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Punishing Their Mate: A Dark Alien Romance Novella: Tharan Warrior Menage Book 3

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by Kallista Dane


  Cass gasped. The harsh sound of leather meeting bare skin echoed off the stone wall. The smack was more shocking than painful. She’d barely caught her breath when the second blow came.

  “Aaaah!” This time it was Rhom with the wooden paddle. Her cry was not one of shock this time. The wooden paddle dealt a scorching lick of fire, followed by a wicked sting.

  “Did you have permission to join the warriors’ gathering?”

  Rhom’s question didn’t register at first. He gave her another smack. “I said, did you ask permission to enter the garden?”

  “Ooo! N…no, my lord,” she stammered.

  “That is one of the many taboos you broke today,” he replied. “Barging into a private gathering without asking permission from the host, especially when he is the ruler of Tharon.”

  She heard a whoosh as Rhynn’s leather paddle whistled through the air before landing with a resounding crack on her bottom.

  Cass groaned. After two harsh wallops from the wooden paddle, her backside was on fire. This time, instead of having barely any effect, the leather striking her inflamed rear cheeks stoked the blaze higher.

  Rhom delivered another fierce whack.

  “You took a weapon from Rhynn. Yanked it off his belt. Touching a warrior’s weapon without his permission is another taboo.” He sounded furious but when he went on she realized his anger was driven by fear. “You’re lucky he realized it was you in time to keep from driving his dagger into your chest. Don’t EVER…” He punctuated his words with more swats. “EVER touch a Tharan warrior’s weapon unless he gives you permission to do so. You’re dealing with trained killers who act instinctively when they perceive a threat.”

  He whacked her again, even harder. She let out a shriek.

  Rhom muttered an oath, then threw the paddle across the room. “You’ll have to finish this, Rhynn. I can’t punish her when I’m so angry. Our little human doesn’t know how close she came to dying back there.”

  He stomped away. She saw him sink down on another bench and cover his face with his hands.

  When she saw the toll her outcry had taken on Rhom, Cass vowed to endure the rest of her punishment in silence. Whether she meant to or not, she’d screwed up and her Mates were required to discipline her. She’d already frightened them and publicly embarrassed them. No need to heap on guilt for doing what their leader ordered them to do.

  She stifled her groans at the vicious sting every time the leather lashed her tender bottom and managed to mutter “Yes, my lord” and “No, my lord” through clenched teeth at the appropriate times during the stern lecture Rhynn delivered along with her spanking.

  She was fighting back tears when he finally stopped. He knelt beside her, murmuring softly as he unbuckled the restraints and gathered her unto his arms.

  “I’m sorry I had to do that, my love. Our world has laws that may seem cruel to you, but you must believe me when I say their aim is to keep you safe and well. This part is over. All you need to do now is go back to the garden and kneel in front of Chancellor Kal. He’ll pull your skirt up and bare your bottom so he and all the warriors can see that your ass is bright red and you’ve been properly spanked.”

  Chapter Seven

  She pulled away from his embrace, horrified. “What?”

  “You’ve been very brave, my love.” He kissed her forehead. “I know it sounds embarrassing but you can do it.”

  She’d been able to hold back the tears during her spanking but the thought of public humiliation was too much. Cass buried her face in his shoulder and broke down.

  “Please. Please don’t make me do that,” she sobbed.

  “I know it may not be much consolation, but you won’t be doing anything they haven’t seen before.” Rhom came over, sat down beside his twin, and started stroking her hair. “Take a moment and pull yourself together. We know you, my love. You’re as much a warrior as any of them. Go out there, accept this part of your sentence with dignity, and you’ll earn their respect.”

  She took a deep breath and raised her chin. Rhynn was the more gentle twin, offering words of love and support. But Rhom knew what she needed at a time like this. He reminded her she was a soldier, someone who’d faced far tougher circumstances. She’d go out there, accept her fate with grace, and make her Mates proud.


