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THIRDS Beyond the Books Volume 2

Page 2

by Charlie Cochet

  Sloane turned his attention to Dex. “If you want to make it out of this alive, you won’t say a word. Do not, under any circumstances, draw attention to yourself.”

  Dex opened his mouth, and Sloane gave him that look.

  “This is serious shit.”

  Dex held his hands up. He knew better than to challenge Sloane when people’s lives were on the line.

  The commotion drew nearer, and Sloane braced himself.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” Ash thundered into the office, nostrils flaring and eyes blazing with unholy fire as he waved a printed copy of the memo. “This is fucking bullshit! I refuse on the principle that this is bullshit!”

  Sloane used his most soothing tone. “Ash—”

  “No,” Ash growled, storming over to Sloane and poking him in the chest. “I am not doing this. If those PR assholes come near me with that oil shit, I swear on my nads I will fucking set them on fire! Do you hear me, Sloane? I am not parading myself half-naked and lubed up like some Baywatch wannabe.”

  “I think you’d look very sexy,” Cael purred, his big gray eyes blinking innocently.

  Ash turned and narrowed his eyes. With pursed lips, he walked over to Cael, took hold of his shoulders, and turned him so he was facing the wall. Sloane did his best not to laugh. In Ash logic, if he couldn’t see Cael’s pout, he couldn’t be swayed.

  “No,” Ash stated firmly. “Absolutely fucking no.”

  “It’s just a calendar shoot. What’s the big deal?” Dex pitched in with a shrug.

  Sloane covered his face with his hand and groaned. Really? What had he just told his partner about not drawing attention to himself? Then again, it was his fault. He should have known better than to expect Dex to remain quiet, especially around Ash. He hoped the Therian first aid kit was fully stocked.

  Ash stalked over to Dex and slammed a hand down on the desk beside him before leaning in with a menacing growl. “Now you listen to me, you gummy-bear-eating hobbit. You might be happy to prance around, oiled up like some Vegas stripper, but I would rather get my chest hairs plucked one at a time by a set of rusty tweezers than let those assholes strip me, grease me up, and take my picture for the whole fucking world to jack off to.”

  Dex wheeled away from Ash. “Dude, it’s for charity.”

  Ash wiped his ass with the comment and glared at Sloane. “If your boyfriend doesn’t shut the hell up, he’s going to be doing the photo shoot on crutches.” An idea seemed to strike him, and his expression turned evil. “That’s why we’re getting roped into it this year, isn’t it? Because of Mr. PR over there?”

  Uh-oh. “Ash,” Sloane warned, slowly moving around his desk toward Dex.

  “Let’s just say something was to happen to that pretty face of his. The shoot would be postponed, right?”

  Sloane’s eyes widened. “Ash, whatever you’re thinking, no.”

  “Aw, he thinks I’m pretty.” Dex beamed.

  Sloane gaped at his partner. He grabbed a fistful of Dex’s shirt and hauled him out of his chair before Ash could get his hands on him. He pushed Dex behind him and faced Ash. Lucky for all of them, Cael ran in front of Ash and put his hands to his chest.

  “Aw, come on, big guy. Dex is right. It’s for charity. Remember how happy and excited those kids from the youth center were when they saw their new building? You helped make that happen, Ash.”

  Ash grumbled something unintelligible under his breath. He put his hand on Cael’s waist and gave it a squeeze, his bottom lip jutted out. “You really want me to do this?” Ash muttered, looking absolutely miserable.

  Cael smiled sweetly at him. “You know it’s ultimately up to you, but it is for a good cause. Besides, what would a calendar shoot of hot agents be without one of the hottest agents in our unit?”

  Dex opened his mouth, and Sloane clamped a hand over it, pulling him up against him. If that’s what it took for Ash to agree to this with minimal casualties, then so be it. Dex would have to suck it up. Cael stood on his toes and gave Ash’s cheek a kiss. Dex licked Sloane’s palm in the hopes he’d pull away. Sloane chuckled.

  “You really think that’s going to work, considering everything else that tongue’s licked?”

  “And now I’m going to throw up,” Ash said, pulling away from Cael. “Let’s get out of here before I lose my lunch.”

  “Meet you at the studio in an hour,” Sloane called out after him and Cael, receiving a grunt in response. He released Dex, who arched an eyebrow at him.

