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Claiming His Virgin In the Ring

Page 24

by Cassandra Dee

  “No, that’s not what I mean, and you know it,” he insisted. “What I mean is that these feelings,” he choked. “That’s what got me. I’ve never felt them before and you have to believe me, Holly. They reached out like tentacles and wrapped around my neck, choking me of air. It was impossible to think straight.”

  My heart leapt hearing the words. Just a small leap, nothing too hopeful. So I made myself look into those blue eyes, and talk straight.

  “What feelings?” were my words. “What are you talking about?”

  The big man swallowed then, trying to get the words out.

  “You have to understand this is hard for me,” he growled, that massive chest moving up and down gulping air. “I’ve never been in this position before.”

  This time, I was silent, merely waiting for his next move.

  “Sweetheart,” he rasped again, taking a deep breath. “This. Me, here, kneeling in front of you. Me, begging you for a second chance, trying to explain myself. This never happens to Thorn Evans. It’s a whole new ballgame, and I’m trying to play as best as I can.”

  He paused a moment, waiting for an answer, but I gave no quarter. After three months of suffering, I wasn’t letting Mr. Evans off the hook so easily. Expectantly, my eyes met his, devoid of emotion.

  But the billionaire didn’t get to where he is in life by giving up easy. So even in the face of my non-response, the alpha took another deep breath, centering himself before that strong jaw hardened.

  “What I mean to say,” he managed between ground teeth, “is that I love you Holly Nelson. I’ve never felt this for any woman before, so I got caught up in a whirlwind of confusion and stupid shit. I should have gone to you immediately. I should have found you, and made you hear these words. Because that spying shit is lame, and Nick Ryver didn’t get anything important. The damage was contained after a day, but I made it seem like something bigger because ….”

  “Because what, Thorn?” I prompted, my gaze direct. “What made you wait so long?”

  “Because I love you,” he managed, almost spitting the words this time. “You can be a hard woman to love, you know that?”

  This time, it was me who gave a sharp bark.

  “That’s rich, coming from a billionaire who has everything at his disposal. You could have found me at any time. I was wilting away in a dreary apartment in Queens, wondering why you never reached out. And it was because of love? Your love for me made you stop and hesitate? Do you know how backwards that sounds? How absolutely awful?”

  Thorn had the grace to look ashamed.

  “I know,” he ground out roughly. “And I want to make it up to you. We’ll take a trip to Dubai or Beijing. It’ll be fun, I can show you the world. Let me make it up to you,” his voice commanded now, those eyes fierce and unrelenting. “Give me another chance Holly.”

  And I was torn inside. Because on the one hand, this man had caused me so much suffering. Three months of my life had been spent in the depths of Hell, my wounds bleeding like rivers each day. And the reason he gave was so bizarre too. Allegedly, he loved me so much that stopped him from reaching out. What in the world? Why would you behave like that? Wouldn’t you want to make things right when Cupid’s arrow pierces your heart?

  But Mr. Evans seized my shoulders then, those big hands warm and firm on my frame.

  “Holly,” he said roughly. “You have to believe me. Don’t you remember the first time you were in love? How amazing it was, but also confusing? Now imagine that but ten times stronger. That’s what happened to me. I’m a forty-five year old bachelor,” he said, those blue eyes intense. “And I’ve never been in love before, so suddenly being swept off my feet was something new. It was like a hurricane hit with gale force winds when previously, my emotional life had been nothing but calm, peaceful days. That’s what you do to me,” he said, voice heavy with emotion. “That’s how much I love you, pretty girl, and you’ve got to believe me.”

  Something in my heart cracked then. Because I did remember my first time in love, and it’d been confusing. Magical, of course, but also a whirlwind of emotions, headstrong impulses, and most importantly, a disconnect between my thoughts and actions. Because I’d had a huge crush on Mickey Miller, the star quarterback of our high school football team. Unfortunately, Mickey Miller had no idea who I was.

