because I don’t know what he’s thinking. We all file into the room one by one, and Jax shuts the door behind us. The room is eerily quiet as we stand in a circle looking at one another, waiting for the first one to talk. Normally that would be me, but I have no idea where to even start. Fortunately, Jax is just like me and can’t stay silent for long.

  “Where the fuck have you two been the last couple of days? You got out of school on Wednesday and today’s Friday. Dad’s been working nonstop and Mom is who knows where. I covered for you when Dad asked, but a little fucking heads-up would have been cool. I was quick on my feet and said you were spending Thanksgiving at Ashtyn’s parents’ house.”

breathe a sigh of relief. I know Hudson said Jax would make up a story, but he was extremely believable when he told that janitor our parents had sent out search parties. That’s obviously impossible for my parents to do, but Hudson’s parents are very much alive. And he missed Thanksgiving, which is a big fucking deal. My parents would have flipped even if there were some story of where I was.

  Hudson has a huge grin on his face as he says, “Thanks for that, bro. If you could believe it, we were actually trapped at the school.”

  “Whatever, bro. I don’t buy it. Where were you really?”

  “We were—”

  I don’t even let him finish before I cut him off. “Hudson is telling the truth, Jax. I had a shitty day at school on Wednesday. Did you ever have Potter for English?”

  Reluctantly, he replies, “Yeah, what about her?”

  “So then you know she’s a complete bitch. Well, Wednesday was no different, but she chose me as her victim for the day. I took off and Hudson found me getting drunk in the theater. Not my finest moment, but long story short we were locked in the theater all weekend until just a little bit ago when a janitor found us in there.”

  His mouth is wide open. “Shit, you’re serious. I can’t believe that fucking happened. Are…are you guys okay?”

  My jaw locks up as I try to respond. I start shaking and I can feel tears start to well up. Jax’s eyes go wide as he takes a step toward me, but Hudson brings his arm up and possessively pulls me toward him. I can’t look up and see his face, so I take the coward’s way out and turn my head into Hudson’s chest. He clears his throat and says, “Yeah, we’re fine. Chloe’s still a little shaken up, but we’ll be okay. I think we just need to clean up and take it easy for the rest of the day.”

  “Yeah, you guys do that. I’ll…uh…leave you to it, then.” The door opens and closes behind us, and I know Jax is gone. I peek up at Hudson through my hair and his jaw is clenched tightly. Without a word, he pulls me behind him and we head upstairs toward his bedroom.

  “I’m going to go take a shower and wash the last couple of days off of me.”

  I take a seat on his bed and say, “Okay, I’ll just be here.”

  “Or you could join me.”

  “With your parents downstairs right now? I think I’ll pass.” I don’t actually know if his parents are downstairs, but he doesn’t think twice about it when he responds, “Yeah, that’s a good idea.”

  “I know. I’m pretty smart like that. Now go take your shower before I jump in there instead and lock you out.”

  “Alright, alright. I’m going.”

  Once he starts up the shower, I wait a few minutes before I leave his room. I check to make sure no one is around before heading down the hallway to Jax’s bedroom. Standing outside his door, I contemplate turning back around, but instead I raise my hand and knock. My fist is still raised when his door swings open and he pulls me inside. He envelops me in a giant hug and holds on tight. Whispering into my hair, he says, “I was freaking the fuck out the entire time you were gone. I couldn’t get ahold of either one of you.”

  I don’t know what to say, so I respond simply with, “I’m sorry.”

  He holds on to me for a minute longer before letting go and taking a step back. His face is blank of emotion and it’s killing me to not know what he’s thinking. “So?” he asks me.

  “So what?” I ask dumbly. I don’t want to have this conversation, and I’d rather delay the inevitable.

  “What happened this weekend, Chloe? Between you and my bother?”

  I know what he’s asking, but I don’t think he wants to know the answer to that question. Instead I answer with. “I…I love him, Jax.”

  “More than you love me?” His voice is broken when he asks me, and I just about fall apart right then and there.

  “It’s not like that.”

  His voice rises slightly when he clips out, “Then what’s it like? Please enlighten me.”

  “What I feel for Hudson and what I feel for you are different. With Hudson it’s all-consuming. My body is hyper-aware whenever he’s near. I become breathless and my heartbeat speeds up. Every time I look into his eyes, I can see everything I’m feeling mirrored back at me.”

  “And with me?”

  “With you I’m always happy. We laugh and have a good time, but it’s all very surface. You’re one of my best friends, Jax, but your eyes don’t light up around me like Hudson’s do. Underneath all of that hatred you hold for her are layers and layers of love. Can you honestly say the way you feel for me even holds a candle to the way you felt for Erin? Or still feel?”

