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Riptide of Romance

Page 22

by Jennifer Jones

  I gave him a quick smile and pulled in a deep breath and let it out. “Ready!” We bumped fists.

  We jumped on our board and followed Rusty and Jan Sugarman into the pool.

  The Sugarmans were a gnarly surfing team who lived in an area close to the fearsome surf break known as Mavericks. I’d seen them in several competitions on TV, and just as I suspected, they were extreme competitors.

  My breath hitched, and I told myself not to be intimidated by Jan’s cute little figure and the gorgeous way she pointed her toes when her handsome husband effortlessly held her in an elegant high swan. That couple could’ve been entertainers who’d trained at Cirque Du Soleil. And style? Puxa vida! We’re talking número um.

  “Come on, Lola,” Justice said. “Let’s get ‘em with our Americano.” He patted my thigh, and a jolt of excitement surged through me. That was such a pretty lift. “You’ve been in this country long enough to claim that Americano title.”

  I sat up straight and threw my arms in the air. “Heck yeah!”

  We paddled and caught the next wave, and Justice hoisted me up. The Americano was a moved that necessitated Justice twirling my body upside down until our faces were nearly in a kissing position, my legs wide, toes pointed, my arms spread. I controlled my breathing like we’d practiced and my body relaxed. I felt like I was suspended in midair—I was!—with my athletic husband at the reins.

  “It feels great,” I said into his fiercely focused face.

  “Check out that Americano, folks,” the announcer said. “Justice and Lola Hamilton sure know how to put on a show!”

  I stole a quick glance at the jumbotron and the crowd. The sea of spectators were on their feet, arms waving, some of them jumping. “Yeah! Kiss her! We want more!”

  Our faces were close enough, and Justice turned his head quickly and gave me a peck on the lips.

  “Yee-friggin’-haw! I heard someone yell.

  We ended our ride and Justice stalled out the board. We jumped in the water, and Justice threw his arms around me, his mouth on mine as the jumbotron caught every second of our make-out session.

  The sound of the applause reverberated through my body, and the announcer’s voice rose above the crowd. “That’s how we do it here on V-Day!” His voice became deep and low. “Love is in the air!”

  Excitement zinged through my body, as Justice’s lips slid over mine. He grabbed the back of my head, and his tongue dipped further into my mouth until the noise of the crowd reached a crescendo. Finally, he drew away, and the smile on his face edged up at the corners. “We’d better get back out there.”

  Yes, the crowd loved us and our Americano, but the thing of it was, that particular move was only of moderate difficulty. We surfed the wave well but would it be enough?

  We caught a few more high-scoring waves and, as we executed them flawlessly, my excitement grew.

  Finally, the horn blared, and our heat was over.

  As we exited the wave pool, we passed Devin and Kristin splashing into the water. “I can taste the organic veggies from Whole Foods now,” Devin said.

  Kristin tugged at Devin’s arm. “Devin—”

  “Over my dead body,” Justice said.

  “That can be arranged.”

  Justice’s face contorted into an especially fearsome mask, his two-day-old scruff reminding me of a warrior going into battle. All the man needed was a suit of armor and a sword. “Start digging your grave now, Devin. I cannot wait to cry at your funeral.”

  “Boo-friggin’-hoo,” Devin said. “You two are going down.”

  I looked at Justice’s corded neck, reached out and grabbed his arm. “Let’s go rest.”

  “That’s right, you two lovebirds,” Devin said, his voice whiny. “Go ahead and rest.” He jabbed a finger our way. “You’ll get to rest up good after I win the contest.”

  And just like he promised, Devin and Kristin were in top form. As Justice and I stood on the sidelines, I felt a pulling sensation in my gut. I gripped his arm, my heart a dull thud in my chest. “Look at Kristin’s heel stretch stand. She’s so pretty.” Her lithe body stretched, her spine strong, her body balanced, her blond hair blowing in the breeze.

  Justice looked me in the eye and pressed his palms gently to my cheeks. “She’s got nothing on you, babe. Remember. We’re Team Lola Justice.”

  “But what if—”

  He held a finger to my lips. “Sh. Remember our strategy.”

