Book Read Free

Impossibly Possible

Page 28

by Amelia Shea

  Stone shook his head, sipping at his coffee. “No, just got here about twenty minutes ago. Figured we check on you.”

  T settled his mug on the table and leaned back in his chair. “She good?”

  Bogs made his coffee and leaned against the island. He shrugged. He was hoping what he said last night would be enough for her to get through it, but he had his doubts. It would take some time, more healing for a fresh wound. He didn’t know how long it would take, but he did know he’d be there for as long as it took. Kenzie was his end.

  “She’s good. Tougher than she looks, she’ll get through this.” It was an honest statement.

  He had his back to the doorway when he heard the last step creak. T’s eyes flickered beyond him, and he turned to see Kenzie, dressed and standing in the doorway. “Morning.”

  She smiled awkwardly. He was set to push off the counter when she walked over to him. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and hugged her into his side. T moved out his chair and got up.

  “Fuck, I guess I’ll make breakfast.”

  They laughed taking some of the awkward tension from the room. His brother worked around the kitchen they’d grown up in with Stone helping out and Bogs joining in. It wouldn’t be the first time they were the first ones up and making breakfast, but it was the first with them waiting on a woman. His woman.

  Kenzie remained quiet, getting her coffee and moving to the empty table.

  “How ya want your eggs, Kenzie?” T asked. When she didn’t answer, Bogs and his brothers turned to see her standing by the table with tears in her eyes.

  “I just wanna say that I’m…”

  T moved forward to her with Stone grabbing Bogs’ arm. He looked over, and Stone lifted his chin to T.

  “Unless the words, scrambled, fried or sunny side up come outta your mouth, don’t want to hear it.”

  “Uh.” Her shocked eyes widened and met Bogs’. He knew what T was doing. It wasn’t the way he would have handled it, but it might just be best coming from T.

  T stepped closer getting in her space. She looked up, unsure, but didn’t back away.

  “Don’t say you’re sorry or whatever you planned on saying. Last night is over. It’s done and forgotten. We’re not gonna rehash shit, we’re not gonna fucking dwell on it, and you’re not gonna second guess it, no man in this room is gonna let you. We’re also not gonna let what happened fuck with anything of ours, and that includes you. Ya hear me?”

  Her gaze flickered to Bogs, and he tightened his lips to keep from laughing. T may not be the best with words, but he always got his point across. Last night was done, and now they moved on.

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “Good, now…scrambled, fried or fucking sunny side up?”

  Kenzie face transformed into a smile. “Scrambled, please.”

  T turned around, moving back to the stove. Bogs caught the smirk on Stone’s face as he went into the fridge. He felt her hand on his back, and he looked down. It was going to be okay. She was going to be okay.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Kenzie held the container of potato salad in her lap as they drove up his dad’s driveway. She spent the morning fielding texts and calls from Roxanne. Bogs had briefly mentioned she was an event coordinator, but nothing prepared her for what she got in the last few hours.

  Her phone dinged, and she glanced down to her seat.

  “My sister?”

  “Is she always like this?”

  “If there’s a party.”

  “I thought this was just dinner though.”

  “You say dinner—she says party.” He laughed and pulled up in front of the house. His childhood home was amazing. Given more time now with less nerves, she got to see the huge house for what it truly was. Magnificent.

  The sound of crunching gravel had her turn to see T and Cassie pulling up, Cassie’s blonde hair standing out in the dark cab. She waved. They parked behind Bogs and got out. Kenzie watched as Cassie got out from the truck. She looked as though she was ready to pop out the baby any second. As T rounded the front bumper, he threw up his hands and snapped.

  “I told you to wait for me. Fuck, Cassie, ya can’t just be jumping out of the fucking truck like that.” Cassie moved to the side, rolling her eyes, allowing an angry T to reach back into the truck.

  Kenzie laughed when Cassie grabbed a tray from his hands. She slammed the door shut and stuck her tongue out at him. “Relax, baby. I got it. I’m fucking pregnant, not fucking breakable.”

  “Cassie.” He narrowed his eyes, and his tone was a warning.