  He watched as she brushed away the tears, then stood up and squared her shoulders. He hated to see her in pain, whether physical or emotional, but his soft words hadn’t been what she needed right then.

  He sent his thoughts to his twin. Thank the Sacred Ones there are two of us. I fell apart when I saw her tears. You knew just what to say.

  Never forget - our Mate may look small and fragile compared to us, but she has the soul of a warrior, Rhom shot back. Besides, we all know you’ll never be tough with her. Deep inside, you’re as soft as a baby orax.

  Rhynn saw the ghost of a smile on Cass’s face and gave his brother a wink. He’d blocked the message to his twin from their Mate, but Rhom hadn’t. Now that she shared the Bond with them, she’d heard what Rhom said, as she was meant to do.

  “I’m ready,” Cass announced. “Let me get this over with so we can all go back to celebrating.”

  His heart swelled with pride. Their mate was truly magnificent.

  All three of them headed back to the garden hand in hand. Chancellor Kal caught sight of them and raised the ridge where his right eyebrow would have been. Rhynn gave a slight nod to signify that all was well. Kal came toward them.

  Cass let go of their hands, stepped forward, and fell to her knees in front of the chancellor. “My Lord. My mates have explained the Tharan customs and rules. I understand that what I did was not only impulsive and thoughtless, but dangerous as well. I beg your forgiveness for my regrettable behavior - and I humbly ask you to bare my bottom and inspect the thoroughness with which my Masters disciplined me.”

  Kal nodded solemnly. “Since you ask it, I will do so.”

  He walked around behind her, pulled the hem of her skirt up to her waist, and displayed a curvy bottom with two bright red patches on the cheeks to the other warriors assembled around them. She saw several of the men grin and give the twins a thumbs-up sign.

  “You have performed your duty satisfactorily, my lads – for today,” the Chancellor proclaimed.

  Rhynn saw a smile play at the corners of Kal’s mouth as he added the last two words.

  Kal dropped Cass’s skirt and went to the twins. He clasped Rhynn in a hearty handshake, then pulled him in for an embrace. “Did you notice what she did there,” he murmured in Rhynn’s ear. “Asking me to bare her ass? I know she wasn’t battling me for control. She did it instinctively, but it robbed my act of any dominance over her.” He chuckled. “Reminds me of my Soraya when we were younger. You’ll have your hands full mastering this one!”

  He repeated the handshake and embrace with Rhom, then went back to where Cass knelt. Raising her chin, he looked into her eyes.

  “I accept your apology. Now go and make amends to your mates.” He raised her to her feet, then gave her a hug and whispered something to her. Rhynn picked up the last few words.

  “…advice from an old man who was once a young warrior. Pull your skirt up when you go to them so they can enjoy the sight of the sweet little bottom they reddened while you’re apologizing. They’ll be even more enthusiastic when it’s time to make up with you later tonight.”

  Rhynn’s respect for his ruler went up a notch. He’d found a way to take charge of the situation again by getting her to bare her bottom once more in front of the assembled crowd. What’s more, old man or not, Kal was right about the effect it would have. To his surprise, seeing the ass he’d spanked cherry red being publicly displayed got his manhood rock-hard. Now he was looking forward to watching her show it off again.

  He couldn’t wait until they were finally alone with Cass. He’d caress that fine ass, give it a few more playful smacks, then lick every inc
h of it until she was moaning and begging him to sink his cock into her tight rear passage.


  She felt her cheeks grow hot with embarrassment at Kal’s remarks. At the same time, the chancellor’s suggestion sent a naughty thrill coursing through her. Cass had never thought of herself as an exhibitionist. But imagining how aroused her mates would get if she demonstrated their mastery of her by voluntarily raising the hem of her skirt and allowing all their friends a peek at her freshly spanked naked bottom had her pussy clenching.

  The twins would pick up the scent of her arousal, driving their own even higher. Suddenly the thought of publicly proclaiming her submission wasn’t as humiliating or distasteful as it had been a little while earlier.

