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Claiming His Virgin In the Ring

Page 57

by Cassandra Dee

  But that’s when things went off the rails because Daisy came back with a man in tow. WTF? My heart pounded, chest rising and falling rapidly. But I forced myself to get a grip. Yeah, this was normal. I hadn’t seen her for a year, had walked off without explanation, disappearing, so yeah, she’d probably moved on. Maybe Daisy went on dates with guys, dumb frat boys and lunkhead jocks. The thought made my blood boil but I remained in the room, quiet, lying in wait.

  And heart in my throat, I listened to them talk. Despite being a confident motherfucker, honestly, I was scared at first. I was terrified because her “date” was a good-looking mofo, all serious public-interest lawyer in his brown tweed suit. Shit, had Daisy found a boyfriend? Someone she was genuinely interested in, who shared her interests, with good conversation, a great connection, and even better sex? My heart sank, pulse beating thunderously. I’d been prepared to deal with a lot of things but I wasn’t ready to grapple with the fact that maybe Daisy had found someone meaningful.

  But as they began talking, it was obvious that my girl loathed Mr. Lawyer. I saw how she tried to keep it neutral, speaking politely, smiling at all the right times, but her body language was stiff, her shoulders set, tense, fighting the urge to lean away from him. And when I saw his hand on her knee, I almost guffawed aloud at how she slowly edged her curves away, her lip curling distastefully for a second.

  So the tension eased. I sat back on her narrow bed, the burden lifting from my shoulders, breathing easier. This dude was no one. I was still it, and all I had to do was bide my time.

  But then this Darren dude went for it, trying to feel-up my baby girl and that was it. Raging like an angry bull, I hurtled into the kitchen ripping the smaller man off her like a scraggly puppy. But instead of getting a clue and recognizing that the Big Dog had just come to town, the guy actually stayed to fuck around a bit.

  “Who the fuck are you?” he wheezed, straightening out that brown blazer. Who the fuck wears brown suits these days? It was so fucking ugly, I almost threw him some cash to buy something new.

  But Daisy’s eyes begged me not to say anything, to keep mum on our secret.

  “Um, this is, this is …” she stammered.

  Unfortunately, I was in no mood to hold back.

  “I’m her guardian,” I announced, “and her lover.”

  And that did it. The dude dissolved into hysterical giggles, screaming all sorts of insults, threatening to report us to Children’s Services.

  “I know all the right people in City Government!” he squealed, shaking a fist at us. “I know the Commissioner! I know the Vice Chair! I know, I know, I know!”

  But he was nothing but a tadpole, a tiny fish in the sea. I’m sure my connections ran deeper, I was a billionaire magnate with operations in NYC and London, rubbing shoulders with the elite for decades now. I’m sure all of his “knows” were nothing more than low-level staff members, acquaintances at best.

  And so I raised my eyebrows.

  “So?” I drawled. “Get the fuck out, I don’t care who you are,” and with that, I threw him out of the apartment, Daisy slamming the front door behind him.

  But now that we were alone, the girl and I glared at each other, panting, heaving, her caramel eyes practically shooting sparks.

  “Where have you been?” she demanded, curls wild, boobs bobbing up and down with quick breaths. “How dare you come in here unannounced?”

  But my name was on the lease and I let her know it.

  “I pay your bills or have you forgotten that little girl?” I asked silkily, straightening my clothes. This was a thousand dollar Brioni suit, I was going to have to get it dry cleaned now that that loser had touched it.

  “Wha-?” she started before realization dawned. And I nodded knowingly, holding up the spare key.

  “I pay the rent here, remember?” I asked smoothly. “It’s only fitting that I have a key.”

  And the little girl’s mouth snapped shut then.

  “Well, if this is your place then I guess I should vacate,” she huffed, storming into the bedroom and rummaging around her closet. Before long, she’d dragged out a suitcase and began throwing things in haphazardly, swimsuits, sweaters, a shoe, another shoe, whatever she could get her hands on.

  “Baby,” I said coming up behind her and massaging her shoulders. “Relax, I’m back.”

  She whirled on me.

  “Relax? What the fuck are you talking about Tristan? You just told my boss, my boss, that you’re my guardian and we’ve been fucking. You know what? I’m in deep ka-ka now. Darren’s probably going to report me to the provost, the registrar, I’m going to lose my internship, everything!”