  She furrowed her brow and smirked, mimicking his voice. “T.”

  Kenzie giggled but immediately clamped her lips shut when his gaze jerked to her. Of all the brothers, T was by far the scariest. However, his wife didn’t seem to notice. She didn’t doubt there was a nice guy hidden somewhere underneath the glares and cursing.

  Cassie ambled over to her and hooked her arm through hers. Where T made her nervous, Cassie was the complete opposite. “Whatcha got in there?”

  “Potato salad.”

  “Yum. I wanted to make something else, but brownies are my signature. Rox won’t let me bring anything else,” she said as they walked up to the front door.

  They entered the house and made their way into the living room. Sadie was sitting on the couch next to Stone, and John was standing by the fireplace.

  They all greeted each other, Kenzie standing off to the side. She liked his family but was in no way completely comfortable yet. She watched the group exchange hugs and handshakes. When John made eye contact his smile grew to a grin, and he walked over to her. He was extremely attractive. His silver hair was thinner but still a full head, and while his face was slightly wrinkled, he was handsome in a rugged sense. He was also in great shape. She blushed as he approached. The last thing she needed was to be checking out Bogs’ dad.

  “So glad you could make it, Kenzie.” He rested his hand on her back and leaned in to kiss her cheek.

  “Thanks for inviting me.”

  He winked. “It’s an open invitation, come over anytime you like. You don’t even need Bogs.”

  “Yeah, in fact, next time, leave him at home, Kenz.” Stone laughed. There was something in the way he used her nickname. There was a familiarity. It was bringing her into the fold amongst the Garrisons.

  “Hey, girl.” Roxanne walked through the door and immediately embraced her. They had gotten close in the last month. While she spent time with all the girls, she saw Roxanne the most. They constantly texted and met for lunch once a week.

  “I feel like it’s been forever since I’ve seen you,” Roxanne smirked in Bogs direction. Kenzie laughed looking over her shoulder to see him glaring at his sister. Roxanne had made a habit of dropping by his place when Kenzie was there.

  “I’m gonna put this in the kitchen.” She carried the tray and walked through the door. She was placing it on the island when she heard footsteps. She assumed it was Cassie. She turned to see T with the brownies. She tightened her lips to a smile and moved out of his way.


  “Hey,” T said, turning around to face her. He stared back at her with his usual harsh scowl. Then the awkward silence. She shifted on her feet and glanced down at the floor. T was intimidating, and although she saw a softer side in the truck that night, it was brief.

  “You good?” he asked.

  She jerked her head and nodded. “Yeah.” He wasn’t just asking about her current status, and she knew that. “Thanks again. I know you said it’s over and done but…” She swallowed and shrugged. “Thanks.”

  He stared at her. “You’re welcome.”

  She cleared her throat and blurted the first thing that came to her mind. “You make me nervous.”

  T raised his brows and burst out laughing. She stepped back and widened her eyes. This was the first time she’d seen him smile at her or heard his hearty laugh. It completely changed the way she saw him. T folded his arms and le
aned back against the island. “I make everyone nervous. You’ll get used to it.”

  Everyone filed into the kitchen, and Kenzie stepped back making room. Emory was the last in the room and scanned until her eyes landed on Kenzie. She smiled and walked over. “When are we doing another girls’ night? You need to host it at Bogs’ place.”

  Kenzie giggled nervously. “If it’s all right by him. I mean, it is his place, not mine.”

  “Yet.” Emory winked. “I give it another month before he’s got you moved in.”

  Bogs wrapped his hands around her waist landing on her stomach and tugged her into his chest. “See, everyone thinks it’s a good idea you move in.” He whispered in her ear then kissed her temple.

  Kenzie clasped her hands over his and smiled.


  Bogs rested back in the dining room chair completely stuffed from the meal. It hit him a few times how their family was expanding at record speed. Soon enough, a kid’s table would have to be added. As he glanced around the room, his heart ached slightly. Only one thing was keeping this from being perfect. He tightened his lips. His mom would have loved this, seeing her boys settle down, starting their own families. He glanced over at Cassie who was rubbing her stomach and laughing at something Emory said. She would have loved being a grandmother.