  Our strategy would only be good if we made it to the next round. But I didn’t say that. Instead, I dragged my gaze back to the wave pool and watched as the lifts became harder and more advanced. American Ninja Warrior move over.

  Devin and Kristin’s competitors were a crowd-pleasing couple—two married firefighters from the Stanislaus County fire department, wearing the requisite fire engine red rash guards with their team name emblazoned on the front and back.

  The competition was tight, and I couldn’t tell who would emerge the winner, but my fingers were crossed that Devin and Kristin would wipe out. I wasn’t above some good old-fashioned revenge, I thought with a smirk. Drop her! But that didn’t happen. If anything, they looked stronger than ever.

  The heat ended, a few more teams competed and finally, the afternoon session was over. The announcer played snappy music before his voice shouted out the names of those who’d advance to the semi-finals.

  I nearly fainted when the magic phrase “Justice and Lola Hamilton” reverberated over the loudspeakers.

  I jumped into Justice’s arms, and his mouth was on mine so fast it felt like we’d never been separated. I kissed him back and couldn’t stop myself from laughing as I pointed to the jumbotron. “There we are again. Think our kisses’ll go viral?”

  He beamed at me, and I felt enthusiasm roar through me. “I sure hope so.”

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Papaw, Ginger, and Bobbie zoom out of the stands and make a beeline for us.

  But our celebration was short lived as the announcer’s voice droned on announcing more semi-finalists. “… Devin and Kristin Stonebreaker …”

  Devin’s videographer swung his camera close in on Devin’s face.

  “Thank you very much,” Devin said into the camera in his best Elvis Presley imitation. Jesus Cristo, the man was a conceited slimeball.

  * * *

  Don’t fall. Don’t fall. Do not fall!

  The world whizzed by me as Justice’s strong grip held me in an upside- down position for a move called the ploc.

  I inhaled the cool air, my lungs sucking in a breath. This has got to be the most intense Valentine’s Day I’ve ever had. I think my brain was starting to go a bit wonky, but Justice and I were gelling as a team as we surfed against a couple from San Diego.

  Every time Devin caught my eye he threw me such an evil gaze that I wondered how Kristin managed to sleep with the man. You couldn’t pay me enough. And the thought of kissing him made me want to puke. Why had I ever gone out with him?

  Rip-roaring surf music played over the loudspeaker at the end of the heat. “And here’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for,” the announcer said. “Maybe not the moment. That comes late this afternoon when one lucky couple takes home that hundred grand.

  “Okay, enough of keeping you guys in suspense. I know you’re all dying to find out which two couples will go to the finals.

  “Let me tell you, it’s been one heck of a tough day here in the judge’s stands. Our sponsors have worked hard to bring you this, the one and only Knight’s Ferry Valentine’s Day Wave Pool Extravaganza Tandem Contest …”

  “Fucking hurry it up already,” Justice said as he squeezed my hand hard and gave me a nervous smile.

  “… we’ve enjoyed the best tandem surfing from around the globe. I think the couple from Tasmania may have won the award for being the farthest traveling couple. Can we put our hands together for them, folks?” Everyone clapped, and I thought I was going to die of old age before he finally announced the winners.

/>   “With a high score of sixteen-point six … this couple wowed us with their totem, their front angel, and their high swan. I cannot wait to see what Devin and Kristin Stonebreaker have in store for the finals! Congratulations to our couple from La Fortuna who’ll give us more of that gorgeous tandem surfing in our finals.”


  I held my breath as the afternoon grew wavy and the earth felt unstable under my feet. Justice squeezed my hand tightly and closed his eyes, his mouth mumbling a silent prayer. I’d never known him to be religious, but I was up for anything that got us to the final round.

  “And what’s this? All I can say is that in all my years of judging I’ve never seen a contest so close. In points and in proximity.” He laughed. “I don’t know what they’re putting in the water down there in La Fortuna, but our next couple came in with a sixteen-point five. Congratulations to Justice and Lola Hamilton. You’re going to the finals!”

  The crowd went wild, and I heard Papaw scream from the stands, “Go Lola and Justice!”

  Justice swooped me up into his strong embrace and twirled me around twice. “We did it! You did fucking fantastic. We’re a team, babe.”

