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by Kat Stiles

  “I would think so.” He continued to look at his screen, and then he gasped. “He’s in a coma.”

  “A coma?” My legs faltered, so I made my way to the couch before I collapsed like an idiot.

  “I’ve never tried to heal someone in a coma,” Jay said quietly. “I don’t know if it will work.”

  “I put someone in a coma?” I whispered to myself.


  “Nothing.” This isn’t the time to feel guilty, I reasoned. I spent enough time feeling like shit because I thought I killed him. At least he isn’t dead.

  “I can try to heal him,” Jay said. “Probably better to slip in after hours, in case it takes a while.”

  “You think? Wouldn’t they be more suspicious?”

  “There weren’t as many people around at night.” Jay looked down. “I mean, when you were in the hospital.”

  I took hold of his hand. “You stayed with me all night, didn’t you?”

  “The nurse mentioned a strange man, I didn’t want to leave you alone.” His gaze met mine. “You scared me, blacking out like that.”

  “My power activated, I guess.” I half-smiled, thinking back to that time and feeling so confused and scared. “Thanks for sticking around.”

  “Always.” He intertwined his fingers through mine. The heat was substantial but not overwhelming, somehow. It sent warm shivers up my arm. I was still unsure of how I felt about Jay, but I couldn’t deny how incredible his touch felt. He was a friend, someone I knew and admired. It wasn’t such a leap to imagine dating him.

  Before I got completely off on that tangent, I took a deep breath and focused on the plan to sneak into Alex’s room. I remembered the nurse’s outfit Vi wore when she visited me in the hospital. “Maybe Vi can help.”

  “No offense, but Vi is not what I would call subtle. I don’t think she’s capable of not attracting attention.”

  “True, but she did manage to sneak into my room. And that was for a hospital in the city – it’s gotta have more security than one in Jersey.”

  He nodded. “Well, let me know when you’re ready to go.”

  I let go of his hand and stood. “I should make arrangements with work. If I want to keep my job anyway.” I brainstormed a number of excuses until I came up with the best one—a communicable disease. My boss graciously allowed me to work from home when I told him I had coughing aspiritus, a highly contagious upper respiratory infection similar to the flu.

  I grabbed my laptop and rejoined Jay on the couch. It was nice to get lost in the tediousness of my job again. However fucked-up their code was, it still wasn’t nearly as fucked-up as my life.

  Chapter 7

  Later that night, after I indulged in a relaxing shower, Jay, Viola and I gathered in the living room for pizza. I figured it would be a good time to discuss strategy.

  My hair was still wrapped up in a towel, and I noticed Jay giggling.

  He pointed to my makeshift turban and looked at Vi. “Kind of reminds me of the last time we were all together, when you took a shower.”

  Vi laughed. “Kate got an eyeful. Guessing you did too.” She smirked and then took a bite of pizza.

  Jay actually blushed, which only made it funnier.

  “You won’t have to worry about that with me,” I clarified.

  “Oh, that’s too bad,” Vi said. When Jay looked away, she added, “Come on, Jay, you know we were both thinking it. As for me, I make no such promises.”

  At that he laughed. “Certainly will be more fun with you two around. I just hope Steve doesn’t try anything.” He pushed his colored glasses farther up along his nose.

  “I don’t suspect he will,” I said. “He doesn’t like Derek any more than I do. The only thing Steve really cares about is getting his daughter back safely.”

  “And just how are we going to do that?” Vi asked. “We don’t even know where she is.”

  “No, but Steve could probably teleport to wherever she is,” Jay said. “I find it easy to teleport to people I’m close to.”

  He looked at me when he said that, which didn’t go unnoticed by Vi.

  She sighed. “Didn’t he say he’s already tried? Which means she’s somewhere with that dampening field that neutralizes powers.”

  “Right, that’s what I thought too. But the difference is, we have Jay.” I looked at him and smiled. “His power gave him the boost he needed to counter the effects of the field.”

