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Flawless 2

Page 13

by Jade Jones

  Tears poured down Dana’s cheeks as she watched Desmond walk out her life for good. He had degraded her in every way imaginable that morning—especially by admitting he’d cheated on her with Kim.

  “He ain’t gon’ just keep fucking me!” Dana yelled to no one in particular. With nothing left to lose, she grabbed her phone and dialed 911.


  On the way from Dana’s hotel, Desmond’s guilty conscience began gnawing him. He knew he’d treated her like shit, but he felt like she didn’t give him any other choice. A couple weeks ago, he had went behind her back and filed for custody, but he didn’t give her a choice on that either.

  Desmond sighed deeply, and ran his hand over his hair. He seemed to have the worst luck with women. Suddenly, Kim came to mind. Pulling out his iPhone he decided to call her up. It had been an entire day since they last spoke, and he wanted to see if she was still in her feelings.

  “Hello?” she answered.

  Desmond chuckled, relieved. “Damn, I’m actually surprised you picked up for a nigga.”

  He could feel Kim smiling on the other end. “I still got love for you, Desmond,” she said. “I just don’t fuck with you from time to time.”

  Desmond laughed, amused by her statement. “What you getting into tonight?”

  “No plans.”

  “Why don’t you let me take you and Jordan to the movies? The Regal Cinema in Atlantic Station ain’t too far.”

  Kimberlyn was flattered that Desmond didn’t waste any time. She could never stay mad at him too long. “Sure…as long as he does well on his homework.”


  Desmond’s voice slowly trailed off after noticing the flashing blue and red lights in his rearview. “Shit,” he cursed.

  “Is everything okay?” Kimberlyn asked.

  “Lemme call you back right quick.”

  Before she could respond, Desmond disconnected the call. He checked the speedometer because he knew he was going the limit. When he finally realized it wasn’t the speed limit, Desmond hesitantly pulled over. He wanted to shit a brick too because he had a zip and a couple guns in the trunk.

  “The hell? This that bullshit,” he said, parking the car. In disappointment, he watched through the side view mirror as the officer climbed out and approached him.

  Life’s a bitch, he thought. And it was fucking Desmond in the worst way imaginable.

  Once again his poor treatment and choices towards women had proved to be his downfall.


  Two days later, Romeo and Shayla had just returned from their Icelandic adventure. She still hadn’t told anyone that she’d made it official with him. That weekend she planned on having a little get together at a lounge with her girls where she broke the news. She was even thinking about inviting Nina in spite of their past differences.

  It was a little after noon, and Shayla had just finished packing her little items. Her parents were at a local art festival so they were unable to see her off.

  When Shayla heard the horn honk out front, she knew Romeo had just arrived with the truck. Shayla immediately went to her front door and walked outside. Romeo and a couple of his boys hopped out the custom bronze 2014 Hummer.

  Shielding the sun with her hand, Shayla approached them. She looked beautiful that day in a baby blue maxi dress.

  “Where’s ya shit?” Romeo asked after kissing her.

  “It’s inside. I know you didn’t think I was just gonna carry—”

  Shayla’s sentence was cut short when she saw a familiar boxed Chevy drive past. As soon as the windows rolled down, her eyes shot open in surprise.






  A single bullet tore through the back of Romeo’s shoulder before piercing Shayla’s chest. They fell together, but he made sure to catch her on the way down. Right after shots rang out, Romeo’s boy’s retaliated. Luckily, they were always strapped and ready for war.


  A machine gun pistol tore through the metal frame of the black car. The shots didn’t deter Kaniel in the least because he still continued to fire back. Romeo would have to pay for his killing his baby brother, and he wouldn’t stop until blood was shed.




  Romeo barely seemed to notice or care about the gunfire surrounding him. Tears filled his eyes as he held Shayla’s motionless body. Her eyes were closed and she looked like she was sleeping. Only she wasn’t.

  “Shayla…?” His voice came out cracked from emotion. He wanted it all to be a nightmare, but sadly it was his reality. All Romeo had ever wanted to do was protect her and he had ultimately failed.

  For every cause was an effect.

  Romeo’s niggas continued to open fire until they shot out a tire. As soon as the whip spun out of control and crashed, they ran towards it guns aimed. Lamar and Kaniel tried to hop out and run, but they didn’t get very far.

  Romeo cried like a baby as he rocked Shayla back and forth in his arms. More than anything, he hated himself for wasting so much time. All the time they spent arguing and bickering, he should’ve been cherishing every second with her. Now it was too late…




  Loud rap music thumped through the speakers of Club Indigo on a Friday evening, and the place was jam packed. Raelyn and her girls, Blue and Symba were among the crowd of club-goers as they shuffled to get to the empty seats at the bar. Though the place was filled to capacity, the three women still managed to stand out. Dressed in designer wear from their head to their thousand dollar shoes, you would’ve thought they were celebrities—or at least the wives of male celebrities.