  But while inside, I was mooning and swanning at the thought of being with Mickey, on the outside, I played it cool. To my friends, Mickey was just another dumb jock, someone who I’d never be interested in. On the inside, I laid awake nights, dreaming of a rosy future with the star quarterback as my husband.

  So I understood what Thorn was saying. Sometimes what we present to the world is different from our internal emotions, and for the billionaire, it’d been ten times worse. I swept in out of nowhere, a curvy flight attendant who was supposed to be nothing but a plaything, taking him by surprise.

  And he didn’t know what to do afterwards. The alpha was knocked back onto his feet, choking and gasping, unsure what to do. So he did nothing, leaving the situation as is until I walked back through the door once again.

  But that’s the thing. What if I hadn’t reappeared? Would we have remained estranged, wondering about each other until the end of our days? Or would we have found our way back to one another somehow? I had to know.

  “Thorn,” I said, taking a deep breath. “What would have done if I didn’t come to your office today?” The question was slow as I chose my words carefully. “Would you have moved on with your life? Forced yourself to forget me, and everything we had? Or would you have come to find me?”

  The billionaire was still for a moment, his eyes intense.

  “It’s funny you should ask,” he rasped harshly. “Because I was going to find you. You have to believe that.”

  I nodded once, slowly.

  “I want to believe it. I desperately do,” came my voice with a tremor. “But I’m not sure if I can,” was the painful admission. “You let me suffer for three months and did nothing about it. So how can I put my faith in you now?”

  My heart was breaking even as the words erupted from my mouth. But it was true. How could I put my life in the hands of this man who’d let me down? How could I be so naïve, when he’d hurt me so badly before? Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. And I couldn’t be so idiotic again, could I?

  But the billionaire never gives up. Looking deep into my eyes, he reached into his suit pocket and emerged with his fist closed.

  “Sweetheart,” that voice rasped. “You have to believe me because I got this with every intention of finding you once more,” the alpha spoke. “This bauble had your name on it the moment I saw it in the store window. Will you, Holly? Will you put me out of my misery and make me the happiest man alive?”

  And the air left my lungs then, eyes going wide. Because in his hand was a velvet box. Kneeling by my side, the billionaire popped the clasp, revealing a beautiful diamond within. The gem sparkled and shone, making me catch my breath.

  “Is that?” I gasped. “Is that really …?”

  Thorn nodded once, eyes searing mine.

  “It is sweetheart. Do you believe me now when I say I was going to find you? Do you see how I meant every word of what I said? You’re mine,” he spoke fiercely. “There’s no one else but you, Holly Nelson, and I have every intention of making you mine forever more.”

  I gasped again, cheeks flushing brightly. Because suddenly, his sentences took on new meaning. This man didn’t just love me. He loved me so much that he wanted to spend all of his days in my company going forwards. Thorn Evans had had every intention of finding me once again and making me his wife to boot.

  With a small cry, I threw myself against his chest.

  “Yes, Thorn. Yes, yes, yes, I do.”

  Those strong arms were around me in a moment, holding my curvy form tight.

  “Forever,” he growled against my lips, our breaths mingling. “Forever, you hear?”

  I p
ulled away for a moment, tears in my eyes.

  “Yes, forever,” I whispered. “But Thorn, I have something to tell you too.” And with a slow movement, I pulled one of his hands to my belly where a slight swell was developing. It was tiny still, just a small addition to my poochy stomach. But Thorn’s eyes went wide, his hand rubbing my tummy as if for good luck.

  “Is this what I think it is?” the alpha breathed, as if hardly daring to believe his good luck. “Are you, Holly? With my child?”

  I nodded then, tears welling in my eyes.

  “Yes Thorn. When I left you, I was pregnant already although I didn’t know it,” came my broken voice. “But he’s good now. He’s got his mom and his dad, and we’ll be a family together. Always,” I whispered, lifting my lips for a kiss.

  The billionaire’s mouth crashed down on mine, commanding, possessive, and oh so masculine.