  And I merely chuckled, running a big finger over her shoulder, down one arm, trailing all the way to her wrist.

  “Baby I don’t think you need to worry about that, I can make sure nothing changes,” I murmured, entranced as I stared at that tiny waist, the wide, swinging hips. “It’s no big deal.”

  That made her scream with rage, turning on me again.

  “It may be no big deal to you, Mr. CEO,” she hissed, “but I’m a student or have you not noticed that? I’m a nobody, no one’s going to cut me any breaks, my reputation’s ruined, my career trashed before it’s even begun, and you … you didn’t even think about me!” she accused.

  Now that was going too far.

  “Honey, calm down,” I soothed, sitting on the bed and wrangling her into my lap. It was harder than it sounds. Even though I have about a hundred pounds on Daisy, she was a writhing, furious mess, a kitty cat on a hot tin roof, skittering with her teeth bared.

  “You don’t get to touch me!” she hissed, trying to scratch, kick me with her tiny feet.

  And that pissed me off. I threw her down on the bed then, pinning her arms by her side, using my superior bulk to hold her still, prevent her from moving.

  “Don’t you ever say that,” I rasped back, glaring at her, inches from those beautiful lips. “You’re mine to touch, to hold, to do with what I like. You belong to me.”

  And the little girl bit her lip, silent for an instant. But I couldn’t keep her down long.

  “Well,what kind of man leaves his little girl?” she shot back. “I haven’t seen you in a year, in a year Tristan, what kind of man abandons his little girl for a year?”

  And she had a good point. Ignoring my body’s immediate reaction to those curves pressed against me, I looked her deep in those deep brown eyes and spoke from the heart.

  “Honey, I’m sorry,” I said sincerely. “I had to go. There were so many reasons to stay, but so many to go too. You’re young, you needed time on your own, to grow up a little, figure out what you want,” the apologies rolled off my tongue.

  But Daisy wasn’t persuaded so easily.

  “Right Daddy, I was young then and you know what? I’m still young. Fess up. Does this have more to do with me … or with you?” she asked archly, her breath coming fast now. I noticed with satisfaction that she wasn’t immune to my presence either. Her hips started to squirm slightly, those lips reddening, bee-stung and beautiful.

  And I respected her for the question.

  “You’re right, it’s not totally about you,” I admitted.

  Silence for a moment.

  “It’s about you, isn’t it?” she asked pointedly.

  I nodded slowly, my grasp on her wrists relaxing. To get more comfortable I shifted to the side a bit, easing my weight off of her, letting the woman breathe easier even as I slipped a knee between her legs, entangling our thighs, coming ever closer to that sweet cunt.

  “It is about me, sort of,” I acknowledged. “I have a business to run, I have shareholders to keep happy. Even though I’m a man about town,” I added wryly, my finger trailing over her stomach slowly, “I have an image to maintain.”

  “Oh really,” she said sarcastically, “and pray tell, what image is that?”

  “It’s not a totally clean image, I admit,” I said, “but it’s not one where I seduc
e a girl under my protection either. Remember, I’m the publisher of Everyday Dads and Moms and Tots, I can’t exactly let it get out that I’ve been banging my ward. What would our subscriber base say?”

  “So it was business,” repeated Daisy, but there was less bitterness to her voice now. In fact, her voice was downright neutral, which in some ways was even scarier. What was going on?

  But I ignored the warning bells for the time being, blocking out the clanging. I wanted my woman too much, wanted to be buried in that sweet cunt again and I couldn’t process the fact that there were many layers to the brunette, subtle nuances that I couldn’t quite read at the moment.

  “It was business,” I confirmed, letting my hand wander more, now stroking Daisy’s shoulders, trailing through her long tresses. “I couldn’t let the world know that I was in a relationship with my ward because it would have impacted shareholder earnings. It was too much of a risk.”

  She was silent for a moment.

  “So what’s changed?” she asked, meeting my eyes directly. “How come now all of a sudden it’s okay to announce to the world that we’re sleeping together?”

  And I laughed then.

  “Because, little girl …” I said trailing my finger slowly over her breast, feeling the nub harden beneath my fingertips.

  “It’s still business isn’t it?” she finished, breathless, vibrating a bit as I touched her.