  He lifted his head and caught sight of Roxanne smiling at him.

  “What?” he mouthed.

  Roxanne grinned and shrugged her shoulders. He wasn’t a mind reader, but if he had to guess, his little sister was sharing in his thoughts.

  Bogs excused himself to go find Kenzie. She had left the table and hadn’t returned yet. He walked past the kitchen meeting up with his dad.

  “You see Kenzie?”

  His father pointed to the stairs. “The bathroom was occupied. I told her to use the one upstairs.”

  Bogs passed his dad but was halted by his hand on his shoulder. “You did good with that one.”

  Bogs made it up the stairs. The bathroom door was open with the light off. He scanned the hallway and started down the hallway, passing T’s childhood room, then Stone’s, and making his way to his. Inside the room, Kenzie stood by his dresser holding a picture frame.

  He leaned against the doorframe and just watched her. He knew the picture she seemed so engrossed with. It was from their front porch. All of the kids with his mom and dad. All the rooms had the picture. It was one of the few pictures of the whole family. His mother was big on taking pictures of them, but very few included her. His dad had insisted on getting a family photo. It was his favorite.

  “Ya know, I planned on using my superhuman mad finesse skills to get you up to my room again. All that’s wasted now.”

  She giggled and turned her head gifting him the most beautiful smile. “I’m snooping. I didn’t get a chance last time.”

  “I see that. Find anything good?”

  She held up the frame. “Yeah. I think this is my favorite. How come you don’t have it in your condo?”

  He shrugged, pushing off the door and ambling to her. He took the frame from her and studied the picture. It was so long ago. Long before his mom got sick. He stared at her face and that smile.

  “You look really happy.” She wrapped her arm around his waist.

  “I was.”

  “Your mom was beautiful.”

  “Yeah, she was. Inside and out.” He glanced down at Kenzie who was smiling at him. “You remind me of her.”

  Her head rested on his chest, and her arm tightened around his waist. He placed the frame down on his dresser and curled his hands around her throat lifting her lips and kissing her. It wasn’t meant to be any more than a simple sweet quick kiss. But being with her always stirred more in him than simple. Feeling her body rest against his and the slight pivot of her hips, his girl was teasing him. Or maybe she couldn’t resist either.

  Her hand slid down his stomach and landed over his erection. She smiled against the kiss before breaking away. “Don’t get any crazy ideas.”

  He cocked his eyebrows. “Like what?” He lifted her against his chest leaving her feet dangling as he stalked to the bed. Her eyes widened, and he smirked. “You touched me first.” He fell forward, taking her down to the bed.

  She pushed at his shoulders. “We are not doing it with your family downstairs.”

  He kissed her neck fighting against her pushing away. “Doing it? What do you mean by it?” He slid his hand to her neck down to her chest, softly cupping her breast. “Is this it?” He squeezed her flesh and licked the shell of her ear.

  “Bogs.” Saying his name was meant to be a warning but she was having trouble being convincing. His hand moved further down, gliding gently over her stomach and the small sliver of skin. Her body curled under him and he kept up his descent, cupping her pussy through her jeans.

  He whispered, “Or is this it?’

  She jerked her head, and he was sure she would be telling him to stop. Instead, she slammed her mouth on his lips and moving her hips against his hand. Her tongue plunged into his mouth. He unsnapped her jeans and lowered the zipper.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” The voice had Bogs freezing with his hands inches away from what he wanted. Kenzie gasped against his lips and catapulted up knocking him back and almost rolling off the bed. He scowled and glanced over at T, who was shaking his head.

  “What the fuck?”

  “Oh God,” Kenzie whispered.

  T snickered. “If you two are done fucking around, everyone is heading out.”

  Bogs dragged his hand through his hair and sat up. Kenzie sat with her head bent and her hair forming a curtain to hide her face. Even without seeing her face, he knew she was mortified.

  He glared at T who shrugged and grinned. “Shoulda closed the door, asshole.” He disappeared from sight and turned back to see her fidgeting with her zipper and jumping off the bed. Her face red as a tomato. He chuckled.