  Devin took long swinging strides until he was by our side. “I hate to break up this little episode of Love Boat but …” He pointed to the ground. “This is not over. Not by a long shot.”

  Justice set me down.

  The tension in the air was thick as the two rivals stared intensely at each other, nostrils flaring. Devin violently rolled his shoulders as though his rash guard was uncomfortable. Then he turned his head and spat on the ground.

  “You’re a real class act, Devin,” Justice said.

  Devin waved a dismissive hand and turned his back on us. “What the hell. You’re not worth it.” And he tramped away.

  Justice shouted at his back. “Don’t go posting your win on Instagram just yet!”

  Devin whirled his body around and gave Justice the finger. I do believe his videographer caught the entire exchange.

  I was staring at Devin’s retreating back when Bobbie nearly knocked me over with her hug. She pulled away and gave me a high-five that nearly sent me flying. “You did it!” She danced a jig that was particularly hilarious, as the poor thing didn’t have a ton of coordination. Then she broke into her rendition of running man while chanting, “We’re gonna win! We’re gonna win!”

  I threw my head back in laughter as relief flooded through me. “We’ve got this, Bobbie. I can feel it.”

  “Heck yeah, you do!”

  “Come here, sweetie.” Ginger smiled and pulled me into a feminine hug that was all cotton candy and love, and I inhaled her deliciously sexy perfume—something flowery and sultry. “You two did phenomenal. When this is all over, I want you to teach me some of your moves.” She winked. “Maybe I can use them on stage.”

  Papaw stood tall. His clear blue eyes stared at Justice, and when he spoke, his voice choked with emotion. “I knew you could do it. Just one more heat like that and you’ve got the win.”

  When he drew Justice into a bear hug, I saw that tiny tears filled his eyes.

  Ginger smiled and threw me a conspiratorial look. “Let’s go primp in the locker room. Maybe put on some red lipstick for the camera.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” I held up a finger. “Quick trip to the restroom and I’ll meet you there.”



  When I came out of the restroom, Devin stood waiting for me. He leaned against the wall, arms crossed. “Well hello, there beautiful.”

  A spike of adrenaline shot through my system as I brushed past him. “Don’t you have a wife?”

  “Kristin doesn’t care what I do.”

  I turned on my heel and faced my competitor. “I wouldn’t be so sure about that.”

  He moved in close enough that I could smell his breath; Devin had eaten onions at lunch. We stood in a shadowed area, and I looked around for Justice, but he was nowhere to be found. No matter. I could handle myself. “What do you want?”

  “Just letting you know that when the contest’s over, I’ll be back at the bank waiting for you and your sexy body.” He winked. “When you’re ready to take me up on my offer I’ll have the Ferrari ready to whisk you away to the Ritz.” He moved in closer. “I know your marriage is fake. You need a real man. I’m one hell of a stud in bed.”

  At that moment Kristin stepped out of the shadows, her face quizzical. “What the?” She scrambled to Devin’s side, her fair skin mottled with pink. Her head jerked from Devin to me and back again. “What’s happening here?”

  My fingernails bit into my palms. I jabbed a finger at Devin. “I’ll tell you! Your husband isn’t who you think he is.”

  Kristin’s eyes grew wide. “Did he just proposition you?”

  I let out my breath in a huff and placed a gentle hand on Kristin’s arm. “I’m sorry. I should’ve told you ages ago.”

  She yanked away. “Get your hands off me! Were you sleeping with my husband?”

  “Him?” I shook my head. “Oh, honey, you can have him. I wouldn’t have sex with Devin if he was the last man on earth.” I rubbed the back of my neck and let out a long exhale. “Kristin. I should’ve told—”

  Her voice was a wail. “He’s been after you? Why didn’t you tell me? I would’ve … I would’ve …” She buried her face in her hands, and her voice was barely audible. “I can’t believe it.”

  I looked at Kristin as my throat grew tight and my heart sank. What was wrong with me? I should’ve told her ages ago. I was stupid to think I could spare her feelings. “I’m sorry. I thought you knew what Devin is.”