  “You sayin’ you don’t like it when I lick you?”

  “Are you kidding?” Sloane tapped the button on Dex’s desk interface that sent the room into privacy mode. He pulled Dex in close and placed a kiss on his neck. “I love when you lick me.” He planted another kiss on Dex’s jaw. “When you touch me.” Another kiss. “When you kiss me.” He lowered his voice and thrust his hips against Dex’s. “When you fuck me.”

  “Well, then, since we’re heading to the studio,” Dex replied in a husky tone, “how about a little quickie in the Suburban? It’s nice and roomy in the back, plus all those really dark-tinted windows. It’s like it was made for a little afternoon treat.”

  “Lead the way.” Sloane took the room out of privacy mode and followed his partner out. Maybe the photo shoot would be a pain in the ass, but at least he could occupy his thoughts with a far more pleasant type of pain.

  After a heavy session of Dex fucking him in the backseat of their Suburban in the studio lot, where far less people were likely to spot them than the THIRDS lot, they caught their breaths, steadied their pulses, straightened their clothes, and headed inside. Everyone on his team was already being attended to by the wardrobe and makeup department. Dex ran off ahead to their dressing room to find out what his costume would be. He was far too excited about this.

  “Agent Brodie?”

  “Yes.” Sloane turned to a lanky young man with a Bluetooth headset.

  “Could you give these to Agent Keeler?”

  Sloane eyed the blond, long-haired wig and tight, navy blue pants with a red stripe going down the side. There was also a big hammer. Thor’s hammer. Oh dear God. He didn’t know whether to burst out laughing or just make a break for it now.

  “Is this Ash’s costume?”

  “Yeah. Thing is, I’m supposed to give it to him, but tomorrow’s my wedding anniversary, and my wife will be real pissed if I have to spend it in the hospital. Again.”

  “You do realize what you’re asking me.”

  “I know. But you’re his Team Leader. He can’t put you in the hospital.”

  “You seem to be forgetting who we’re talking about,” Sloane muttered. The poor guy looked about ready to get down on his knees and beg if that’s what it took. “Sure. Give it here.” A thought occurred to him just as the guy was walking off. “Wait. Where’s the rest of it?”

  Wardrobe Guy cringed.

  “Shit.” There was no rest of it. This was it. Before he could say another word, the guy bolted down the hall like it was about to spontaneously combust. Which it might, once Sloane handed Ash his tights and wig.

  Sloane could hear Ash laughing his ass off at something as he neared the large dressing room. He was clearly laughing at someone’s costume. Little did he know what awaited him. Why wasn’t Sloane surprised the PR team decided to give Ash his costume last? Cael popped his head out of the dressing room, and Sloane motioned him over. He handed Cael the outfit.

  “Give these to Ash.”

  Cael’s eyes lit up as he lifted the hammer. “This is so cool!”

  “Let’s see if you can convince Ash of that.”

  “Dude, this is so unfair.” Cael pouted. “How come Recon doesn’t get to do a calendar shoot? We might not be ripped, but we can do costumes.”

  “Who would you be?” Sloane asked, heading toward his fate.

  “Spider-Man,” Cael replied cheerfully. “I could totally rock those tights.”

  At least two of their team members were excited about
this. It was no surprise it was Dex and Cael. Sloane had no idea who the PR department had chosen for him. Destructive Delta had randomly been selected for the month of October on the THIRDS Defense Agents Charity Calendar. The PR department went with what was popular that year and assigned costumes accordingly. This year it was the Avengers. Dex had almost wet himself with excitement. He wondered how excited his boyfriend would be when he saw his own costume. Sloane had a feeling it wasn’t going to be all that different from Ash’s.

  Sloane walked into the huge dressing room and burst into laughter. He couldn’t help it. Calvin was wearing charcoal gray boots with matching tight pants that had deep purple stripes going down the sides. He wore purple sunglasses and had a purple bull’s-eye painted on his bare, oiled-up chest. In his hand he had a bow and arrow, which he inspected dubiously. Letty was in a skintight black bodysuit and red wig. Her look was murderous, and the wardrobe guy fixing her hair looked like he was about to pass out. Hobbs was wearing tight purple boxer briefs with a painted chemical hazard symbol on his bare chest. He kept trying to hide behind Calvin, which meant moving wherever and whenever Calvin moved. It might have worked if he wasn’t twice the size of his petite blond partner.

