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Full Moon on the Lake

Page 12

by D. M. Angel

  Kyla holds the baby close, the infant curls her hand tightly around her finger as if to comfort Kyla’s turmoil. She turns away a tear sliding down her cheek she wants a child of her own. She kisses the child on her cheek then reluctantly lays her in Maryanne arms “Congratulation’s she is very beautiful.” She says cheerfully, but she needs to go. She is hiding the anxiety that she will disappoint him, a feeling so strong in her soul. Kyla looks at Jasmine, nods and leaves the cabin.

  Twenty minutes later, Derrick’s group was not only holding their own, but was one point ahead. The teams were now filling up with other Alphas and Betas getting off work. The men, women and more kids got into the spirit of ‘the lesson to be learned’. Teams now numbered eleven players on each side, the field of play becoming bigger with more players. Some players not playing, but held in reserve called suggestions for their teammates. The mates and friends to the players cheer their support.

  Leisa walked out hearing the noise, shook her head smiling as she gathered those who were observing the games, not playing. She assigned some of them to set up tables while she gathered others to expand the dinner she had already prepared. Now she needed to feed the army of players, adding salads, breads, more sauce, noodles and meat to the spaghetti. Made desserts high in carbs to replace the ones being used up in the game. ‘Leave it to Derrick to keep the spirits high within the pack.’ she mumbled to herself smiling as she organized dinner for the quick gathering.

  Kyla had shown up thirty minutes into the game, she watched as Derrick and the others as they moved back and forth across the field. She watched silently, the way he interacted with the kids, the older pack members, she loved his playful side. A smile she had not seen on his face for a couple of days filled her chest to bursting with the pride she felt for him. Through everything, the pack was enduring, and he had still found time to be the alpha everyone needed.

  After watching the game for a few more minutes, she noticed Leisa setting out the dinner onto the tables for the importuned gathering and went over to help. She wondered how she was going to tell Derrick about the baby. Looking over her shoulder at Derrick with the kids she hoped, maybe, just maybe it would not be so bad.

  Daniela lay in her bed knowing she had been irresponsible for not telling Derrick or Kyla when the threat had come in, but there just did not seem to be a right moment for her to mention it. She had planned to tell them the day of the BBQ but it just did not seem like the right time. Then again, it had never seemed to be the right time.

  She had not seen Jacob in a couple of days, sighing she knew she could not avoid him for very much longer. Kyla explained the kidnapping had sent Jacob deeper into the extreme mating and she would soon need to make a decision. The problem was Daniela was not sure what she wanted, let alone she was not sure what it would mean in the long run to her, her future, if she even had a future with Jacob.

  Garret paced the room, every step angrier than the last. “I cannot believe you would disappoint me yet again Henderson.” Henderson cringed at the look Garret drilled into his head.

  “Sir, we did not know the complete background of the leader. The information we had stated they wanted the land she bought for themselves. We figured they would welcome her sudden disappearance, Sir. She had only been there for a couple of weeks how were we to know they would be so protective of her? They are all……” Henderson trailed off at the look Garret Bentley gave him.

  Garret walked by his desk then suddenly swiped everything on the desk to the floor in annoyance. ‘Failure! These men were worse than worthless’.

  “I have two weeks to get her, what the little slut does not know is that I married her instead of turning her over to the sultan. He has now decided she is part of our deal, since we are no longer married; he wants her. The fool accidently killed the last girl and needs a replacement. My reputation is on the line.” Garret turned thinking ‘and I would not have to pay the rest of the settlement if she disappeared. The ungrateful Bitch’. Garret faced Henderson smiling evilly with satisfaction, “You will not fail me again! You have ten days, then I shoot you myself.”

  “Yes Sir.” Henderson turned and walked out of the room as Garret threw something, glass by the sound of it hitting the wall.

  He felt kind of sorry for Kate, as he stormed down the hall to his waiting men. She really did not need an asshole like Garret in her life let alone the sadistic Sultan and his sex games. But a job, was a job and you didn’t always have to like it. In a different world he would have protected her from men like these.