  “It’s not funny.” She slapped his arm. She marched past him out the door, and he jetted after her. He clasped his hand through hers, and they walked down the stairs. It wasn’t the first time a brother had busted another with a girl in his room. It was the first time the girl now had to face the family.

  His family were gathered in the living room saying goodbye when Emory looked over and smirked. “What have you two been up to?”

  He opened his mouth, but Kenzie beat him to it, pulling her hand from his and said, “Nothing.” She turned to his dad who looked confused. “I swear, we weren’t doing anything.” She sounded so guilty that she might as well have said they weren’t having sex. His dad gave her an awkward smile and glanced at Bogs.

  T snorted.

  Kenzie’s face heated. “Can we go now?”

  They said their goodbyes and all walked out together. She refused to take his hand, which amused Bogs. She scurried to the truck and waited for him to unlock it. He came up behind her and whispered in her ear. “Ya know this is your fault, right?”

  She jerked her head and glared at him.

  “Pretty girl, you grabbed my dick first.”

  “I wanna kill you right now.”

  He burst out laughing.


  She was half tempted to deny him sex when they got back to his place. She glared at him but couldn’t maintain it, nor could she deny him. She glanced at Cassie who had stopped a few feet away. She was staring down at her feet, oddly. Kenzie followed her gaze. Holy shit!

  She pushed passed Bogs. “Get T.” She hurried over and rested her hand on her back. “You okay?”

  Cassie glanced up and sighed. “Yep.”

  “What’s going on?” Bogs asked, not noticing the pool of fluid at her feet.

  Cassie grasped Kenzie’s hand and looked over. “You ready to see a side of T you never thought existed?”

  Kenzie eyed her. “What side would that be?”

  Cassie rolled her eyes. “Full on panic mode.” She drew in a breath. “Here goes. Bogs, tell your bro
ther my water broke. And please, do it calmly.”

  Kenzie glanced up at Bogs. His eyebrows shot up as his eyes darted to Cassie’s feet. His mouth dropped open. “Fuck, T, get out here, Cassie’s having the baby!” He shouted so loud Kenzie took a step back, taking Cassie with her. It was laced with his own panic.

  “Jeez, Bogs, I said calmly,” Cassie scolded.

  The next few minutes were complete chaos. Cassie didn’t lie—she was getting a view of T she’d probably never see again unless she was witness to their next child. T came out of the house in a flash, in less than five seconds, along with the rest of the Garrisons. People everywhere, the women all excited and remaining semi-calm, and the men acted like she was the first woman alive to give birth.

  Cassie never let go of her hand and walked with her to John’s car when he insisted on driving. It was a smart move, T was too amped up to drive. Cassie slid in the backseat as Kenzie stood by the door waiting for her to release her hand. Her hand squeezed, and Kenzie bent down near the open door. People were scattered everywhere, car doors were slamming and all the while, Cassie sat in the seat, completely serene.

  Kenzie chuckled as T ran back in the house, clearing all five steps with one jump. She didn’t know where Bogs was, probably in the truck waiting on her. Everyone was going to the hospital. That waiting room would be packed.

  She looked over at Cassie who was staring at her with a strained smile. “Told ya, new side of T.”

  “I like this side.”

  Cassie sighed. “Yeah, he’s gonna be a shit ton of fun during delivery.” She looked out the back window, then to Kenzie again. “I’ll be your hand-holder when it’s your turn. Got a feeling T freaking out is nothing compared to how Bogs will be.”

  Kenzie glanced back at Bogs who was sitting in the truck staring at her. She smiled.

  All the rushing and panic proved to be unnecessary. Cassie was in labor over seven hours. After many cups of coffee and everyone taking their turn at pacing in the small waiting room, the first, second generation Garrison was born. Darla.

  It was another two hours before it was finally Bogs’ time to meet his niece. They were the last in a long line. Instead of arguing, which is what the rest of them did, Kenzie sat back with Bogs waiting their turn. The room cleared out leaving them alone for twenty minutes.


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