All Worked Up

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All Worked Up Page 5

by Eve Vaughn

  She laughed—a rich, throaty sound.

  Landon furrowed his brows together in his frustration. He’d braced himself for any number of reactions, but laughter hadn’t been one of them. “What’s so funny? I wasn’t joking.”

  Gloria halted in mid-guffaw. Both brows shot up. “You’re serious?”

  “As a heart attack.”

  Her mouth formed a perfect “O”, and if there weren’t people working out around them, he’d show her just how serious he was.


  She didn’t get the chance to finish her statement because they were interrupted by a high-pitched greeting. “Landon, sweetie!” Before he could prepare himself, a tall redhead catapulted herself into his arms, nearly knocking him over. She kissed him square on the lips.

  Landon looked in Gloria’s direction to see her staring at something on the ground as if it were the most fascinating thing she’d ever seen. An uneasy expression crossed her face. Damn. This wasn’t how he’d pictured things would go when he asked her out.

  “Sharon. How are you?” Detangling himself from her strong hold, he tried to inject as much formality into his voice as possible. Landon wanted there to be no doubt in either woman’s mind exactly where he stood.

  Sharon poked out her bottom lip into a pout. On Gloria it had looked sexy, but on Sharon it reminded him of a petulant child. “You haven’t called in ages. I should be very angry with you, but I’ll forgive you if you take me out to dinner tonight. Then, you can have dessert at my place.” She ran her tongue over glossy lips and gave him a wink. He wanted no part of the dessert she had to offer.

  “Uh, Landon, I think I should be heading out now. I’ll see you the same time on Thursday?” Gloria’s gaze was already on the exit but she wasn’t about to get away from him so easily, not when he’d finally built up the courage to tell her how he felt.

  Landon walked over and took Gloria’s hand. “You can’t go yet. I’m not letting you wiggle out of our date tonight.”

  “Date!” Both women exclaimed at the same time. Gloria’s jaw dropped and Sharon stared at Landon with utter disbelief.

  “Landon, is this your idea of a joke?” the redhead demanded. Sharon’s reaction underlined one of the very reasons he’d lost interest. She had such a high opinion of herself, it didn’t occur to her that everyone didn’t worship at the altar of Sharon.

  He lifted his shoulder into a shrug of nonchalance. “I’m not laughing, so I guess not.”

  Sharon’s normally attractive face contorted into an ugly scowl as she surveyed Gloria from head to toe. “Since when are you into fat black chicks?”

  Landon considered himself an even-tempered guy, but nothing made him angrier than unnecessary cruelty. He’d been on the receiving end of it too many times when he was younger to tolerate it now. “Apologize to Gloria now!” He spoke through clenched teeth. His fists were clenched tightly by his sides because he didn’t trust himself not to throttle the bitch.

  Sharon’s nostrils flared, her face turning bright red. “I’ll do no such thing. Just because you’ve lowered your standards, doesn’t mean I have to like it.” Flipping her red locks over her shoulders, she lifted her chin defiantly. “And why should I apologize? She is fat.”

  It was on the tip of his tongue to tell her exactly where to go, but Gloria placed her hand on his shoulder. “Landon, it’s okay if she doesn’t want to apologize when it’s plain to see she was never taught manners. People like her should be pitied.”

  Sharon turned a deeper shade of red as she turned her angry blue gaze in Gloria’s direction. “Who the hell do you think you’re talking to, Fatty?”

  Gloria’s hand tightened on Landon’s shoulder, holding him back. “I may be a fatty but I’m the one Landon’s taking out tonight. Besides, I could always lose weight but you’ll always be a hateful bitch. So, run along little girl and leave us adults alone.”

  Sharon’s mouth gaped open, giving her the appearance of a fish on a hook. She obviously expected Gloria to back down—classic bully syndrome, but when she didn’t get the expected reaction, Sharon hissed, “Bitch!” before turning to Landon. “When you get tired of slumming, give me a call.”

  Landon shook his head. “Don’t count on it.”

  Chapter Six

  Gloria could only stare while she watched the angry redhead storm off in a huff. As upsetting as Sharon’s comments had been, it wasn’t the first time someone had called her that.

  “I’ll make her apologize to you,” Landon muttered, moving to follow the irate woman.

  Gloria grabbed his arm. “No. I don’t need an apology. Even if you could wrangle one out from her, it wouldn’t be sincerely given, so what’s the point?”

  “I don’t appreciate the way she spoke to you,” Landon growled. “It was rude and uncalled for.”

  “And I don’t appreciate you making a date I didn’t agree to.” When Landon lied about them going out, Gloria had been shocked, but quickly got over it. She figured it was just an excuse he’d used to get rid of Sharon, although as excuses went, it was a pretty lame one. No one would believe someone who looked like Landon would be interested in her. She’d didn’t contradict him in front of Sharon, however, to prevent further embarrassment.

