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The Story of Brody and Ana (A Silicon Valley Prince Book 2)

Page 18

by Anita Claire

“How come you didn’t text me? I was wondering where you were.”

  “Ana, I sent you five texts.”

  “I didn’t get any messages. I was sitting in that waiting room wondering where you were.”

  “Can I see your phone?”

  I hand it to him. He looks at it then hands it back to me. “You need to take if off airplane mode.”

  Annoyed, I shake my head while he leans over and gives me a kiss. “If I didn’t have a bunch of soldiers with us....”

  I reach over and squeeze his hand. “Yeah, I remember our return trip from London.”

  Chapter 38 – Brody – Victoria’s

  Ana and I pull up in front of my oldest sister’s house. All the signs of a big party are evident. The cool weather and the smell of late fall hits us full force as we get out of the car.

  “Your sister Bella doesn’t like me,” Ana confides.

  “Bella is all bark and no bite. I told her to back off. Tell me if she says or does anything.”

  “What will you do?”

  “I already did it, I told her we’re a package. Don’t worry, this is Victoria’s house and she is on your side. She rules the roost.”

  Without knocking, I enter. Not surprising, it’s a mad house. The living room furniture has been moved into the garage. The room is filled with tables and chairs. A few of the little kids are running around and I can hear the game blasting from the family room. With Ana’s hand firmly in mine, we head to the back of the house. The kitchen is a free-for-all as all the last minute preparations are being made. Dad and all the older men are camped out in the family room, while the guys my age are standing out back on the deck drinking beer and staring at the smoker. Victoria is the first to spot me.

  “Brody,” she yells out.

  Mom, a couple of aunts, and Bella all turn around. The kids stop building a giant Lego structure and run directly to me, tackling my legs. I pick up the first one who reaches me. Another one adheres to my leg. The whirlwind of my family converges on me. Mom comes up and gives me a big hug.

  “I knew you’d make it in time.”

  Ana looks overwhelmed and a little scared. I’m sure she’s not used to this level of mayhem. Bella is the first to notice her. She runs up and gives Ana a hug.

  “Ana, Brody didn’t tell us he was bringing you. Mom, Brody brought Ana,” she exclaims all friendly. Ana and my eyes connect as I give her a nod. I knew once I laid down the law, Bella would comply.

  “Let me get your coat,” Victoria offers Ana. She then turns to me. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell us you were bringing Ana. Get Ana’s coat and put her coat and your coat in the office.”

  “Before I can get the coats I need to get rid of some of these kids.” The squealing kid who’s hanging upside down out of my arms, I flip her right side up and hand her to Bella. Then I peel my nephew off my leg, throw him in the air, catch him, and place him on the ground.

  “Ever since Bella met you, we’ve all been waiting for our turn,” Victoria gushes. With my hands free of kids, I help Ana off with her coat.

  “After you put the coats away, you should join the guys on the deck. Mike is smoking two turkeys. Find out when they’ll be done,” Victoria orders as she takes a hold of Ana’s arm. Good, Victoria has taken over. I’m sure she and mom are going to ride roughshod over Bella and make sure she doesn’t say anything ugly.

  I drop off our coats before heading to the back deck. Through the window I see Victoria with her arm around Ana as she introduces her to everyone else. On the deck, Victoria’s husband Mike hands me a cold beer.

  “I see they kicked you out of the kitchen.”

  “I know my place.”

  “Yeah, we get to clean up after dinner,” Steve, Bella’s husband, affirms. He watches as I rub my hands together. “If it’s too cold for you warm-blooded Californian, you can hang out with the old guys inside watching the game.”

  “I can stand out here and watch the game through the window.”

  “You better not have switched allegiance. I’ll need to disown you if you don’t root for Michigan,” my cousin pitches in.

  Victoria comes out onto the deck. “The natives are getting restless. We’re done in the kitchen. Dinner is waiting for you. Your girlfriend is nice, and pretty. It took you long enough to bring a woman home.” After her proclamation, she heads back into the house.

  “Man, she never gives anyone any slack,” my cousin comments.

  Mike checks the internal thermometer. “Brody, you’ve got impeccable timing. I’d say these birds are done.”

  “Showing up with your girl without a pre-broadcast was a good decision. Could you imagine the amount of fussing there’d be if you’d warned them?” Steve confides.

  “Bella doesn’t like her,” I comment as I watch a smiling Ana with my mom and grandmother.

  “Bella worries about you. When you were in the Army she used to have dreams that you got blown up. Now she thinks there are legions of women trying to steal your money,” Steve says.


  Sleeping in my sister’s guest room, I wake up early and see that Ana is still sleeping soundly. I’m not happy her family bailed on her, but I’m glad she’s with me. I move quietly out of the bedroom and get ready in the bathroom before sneaking down the stairs. Once outside, the air smells like winter is on its way as I go for a run through the dark streets.

  Back at my sister’s house, after my long run, I hear strange noises coming from the family room. Peeking in, I see Ana sitting in the middle of all the Legos, wearing pink fairy wings with a crown on top of her head. My nieces, dressed in princess gowns, are dancing around her making funny gurgling noises.

