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Claiming His Virgin In the Ring

Page 76

by Cassandra Dee

  I smiled softly to myself. No matter. I was an adult woman, and I’d live. Sure, I was out of practice and inexperienced, but shit, this was real life. Last night hadn’t been about love, and I wasn’t kidding myself. I didn’t expect to see Trent ever again, and it fucking sucked. But you have to make lemonade out of lemons and last night had been exactly what I’d needed. The alpha male had fucked me so hard, clearing my mind, my body limp and delicious, and today, and I was ready to take on the world.

  So I stretched in the bed, looking out the window, enjoying the view. Who had the man been? Who was the sexy male who’d taken me so thoroughly, making me cream like a whore? I might never know, and that was the reality. I suppose I could ask the hotel front desk, they’d have his name, but it seemed too crazy, very stalker-ish.

  So languorously, I slipped out of bed, stretching once more, pussy aching, ass sizzling still. Fuck, I could still feel Trent’s hands all over my body, caressing, stroking, before settling in for a deep rub, his dick deep in my anus, the internal massage incredible. But that was then, and this was now. So reaching for my dress, I picked up the crumpled fabric and eased myself into the tight outfit. Shit, this was gonna be the ultimate walk of shame, I looked a mess, I’d obviously been fucked thoroughly, there’d clearly been penis in me last night. So I combed my hair, trying to pin it back, trying to look like the old me, respectable and presentable. And it worked, with my curls tamed and my jacket on, I looked like a PTA mom once more.

  But despite outward appearances, things were different now. Maybe only emotionally, but different all the same. Because the pleasure chest had been unlocked and there was no going back. After five years of exile, I was alive once more, and ready to explore, have fun, live an independent life. No more nights home alone, curled up with my cat and a movie. I wanted to go out, meet men, and oh god, feel a dick in me once more, give myself up to the ecstasy, savoring the pleasure. I’d love it to be with Trent again, but my chances of finding him? Probably zero.

  So shaking my head resignedly, I picked up my purse, slinging it over my shoulder. No worries, the alpha had already done wonders for me, bestowing me with an amazing gift, something that I’d treasure forever. Even looking into the mirror, I could see it. There was an extra sparkle to my eye, my cheeks slightly flushed and I smiled to myself again, the stinging in my butt so good. Shit, when would that stop? When would I be able to sit normally again?

  But right. It was time to get back because my son was coming home today, and Robbie has a huge appetite. At twenty, he’s still growing and putting muscle onto his frame, likely he’d devour two plates of bacon and eggs, plus a stack of pancakes and a carton of juice in twenty minutes. I smiled, excited to have my boy back, it was time to put my night of lust on the back burner, even if only temporarily. Right, time to get back to real life.

  So letting myself out of the hotel room, I closed the door softly, pausing once more in the hallway with a wry smile on my face. It’d been fantastic. Being fucked by a real man had been mind-blowingly awesome, and I promised myself that no matter what happened next, this was the beginning to a new life, a new me … filled with excitement and surprise.



  Last night had been crazy hot. I won’t pretend it wasn’t. Because I was at a hotel for spring training, I’m in the minor leagues hoping to be called up to the majors soon, and yeah, they put us up at the Hotel Tivoli during a hard week of weights, sprints, runs, batting practice, everything that goes into being a grade-A ballplayer.

  But I’m not complaining. I’m focused on hitting the big time and putting in the work was just part of the process. Because yeah, usually I’m up at five a.m. doing weights before grabbing a carb-loaded breakfast, and then in for some hand-eye conditioning before heavy duty batting practice. It’s a tough life, but where I’m headed, nothing’s going to be easy so may as well suck it up now.

  But last night had been a break from it all. We’d wrapped up another rough week and the team had been set free to relax, take a night off on the city. So most of the guys had beat feet to Scores or Knuckles or whatever strip joint had the hottest girls, sure to lose it to some ugly hooker. I shrugged. It’s part of being a ballplayer, we’re not picky when it comes to females. But I dunno, money for sex didn’t sound good last night. Not that I’m judgmental, it’s not like I’ve never indulged, I just wasn’t feeling it last night. So instead I dragged myself to the hotel bar, not expecting much, probably the dentist from Toledo and his wife, excited to be in New York partying it up.