  I nodded.

  “We sold Everyday Dads and Moms and Tots,” I said carelessly, “They were trash, didn’t pull in what we spent. And we’re looking into other opportunities, scoping out possibilities with gentlemen’s zines, maybe some laddie mags.”

  But it didn’t seem as if little girl heard because she was stretching languorously below me, moaning as I squeezed her tits, massaging the nipples, pulling them before flicking them with my fingertips, paying homage to those creamy orbs.

  “Oh Tristan,” she moaned, “Oh Daddy, I missed you.”

  And those were the words that I wanted, music to my ears.

  “Baby I’ve missed you too,” I rumbled, parting her lips for a sweet kiss. “I’ve missed you more than you know,” I rasped into her mouth.

  And just like that, we were on again, the conversation forgotten. I’m not even sure how our clothes disappeared so quickly, one moment we were fully dressed on the bedspread, and the next moment we were both naked, Daisy’s curvy form writhing, twisting, cunt running wetly, offering her breasts, her twat to me.

  “Daddy,” she breathed. “Mr. Marks, please!”

  And that’s exactly what I wanted to hear. I moved between her legs, trailing a finger along that wet slit, watching as that greedy cunt tried to pull me in even then, vibrating with my touch, her little clit peeping out from between her folds.

  “Now baby, you know what Mr. Marks likes to see,” I rumbled. “Hold yourself open for me.”

  And obediently the girl ran a hand between her legs until she had a finger on each side of her fat, swollen lips. Slowly, oh so slowly, she pulled herself apart, lifting her knees simultaneously so that I could look straight up her hole, seeing that pink pulsing flesh, insides creaming so beautifully, the walls of her channel slickly wet.

  “Like this Daddy? Like this?” she panted.

  “Like that exactly,” I nodded, leaning forward for a sweet kiss on her cunt, tasting the pink, sipping a bit of nectar. Oh god, I’d missed this so much, she was so appetizing, so juicy, her femaleness overwhelming, her cunt lips swollen and pulsing against my mouth.

  But Daisy raised herself on her elbows, breathless, and paused for a moment.

  “Mr. Marks I’ve been bad,” she confessed in a small voice.

  “Bad how?” I murmured against her folds. I was addicted to this, I’d been addicted once before and getting a shot of the drug again was like fucking cocaine, my body raging, dying to be in her again, desperate in its pursuit. Besides, I wasn’t too worried. Daisy, bad? It could only be the best type of bad.

  “I’ve been eating candy,” she confessed.

  Oh, so it was bad. I frowned.

  “What type?” I said sternly. “Jolly Ranchers? Jellie Bellies? Sour Patch Kids?”

  Her chin trembled a bit.

  “No, Dum-Dums,” she said in a small voice, almost like she was afraid I would scold her.

  “Ahh, Dum-Dums,” I said knowingly. “And do you eat them once a day? Twice a day?”

  “Just once,” she admitted. “But I have a stash.”

  A stash?

  “Show me,” I commanded. And slowly, Daisy got up, reaching under her bed to pull out a plastic shopping bag. Sure enough, she had a king-size bag of lollipops in her hands, the kind you buy when you’re expecting trick-or-treaters, enough to feed a neighborhood.

  “Baby,” I frowned, “Too much candy is bad for you, the sugar overload will make you hyper,” I scolded.

  That made Daisy giggle.

  “But Mr. Marks, I don’t eat it, not really,” she said. “You heard me wrong, I play with the Dum-Dums.”

  My eyebrows shot off my forehead. Play with the Dum-Dums? I had to see.

  “Show me,” I ground out, my dick at full force now, ten inches ramrod straight and pointing at the little girl, the tip moist already, veins pulsing.

  “Oh Mr. Marks, you’re so funny,” she tittered. “But okay, I’ll show you what I do,” and with that, she sat up, unwrapping a purple Dum-Dum.

  “Grape’s my favorite,” she said saucily, shooting a sly look. And without missing a beat, she popped the lollipop into her mouth, running it around with her tongue, sucking at it all the while never breaking eye contact.

  “Ohhh, tastes so good,” she moaned. “So, so good.”

  And slowly, oh so slowly, she got on her hands and knees, lollipop in her mouth. Spreading her legs while making sucking noises, she made sure I had a clear view of her cunt before popping the sucker out and running it up and down her nether lips, smearing the sweet sugar all over her labia.