  The four-year-old is the first to spot me. She places her finger up to her lips. “Princess Ana is a mermaid. She is teaching us how to sing a water song,” she whispers loudly.

  Ana turns and smiles brightly. “Busted.”

  “I didn’t know you could sing.”

  Two of the girls land in her lap. “I don’t think this would be called singing. Your sister is taking a shower. She said when she is done she’ll make breakfast,” Ana tells me.

  “I have a feeling it will include turkey.”

  “Get used to it. I still have twelve pounds back at my house. We’ll need to figure out where we can cook it.”

  On my way up the stairs I find myself smiling, this weekend is working out well.

  Epilogue – Ana – Eight Months Later

  “Where are we going?” I question Brody from the passenger side of his car. Brody is in a strange mood. I’m having a hard time reading him. We drive through the foothills and finally pull in to a large one-story Spanish Revival house.

  “I love Spanish Revival, who lives here?” I ask as I get out of the car.

  In typical Brody fashion, he doesn’t answer. He joins me by the walkway and takes me by the hand. At the front door, he doesn’t knock or ring the doorbell he opens the door.

  “Is this one of Jax’s projects or did Logan buy another house?”

  He doesn’t respond.

  We walk through a nicely-scaled entryway into a large great room with wood beams and French doors that lead out to a charming back patio. The odd thing is, the house is empty. There isn’t a single piece of furniture and no one is around. The kitchen reminds me of Jax and Payton’s, it’s new and well- appointed. To the side of the kitchen is a nook, where I imagine a kitchen table would go. It has a large built-in window seat.

  “Sit down,” Brody says.

  He stands in front of me looking out the window. His jaw starts to pulse. Finally, he breaks the silence. “This window faces east. In the morning, you can sit right here, look out, and watch the sun rise over the bay and the Diablo Range.”


  “I remember what you said, about watching the sunrise while drinking your morning coffee. In the living room, there’s another window seat. It has the perfect view of the mountains so you can watch the sunset.”

bought this house? I thought you didn’t want too much stuff?”

  Brody gets down on one knee.

  I gasp.

  “I don’t want to live by myself anymore. I don’t want to go to bed by myself, or wake up by myself. I grew up in a big family. I like being surrounded by family. My life is good, but it’s too empty. I was alone for so long because I never found anyone I wanted to be with. Then I found you. I want to wake up with you. I want to go to bed with you. I want to know when I get home you’ll be there. When I saw this house with the perfect view of the sunrise and sunset I knew it was the right place for us.”

  From his pocket, he pulls out a black, velvet box. My heart is pounding so hard it’s throbbing in my ears. Covering my mouth with my hands I hear myself gasp again.

  “I remember you telling me that your dad didn’t want you to live with a guy unless you were engaged,” Brody says as he opens the box displaying a huge diamond ring. “We’re setting a date. I don’t want a long engagement.” He pulls the ring out of the box and slips it on my finger. “Ana, I love you, marry me.”

  As tears of joy run down my cheek, I throw my arms around Brody’s shoulders.

  “Yes, I’ll marry you. I love you too.”

  Author’s Notes

  Wait! It’s not over. If you’ve enjoyed Brody and Ana’s story you’ll love Flint and Lexi’s story. Friend me on Facebook to find out when that book comes out.

  I’ve spent many enjoyable hours developing Brody and Ana. I hope that you’ve had as much fun reading about them as I have had creating them. I’d like to give a special thanks to Diane Renshaw and Alice Cummings who gave me great insight into the life and technology of a wildlife biologists. I’d also like to thank my husband who always gives me great insight on how men think.

  For more on Brody and Ana, Jax and Payton and my first series The Princesses of Silicon Valley please visit my website:

  Visit my Facebook page: -- where I post interesting information, notices when a new book comes out, and give-a-ways.

  Other books by Anita Claire

  Books in “A Silicon Valley Prince” series

  Three contemporary romance stories about adults in their 30’s.

  The Story of Jax and Payton

  The Story of Brody and Ana

  The Story of Flint and Lexi

  Books in “The Princess of Silicon Valley” series

  A collection of eight, coming of age, romance stories.

  Book 1 – Juliette

  Book 2 – Nate

  Book 3 – Hita

  Book 4 – Jennifer and Rocket

  Book 5 – Isabelle

  Book 6 – Kelly

  Book 7 – Olivia

  Book 8 – Meredith and Sam

  Click here to purchase Juliette,

  Book 1 of The Princesses of Silicon Valley

  Meet Juliette Cole, she’s just arrived back to Silicon Valley after three heartbreaking months following her grad school love to London. Moving in with childhood friend turned blond bombshell, she gets introduced to Cassie’s crazy over the top lifestyle. Taking a job at a Silicon Valley startup, she learns that work is more than hoodies and free gourmet food. Thankfully she has The Princesses, her close group of girlfriends from college, who all went as princesses to a Halloween party their freshman year.