  “Always,” he ground out, seizing my heart with dominant authority, wrapping those muscular arms around my frame. “Always sweetheart. You’re mine now, Holly Nelson. And I will love you and this child until the end of my days.”

  With that, I let myself truly go for the first time in months. Because when I discovered my pregnancy, shock had overtaken my frame. Unable to move, I’d stared at my reflection in the mirror, mouth dropping open. Holy cow, a pregnancy with the billionaire’s child? No, it couldn’t be, seeing that he’d just kicked me out of his life.

  But the drugstore test told another story. Two blue stripes meant I was with child for sure, and once the shock passed, elation took its place. Because I loved Thorn Evans, even if he felt nothing for me. This child had been conceived in passion, and my emotions would have to carry us even if they weren’t returned.

  So I promised to do my best for my little boy, no matter what happened between me and his dad. And now, my dreams have been answered to the millionth degree. Things have worked out, despite the inauspicious start. Initially, there were the accusations of spying, forcing me from his life into months of pure agony. But sure enough, those accusations fell by the wayside, devoid of any truth whatsoever. Even more, Thorn’s seen the error of his ways, and he’s come out of this a better man. One who wants to do his best for me, by me, and for our child as well. And what else could a woman ask for? After all, we started out playing spy games. But in the end … there’s no game that trumps the game of love.



  She moaned in front of me, that curvy frame jiggling and wiggling as I touched her sweetest spot.

  “Oh Thorn,” Holly cried out, breathing hard, her face pressed against the mattress. “Yes, right there.”

  I chuckled deeply, pushing my fingers even deeper into that warm, wet channel.

  “Like this?” I asked roughly. “Like this sweetheart?”

  Holly moaned again, breasts swaying beneath that torso.

  “Oh just like that, Mr. Evans,” she breathed, her sweet puss beginning to spasm around my fingers. “Oh yes, please.”

  And I chuckled, my dick rigid, dying to get into her. But my baby’s pleasure means more to me than anything else, especially after what we’ve been through. Because it was hard getting to this place, my ring on her finger, her name now Holly Evans instead of Nelson. Oh yeah, there was a lot of suffering on both our sides, deep-seated pain and longing that had nowhere to go for the longest time.

  But I didn’t get to be CEO without recognizing my own faults. And one of my strengths is correcting them once they’ve been identified. So after realizing that this woman was everything to me, I went at it full bore. I bought the ring. I chased her down. And I made her mine, without giving Holly any opportunity to get away.

  Because she’s the best thing that’s ever happened in my life. This sweet female is the sun that lights my day, the moon that guides my ship at night. And now with the pregnancy, she means even more to me. Because Holly is my everything, and with our son on the way, her ripe, female form and beautiful brain are what rocks my word 24/7.

  And yes, her intelligence grips me by the balls just as much as that curvy body. Somewhere during our courtship, the brunette blossomed into her true sassy self, and shit, but when she handed my gonads to me during that last confrontation, I was scared. I was terrified that Holly was going to walk right out of my life, and that was before I knew she was carrying our child.

  But my woman has good judgment, and she’s able to make excellent decisions. Because the minute that diamond ring appeared, it was clear my words were true. I had every intention of hunting her down and making the female mine. Holly’s visit had merely pushed things forward dramatically, shortening the timeline.

  But all’s well that end’s well. The Nick Ryver bullshit is nothing, and the “top secret” information he was so intent of getting? Most of it was just drivel. My attorneys stamp almost every paper with the words “Privileged and Confidential,” so the stuff he had on tape was mundane business, nothing that was going to rock his world.

  And poor Katrina, his ex-girlfriend. I say ex because the minute Holly stopped talking to her, she was dumped like a rotten tomato. But Holly’s been working with her friend because Katrina had been used too. Frankly, that girl’s too dumb to mastermind anything crazy, she’d been nothing but a pawn in Ryver’s sick game. Hopefully, with my wife’s help, she loses her taste for seventy year-old trolls and meets a decent guy her own age.