  Henderson walked out the door rubbing his hand over his face. He stopped and looked up to the sun warming his face, when did his life change so drastically? When did he become so cold? Looking at his men he sighed, “We have a job to do.” Walked passed them and into the SUV.

  Derrick had checked on Jacob and was walking back toward the main house to the bedroom he and Kyla shared. He told Caleb to organize a meeting of all elders for the morning to discuss the information in the file on his desk. ‘That was going to be fun!’ He snickered, as he thought of all the ways he could implement some of the requirements of Jacobs mating into his own love life. Wolves were aggressive lovers by nature anyhow, some of the ideas in the folder were not so far off the mark when it came to wolves, but a human was a different problem. Well that problem was tomorrows, tonight he had to figure out what was wrong with Kyla.

  Nodding to himself he took the stairs two at a time. Smiling, the game with the kids did him some good! He opened the door to the bedroom finding it empty walked over to their private bath and stopped in the doorway. God she was beautiful. He watched her quietly as her expression changed over and over. He wanted to run over and hold her to take whatever was troubling her away. He watched as she closed her eyes not seeing him approach her from behind, then suddenly stopped in shock.

  Kyla looked at herself in the mirror, focused on brushing out her hair. How was she going to tell Derrick? Would he be mad? Would he be happy? Her emotions just seem to be all over the place. One minute she was sure he would kill her for getting pregnant, the next she was sure he would be happy. Kyla closed her eyes and set the brush on the counter. Slowly, she raised her hand and lovingly placed it on her stomach over the child waiting to be revealed. Whispering, “It will be ok sweetie, we will get through this.”

  She didn’t see Derrick behind her in shock turn and walk out. Didn’t hear him as he stormed quietly out of the room quietly closing the door.

  She walked out of the bathroom to find the bedroom still empty. Well, he had to check on Jacob and said he would be up soon. She took her off robe and laid down in bed, sliding under the covers. Laying her head on the pillow she sighed, “I have to tell him tonight.” Thinking through different ways to tell him, not every version of explaination seemed to be the right one. She closed her eyes, she was so tired lately, and she would just rest her eyes until he got here. She thought drowsily, ‘Then they would talk’.

  ‘Damn,’ Derrick thought as he slide down the floor and sat on the carpet in the hall. ‘What was she thinking? Didn’t they agree to wait?? Yeah, he was thinking about trying early to make her happy. Was he ready for this? Damn it, now he had no choice! She took that away from him getting pregnant now.’ He didn’t know whether to be happy or mad.


  Kyla woke to the bright sun light shining in through her window. She sat up quickly and looked over to the other side of the cold, empty bed confused. His pillow showed he had not slept there. Had something happen last night? Had she slept through it? Why didn’t Derrick wake her up or come to bed? Getting up quickly Kyla dress and headed to the kitchen for breakfast hoping to find him there. Leisa would know what was going on if he was handling an emergency.

  Leisa look at Derrick and wondered if she should get involved. She didn’t like seeing him in this state and wondered what brought it on. She changed her mind looking at Caleb curiously as Derrick snapped at one of the men who walked in the door asking a simple question. Ca
leb shrugged slightly at her and shook his head. Kyla walked in behind Jace while Derrick yelled. She cowed in confusion at so much anger. She walked over and placed a loving hand on his shoulder and he flinched then tightened. Getting up he moved out from under her hand, storming out of the room saying he had to get ready for the meeting. Leaving everyone muddled, shocked and Kyla was on the verge of tears confused by his rejection.

  Leisa walked over to Kyla putting an arm around her shoulders and regarded Caleb, the look telling him he needed to go talk to his son. Caleb stood just as upset by his son’s actions rose from his chair, giving his mate a kiss on the cheek and setting a supporting hand on Kyla. He smile confidently and walked out of the room to find out what was going on. As the door swung shut it opened again to let Kate into the room she froze at all the tension in the air.