  His shoulders slump down and I know I have my answer. “So that’s it? You’ve made your choice?”

  “I don’t think there ever was a choice. But yes, I choose Hudson. He’s the one for me. I will always love you, Jax, but it’s not the same.” I turn to walk away and he doesn’t stop me. I’m tempted to turn around, but I don’t. If he’s broken up right now, I don’t think I could take it. But if he’s not broken up about it, I think that would be worse.

  When I open the door back up to Hudson’s room, he’s sitting on his bed quietly, waiting for me. The only indicator that he actually took a shower is his dripping hair. I take my time stepping into his room and shutting the door. The expression on his face is blank, and I’m scared to find out whether or not that’s a good thing or bad.

  “Did you take care of what you needed to?”

  I open my mouth, but I’m not sure what to say. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  He gets up from his bed and starts pacing his room. He keeps clenching and unclenching his fists at his side. “I’m not an idiot, Chloe. What were you talking to Jax about?”

  I open up my mouth to talk, but my words get caught in my throat. He’s so angry, and I know I caused that. Clearing my throat, I say, “I never said you were an idiot. I was telling him that we’re together now. That you and I are together now.”

  “So why did you have to wait until I was in the shower to do that?” he asks as he moves to stand directly in front of me.

  I look down at the floor for a moment then move my eyes back up to his. “I didn’t think it would be nice to have that conversation with the three of us.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Because that would be like rubbing it in his face.”

  “So what’s the big deal?”

  I start pacing now. I don’t understand how he can be like this. Either he’s that dense or just doesn’t care about hurting his brother. I guess it’s possible that any anger he has is clouding his judgment, but still, the guy I fell in love with would never intentionally hurt someone else. “Are you being serious right now, Hudson?”

  “I don’t know. How should I be feeling right now, Chloe? We’re locked in the theater for almost forty-eight hours together and have sex for the first time. As soon as we get out you immediately go running to him. That’s kind of fucked up.”

  I stop and look him straight in the eyes. “It’s not like that, Hudson. I don’t want to be with Jax. I want to be with you. I thought the considerate thing to do would be to let him know that.”

  “I just wish you would have said something to me rather than sneaking behind my back.”

  His voice is quiet as he talks, and I know that I was wrong. “You’re right. I went about it the wrong way. I’m sorry for that.”

  “No, I’m sorry. I’m being such a jerk right now.”

  I walk forward and wrap my arms around his neck and tell him, “I love you, Hudson. I want to be with you.”

  I can feel his head nod against me when he says, “I know that. I do. I’m insecure when it comes to you, Chloe. I love you so much and I still can’t understand why you’d choose me over him.”

  “There was never a choice, Hudson.” I squeeze him tighter and hope he never lets me go. Wordlessly, we move to the bed and spend the rest of the night showing each other just how much we love one another.

  Chapter 16r />

  One of the things that make being with Chloe so easy is our downtime. We can be sitting in a room not talking or doing anything but be one hundred percent comfortable. It’s like no matter what is going on, if we’re together, that makes everything better. Like right now, for example. We’re lying in my bed watching an old Marilyn Monroe movie, Chloe’s idol, and we’re comfortable. It’s been a few weeks since we were trapped in the theater, and things are better than ever. It’s the best feeling in the world, aside from Chloe currently being in my arms. Suddenly she pops up on the bed and pauses the movie. “Don’t laugh at me.”

  I look around the room and back at her. Where did that just come from? I tread lightly when I ask, “Why would I laugh at you?”

  “You might. Just promise me you won’t.”

  I bring up my hand and cross my finger over my heart. “Okay. I won’t laugh at you. Now what’s going on?”

  “Will you show me how to make coffee?” A big grin covers my face. She’s so cute, and I love that she wants me to teach her something.

  “You said you wouldn’t laugh,” she says as she puts her face into her hands. I reach up and pull her hands away. She looks absolutely beautiful with a hint of redness to her cheeks. She’s not worrying about anything and looks so carefree right now. If I could keep this lightheartedness with her forever, I would. “I’m not laughing.”

  “No, but you are smiling.”

  “I am. But I’m not making fun of you.”

  She cocks her head to the side and asks, “Then why are you smiling?”

  I poke her lightly on the nose. “Because you’re so cute. Now why do you want me to show you how to make coffee?”

  “I’ve never done it before. Plus, wouldn’t you love to be woken up by a naked me and a steamy cup of coffee in the morning?” I don’t even hesitate before grabbing her hand and dragging her to the kitchen behind me. She’s giggling incessantly. She knows exactly what she just did, and she’s getting just what she wanted. Not that I wouldn’t have shown her how to do it anyway. But this way she knew I couldn’t turn her down.


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