  “Yes, for me,” Jay said. “I’m not sure how that would work with Steve. And even if I could heal him beforehand, give him a boost, would it be enough once he got there? We have no idea how heavily guarded she is, if he would even have a chance…”

  “True,” I said, trying to think through the possibilities. “Can you give us all a boost, so that we could all go there together?”

  “Fuck that,” Vi said. “I’m not putting my neck on the line for that dickhead. He’s on his own.”

  Jay and I both looked at her. I knew she didn’t like Steve, but to outright refuse to help?

  “What?” She folded her arms against her chest. “How do we even know the kid is real? He could be making up the whole thing.”

  “I saw her during a mind probe,” I said. “She’s real.”

  “You probed that asshole?” Vi giggled. “Shit, it kinda sounds kinky when I say it like that…”

  Jay nearly choked on his water. I smiled in appreciation at her twisted sense of humor.

  “Maybe one of us should stay behind,” Jay said. “I mean, if we all get captured, then someone can stage a rescue.”

  “Even if that’s true, it shouldn’t be Vi,” I countered. “Her power is the best offensive one we’ve got.”

  “Besides yours,” Vi said. “I’d much rather fry people’s brains. It’s easier than kicking their asses.”

  I narrowed my eyes at her. “Yeah, if you like killing people… Either way, I’m going. I think you should too.”

  “That only leaves me then,” Jay said. “But if you need my power to get you there, what if you need a boost to get back?”

  “So it’s settled then,” Vi said. “We’re all going.” Then she added sarcastically, “Yay!”

  “Look, I know how you feel about Steve,” I said. “But if this gets us off his case, isn’t it worth it? Besides, that poor little girl is probably scared to death.”

  Vi softened. “I guess you’re right. I mean, about the girl. Derek sounds like the kind of jackhole who has another minion waiting to take Steve’s place. I doubt this will end it.”

  I recalled what Derek had said, how long he’s been waiting for telepathy. If none of his other guinea pigs have that power, then she’s right, he won’t stop until he gets it. From me. Plus I pissed him off, embarrassed him even. It’s personal now. “At least this will give us another ally. Freezing power is pretty awesome.”

  We finished eating, and Jay said he had a few things to take care of at work. Vi agreed to stay with me. We settled on his couch, turned on his small TV and found something silly to watch: a stupid romcom about off Broadway actors that required no brain activity whatsoever. Then a horrible old black and white sci-fi flick came on, featuring Robbie the Robot. I laughed, thinking how far robotics had come since that movie was made. Some of the more advanced android models made it difficult to tell whether or not they were human.

  “So what happened between you and Steve?” I asked Vi.

  “It doesn’t matter,” she said quietly.

  “It does to me. He hurt you. I want to know what he did.” I took hold of her hand.

  “He just led me on. Made me think he wanted to help me, that he was interested in me. It was all a ploy to capture me.” She stroked my hand she was holding with her thumb. “I was so vulnerable, when I first got my powers. He took advantage of me.”

  “Did you… I mean, did you and he…”

  “We only kissed. I should’ve known by his kisses. They felt so mechanical, no passion at all.” She giggled. “I figured i
t was a British dude thing.”

  I half-smiled at the inaccurate stereotype. I knew it wasn’t true, but I didn’t want to bring up my brief make out sessions with Steve.

  “So what’s going on with you and Jay?” Vi asked.

  “I don’t know. I mean, I just found out he’s not married. And that he’s into me.”

  Vi snickered. “Jesus, Kate, I could’ve told you he was into you the night I met him. That boy has lovesick puppy written all over him.”

  “I just thought he was being a friend.” But then I realized the signs were all there: he stayed at the hospital, he was always checking up on me, and he was so uncomfortable being alone with me.

  “Yeah, like we’re just friends?” She shot me a sexy smile. “You know I get to sleep with you tonight, regardless, right?”

  “I kinda figured that,” I said, and rested my head on her shoulder. “I’m glad. I always feel safer when you’re around. Oh, but there is one thing I need to do tonight, and I was hoping you could help me.”

  “Somebody else to beat up? I’m in.”