  And yeah, my expectations were spot on. The place was pretty cheesy, a lot of old people, dressed in too-tight clothing, lumpy and pudgy, already drunk after two cocktails. But there’d been the woman. I’d seen her right away, she was fucking beautiful, like an angel standing in a glow of light, unsure, biting her lip. And like a magnet, I was drawn to her, my feet moving in long strides across the bar, ready to assault. But evidently half the males in the room had the same idea, I practically had to shove three guys out of the way just to get to her. And fuck, but Marie was so beautiful up close, those big brown eyes, the curvy body, her tits creamy, fleshy, hard nips visible even in the dark of the room. The innocence in her eyes made me think there was no way she was coming home with me, no way she’d give it up to a man she didn’t know, some random stranger. So when the brunette melted in my arms, locking lips, sinking into my broad frame, I was surprised, gratified and fucking horny at once, determined to show the honey a good time.

  And it ended up being more than that. It was more than good, it was un-fucking-believable how hot and deep we went at it, how I took that curvy body every which way, drilling her thoroughly in her ass, her pussy, those sweet folds enveloping me, her breathy pants coming fast before rising into a high-pitched whine, giving it up, exploding all over me, puss clenching fast and hard around my hard rod, shattering with sweet pulses.

  And fuck, but I exploded too. I fucking came again and again in that sweet body, her ass and cunt draining me dry, milking me of every last drop, catching every sweet spurt of semen, wasting none. But fuck, I couldn’t let up on my training so I got up at five a.m. as usual and went downstairs to hit the weights. And when I got back the girl was gone. That’s right, that sweet, curvy body was gone, nothing but a warm imprint in the sheets, the sensual smell of sex still heavy in the air.

  I was disappointed, sure. It’d been so good between us that I wanted to follow-up, give her a call at least, maybe hang out again. But it was too late. The brunette was gone, nothing but her perfume in the air, and fuck, but I only had myself to blame. I could have left a note, I dunno, gotten her cell at least, but instead I’d snuck off like some loser.

  So cursing myself, I hopped in the shower. We had a rare weekend off and I was spending it at my buddy Robbie’s place. Robbie and I are friends from school, we played baseball together before I dropped out to focus on the minor leagues. Robbie’s still doing the college thing and more power to him, the guy’s a fucking genius, I’d never be able to do what he does, books and shit, who the fuck knows. But for our one weekend off, my buddy was in town too, staying at his mom’s place and he’d invited me over to crash.

  “There’s not much going on in Sunnyside,” he warned, “It’s a sleepy place.”

  I nodded, shrugging. Whatever. As a ballplayer, I party all the time, it’s practically a requirement being on a team, you gotta get to know your teammates otherwise there’s no “team.” So I was looking forward to a week of relaxation, of quiet time in a nothing town, no distractions, no stress, just relaxing, kicking back and catching movies, maybe chatting a few girls up at a local bar, hanging with my buddy.

  So Sunnyside, Florida it was. And hopping out of the shower, I threw my few possessions into a backpack, zipping it up with no trouble. Yeah, I travel light, I don’t have much shit, you learn to do without when you’re constantly moving between cities. And shit, but my dick pulsed unexpectedly then. Because looking around the hotel
room, the big bed mussed, the air still heavy with the scent of sex, a few sensuous whiffs of the woman’s pussy lingered in the air, making me inhale deep. Fuck, it was amazing. Marie had been beautiful, and I wanted more, wanted those sweet thighs clasped around me once more, the brunette screaming as I fucked her hard, wrapping her arms around me, slamming that tight cunt on my dick. But she was gone now … and it was time to move on.



  The morning light was still grey as I pulled into the driveway. Robbie’s car was nowhere in sight and I breathed a sigh of relief. Thank god, I had some time to get ready. I let myself into the house and scampered up the stairs, headed straight for the bathroom, stepping under the hot spray. Perfect. The water pounded on my back and shoulders as I lathered my hair, letting out another sensuous sigh of enjoyment. Because I could still feel Trent in me, deep in my private places, but yeah, I could hardly face my son with another man’s smell all over me, wafting from my skin.