  Dex—Damn. Sloane sidled up behind his boyfriend, who was preening in front of the full-length mirror. “You need to take these pants home,” Sloane murmured in Dex’s ear. He stepped up close to him and, after checking everyone was busy, palmed Dex’s right asscheek. “Reminds me of a certain white latex uniform.”

  Dex chuckled. “I thought you might like them.”

  The gold and red tights made Dex’s ass look incredible. They’d painted the arc reactor symbol on his smooth chest. Sloane had to subtly adjust himself.

  “When this is over, keep them on and come find me.”

  Dex blinked at him, and his tongue poked out to lick his bottom lip. When he spoke, it was almost a whisper. “Sexy times?”

  “Oh yeah. Major sexy times.”

  Dex turned and nodded to the dressing screen. “Your costume’s waiting, Captain.”

  “Captain, hm?” With a wink, Sloane ducked behind the dressing screen. How the hell Dex managed to get into his pants was anyone’s guess. It took Sloane several tries and copious amounts of adjusting, pulling, stretching, and even a couple of lunges before he felt like he could walk. The tight pants were navy blue with a red stripe down the side. There were red boots in his size. He wasn’t crazy about wearing nothing else. The wardrobe people painted a large shield on his chest and gave his hair a neat, slicked-back side parting à la forties style. Then he was oiled up. He hoped the stage lights didn’t set him on fire.

  Dex peeked in on him as soon as the wardrobe lady was gone. “Damn, babe. You look hot.”

  Sloane craned his neck to eye his ass. “Does my ass look big in these?”

  “Your ass looks tasty in these. Like, I want to take a bite out of it right now, tasty.”

  Sloane chuckled. “Maybe later.” He swatted Dex’s hand away from his butt. “Stop trying to grope me.”

  “I can’t help it. It’s just… your ass is like a magnet. And you know, what with me being Iron Man and all….” Dex wriggled his eyebrows.

  “Oh sweet Jesus.” He kissed Dex and turned him around before slapping his ass. “Good thing you’re cute, Daley. Now move that bubble butt.”

  “Hell no.” Ash’s protest got their attention. “I am not wearing a wig. How come I’m the only one that gets a fucking wig?”

  “Well,” Dex pointed out while clearly attempting to hold back his laughter, “because Thor’s the only one with long hair.”

  After much grumbling and threats of bodily harm from Ash, everyone got oiled up and shown onto the set. Everyone tried their best not to laugh at Ash and his long blond hair. Sloane supposed they should be grateful the hammer in his hand was made of Styrofoam. The studio floor was covered in a sea of orange and yellow leaves, with jack-o’-lanterns neatly arranged. Black and orange decorations hung from the makeshift trees, along with glowing spooky lanterns and realistic-looking cobwebs.

  After some more threats of grievous bodily harm were issued from Ash if the photographer didn’t get on with it, the Therian photographer arranged them and told them how to stand. Very hero-like. Dex was having far too much fun. Calvin looked uncertain but did as he was asked. Hobbs looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here. Letty was about to telepathically destroy everyone, though she was momentarily distracted when she was handed a couple of gun props. Sloane and Ash were placed in the center beside each other.

  “I hate you,” Ash murmured through the big fake smile plastered on his face.

  “What did I do?” Sloane asked through his own smile.

  “You’re in love with that menace. It’s his fault we’re here. I just know it.”

  “I don’t see why you’re complaining. Cael’s about ready to pounce on you.”

  Ash glanced over at Cael, who was smiling dreamily at him. His best friend’s cheeks flushed.

  “What’s the matter, Ash? Cheetah Therian got your tongue?”

  “Bite me,” Ash grumbled.

  “I’ll leave that to Cael.”

  Ash remained speechless for the rest of the shoot. His best friend had been silenced, and Dex charmed his way into keeping his pants. There were promises of another performance from his sexy boyfriend. Sloane smiled to himself as he walked with Dex to their Suburban.

  He just might sign them up again next year.

  Prompt #29: Mmm… how about Seb and Hudson in Therian form?