  “Ohh,” she moaned again. “Feels good.”

  But that was only the first part of the show. Pressing her cheek against the pillow, ass in the air, she reached one hand between her legs and spread her pussy lips so that her clit was fully visible, pulsing and throbbing with arousal. I groaned, hand moving fast on my dick, ready to eat that pussy, suckle that clit before spurting my sperm inside.

  But Daisy wasn’t done. Making sure my eyes were glued to her twat, she traced the head of the lollipop around her clit, massaging it, working the grape flavor all over her nub before slowly, oh so slowly, inserting it into her hole, those pink pussy walls squeezing the little head, sucking the lollipop into her sweetness. And once it was in, Daisy began rotating the stick, stirring it in circles, massaging her cunt with the Dum-Dum head, running it in and out, fucking herself with the grape.

  “Oh oh oh!” she moaned, eyes closed in ecstasy, face pressed into the pillow. “Ohhhh fuck!”

  Shit, this was pure heaven. I’d been away from this pussy for too long and hadn’t remembered how sweet, how dirty, how perfect this girl was. And the tiny lollipop couldn’t be satisfying her, couldn’t be more than a two on a scale of one to ten. Daisy needed my dick, needed it bad, and I was more than happy to do the honors.

  So in a flash, it happened. I flicked her wrist away from her cunt, popping out the Dum-Dum and buried myself in that pink cunt in half a second, her walls tight around me, pulling me, sucking me in deep like a ravenous woman.

  “Ohhh!” Daisy shrieked, boobs swinging pendulously beneath her. “Oh oh oh!”

  And I gave it up just like that. It’d been a year without my beautiful girl, without my sweet, nasty virgin, and I’d been desperate without her. Life had lost its color, I’d been bored as shit and now that I had Daisy back, I was taking her this way and that, unleashing myself, desperate to feel her sweetness, feel that womanly flesh pulling me in, massaging me, making me all man.

  “Fuuuck,” I groaned against the back of her neck as my hips pumped
against her. “Fuck fuck fuck,” I moaned again, our skin slapping obscenely, my balls bouncing off her clit with each stroke, bodies slick with perspiration.

  “Ohh!” she mewled beneath me. “Oh Mr. Marks!”

  And hearing her call out in the throes of ecstasy tipped me over the edge. My balls contracted sharply before shooting, ream after ream of semen spurting into her sweet pussy, spraying the pinkness, drenching her ovaries in my precious white. And the little girl came too, her entire body clenching once, then twice, before dissolving into a series of delicious tremors, her cunt shaking, clamping so hard on my dick that I thought I’d never be able to get out.

  And we collapsed, a sweaty, sated mess on the bed, my big form pinning her into the bedspread, buried deep still.

  “Fuck baby,” I murmured, voice unsteady. “You always do this to me.” And it was true. I’d never had such mind-blowing, satisfyingly dirty sex in my life. It blew my mind, like I’d been on a roller-coaster, the air sucked out of my lungs, my brain positively fried. Daisy was stunning in every way, shape and form, ten times better than when I’d left her.

  And I had to know.

  “Where’d you come up with that Dum-Dum shit?” I rumbled lazily.

  “Hmm?” she smiled languorously, enjoying my weight on her, shifting slightly. “Didn’t you like it?” she asked, keeping her eyes closed.

  I trailed my tongue down the side of her neck, tasting the slight saltiness of perspiration, making the girl hum with contentment again.

  “Baby, I fucking loved it,” I ground out, my dick still clamped in her cunt. God, I could die like this, it was so fucking good, so fucking dirty. “But where’d you learn that act?”

  And Daisy merely wiggled her butt against me.

  “My secret, Mr. Marks,” she breathed. “Every woman’s got to have some secrets, don’t you know?” she giggled. And I gave up then, distracted by the jiggling, the luscious curves, the hardening of my dick again. I hadn’t seen the brunette in a year and I’d only come once in her body, spraying my semen deep into her pussy. I wanted her again, wanted her to taste my cum, rub it into her skin, watch as it dripped down her thighs, spilling from her ass. So I bit her throat lightly and shifted again, cock hardening inside her sweet pussy. There’d be time for Q&A later … but for now, there was only this.


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