  So I lathered quickly, rinsing off, and got dressed, toweling my hair dry before pulling on jeans and a sweater. But the new Marie was here. Instead of a baggy cardigan, I went with a tight sweater, one that curved over the sensuous shape of my breasts, highlighting my generous shape, and I picked out a pair of jeans that I hadn’t worn in years, the denim snug, hugging my hips, molding my behind, exaggerating my hourglass figure.

  But I loved it, feeling sassy and combed my hair back, leaving the wet curls to dangle instead of clipping them like I usually did. And with a sparkle to my eye, a slight prance to my step, I headed downstairs to make breakfast for my son. Robbie would be here soon and the best way to get him to open up was through food, the way to my son’s heart was through his stomach.

  But when I stepped into the living room, the aroma of hot coffee wafted towards me, and I cocked my head, puzzled. Who could it be? Was Robbie here already? I made my way across the living room, and the sound of male voices sounded, low and masculine. Suddenly realization poured over me. Oh right, Robbie had a friend coming for the week, I’d forgotten that he’d mentioned a buddy was visiting, someone from college. No worries, I’d stocked up on groceries ahead of time, there was enough to feed a small army.

  But when I stepped into the kitchen, my eyes grew wide, mouth dropping open in surprise. Because my son was at the stovetop sure, whipping up pancakes like a master chef, and I hadn’t realized he could cook. But even more shocking was the man standing on the other side of the small kitchen, downing a huge glass of orange juice. Huge, dark, towering, with the bluest of blue eyes, my lover looked back at me, confused, before his expression smoothed, neutral, giving away nothing.

  “Hey Mom,” grunted Robbie from over by the stove. “This is Trent, my buddy from school. I told you, right? I told you I had a friend staying over for spring break, we’re hanging out this week.”

  Flustered, I tried to gather my thoughts, head spinning. My dark, dangerous lover, the one who’d spilled his seed into me multiple times last night, was my son’s friend? Oh god, oh god, he was probably only twenty, the same as Robbie, I was old enough to be his mother. Literally, old enough to be his mother. Why hadn’t I noticed last night? I stole surreptitious looks at him now, in the bright light of day, and yes, he was younger looking than I’d first realized, there was no gray in his hair, body bursting with the power and vitality, all man, a full six four, towering, massive in my kitchen. My cheeks grew hot, insides melting as I tried to digest it all.

  But Trent put his glass down casually, shooting me a confident, lazy grin.

  “Hey Mrs. Sands,” he drawled, blue eyes all over me as my son cooked away. “It’s so nice to meet you.”

  I started, eyes flying open, but then recovered quickly.

  “I’m Ms. Sands,” I said, emphasizing the “Ms.” “And it’s nice to meet you too,” I said with only a small tremor in my voice, trying to sound normal. The big man shot me a knowing look, shivers rippling through my frame. What the fuck? What the fuck? I needed to take control, but at that very moment, a slight drip of his semen edged from my ass, a slow trickle slipping down my crack, uncomfortably wet and yet so fucking arousing. Oh god, oh god, how could this be happening? Why now, of all times? But I knew why. Trent had come in me so many times last night that I’d be feeling trickles of him dripping out from me for the rest of the day, small oozes here and there at the most unexpected times.

  And like he could read my mind, the big man smiled at me again, blue eyes gleaming, big body relaxed but with an air of dominance and possession. Could my son feel it? Did Robbie sense that something was going on between his mother and friend, the sizzle in the air? Oh god, oh god. This was going to be the craziest week because the alpha male was here, in my kitchen, and we had a week together within the small confines of my house.

  But my son continued, completely oblivious just like a teen, snorting at my insistence at being called “Ms.”

  “My dad’s a giant fuck-up he left a long time ago,” he grunted, shoveling pancakes into a giant stack. “So yeah, my mom’s been single for years, you got any hook-ups for her?”

  I turned beet red then, the top of my head almost blowing off. Because the man I’d had incredible sex with last night was standing right here, looking like a lazy lion, still shooting that grin my way, one side of his mouth quirked up at the corner, while my son tried to find me a date.

  I jumped in fast.

