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To Tempt A Highland Duke: A Scottish Romance Novella

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by Bronwen Evans

  His world spun, and his heart filled with hope. Why had he not understood the significance of her becoming a childless widow before?

  The King and the other Scottish dukes made it clear he must marry. His collar tightened at the memory of the dictatorial letter with the royal seal upon it. They wanted him to align with a highland clan. Flora was a Mackenzie before her marriage.

  It was almost too perfect.

  ‘We must preserve the Scottish Dukedom,’ the note had said. The King was not as stupid as many thought. His order to marry came with a suggested date for announcing his engagement. A pity that when he received the note nine months ago, he’d not felt inclined to be forced into wedlock. He remembered what had happened to Connie, and to his mother, and the thought of putting any woman through that again… Guilt over Connie’s death constantly trampled him like a rampaging wild bull.

  These past three years he had not been engaging his brain. Why hadn’t he noticed that Flora bore Iain no children?

  His betrothal had to be announced in two day’s time at the diner for the King, and if he didn’t he could end up offending their royal guest. Not the done thing given it was the first time in almost two-hundred-years a King had set foot on Scottish soil. To defy his King’s wish at an event such as this…

  A marriage with the sole goal of producing a child made his stomach rollick with fear, and nausea rise to choke him. He was a big man. Over six feet five inches and shoulders as wide as this door he hid behind. They had told him the baby was too big for Connie to birth and it had taken three days to bring Connor into this world. Three days for his love to die in agony and fear. The midwife Angus found for Connie said it was a miracle the baby boy survived.

  Dougray grimaced. Connor was a fighter, all right. He was his son.

  When he’d learned any child of his was likely to be a big baby, he’d sworn on Connie’s grave he would never cause another woman’s death. He could not go through that again, especially if the woman owned his heart. It had taken Flora to open his heart again, six years after Connie’s death. Flora had been only thirteen when Connie died. When she was nineteen he’d came to stay with her family. She helped him heal. Or so he’d thought.

  He pushed off the wall he was leaning against and watched Flora as she roamed around the vast table moving place settings. She was a sturdy lass. She was Angus’s sister, all right. Tall, big hips, perhaps… he often wondered if she would have survived what Connie couldn’t, but he would not risk her life on perhaps.

  She reached over the table and the movement pulled her gown tight over her bottom. And what a bottom it was. Plump and round just right to fill his hands. Her rich copper-golden hair floated around her shoulders like silk, and his body heated at the idea of letting it slide over his naked skin. Her lips were full and firm, and he’d often fantasied at what those lips would feel like wrapped around the hard length of him.

  He suddenly burned for her. He’d kept his lust at bay these past years by occasionally taking lovers. He was always careful. What would it be like to make love to a woman and not have to worry about getting her with child? To relax and not always think about having to withdraw before he reached his release. Not having to wear a French glove appealed—a lot.

  Just then she looked over her shoulder and saw him standing there.

  “Why are you loitering in the doorway like your son?”

  He grinned stupidly at her. “The sight of your plump bottom was spellbinding.”

  For one moment she looked shocked, and then her creamy cheeks filled with color. She turned her back and continued brushing the table. “You need to have a word with Connor. He is far too much like his father, and if you are not careful, he’ll get some poor lass in trouble.”

  “He knows what will happen if he does. I’ve talked with him.”

  “But he follows your lead and you have not been that discreet of late. Your current paramour is flouting your relationship to everyone she meets.”

  His grin widened. “Jealousy does not become you, Flora. Besides, I broke off that—arrangement—over ten days ago.”

  He watched her back straighten, and her shoulders tighten. She slowly turned to face him, surprised at how close he’d come. She had not heard him approach. He watched the vein at the base of her neck pulse.

  “You are so conceited. Jealous. Humph. I have no desire to be one of your conquests. Besides, you are the most fickle man I know. You taught me well.”