  “No, nothing like that.” I sighed. “Need to fix my mistakes. Jay’s going to heal Alex for me.”

  “The dead cop? He can do that?” The look on her face was a classic mixture of revulsion and fear, as if I suggested she sleep with a clown or something equally as horrifying.

  I realized I left out that detail when I recalled what happened at the compound. “Alex isn’t dead,” I explained. “He’s in a coma.”

  “Oh.” Vi started flipping through all the channels, but nothing even remotely interesting was on. “Well that’s awesome.”

  “Yeah it is. But seeing as how you were the one who actually snuck into my hospital room, I was wondering if you can tell me how you did it.”

  Vi wrapped her arm around me. “Ah, so you want to borrow the nurse’s outfit, huh? Just promise me you’ll stay in it afterwards. I’ll be your naughty patient, and we can—”

  “The logistics of it, I mean.” My face flushed at the scene she pictured in her head, replete with spankings and oral sex in various positions. I still felt a little apprehensive at the thought of sex with anyone, but Vi certainly wasn’t making it easy with her fantasies playing in my head.

  “You mean the teleporting?” she said in a disappointed tone. “I teleported right outside of your room. Lucky nobody saw me, but they were all pretty busy at the time. I just walked on into your room.”

  “How were you able to teleport to me? I mean, you hardly knew me at the time.”

  “You don’t have to know someone to teleport, you just have to have a picture of the person in your mind. Of course it’s easier when you know them, but you can still do it.” Her brow wrinkled. “This is the cop you fucked, right? What are you worried about?”

  “I don’t know. For one thing, his wife being there. Would be a bit screwed up to pop into the room with her sitting there.”

  Vi laughed. “I guess it would be. Tell you what, I’ll play nurse one more time for you. Check it out before you guys go, and if anyone sees me, I’ll just poof back out.”

  “You don’t have to do that,” I said, though the thought of trying to squeeze my ass into that tight cosplay outfit was horrifying.

  “I know, I want to help. Guess you’ll just have to play the naughty patient instead,” she said and giggled. After which her thoughts turned back to being deliciously sexual.

  I groaned, feeling the ache start to build up again. To distract myself, I grabbed my laptop and sat farther down on the couch. Some crappily written procedure full of unnecessary temp tables should do the trick.

  “No fun, Kate.” Her lips pouted in the most adorable way. “I said it before…”

  “Yeah, yeah. The last thing I need right now is to feel horny.”

  An evil grin appeared on her face. “You were reading my thoughts!”

  “Correction. You were broadcasting your thoughts.”

  “And what am I thinking now?” Her ponytails bounced as she got on all fours and crawled towards me. The view down her shirt from that angle was perfect—she wasn’t wearing a bra. I wanted nothing more than to give into her fantasy, which this time involved her straddling me, ripping off her shirt and shoving my face between her gorgeous breasts.

  Chapter 8

  I cradled my forehead in my hand. “Vi.”

  “Yes?” She sat upright on her knees.


  She giggled and guided my free hand underneath her skirt. Her underwear was drenched. “See how wet you make me?”

  My fingers lingered there, exploring on top of the flimsy layer of her panties, but longing to burrow underneath.

  She moaned and massaged her breasts, rocking her body ever so slightly.

  “This isn’t helping,” I whispered. With great effort, I withdrew my hand. But then her scent was even closer, there all over my fingers. I sighed. It would be so nice to…

  I shook my head, moved my laptop to the side, and stood. “I’m sorry, I can’t do this.”

  Vi walked slowly backwards towards the guest bedroom, unbuttoning her blouse and exposing her perfect breasts along the way. When I didn’t move, she said, “I know you want to. What’s the issue?”

  Of course she was right. The ache within me intensified at seeing her beautiful body, feeling her, smelling her…But I knew if things got too intense, it could be dangerous for her. And the one thing I was sure of: if I followed her to the bedroom, things would get very intense.

  “I can’t risk hurting you,” I said quietly. “We both know what happened the last time I came.”