  Leisa settled Kyla in a chair while putting a cheery face on, and motioned for Kate to sit as well. Leisa needing to keep busy with her thoughts mumbling she would get everyone’s breakfast. Kate walked over to the counter where the coffee sat waiting, poured several cups putting them on the table in front of those without cups and filling others before she just stood lost. What was going on? She passed Derrick who seemed to growl at her when he passed. Then Caleb came out behind him with a sad look on his face. Did she have the right to ask? Was she the problem? Was Jacob alright?

  Needing something to do she opened a bag of bread and started making toast. Kyla stood hesitantly, went to the refrigerator grabbed the onions, peppers and potatoes, setting the butter on the counter by Kate. Reaching into the drawer closest to her, Kyla searched vigorously for a knife to prepare the vegetables with. The room was silent except for the noise of the eggs frying and the vegetables being enthusiastically chopped. The women quiet with their thoughts and the men smart enough not to break the silence deep in thought themselves

  Caleb caught up with Derrick as he enter his office, closed the door quietly behind him and sat down in the chair in front of the desk waiting. Derrick paced the room like a caged animal not sure what exactly he was really mad at. Or who. He turned around finally noticing that Caleb sat patiently watching him pace. Derrick heave a sigh thinking of the scene he made in the kitchen, walked over to his desk and abruptly sat. He looked down at his hands seeing the file on the desk asked, “How should we handle this?”

  Caleb regarded Derrick and raised an eye brow at him in question, “And which problem are we talking about?”

  Derrick groaned running his hands through his hair looking defeated. Caleb watched as Derrick tried to sort through all the problems he was dealing with. Taking a deep breath, Caleb inquired about the latest dilemma,

  “What changed from last night to this morning? What has you so upset with Kyla?”

  Derrick looked up at Caleb’s questions, “Are you asking as my Father or as the previous, Alpha?”

  Caleb looked intently into Derricks eyes, “Your father is needed right now I’d venture a guess. The way you acted toward Kyla is not good for the pack’s moral. So we need to address that problem first.”

  Derrick inhaled sharply confused and frustrated by his own feeling, “Kyla is pregnant.” He announced bluntly, sounding defeated.

  Caleb smiled an eyebrow raised in astonishment, “Well then Congratulations!! I’m gonna be a Grampa! When is she due?” he exclaimed excitedly, trying to figure out why Derrick was so upset at such wonderful news.

  Derrick glanced at his father embarrassed, mumbled, “I don’t know.”

  Caleb took a minute before he answered, “I see. And did you not think to ask her?” he questioned, slowly putting together what may have happened.

  “Kyla doesn’t know I know.” Derrick Confessed.

  Caleb just stared at his son with a thoughtful expression. So Derrick continued, “Kyla was brushing her hair in the bathroom, didn’t see me standing there behind her when she started talking to the baby. I was so dumbfounded; I left and didn’t go back.”

  Standing up unable to sit still, he started pacing again, “Dad, I don’t know how I feel, I am mad on one hand that she did this to me and on the other hand;” Derrick turned and faced his father, “I am excited to know I am gonna be a father.” The room was quiet, as Derrick smiling sheepishly, slumped down in his chair.

  Unexpectedly Caleb burst out laughing. “DUMBfounded is the right word to use.”

  “Derrick; son;” He started smiling at his sons absurdity, “This is not the big problem you think it is. I don’t know much but, I can assure you Kyla did not do this to make your life harder. I am quite sure she is just as upset about this as you are. You need to talk to her. And soon!”

  Caleb got up and placed a hand on Derrick’s shoulder, “Son, she is one the finest alpha female we have. She understands more about the Alpha’s responsibilities and duties better than even Leisa did at her age. You have got to give her more credit than thinking she is some scheming female. She is a strong alpha, she has the respect and gratitude of the entire pack.” Caleb walked back to his seat finishing with, “She deserves that same respect from you.”

  Derrick sighed, his father was right; he needed to talk to Kyla, but now was not the time he had a meeting to prepare for. Feeling this was as about as resolved as he could get it at this moment, he nodded once at Caleb. Looking down at the folder on his desk Derrick purposely ended the conversation,

  “So how are we going to explain all this to the elders?” Successfully changing the subject and picked up the folder.