  The twins were standing together, surrounded by the other warriors. Cass went to them and bowed her head.

  “My lords… May I have permission to speak?”

  She saws them exchange looks of surprise. She’d never been so deferential before.

  Rhom waved a hand. “How could any mate deny such a sweetly worded request? Please. Speak.”

  Cass turned her back to them, reached behind her, and grasped the fabric of her skirt. She pulled it up, gathering the flimsy fabric in both hands until it was bunched around her waist and her bottom was completely bare. After she was sure they’d gotten a good look, she turned around and knelt down facing them. Knowing she was giving the other warriors a full view of her hot red bottom gave her a wicked thrill.

  “I thank you, my lords, for showing me the error of my ways with your loving discipline. I’m sorry for what I did and I hope this display of the way you corrected my poor behavior serves as proof to your fellow warriors that I am willing to yield to your mastery. I want to be a good mate and I welcome your continuing discipline. I beg you to correct my behavior in whatever way you see fit, whenever you think it is necessary.”

  The surge of gyron flowing off her mates hit her like a wave. She closed her eyes and shuddered at the intoxicating rush.

  Rhom was first to respond. “We love you, Cass. We’ve willingly and happily taken on the responsibility to care for you, to do our best to make you happy, and to keep you safe from harm. We accept your apology.”

  Rhynn added his input. “To show our appreciation of this demonstration of your trust in us to do what is in your best interest, we will grant your request to discipline you whenever we see fit, in any way we choose. Starting right now.”

  Her head jerked up and she stared at him in shock. She’d rehearsed the speech in her head on the way to the garden, imagined them both melting and taking her in their arms. Maybe even running their hands possessively over her bare bottom in front of everyone. But she hadn’t expected to hear that.

  “You’ve made amends to Chancellor Kal and to us, your mates,” Rhynn went on. “But you committed another offense, a serious breach of etiquette among our people. Lady Soraya treated you kindly, welcoming you into her home and hosting this Mating ceremony. She went to a great deal of effort gathering together our brother warriors and their mates, who made the journey here to share in our celebration.”

  He’d barely finished when Rhom took over. “The other females have been eager to get to know you. They’ve looked forward to welcoming you to Tharon and counting you as a friend. You were rude to Lady Soraya and to all the women gathered in your honor when you walked out on that gathering without doing your hostess the courtesy of asking permission to leave. Without telling anyone where you’d gone.”

  “The chancellor’s mate was worried about you when you disappeared without a word,” he added. “She knows you are new to this world. Unaware of the dangers it holds.”

  Cass was stunned. It never occurred to her that her behavior might be considered rude. She’d never had anyone throw a party in her honor.

  As an adult, her career was her life. It left little time for socializing. Although she’d been put in charge of an all-female crew fresh out of the Academy, she didn’t count them as friends. She was loyal to the women serving under her on the Luna and treated them well, earning their respect. But as a commander of the InterStellar Federation, she’d been warned against establishing close ties with them. Her superiors discouraged such behavior, believing it could undermine an officer’s ability to issue orders or make what could be life or death decisions without emotion clouding their judgement.

  Even as a child, she’d been a loner. Sent off to boarding school at an early age, she’d been painfully shy. The other girls took her discomfort for disdain and she developed the reputation of being unfriendly. She never learned the art of making friends with other women.

  A wave of shame came over Cass. “I’m so sorry,” she stammered. “I had no idea.”

  Rhom nodded his head. “My brother and I believe that, my love. We know what is in your heart. You’d never deliberately insult someone who only wanted to show you kindness. But if you are to live among us, you must learn to curb your impulsive behavior. Think before you act. You weren’t raised on Tharon, so you never learned to beware of its hidden dangers. There are good reasons why our ancestors chose to assign two males the role of protectors for each female.”