  But in the meantime, I’ve still got my curvy female to attend to. At the moment, she was on her hands and knees, moaning as I slid my fingers deep into her vaginal channel, feeling the walls pulse around me.

  “Oh yes,” the woman moaned, her belly so big that I’d slipped a cushion beneath to provide support. “Oh yes.”

  And with a jerk of her hips and a sudden cry, the tremors began. Her sweet pussy clamped down on my hand, once, hard, before shaking like an earthquake gone mad.

  “Thorn!” she cried. “Thorn, now!”

  And right on cue, I slipped my fingers out of her pussy, moving them upwards to toy with her anus before pushing once, hard, and driving them deep into that sweet brown hole. Oh yeah, my baby likes getting her ass fingered, and it’s best when the torrent has already started. Her body’s loose, my fingers are lubed from pussy juice, and shit, but that hole is tight.

  “Unnnnh!” my baby cried, her voice muffled by the pillow. “Oh unnnnh! Thorn!”

  And with that, Holly exploded altogether. Her curvy frame shook, boobs swaying as orgasm wracked that frame.

  “Oh Thorn!” my name erupted from her throat. “Thorn Thorn Thorn!”

  And never has any music sounded so sweet to my ears. Because this is my woman, and I’m her man. The female started as a flight attendant on my private airline, morphing into an alleged spy. But my sweet Holly is no spy, engaged in the world of darkness. She’s my wife now, and the mother of my child. She’s the star that I sail my ship by, and her light will carry us forwards on rocky waves … together forever.



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  My Mom’s Fiancé

  ~A Dark Bad Boy Romance~

  © 2017

  By Cassandra Dee

  Want to hear about my newest illicit romance? Addicted to virgins and alpha males? Join my mailing list at and get a FREE BOOK unavailable elsewhere!


  To all the dirty girls who’ve done something illicit.

  This book’s for you!



  I have a secret. I hooked up with my mom’s fiancé!

  One night at a bar, I got it on with an older guy.

  He had a huge pole, a shaft that made me wet.

  It was so good and absolutely yummy.

  But the next day, I found out that Jake was engaged … TO MY MOM!

  Holy $hit!!!r />
  He’s gonna be my stepdad?

  We just f*cked last night. How can he be getting married to my mom now?

  But it just kept happening.

  We hooked up again.

  And again.

  At the engagement party.

  At the bridal shower.

  Even at the wedding itself.

  It’s filthy, absolutely dirty and disgusting.

  But I want my mom’s hunky fiancé so bad …



  I didn’t even know why I said yes to my friends about going out to the bar.

  Denise and Jenna, professional freshmen partiers and my best friends, are forever trying to get me to go out with them to one club or another on the weekends. But I usually say no. Don’t get me wrong, I have no problem going to the movies with them or the coffee shop where that tatted and pierced hipster guy works behind the counter. Bars and clubs though, are not my scene.

  “Come on, relax and have a drink,” Denise practically screamed over the loud music. She bumped my hip with her own and grinned, already two beers and one shot down the hatch. Her tight tube dress showed off a shape so curvy that a pumpkin would give its right arm to be her.

  “More shots!” Jenna danced over from the bar and through the crowd. With a slick smile, she slid a little tray of rainbow colored drinks onto our high top table. Oh no, the rainbow colored ones are always the worst, sure to be filled with the purest alcohol, mixed with only a tiny bit of fruit juice.

  But no matter. The music pumped hard and energetic around us and Jenna wiggled her tiny backside to the beat. “The bartender made them just for us,” she called. “They’re special.” Of course, there were at least nine shots on the tray.

  She looked over her shoulder and winked at the bartender, a sleazy looking dude in a beanie, with tats on his face. Really? I love tats as much as the next girl, but the one square on his right cheek pretty much eliminated him from most jobs. Sheesh. Shaking my head, I stayed silent. Jenna’s taste in men has always been bizarre.


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