  SEB HAD barely slept a wink last night. One of the reasons for it was the training session that awaited him and his Therian teammates at the THIRDS outdoor training facility later today. The other reason lay snuggled up against his side. With a dopey smile, Seb gave his lover a squeeze. He chuckled at the doc’s wild hair as it stuck up in all directions, the front falling roguishly over his brow. Damn, he was beautiful. Seb still couldn’t believe such a smart, handsome Therian like Dr. Hudson Colbourn wanted to be with a guy like him.

  “Morning, lobito.” Seb nuzzled Hudson’s temple, breathing in the subtle mix of shower gel, aftershave, and the doc’s own arousing scent. A gorgeous smile spread across Hudson’s face, and it caused Seb’s pulse to flutter. He watched, mesmerized, as Hudson stretched his long, slender body. A body that drove Seb crazy.

  Unable to resist, Seb rolled over, pinning Hudson beneath him yet mindful of his much heavier frame. A soft chuckle met his ears, and Hudson opened his eyes, deep blue pools filled with affection, all for Seb. No one had ever looked at him the way Hudson did. As if he were a rare gem rather than the rough and unpolished pebble he actually was. It had only been a few months, yet every time he looked into Hudson’s eyes, he felt himself sinking deeper into emotions he’d done his best to avoid until now. He’d spent years focusing on nothing but his career, but the moment he’d laid eyes on the wolf Therian, he knew he was in trouble.

  “Morning, darling.” Hudson planted a kiss on Seb’s chin, followed by smaller kisses up his jawline, before moving on to his neck.

  “Mm, I like that.” He pressed himself into Hudson, relishing the groan he let out. “I like the little sounds you make too.” A wicked smile crept onto his face. “And the bigger ones.”

  “Oh, bloody hell.” Hudson chuckled.

  His pale skin flushed pink to the tips of his ears, making Seb laugh.

  “Yeah, that. You have quite the mouth on you, Dr. Colbourn.”

  Hudson nipped at Seb’s chin. “All the better to eat you with, my dear.”

  Seb threw his head back and laughed. “Man, you are something else.”

  “You keep feeding my ego, love, and you’ll never be rid of me.”

  “Guess I’ll have to keep feeding your ego, then.” He kissed the tip of Hudson’s nose, knowing how particular the doc was about kissing before teeth brushing. Hudson always tasted amazing to Seb, but his lover had his quirks, and Seb respected that. He rolled off the bed, then pi
cked his boxers off the floor. He pulled them up, stopping halfway when he noticed Hudson watching him, a lustful look in his eyes.

  “Oh, don’t stop on my account.” Hudson sat up against the headboard and placed his laced fingers behind his head. “I’m very much enjoying the show.”

  “Show, huh?” Seb thrust his hips as he pulled his boxers the rest of the way up.

  “I’m rather certain they should be moving in the opposite direction,” Hudson said, wriggling his eyebrows. “I’d throw a few dollars, but I’m not quite sure where my trousers landed. You had me half-naked by the time we reached the living room.”

  “Says the guy with his hand down my pants on the front step. I dropped my keys twice before I managed to get the door open.” Seb winked at him and headed for the bathroom.

  Hudson stayed over so often that they’d developed a morning routine. It amazed him how in sync they were. Seb used the bathroom while Hudson got his sleepy head out of bed. His lover was not a morning person. By the time Seb was done, Hudson would be up. He’d make use of the bathroom and get dressed while Seb dressed and went downstairs to make Hudson’s milky black tea with two sugars and his own black coffee with a dash of milk and one sugar. He’d start breakfast and hand it over for Hudson to finish while Seb loaded their equipment and anything else they might need for the day into his truck.

  During breakfast together, Hudson read his favorite celebrity gossip magazine with commentary, making Seb chuckle while he looked over the news and sports section of the paper. They’d take turns clearing and washing up before a mini make-out session, because Seb couldn’t leave the house without pawing at Hudson.

  Most days he was happy to be getting to work, but not today. Not as he drove them to the training facility.

  “I don’t like this,” Seb said after parking and getting out of the truck. He set the alarm and followed Hudson to the changing bay. Inside, they waved at their Destructive Delta teammates, who were getting ready to shift for today’s training exercise. There would be assistants on hand to help them postshift since their Human partners were all off having their own training session. Today was all about Therian defense agents keeping their reflexes sharp for when they were faced with hostile feral Therians.


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