  All the wolves were finishing their breakfast; no one said anything through the entire meal. Everyone was cautiously quiet and seemed to be deep in thought, glancing over at Kyla and Daniela, who seemed more intent on moving the food around their plates than eating it. Leisa watched as each wolf stood and placed the plate in the sink, kissed Leisa’s cheek in respect and left, leaving Kyla and Daniela alone with her.

  “First off,” Leisa said breaking the silence in the room when the last person left and the door closed behind them, “Kate; this has nothing to do with you honey, there is nothing wrong with Jacob at this moment. So you can relax, you have done nothing wrong.” Motherly she looked over to Kyla’s face at her heart wrenching tears. Leisa got up and moved next to Kyla, “What happened dear?”

  “I don’t know.” She cried between sobs, “He said he would be right up after he checked on Jacob. He was so happy when I saw him last night.” Kyla sniffled, “He never came to bed.” She continued dejectedly. “And he is obviously upset with me. I just can’t figure why, what it could be.”

  She looked up at Leisa, “I haven’t had a chance to tell him about….” She stopped looking a Kate then continued, “I just don’t know what I could have done to make him so angry.”

  Kate stood to leave, “I need to go see Jacob; I was told I could visit with him today.” Leisa smiled up at her encouraging her as she left.

  Leisa looked back at Kyla. “Caleb will figure out what is wrong and we will get this straightened out.” She patted her hand “Don’t you worry.” Then standing continued, “Right now we have a meeting to go to and you both have to look unified.” Leisa walked over to a drawer pulling out a cloth then getting wet giving Kyla a second to gather herself.

  “Here,” she handed her a tissue and got a cold cloth, “let’s get ready and go get this over with so you and Derrick can talk.”

  The Conference room filled slowly. You could already see the pack grapevine was in working order, the women gathered on one side of the conference table and the men on the other. Whispered concern could be over heard as some asking about the incident in the kitchen this morning. Speculation on what the problem is between the two alphas were asked, answered with free flowing as a best guesses and speculations. It seemed everyone had an opinion on what it could be and how to fix it.

  Derrick surmised as he walked in, that the women would stick with Kyla, no matter who is at fault, and the men with him. Well at least most of the men, if they figured out what happened they would al
l kick his ass. Derrick laughed to himself, at the juvenile way even as adults we separate ourselves. This was his fault and as Alpha, as Kyla’s mate, he had to fix it.

  Caleb and Leisa walked in at that moment with Kyla behind them. Leisa looked up and gave him that, ‘You had better fix this now or I will!’ look he always feared getting when he was a kid. How could mothers do that, no matter what you did to get in trouble, or how old you were, they always made you feel worse than you thought you could ever have thought you could feel and never say a word.

  Kyla followed Leisa and moved to the group of women holding her head up, smiling tentively at Derrick. Derrick could no longer stand the hurt he had put on her face. Screw the meeting he walked determinately over toward Kyla, his face set with resolve. When he approached her, she cringed slightly for a second, afraid, before he gathered her up in his arms and kissed her right there in front of everyone. He looked into her eyes at the fear and confusion and hurt in her eyes and his heart broke. She should never feel like this toward him, never feel afraid of him.

  “I am so sorry.” He whispered into her ear, “This is my fault, I love you! Never again do I want to see the fear I just saw in your eyes. It broke my heart to think I put it there. Can you forgive me?” His face was in so much turmoil, the pain in his face, to much to bare and tears slide down her face.

  “Yes, always.”

  Amazed at this woman he called mate, he lifted her in a tight unyielding hug, kissed her soundly again. The tension eased as wolf whistles and catcalls filled the room.

  Kyla blushed as he set her down on her feet, “We will talk later.” He smiled impishly back at her. Then led her to the head of the table with his arm around her waist. The room now filled with laughter, the tension eased as everyone’s spirits lifted as they went to their seats. Derrick remained standing after he set Kyla in her chair, waiting for everyone to settle down.


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