  Rhynn chimed in. “The women here have all heard of your courage in defying the pirates and escaping their clutches. They know how you stole away alone and put your life in danger to rescue the hostages. They admire you, look up to you. But they don’t have your skills or your training. Your actions today set a bad example for them, especially those who haven’t Mated yet. If you are truly sorry, you’ll show them strong Tharan women can exhibit another kind of strength by choosing to submit willingly to the authority of their mates.”

  He went on, putting the masterful tone in his voice that always sent a shameful thrill coursing through her.

  “Go to Lady Soraya’s drawing room and kneel facing the door with your hands behind your back. When we come in, you will strip bare, lie across each of our laps in turn, and be spanked long and hard. One more thing - this punishment will be witnessed by all the women you offended.”

  Chapter Eight

  She stared at them in horror. “No!”

  “No?” Rhom glared at her. “Did you not just ask us, beg us, to correct your behavior? Were you lying when you said you were ready to accept our discipline whenever we think it necessary? In any way we see fit?”

  She bowed her head, forced out the words. “No, my lord. I was not lying. I am ready to accept your discipline. Please forgive my defiant outburst.”

  The twins exchanged looks. Held another of their silent conversations.

  “We will forgive it. But we cannot let it go unpunished.

  Cass’s stomach fluttered as she knelt in the center of Soraya’s drawing room. She’d been waiting there for what seemed like hours, although she knew it had only been about 20 minutes.

  She knew her mates well enough by now to understand that making her wait was part of her lesson in submission. When they made love, the twins knew they could ramp up her arousal by putting her on the bed between them, spread-eagled, and ordering her not to move. Then they’d fondle her pussy and ass until she was clawing the mattress and begging them to take her.

  That same frantic need surged through her now. But this time it was mixed with anxiety and embarrassment. She was desperate to get this discipline session over with so she and her mates could finally be alone together. Baring her bottom in front of the male warriors had given her a naughty thrill. But the thought of stripping naked in front of a group of females and having them watch as she got spanked was humiliating.

  The door opened. Rhynn and Rhom walked in first. Lady Soraya and the other females followed, silently taking their seats on the chairs and settees that formed a circle around the room.

  The twins pulled two straight chairs into the middle of the circle and sat down.

  “Come here, Cass.”

  Legs shaking, she got to her feet and took her place in front of them.

  “Do you have some
thing you’d like to say?” Rhom’s voice was expressionless.

  She breathed a tiny sigh of relief. He didn’t sound angry. Maybe this wouldn’t be as bad as she feared.

  She’d been trying desperately to remember the phrase she botched earlier. The one Soraya taught her last night in the stone chamber. Now it came to her.

  “I willingly submit to your discipline, at any time and in any place, because I know it is given out of your love for me.”

  She saw Rhynn give a little nod and felt ridiculously pleased. The feeling disappeared a moment later.

  “Take off your gown, then come here and lie down across my lap,” he said.

  Hands shaking, she slid the dress down and stepped out of it. She wore nothing underneath. She caught a whiff of Rhom’s gyron as she walked past him, completely naked, and draped herself over Rhynn’s lap. More potent than ever, it sent a fresh wave of desire surging through her.

  The twins still wore their ceremonial battle dress. She could feel Rhynn’s manhood pressing against her mound, rock-hard under the leather salis.

  “Just now you said you would willing submit to our discipline,” he said. “But earlier you protested this punishment. In front of all the warriors. My brother and I have discussed it and we decided on the additional punishment you deserve for that act of defiance. Hopefully you’ll remember this the next time you’re tempted to say no.”

  He kept talking as he gripped her rear cheeks with both hands and spread them apart. “Rhom is going to coat the phallus you gave us at the ceremony with disciplinary oil. Then he’ll insert it in your rear passage. It will remain there while we take turns spanking you.”

  He’d barely finished speaking when she felt it circling her anal opening. Rhom teased her, massaging and rimming it with the tip of the phallus, rubbing in the slick oil. At first she felt only a warm tingling sensation. But as he continued, the warmth became heat, then a wicked burning. She whimpered and tried to slide away as he breeched her tight sphincter, then began probing her rear passage.


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