  Twice, Raelyn had been stopped and asked if she was a reality star from one of Atlanta’s many hit TV shows. With a curt smile, she shook her head no, loving every minute of the overwhelming attention.

  Rarely did Raelyn go out. As a matter of fact, she barely left the three bedroom luxury condo she lived in—thanks to her overprotective fiancée, Marlon Jetson aka Jett. He could put a teenage daughter’s father to shame with how controlling he was.

  Truthfully, Jett wasn’t feeling the idea of Raelyn stepping out for the night. He hated whenever she went out parlaying with her attention-seeking girlfriends whom he’d warned her about hanging with.

  Jett despised the thought of another nigga pushing up on what he considered was rightfully his. He’d taken Raelyn’s virginity five years ago on her 17th birthday, and he would be damned if he let another motherfucker even take a whiff of her goods. Raelyn was his. She knew it. He knew it. And every nigga in a 200 mile radius knew it…Well…everyone except for the tall, dark chocolate, hunk checking her out from across the club.

  Nicki Minaj’s “No Flex Zone” poured through the speakers as Caesar, his partner Canyon, and a few of their closest associates held shit down in the VIP section. Although, he wasn’t really the party type, Caesar was a firm believer in keeping up appearances.

  A colorful array of women from all different races surrounded them, each one looking for a nigga that would change their life. Even with the lovely selection of women in his face, Caesar only seemed to have eyes for one.

  Damn, shawty bad.

  In the midst of staring at Raelyn, Caesar noticed a trio of women gawking at their section from across the club.

  Whenever he and Canyon stepped out on the scene, everyone ate and drank for free. Small time hoodlums turned big time entrepreneurs they had no problem feeding the fam and anyone wanting to be associated. Finances were the least of their concerns.

  Spend that shit without a care in the world. Ain’t like you can take it with you when you gone. That had been their motto for years.

  Using his index finger, Caesar beckoned the three sexy women to join them in VIP. Smiling from ear to ear, they quickly made their way
over to the already crowded section. Champagne bottles popped and marijuana clouds filled the air. As usual, their camp had the place on lock.

  As Raelyn navigated through the thick crowd of people, her gaze briefly connected with the guy who’d been peeping her swag. A flock of chicks surrounded him, but yet and still he seemed fixated on her.

  Raelyn noted his tall, muscular physique, designer wear, and glowing jewelry. He was fine as hell, and judging from the cocky poise he held she was sure he knew it as well. The way his Givenchy tee hugged his broad chest and made his biceps look almost Hulk-like was hypnotic.

  Must be a ballplayer or one of these new rappers out here, she thought.

  As soon as Raelyn noticed they’d been keeping eye contact for a bit too long, she quickly tore her gaze away. The last thing she wanted was to give a nigga the impression that she wasn’t already taken.

  “Damn, I can’t believe it’s this packed in here!” Raelyn shouted over the blaring bass. She looked stunning that evening in a fitted red Chanel dress and Giuseppe sandals. Jett spared no expense when it came to spoiling her. In his mind, luxuries were the invisible leash he kept tied around his girl so she wouldn’t roam.

  Standing at an even 5”7, Raelyn’s smooth, blemish-free skin was the color of honey. Her long, auburn hair was flat-ironed bone straight, and pulled up into a sleek ponytail which showed off her delicate features. Raelyn’s high cheekbones, mint-colored eyes, and piercing dimples made her look almost exotic. Breathtaking would have been an understatement if used to describe her.

  Anytime Raelyn stepped in a room she commanded attention. There wasn’t a nigga around who didn’t stop what they were doing to check her out. And every insecure female made sure to check to see if their man was watching.

  “Girl, tell me about it. You’d think the owner was giving away free bottles or some shit,” Blue joked.

  At only twenty-one, Blue Davenport was the youngest of the trio and the most rambunctious at a mere 4’11. Blue’s fair skin was the color of French vanilla, and she wore her long wavy hair aqua blue. Fifty percent of her body was covered in tattoos, and the septum piercing she sported made her look fierce.

  Once the girls finally made it to the bar, Symba was the first to order. “Let me get a double shot of Hennessey,” she said, placing her custom made clutch on the surface.

  At twenty-three, Symba was the eldest, and the most calm of the three. However, Raelyn was sure that her unquenchable thirst for liquor contributed to her docile personality. She didn’t talk much about her personal life, and her girls were the closest thing she had to family.