  Landon had the good grace to blush. “I’m sorry, Gloria. I didn’t mean to spring it on you like that. I pictured the first time I asked you out to be under better circumstances, but—”

  Gloria held up her hand. His heart was in the right place, but she wouldn’t allow him to continue this charade. “Landon, please stop before you go any further. We both know you were just using me as a convenient excuse not to go out with Sharon. You don’t have to pretend any interest in me because someone tried to hurt my feelings.”

  Landon folded his arms across his hard chest, his lips twisting briefly. “You might think you know me, but you don’t. I’m not easily pressured into doing something I don’t want to. The reason I asked you out, is because I’ve thought of nothing else since I saw you again.”

  Was she dreaming? She had to be. Why else would he say this to her? Landon was the epitome of all her wildest carnal urgings. Since they’d met up again, not a single night had gone by when Gloria didn’t think of him. Or how she’d run her hands along her body, pretending they were his. And then she’d close her eyes tight, sliding two fingers inside her moist pussy while she groaned his name. To hear him voice her fantasy come true sent her mind into a tailspin. If this was some kind of joke, she didn’t like it one bit. “I don’t know what game you’re playing—”

  “This is no game.” Landon took Gloria by the arm and led her through the gym. When she attempted to pull away, his grip tightened.

  “Where are you taking me?” she demanded.

  “To my office.”

  She braced her knees and dug her heels into the floor. It was one thing to work out with him when there were other people around to prevent her from doing something stupid, but it was a completely different story if she was alone with him. There was no telling what crazy thing she’d blurt out to shame herself. “I’m not going anywhere with you.”

  Landon turned to her, green eyes glinting with determination. “You can either come with me willingly or I’ll haul you over my shoulder and carry you there.”

  A gasp tumbled from her lips. “You wouldn’t dare.”

  “You’d be surprised what I dare, Gloria.”

  “I-I’m too heavy.”

  “Wanna put it to the test?” Judging from the intensity of his stare, Gloria had a feeling he’d do exactly what he’d said. What would it look like with her big behind slung over his shoulder? She shuddered at the thought.

  “Fine,” she muttered, deciding to give in rather than be made a spectacle of. With a deep sigh, she allowed him to lead her up the stairs.

  Once inside, he closed the door behind them.

  Gloria wrapped her arms around her body and looked around the spacious room to give herself something to do. Two chairs res
ted in front of a large metal desk in the center of the office and a comfy looking black leather sofa was situated in the corner. The walls were decorated with different motivational phrases. “It looks like you did some redecorating since my last visit. I like that new painting on the wall.”

  A faint smile touched his lips. “Thanks. I like it. Have a seat, Gloria.”

  “No, thank you. I’d rather stand. And another thing, why did you tell your lady friend we were going out tonight? It was a ridiculous thing to say and she saw right through it. I, oomph—” Her words cut off when he pulled her against the hard wall of his chest.

  “What’s ridiculous is you fighting the attraction we both feel.” He dipped his head and brushed her lips with his.

  If this was a dream, she didn’t want to wake up, but still there were reasons why this shouldn’t be happening. She placed her palms against his torso with the intention of pushing him away, but the heated flesh and his throbbing heart beneath her fingertips demanded her hands remain on his body.

  When he nuzzled the side of her neck, Gloria couldn’t stop him if she wanted to. A shiver worked its way up her spine and made her shoulders shake. A sudden wave of heat flared in her pussy.

  “Sweet,” he groaned. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this to you.” Landon brought his lips down on hers again. This time the kiss was more urgent, more desperate. Cupping her face between his palms, he ground his mouth against hers, demanding a response. “Open your mouth to me, Gloria. I want to taste you so bad. Don’t deny me what we both want.”

  She parted her lips on a sigh, granting him the access he sought. Landon’s tongue swooped between her lips, sampling the recesses of her mouth. It wasn’t merely a kiss, but an awakening of her soul. No one had ever kissed her with such ardor and passion. In that moment, she could almost believe Landon desired her every bit as much as he had in her fantasies. Not that it mattered. She was sure this had to be some kind of aberration, but for now she intended to concentrate on how wonderfully male he tasted and how his raw scent had her pulses racing. Growing lightheaded with desire, Gloria tossed her arms around his neck and threaded her fingers through his silky blond locks. She pressed her now aching breasts against his torso. Her pussy tingled with need.

  It had been so long since someone had made her feel desirable and wanted. She didn’t want this moment between them to end. Since she’d begun training with Landon, Gloria wondered what it would be like to be held within the circle of his large corded arms, but not once did she think her silent longings would come to fruition. Breaking the tight seal of their lips, she turned her head away to catch her breath. “Landon,” she moaned.

  “Need you,” he groaned. Not giving her a chance to speak, he pushed her against the wall and leaned into her. The hard press of his erection against her thigh sent ripples of sensation along her nerve endings. His mouth moved over hers as if he couldn’t get enough of her taste. Landon lowered his hands, letting them trace the outline of her spine until they reached her rear. He squeezed and kneaded her ample bottom in his palms like a sculptor shaping clay. “Your body is so soft and warm,” he whispered. “This is how I imagined you’d be.”