  He could not help himself. He reached out and ran a finger over her throat, feeling the erratic beat of her blood. “I think your frantic heartbeat calls you a liar. Just my touch sets your skin on fire.” His groin tightened as her pink tongue slipped from between her lips to moisten them.

  “Don’t play your games with me, Dougray. Not again. We have been—friends for many years—and I will do nothing to let you ruin that just because you are bored.” She batted his hand away, a gloating smile upon her face. “Besides, Connor informed me you are looking for a wife. I wonder if the King’s visit has brought about this change of heart.”

  She was too clever. He stepped back and casually flicked lint from his sleeve. “Do I look like a man who can be forced to do anything he does not wish to do? You should know me better than that.”

  She looked him in the eye, and he did not blink. “Then I am very happy for you. It’s about time you learned to open your heart again and let a woman in. Life is too long to be alone. I should know.” She clapped her hand over her mouth.

  He realized she had not meant to reveal that last part. She was too young and too beautiful to spend the rest of her life as a widow. He longed to love her. Longed to give her the dreams they once shared with each other. He had lived the last eight years knowing that for him to risk loving any woman was impossible.

  Barren. She was barren. It struck him like a sharp-edged sword that he could finally risk loving Flora.

  His lonely life held the promise of more. If she could not bear him a child, then he could afford the luxury of giving her his heart. That was worth more than his entire estate and title, for it would mean no heir. To feel that connection with her once again. To share all of his life with her. He could feel the fortress walls surrounding his heart cracking.

  But what if she could bear him a child, and that it was her husband’s seed that was useless? Marrying Flora and getting her with child… the risk was great. Agreeing to become his wife could sign her death warrant.

  “Are you all right? You are looking at me very peculiar.”

  Her words drew him up short. He’d speak to her brother Angus. He would not offer for Flora if her brother feared for her. Angus knew his history with Connie, and Angus also knew his sister.

  He said, “I shall leave you to your duties. Mary is worrying herself silly over the Kings visit when I suspect all the King needs is excellent food, good whisky, and a pretty woman or two. He won’t notice how clean or cold the Palace is.”

  “Spoken like a man. Your sister is doing a marvelous job and I hope you thank her. We will notice if the Palace is not looking its best. We do not want the English to look down on us. We need to show we are not the heathen savages they think we are.”

  He laughed. “I’d love to see you act like a heathen savage.”

  To his delight, she picked up a napkin and flicked him with it. Before he could reply Mary entered the room.

  “Oh, Dougray, stop annoying Flora. Have you organized the three extra spits for the kitchen like I asked?”

  “I was just on my way to do that when I was waylaid by Flora’s beauty and wit. She is most distracting today.”

  Mary rolled her eyes while Flora spluttered, “I’m not keeping you. I have more than enough to do than pander to your ego.”

  Mary flapped her hands at him as if he was a boy. “Away with you. Use your charms on women too stupid to see through your looks.”

  He pressed his hands to his heart. “Too cruel. From my sister as well.”

  Mary blew him a
kiss. “Oh, and can you tell that son of yours that if I see him bothering the serving girls again, I shall put him over my knee in front of them.”

  That stole his humor. Flora was right. It would seem Connor needed another talking to. He’d already told his son that this week was not the time or place for his usual antics, but boys becoming men challenged their fathers. He should know. He’d challenged him, and it cost Connor his mother’s life. His son would not make the mistakes he had.

  He bowed. “I shall leave you lovely ladies to your organizing then.”

  Mary stood looking at her brother’s departing back. “Have you noticed that my brother has been acting very strange of late?”

  Flora agreed. Since becoming a widow, he had never flirted with her—not even once. But he was flirting today.

  “Connor told me he has decided to take a wife. The King’s visit most likely spurred his decision.” She ignored the dagger of pain that slice through her heart at the words.

  “I didn’t know how to tell you. I suspect Sir Walter has also been advising my brother to marry. A duke must have an heir. A legitimate heir.” She stopped polishing the candlestick and smacked her forehead. “So that is why Connor is out of sorts.”