  Although Symba fronted like she didn’t have a care in the world, she drank herself to sleep every night. And when she wasn’t tossing back a shot, she was fucking promiscuously as if it were a hobby. Symba was to sex what an addict was to crack; but luckily her girls never judged her though and that’s why she loved them.

  Symba was a beautiful brown-skinned woman with plump lips and a fat ass that she always used to her advantage. Although, her many prospects kept her satisfied there wasn’t a single man out there who possessed her heart.

  Just seconds before Raelyn ordered her usual—Sex on the Beach—her secret admirer and his patnah approached her and her girls. “Hey, Jessica. Do me a favor and start a tab,” Tall, Dark, and Handsome said to the bartender. “Anything they order’s on me.”

  Symba and Blue smiled giddily at one another. There was nothing better to them than having complimentary drinks all night.

  Raelyn, on the other hand, looked up and met the penetrating gaze of her admirer. He was even sexier up close in person. In fact, she was surprised he was able to break away from his herd of groupies for two minutes.

  Damn, he smells so good too, Raelyn thought to herself.

  “How you doin’? I’m Caesar,” he said, extending his large hand. The diamond Rolex watch on his wrist sparkled beautifully. His attire was so flashy that Raelyn barely even recognized the foreign designer wear. She would be lying to herself if she said his swag wasn’t on point.

  “And I’m engaged,” Raelyn smiled, holding up her ring finger. The $8000 round-cut ring sparkled beautifully. She was always ready to show it off at the drop of a dime, but never quick to admit that the piece of jewelry was in fact stolen.

  Grinning slightly, Caesar held his hands up in mock surrender. “Aight then, Miss Lady. My aim isn’t to step on anyone’s toes. Just wanted to be the fiftieth dude tonight to tell you how beautiful you are.”

  Raelyn smirked, but held her composure. Compliments came to her naturally. However, something about hearing it from a well-dressed stranger made her blush just a little. “Thank you.”

  Caesar smiled, revealing a perfect set of pearl white teeth. “Look, if you and ya girls—or you and ya man come through again, drinks on me. I’m the owner,” he told her. “It was nice meetin’ you, aight. You enjoy yaself.”

  Raelyn smiled, clearly impressed by chivalry. “You too. And thank you again,” she replied sweetly.

  “Always,” Caesar said before walking off.

  On cue, his fine ass brown-skinned friend followed suit—but not before winking at Symba.

  With how drop dead gorgeous Caesar was, Raelyn knew he wouldn’t have a problem finding the next chick. Bitches nowadays are like vultures for a nigga with a little paper in his pockets.

  Caesar kept his cool as he swaggered off. He could still feel Raelyn’s eyes watching him even though she told him she wasn’t interested. Although he didn’t get any play, he refused to be a dick just because she had a nigga.

  Money wasn’t shit to him; neither was getting pussy, and he was far from being careless with either. At twenty-six, Caesar was far more mature than niggas twice his age. A young boss, he looked and conducted himself as such. And one thing was for certain; leaders didn’t sweat the small shit—especially women.

  Maybe I’ll run into her again under different circumstances, Caesar thought.

  He’d put a seed in Raelyn’s ear, and that was all that mattered at the end of the day. All he had to do was play his hand right the first time.

  “Damn, Ray. You cold, bitch,” Blue cackled. “That nigga was fine as fuck! And fresher than a new pair of kicks.”

  “And selfless!” Symba added, holding up her complimentary beverage. She loved a nigga that wasn’t scared to break bread.

  “Duly noted,” Raelyn smiled. “But ya’ll hoes must’ve forgotten that I gotta man at home—”

  “Bitch, you’ve been wearing that rock for the past two years,” Blue reminded Raelyn.

  “Right! My damn bridesmaid’s dress is collecting dust in the fucking closet,” Symba teased. “You stay squawking about that wedding that ain’t even happened yet—”

  “It’s gonna happen,” Raelyn stressed.

  “When?” Blue hounded. “’Cuz from the looks of shit, it seems like Jett put that rock on you just to prove a point.”

  Raelyn was now becoming annoyed. “And what point is that? Please enlighten me.”

  “That you’re his,” Symba chimed in. “So niggas like the nice one you just passed up on don’t stand a chance! I’m telling you, Raelyn, that motherfucker just wants to make a statement. I mean, think about it—”

  “Look, I’m not trying to think about it. And I’m definitely not ‘bout to do this with ya’ll here,” Raelyn waved them off. “I just wanna enjoy myself, okay. Can we do that?” She then lifted her glass, motioning for a toast.

  “Hell yeah,” Symba smiled. Beef between them never lasted long, and most times it was completely nonexistent. The three friends were tighter than a virgin female.

  “Shit, I’ll drink to that,” Blue sang, clinking her shot glass against theirs.

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