  Kristin whirled around and then she did something I didn’t think I’d ever see from the sweet Kristin. She violently pounded his chest with both fists. “You promised me you’d never cheat on me again! I trusted you! And this is the thanks I get?”

  Devin grasped both her fists in his hands. “Whoa, slow down baby. I was just joking around.” His voice dropped. “You know, kind of like we talked about. Confuse the opponent.”

  “We said that?”

  “Of course. Remember when we had dinner the other night and I told you it’d be fun to mess with Justice and Lola? Just a mind game between old friends is all this is.”

  Kristin stared at Devin, her eyes wide. “You better not be messing with me.”

  Oh God, did she really fall for his lies?

  He stroked her hair and gazed into her eyes. “This is just the mental game I told you about. Part of my strategy. I’d never hurt you. You’re my soul mate. My partner. Let’s win this thing. Then I’ll take you out to a nice dinner.” He kissed her cheek, and I wanted to throw up. “Something with wine and me for dessert.”

  “Is that why you were propositioning me before you even knew about the contest?” I said. “Creep.”

  Kristin shoved him in the chest. “Fuck off, Devin.” Then she stormed away.

  “Nice move, Romeo,” I said.

  He flipped his hand. “She’ll get over it.” And he moved toward me again.

  My voice was poison. “If you take one more step or so much as look at me sideways I’ll tell the whole world you’re a dirty, cheating wife abuser.” I jerked away and jabbed a sharp fingernail into his chest. “I’ll make sure the whole world and your precious Twitter followers know the score. And I’ll report you to HR.”

  “Yeah? Just try it.” He spun around and chased after Kristin.

  I cupped both hands around my mouth and yelled, “See you in the lineup, loser.”



  While the girls went into the locker room to primp with Lola before the finals, Papaw whispered hoarsely in my ear. “Let’s sit in Ginger’s car for a few minutes and catch our breath.”

  We strolled under a brilliant sun through the parking lot and settled ourselves into Ginger’s Pinto.

  His tone became serious, and he placed a hand on my shoulder, his steel blue eyes staring in
to mine. “Your uncle would be proud.” He swallowed and wiped away a small tear. He pressed his lips together and placed his fingers to them, squeezing his eyes tight. His eyes opened slowly, and he held up a finger. “Hold on a sec. I’ve got something for you.”

  He wandered to the back of the car, opened the hatchback and rummaged around in a backpack. When he hopped into the driver’s seat he was holding a bright red do-rag. “Remember this?” He unfurled it and handed me my Uncle Seth’s do-rag. I spread the fabric out on my lap, tears pricking the back of my eyes, my throat tight. Festively embroidered to the front of the cloth was the name of the shop, “Blue Tide Surf Shop.”

  My voice sounded raspy. “I remember when we had these made up special. Uncle Seth was so excited about having something he could wear around town that everybody would notice.” My fingers gently caressed the material. “He had an artist friend of his design the logo.” I shook my head and let out a low laugh, my breathing slowing down as the memory took over. “He dragged me down to some sweatshop joint in San Diego to pick up a carton of the things. I must’ve been fourteen.”

  Slowly, I turned the do-rag over and over in my hands, caressing the fabric. “I didn’t know there were any left.” I clapped a hand over my eyes, the memories of our time flooding back. My uncle Seth had taught me to surf, he taught me how to become a first-class motorcycle mechanic, he was even the person who had the birds and the bees talk with me. He didn’t know that I already considered myself the expert based on everything I’d picked up while hanging with my surfing buddies on the beach. Man, what I’d needed to learn. I was just a punk kid who thought he knew it all.

  A small sob escaped my lips, and I held the do-rag to my nose, hoping for a scent of my uncle. “He loved this thing. He wore it everywhere.”

  Papaw took my hands and stared into my eyes. “You’re going to make him proud today. I saw you and Lola out there. You have chemistry together. You’ve got something special with that woman, and I’m not just talking about your tandem moves.” He stared meaningfully at me. “It reminds me of what I had with your grandma. We worked together so well.” He let out a small laugh. “We didn’t exactly have everything in common. I never could figure out what she loved about her orchid garden so much. But I loved her. And when we needed to work on something together, even something ordinary like painting a room or hanging curtains, it was always special. Just being with her …


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