  Flora nodded. “He’s always had Dougray to himself, and he is worried a wife might banish him.” She took a deep breath. “Who do you think he will chose?”

  Mary looked at her sharply. “Oh, Flora. I’m so sorry. I know how you feel about Dougray.”

  “That was a girlish fantasy. He did not want me before, why would he want me this time. I could never be his wife now, anyway. I am likely barren. Every man in Scotland knows that.” The look of pity Mary threw her way made her want to curl up in a ball and cry. Mary had two beautiful children, a boy and a girl, with her husband, Stuart Carmichael, the Earl of Rowland. She covered her pain by saying, “We were once such good friends. Let’s put our heads together and find him a young lady that would make him happy. That can’t be too hard, can it?”

  Mary gave her a hug. “I think that’s a wonderful idea. Let’s have a cup of tea and make a list. We can see how the ladies on our list interact with Dougray at the ball tonight.” They left the room arm and arm, heading for the small private drawing room on the floor above. “Plus, Lord Glengarry will be at the ball too.”

  “Oh, he is only recently widowed. Surely he is not looking for a wife so soon?”

  “He has three children under six plus an elder boy. I’d say he needs all the help he can get.”

  How did she tell practical Mary that a man who would wed to get himself a new mother for his children was not the man for her? Not this time. While the idea of raising those children as her own was appealing, would the love from his children replace the emptiness she felt inside if her husband did not love her?

  Mary read her face. “He’s always had a fondness for you, but you were promised to another.”

  “We shall see. My father is dead, so at least I won’t have any man forcing me into a marriage I do not want. I won’t be rushed or pushed this time.”

  Chapter 3

  God give him strength to get through this week, let alone tonight. The King wasn’t even on Scottish soil yet, but Sir Walter Scott brought the Scottish lord’s together in this evening’s glittering ball. Over cards the stuffed up peacock had lectured the men for almost an hour, insisting on what they could wear and what they could say in front of the King.

  Well, Dougray wasn’t a child. He was a duke and he would bloody well wear what he liked and say what he liked—within reason. Like he said, he wasn’t stupid. Scott’s lecture was almost enough to make him risk walking back into the ballroom to face the hell of having to dance.

  He was still in the card room, but he and Angus were sitting at the back near the fire in two large armchairs. He’d invited his friend to sit with him over a few glasses of fine whisky. Luckily, they had gotten past the issue with Flora’s marriage some years back. Mainly because Flora had seemed happy in her marriage.

  It should have pleased Dougray, but it tortured him every day to know she was happy with another man.

  Tonight he needed to discuss Flora, and he worried about his friend’s reaction.

  “Scott,” Angus spat out. “That bloody pompous cretin. I’m not sure a visit from the King is worth this.” Angus banged his empty whisky glass on the arm of his chair and called a servant for more of the fiery liquid.

  “Do behave, Angus. Talk like that is likely to see Scotland truly embarrassed, and you sent to Coventry, if you are not careful.”

  Angus snorted. “Rubbish. You’ve met the King before. What do you think of him?”

  “Actually, the last time I saw him he was still the Prince Regent. Don’t let the overweight and jolly image fool you. The King is not a stupid man. Although he loves his food, wine, and women far too much.”

  “But is it in Scotland’s interest to form this closer alliance?”

  “I believe it is. Both of our estates are flourishing now that we are working with the English. I intend to welcome them until they do something not in Scotland’s interest.”

  “To Scotland,” Angus said. The two men clinked their glasses together.

  “Speaking of the King. Scott mentioned the King is most concerned at my marital status. To be fair, its more the ‘no heir’ that is of issue. It would appear the King, or his lapdog Scott, does not wish to see my cousin inherit.”

  He waited for Angus’s chortle, but it did not come.

  “Aye, it is about time you married and beget an heir. This moping over your wee lass has gone on long enough. It’s not manly.”