  “That’s not what Robbie means,” I said quickly. “What he means is that I’ve taken a break from dating since the divorce and am ready to get my feet wet once more,” I added hurriedly. “Slowly but surely, I’ll get out there.”

  Robbie snorted again.

  “Please Ma,” he said, “Dad was a fuck-up, he didn’t deserve you. I’m an adult now, and know what hapepend,” he continued. “You were way too nice for him for way too long, it was good that he left.”

  I blushed furiously. It was so inappropriate to be having this conversation in front of a total stranger and yet, Trent wasn’t exactly a stranger either. He was my one-night lover, the man I’d woken to dozen of times during the night, welcoming his dick in me, craving it even, letting him take me wherever, whenever. My body grew hot again just thinking about it and shit, but my pussy moistened again, the slit still sore from his shaft. He’d been so hard, so huge, so dominating, making me come over and over again last night, and yet here I was, in my kitchen, being embarrassed by my own son. Go figure, having kids really is incredible, I would have sold Robbie for five dollars at the moment.

  But Trent smiled lazily at me again, that big form relaxed, leaning against the counter.

  “How’s it going?” he asked. “The dating I mean.”

  I went from slightly pink to beet red then.

  “Good, good,” I said quickly, trying to hide my embarrassment. “Now Robbie, what are your plans for the week? Did you guys have plans, or were you going to relax and hang out?” I said quickly, trying to change the subject.

  My son turned to me, sliding the heaping stack of pancakes on the kitchen counter before turning to grab some maple syrup.

  “Probably just relax,” he said casually. “Trent here’s got some time off from spring training, so we’re going to lie low for a while, catch up around town.”

  And I swung to his friend, eyes suddenly inquisitive. Spring training? For what? Reading my mind, Trent nodded in confirmation.

  “I’m taking some time off from school,” he rumbled lazily. “Working the minor leagues, hoping to be called up to the majors soon.”

  And my eyebrows shot up. No wonder he had such an amazing body, toned, athletic, perfectly symmetrical with strong arms and thick thighs. Because he was a pro athlete. Oh my god, I’d run my hands so many times over that perfect physique last night, savoring the hard muscle, licking that broad chest a few times, nestling into the crook of his arm, gluing myself against the massive bulk. And it was because working out was part of his job, he had the best trainers, the best nutritionists on
call, hours of practice each day. No wonder Trent was Adonis come to life, a god of a man. And I watched amazed as he dug into a stack of pancakes covered with syrup, a huge fluffy ball of butter melting on top. Wasn’t that bad? This stuff was unhealthy as all get-out, right, filled with evil sugar and fat. But he read my mind.

  “They work us so hard that I need the calories,” he said, digging in with relish, pushing a huge forkful into his mouth. That one forkful would have been three or four bites for me. “So yeah, even if it’s not super healthy per se, I still need calories and pancakes are a way to get them.”

  But then he paused, looking at me, eyes dancing over my frame.

  “Why don’t you have some too?” he asked. “Here, where are the plates? Let me get you some Ms. Sands,” he said, big body in motion suddenly.

  I was just about to demur when my son spoke up again.

  “Naw my mom doesn’t eat stuff like this, she’s a health nut, always trying to get skinnier. Are you still doing that crazy diet Mom? The one where you drink a ton of lemon juice?”

  I colored once more. I hadn’t been on the South Beach diet in years, but yeah, it’d been painful, drinking liters of lemon water with cayenne pepper in it, not a morsel of food passing my lips. So I shook my head.

  “No, I’ve been off that for years now, and besides South Beach didn’t work for me,” I said with a wry smile. “I put all the weight back on and then some.”

  But Trent was looking at me hard, now, a plate in his big hands, blue eyes glued to my curves.

  “Naw, Ms. Sands,” he said softly, the casualness of his voice belying the intensity of his gaze. “You look great the way you are, no need for diets. In fact,” he said, heaping the plate with pancakes, “take this, eat up.”

  And I blushed because I was curvy all around, in fact, he’d seen up close and personal last night just how round I was, my ass busting out to here, my breasts to there. And if I remembered correctly, he’d loved it all, burying his face between my tits, savoring the fleshiness, popping my nips into his mouth, his hands stroking my ass, between my legs the entire time, making me mewl and scream.


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