  This time when their mouths met she was ready for him, her tongue tentatively meeting his in a choreographed dance of passion and lust, moving in rhythm with their heartbeats.

  She didn’t know why, but it finally dawned on Gloria what was happening. This couldn’t go on. What would happen to them when this was all over? Would things be so awkward between them she’d have to find another trainer, or another gym for that matter? “Landon, this is wrong.” The words came out in short stilted bursts.

  Passion-glazed green eyes narrowed to slits. “You’re kidding, right?” His tone was full of disbelief, but one of them had to think rationally or the situation could get further out of hand.

  Gloria pushed against his chest in an attempt to free herself, but Landon was as immobile as a wall. “You’re my trainer.”

  His nostrils flared and eyebrows flew together into an angry furrow. “What does my being your trainer have to do with it? Nothing has ever felt so right and I think you know it. Why else did you practically melt in my arms?”

  She shook her head to refute his statement, though she knew it would do her no good. “I-I don’t know what came over me.”

  “I know what came over you. It was the same thing that came over me. See? Feel what you do to me.” Landon took her trembling hand and placed it against his straining cock.

  “Oh God,” she groaned, unable to tear her eyes away from the outline of his dick. Lord, it felt thick.

  “Don’t you see? I ache for you. You want me, too, and I can prove it.” Before she could protest, Landon slipped nimble fingers inside the waistbands of her sweatpants and panties. The questing hand didn’t stop until it rested on the tight nest of curls between her thighs.

  Gloria grabbed his wrist. “No.”

  A smirk tilted the sexy curve of his lips. “Your mouth says no, but your body says otherwise. The heat beneath my hand is scorching. Would you care to repeat what you just said?”

  Moisture pooled between her thighs and she thought she’d pass out with desire right then and there. His words were like a sensual caress and Gloria had no defense against them. She should have made him stop, but where this man was concerned her will was weak. Gloria couldn’t speak had her life depended on it.

  “Can’t say it, can you? I didn’t think so.” His hand roamed slowly across her mound, his fingertips gliding against the outer folds of her pussy “Mmm, you’re not shaved. I like that. It’s much more womanly.” His words sent another jolt of desire racing through her body.

  Gloria licked suddenly dry lips. “Landon, we shouldn’t be doing this,” she sighed as she wiggled closer to him.

  “We shouldn’t?” His digits slipped between her moist folds and tunneled into her sheath. “Then why is your pussy so wet? How am I able to slide my fingers into your cunt so easily?” Landon eased two fingers inside her channel.

  Gloria clutched his shoulders when her knees threatened to give out. She didn’t know why it did, but his dirty talk was turning her on. Leaning against the wall, she gasped her pleasure.

  Landon finger-fucked her with deep, deliberate strokes. “Do you like that, Gloria?”

  “Oh God, yes!” When his thumb grazed her clit, she thought she’d lose her mind. “Landon!” she screamed. The pleasurable sensations caused by his touch were nearly more than she could take. In his arms, she felt so alive and ready to be fucked.

  Cordell’s idea of foreplay had been a few kisses and a couple of smacks on her rear. Landon, on the other hand, was the kind of man who’d make sure his woman was satisfied. Even before this, she sensed he would be a generous lover. Just when Gloria thought she’d burst, Landon removed his fingers.

  Helplessly, she trembled as he smeared her juices across her bottom lip before gliding his tongue along its dampness. Landon pulled back with a wide grin of satisfaction on his face. “Delicious. Just like I knew you’d be.”

  Too entranced to speak, Gloria waited with bated breath to see what he’d do next. He palmed her breasts, rubbing and caressing them. “They’re so big. I want to see them naked. Do you like it when I touch you like this?” He tweaked her nipples to life.

  “Yes,” she croaked, still unable to believe this was happening to her. Any minute now, she’d wake up and this would all be an erotic dream.

  “See how good it could be between us? Do you realize I’ve had a crush on you since I was fifteen?”

  She shook her head, not trusting herself to speak.

  He grazed the side of her face with the back of his hand in a gentle caress. Landon’s green gaze slid over the contours of her face as if he were studying a precious jewel. “I never forgot you, Gloria. When we lost touch, I was devastated. I’ve dated a handful of women over these past several years but for some reason I found something lacking in them. When I saw you again after all
this time, I finally figured out what the problem was. Something much bigger than both of us brought us back together and I won’t allow this opportunity to pass.”

  His declaration was like a bucket of cold water in her face. Pulling out of Landon’s grasp, she twisted away from him. “You mean to tell me this is all about some silly high school crush?”

  Landon clenched his jaw, his frustration apparent. “Silly? Maybe when I was a teenager it was, but now I’m a man and it’s much more than that. When I saw you again, all my old feelings came back tenfold. Years ago, there was nothing I could do about it because I was still young and you were engaged, but now there’s nothing holding us back.”


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