  Dougray’s fingers tightened around his glass. “Says the man who would not leave his wife’s side for two weeks when she was battling the lung fever.”

  The two men eyed each other before Angus whispered, “Touché.”

  He cleared his throat. “I’ve had a royal order to announce my engagement at the dinner in two night’s time. The King believes it will give the Scottish people something else to celebrate.”

  Angus almost choked on his drink. “Two day’s time? How long have you known of this command?”

  “Since the King’s visit was first muted.”

  “Hell, that was almost nine months ago. Have you already won a fair maiden’s hand?”

  “No. I’ve been thinking through the issue.” Angus raised an eyebrow. “And I have concluded it could be a good idea.”

  Angus laughed. “I know that face of yours sees most women drop their draws for you at a smile, and the title will definitely help with gaining a wife, but still, a woman does like to be wooed. Even you might find arranging an engagement in only two days a trial.” At his silence, Angus sighed. “You have a lady in mind? Well, get on with it then man, you hardly need my help.”

  “That is not exactly true.”

  Angus’s eyes narrowed. “My daughters are way to young, and by the time they are of marriageable age you’ll be in your dotage. I’ll nay marry them to an old man.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous, besides your eldest daughter has already told me she is marrying Connor when she is older.”

  “At five years of age she should not be thinking about marriage, and I’ll be keeping boys like your Connor well away from any of my daughters.” At Dougray’s hurt look, Angus added, “It’s not his illegitimacy at issue. It’s because he’s too much like you. A man who loves all women but loves none with his heart.”

  “I have loved with my heart and it cost me more than you will ever know,” Dougray admitted softly. “Twice.”

  “Well, if it is a brood mare you want as a wife, I’m sure we can find a match by tomorrow morning. But if I were you, I’d look for a lass who stirs more than your cock. It’s infinitely more appealing to find a woman who engages all of you as you age. Looks don’t last forever, and cold winter nights can drag with the wrong person by your side.”

  “I have someone in mind. Someone I have loved for many years.”

put down his glass. “Oh, no. Don’t you dare say her name.”

  Dougray took a large gulp and moved his chair out of Angus’s reach. “Flora.” He waited, ready to deflect a punch but none came. The silence was unnerving. So he said, “I have loved her for years. We have been good friends too. She’s funny, kind, she loves Connor, and she is so intelligent. I’ve known her all of my life. I’ve been thinking about her, but I wanted to talk with you to be sure. I did not want to damage our friendship again.”

  Still the silence lengthened. He hated his lie. He had considered Flora a few months ago, but crossed her off his list. Knowing how much he loved her, he could not bear to think of her dying in childbirth. He’d never be able to face Angus again. But this morning, hearing her admit to Connor that she had never got with child, and was certain she was barren, that changed everything.

  “My sister has been in love with you since she was a young girl. I would have welcomed a match with you, but Connie’s death changed you. Eight years ago I thought you loved her too, but you stood by and watched as my father married her to Iain. Iain was a good man, but there was no love in their marriage, and I watched her month-by-month, year-by-year, wither inside. If you cannot give her your heart, then I say no. I will not let you hurt her again.”

  “There has always only been one woman who could claim my heart, and it’s her. It killed me to watch her marry another.”

  They both took a drink.

  “Then tell me why you let her marry Iain?”

  “I,” he scrambled to find something that would make sense. “I wasn’t ready. Connie’s death gutted me, and then on top of that I had to search for Connor. I had no idea where Father had sent the babe. I thought I had buried the guilt and pain, but I hadn’t. But now I’m ready.”

  Dougray’s father had gone crazy when told that Dougray, at eighteen, had got a serving girl with child. Dougray’s real crime was he wanted to marry the girl. His father had his men kidnap Dougray and send him to Ireland, where he was kept a virtual prisoner. When Connie’s time was due, the Duke had her thrown out and forbade anyone to help her. Mary somehow got word to Angus. Angus found her, but she’d been in labor for almost two days and the babe was so big the midwife could not save her and the baby.


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