  “Well maybe we can take it slow,” she said, as she walked back to me. She guided my hand to her chest, and kissed me lightly on the neck. A shiver ran the length of my body. I gently squeezed her breast, so turned on. It felt like I could come at any moment.

  “That’s taking it slow?” I so wanted her. It would be so easy to just give in…but then what would I do? Hope for the best, hope that my orgasm didn’t poof her brain?

  “I can’t do this!” I broke away from her, my hands shaking.

  “Do what?”

  I looked up at the sound of Jay’s voice. He must’ve just teleported in.

  “Nothing,” Vi said, as she closed her shirt shut and stormed off to the bedroom.

  “Can’t fucking win, no matter what I do,” I murmured. “Please excuse me,” I said to Jay, and left for the bathroom. After I washed that intoxicating scent off my hands and splashed some water on my face, I rejoined Jay.

  “What was that all about?” Jay said. “Felt like I interrupted something.”

  “No, you didn’t. It’s fine.” I flashed a smile. “Vi said she would help us tonight.”

  “Cool,” Jay said. “I guess we could go now if you want, it’s late enough.”

  I nodded, eager to get it over with. “I’ll check on Vi, give me a second.”

  In the bedroom, Vi was looking out the window. I walked over to her and gazed out myself. The view was nothing more than an alley way and another building.

  “Look, I’m sorry about before,” I began.

  She half-smiled, still focused on the neighboring building. “I know why. You’re worried about me, and that’s sweet.” She sighed. “Maybe I just need to find someone else to fuck.”

  “I’m sorry,” I repeated, not knowing what to say. Telling her I did want her might just turn her on again, plus I was pretty sure she knew how I really felt.

  “It’s okay, I’ll be all right.” She motioned toward the living room. “Is Jay freaked out? I know the last time he saw me naked he nearly had an aneurysm.”

  I laughed. “I don’t think he saw anything this time.”

  Vi straightened her posture. “So you guys ready to do this?”

  I nodded and told her the hospital and room number. She poofed out without even saying goodbye.

  I knew she understood, but it still felt like she was mad at me. Or maybe just frustrated—fuck, I was frustrated m
yself. Could so use a release…

  Jay knocked on the open door. “You okay in here? It got quiet.”

  “Yeah,” I said, then chuckled awkwardly. “No, not really.”

  He took my hand in his, and the heat was comforting. “What’s wrong?”

  “Everything.” I fought the tears that threatened to surface, feeling overwhelmed by it all: my power, Derek, disappointing Vi and the fear of disappointing Jay, once he discovered the truth about Alex. The truth about me.

  Jay hugged me in a warm embrace. “Everything will be all right.”

  The warmth of his hands on my back and his cheek next to mine was perfect. I suddenly felt a pang of jealousy. Why can’t I have a power like his, that actually helps people?

  “Wish I could believe that,” I said, as I reluctantly withdrew from him. “Vi is scouting out the room. She should be back any minute.”

  “I know you have a lot on your mind,” Jay said. “I’m here if you want to talk.”

  “Thanks.” But talking was the one thing I didn’t want to do. Hadn’t done me any good so far.

  Vi popped back in, outfitted in her slutty nurse’s uniform. I was instantly aroused once more, recalling her initial fantasy involving that outfit and me.

  Jay just looked uncomfortable, averting his eyes as if she were naked. And truth be told, she might as well have been. Her getup seemed skimpier than the first time, but perhaps I was focusing on it more this time around. The shortness of her dress, exposing her muscular legs…her amazing cleavage and the way her ponytails cascaded into it… I shook my head, trying to focus. It was time to help Alex, not eyefuck Viola.

  “The room is vacant, and Alex is asleep, I guess.” Vi said. “He was hooked up to all sorts of shit.”

  “The guards are outside?” Jay asked.

  “Hell if I know,” Vi said. “I didn’t look and risk getting caught.”

  “Okay, we better go before someone checks in on him.” I thanked Vi and hugged her.

  Then Jay and I teleported to the hospital. To save a married cop I fucked and put in a coma. If we didn’t get arrested first. Fuck me.


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