  They don’t call San Jose- Man Jose for nothing. Juliette’s heart is not lonely for long. Swimming before work, she sees a guy with the most amazing six pack get out of the pool. Now she has a new quest – to meet him. While playing soccer, she gets knocked out by an opposing player. The player’s hot doctor brother helps her to the sidelines, then starts texting her. As things start heating up in Juliette’s personal life, she now has two guys vying for her attention. Who will it be, sexy swimmer Zach or hot Dr. Nate?

  Click here to purchase Nate,

  Book 2 of The Princesses of Silicon Valley

  Some nice guys weren't always so nice.

  Nate's a guy who prides himself on his no commitment lifestyle. He's a master at zeroing in on the hottest women for a quick and easy hookup, making a point of never spending the night. Until he runs into a woman that makes him want more than a one-night stand. After she blows his heart away he starts reevaluating his choices.

  Now it's Nate's turn. Following Nate from high school through his twenties we learn that this wonderful man has a lot of history that would surprise Juliette if she ever found out. Enjoy their story from Nate's point of view.

  This is a stand-alone book, but much more fun if read along with the other Princess stories.

  Click here to purchase Hita

  Book 3 of the Princess of Silicon Valley

  Some girls just want to have fun

  Hita's Indian mom is working overtime introducing her to the right sort of Indian man to marry. While Hita just wants to have fun, explore life, and meet some guy who will knock her socks off. Though single life in Silicon Valley is not as carefree as she'd hope for, and finding the right man is easier said than done. After a string of dating disasters, she finds out that maybe true love has been under her nose the whole time.

  Of course Hita has her band of college friends supporting her the whole way; dubbed The Princesses from their freshman year Halloween costumes.

  This is a stand-alone book, but much more fun if read along with the other Princess stories.

  Click here to purchase Jennifer and Rocket

  Book 4 - Princesses of Silicon Valley

  Sometimes opposites don't just attract - they catch fire and ignite

  Jennifer is a middle school teacher with an eye for metrosexual men. Her last boyfriend had more shoes than her. Having no interest in tatted up, pierced, and rough looking Rocket she dances with him anyway since it's only a dance. Wild Rocket has come back from a binge of drinking, fighting, and sleeping around. Finally deciding to get serious he falls for pretty Jennifer and the hot way she shakes her butt on the dance floor.

  In a moment of weakness, Jennifer agrees to join Rocket on a visit to an art gallery where she learns that maybe the book is deeper than the cover and love can be found in the least obvious places.

  Of course Jennifer has her band of college friends supporting her the whole way; dubbed The Princesses from their freshman year Halloween costumes. Told in alternating POV.

  This is a stand-alone book, but much more fun if read along with the other Princess stories.

  Click here to purchase Isabelle

  Book 5 - Princesses of Silicon Valley

  Sometimes good things can come out of disasters

  Isabelle is frustrated. All her friends are finding love while she's stuck living at home, has a lousy job, and is caught in a dysfunctional cycle with her on again off again ex-boyfriend.

  Expanding her circle, she joins her new friends for a fun weekend in the mountains that turn into a disaster. Though sometimes good things come out of disasters and maybe Isabelle's fortunes are changing.

  Brother's Jordan and Jake are up in the mountains to mountain bike and water ski. Helping out Isabelle turns into more of an adventure than they ever bargained for.

  Of course Isabelle has her band of college friends supporting her the whole way; dubbed The Princesses from their freshman year Halloween costumes.

  This is a stand-alone book, but much more fun if read along with the other Princess stories.

  Click here to purchase Kelly

  Book 6 - Princesses of Silicon Valley

  Sometimes everything that you want is right in front of you

  Kelly has always been a wild child. She travels the world partying, competing in sports and hooking up – and not necessarily in that order. She's never had an interest in living in one place, having a steady boyfriend, or getting a job. Until she meets a guy who changes her mind about everything.

  Of course, Kelly has her band of college friends that compel her to keep coming back to Silicon Valley; dubbed The Princesses from
their freshman year Halloween costumes.

  This is a stand-alone book, but much more fun if read along with the other Princess stories.

  Click here to purchase The Story of Jax and Payton

  A Silicon Valley Prince – Volume 1

  Payton's hectic schedule didn't include being ordered to show up at a customer’s office after his computers are taken hostage.

  Of course, Jax, the guy doing the ordering wasn’t expecting his computer guy to be such a beauty.

  Their first meeting doesn’t get off too well as Jax blurts out, “Payton—the dude I’ve been texting back and forth with for the last two years—is really a girl?”

  “Yeah, well, Jax, you look a lot different than what I pictured too.” Except Payton finds Jax to be big, broad, and ruggedly handsome. Why do all the good-looking guys have to be such dicks? Payton wonders.

  Jax can’t stop watching this beauty fix his computers, while Payton’s intrigued and repulsed all at the same time.

  Afterwards Jax can’t get Payton out of his mind. A couple of days later, wanting to see Payton again, Jax hatches a plan.

  Nothing could have prepared Payton for the ride Jax would take her on. And she certainly wasn't prepared for where she’d wind up when the ride was over.

  All good things must come to an end, right?

  Except their ending was one Payton didn't see coming.


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