All Worked Up

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All Worked Up Page 6

by Eve Vaughn

  She wanted to trust him, but how did she know Landon wasn’t using her to fulfill some boyhood dream? What would happen once he had her? Would she be fucked and forgotten? She didn’t think Landon was the kind of person to deliberately set out to hurt anyone, but she’d already lived through one disastrous marriage where she’d put her faith in one man. Gloria didn’t think she had the courage to risk her heart again and he was the kind of man a woman could easily fall in love with. “Fantasies don’t always live up to the reality, Landon.”

  “No. Sometimes they can be even better. Why are you even arguing, when I know you want me, too?”

  She threw her hands up in the air, huffing her exasperation. “Okay, so we’re sexually attracted to each other. Big deal. Passion burns out just as fast as it comes.”

  “Not if we don’t give it a chance to really ignite.”

  She could tell he wasn’t going to give up so easily and she had to come up with something quick. “There’s a little thing about our age difference.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Please don’t bring up the age thing again, Gloria. You’re only ten years older than me, not sixty. We’re in the same generation.”

  “Okay, what about the color issue? What would your family and friends say?”

  Landon lifted his palms, shrugging both shoulders. “What about them? It’s not up to my friends who I choose to be with and the only family I have is my mother. I stopped giving a damn about what she thought years ago.”

  “I have a nine-year-old son.”

  “So? I like kids. Why are you looking for excuses not to go out with me?”

  She lowered her lids, unable to meet his gaze. “I—Landon, you wouldn’t understand.”

  He caught her chin between his fingers and tilted it until their gazes collided. ‘Then make me.”

  “I think the gratitude you felt toward me has manifested itself into these supposed feelings you’re having. While I’m flattered you want to go out with me, I think you’ll soon realize you and I aren’t meant to be.”

  “Says you. Sure, I’m grateful you helped me turn my life around, but I’m grateful to a lot of people, and I don’t want to be with them.”

  “But what I’m trying to say is, I mean, we don’t fit.”

  His expression grew stormy. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  “Are you blind? Just look at me! I’ve never been a thin woman, but now look at me. You should be dating someone like Sharon.”

  He snorted. “You’d condemn me to that fate?”

  “Well, not personality-wise. I mean physically.”

  “Gloria, would you stop it. For the last time, I think you’re a beautiful woman. You have gorgeous eyes, a lovely smile, and gorgeous brown skin I can’t stop touching. And more importantly, you have a wonderful spirit. If that’s not beauty, I don’t know what is. And if you can’t see it, then you’re the blind one. Gloria, have dinner with me tonight. I’ll give you fair warning, though. If you turn me down, I’ll keep asking. What do you say?”

  Did she dare take a chance on him? There was a time when she’d been so in love with her ex, but then he systematically tried to destroy her. Her heart told her Landon was nothing like Cordell, but the uncertainty still remained “I…”

  “Say yes.” His green gaze promised wicked delights to come.

  In that moment, she couldn’t think of a single reason why she shouldn’t go out with him. “Yes.”

  Chapter Seven

  Landon felt like he was on cloud nine. She said yes! It felt like all his fantasies were coming true. And this date couldn’t come soon enough because he didn’t know how much longer he would have lasted dropping not so subtle hints with Gloria ignoring him. He supposed he had Sharon to thank for setting things in motion although if he saw her again, he tell her in no uncertain terms what he thought about her.

  This was his day off so he usually spent it running errands and relaxing but he was too keyed up thinking about his date tomorrow night with Gloria. Thought Gloria had agreed to go out with him she said she needed a couple days to make arrangements for her son. He found himself going for a run to burn off his nervous energy. When he made it back home, he hoped in the shower and he imagined what it would be like to have Gloria with him with water running down her body. Just the thought of pressing her naked wet body against the wall had his dick rock hard. Unable to help himself, he wrapped his hand around his member and slid it back and forth, imagining it was Gloria’s hand. He wondered what kind of lover she would be? Compliant and ready to obey his every command or a take charge tigress ready to devour every single inch of his body? Either way, he was so turned on that he stroked himself harder and faster.

  “Gloria,” he moaned her name as he planted his free palm against the wall to brace himself as he jerked off. It had been a long time since he’d needed this kind of release but the built up frustration of the last month was more than he could take. It was one thing when he’d only had his imagination of what she tasted like but now that he knew, it simply wasn’t enough and he needed more.

  He was so lost in the feeling that the sound of his doorbell ringing was jarring. “Fuck!” he groaned in frustration. He’d been so close.

  Torn between answering the doorbell and finishing what he started, it took a few seconds for Landon to decide ignore the bell. He wasn’t expecting anyone so they’d have to come back later.

  Squeezing his eyes shut he ignored the ringing sound in hopes that the person would go away. But as he tried desperately to cum, the moment was lost. Growling in frustration, he rinsed off and got out of the shower. What was supposed to relax him only left him tense and frustrated.

  After dressing and heading downstairs, he heard rummaging. There was only one other person who had a key to his place and that made him even more annoyed. Landon headed into the kitchen to find Pete rummaging through his drawers.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” Ever since their disagreement some weeks back, they didn’t speak to each other beyond business related issues. Landon just wasn’t willing to forgive Pete for putting Gloria down. And Pete, for his part, was probably waiting for Landon to get over it.

  “You didn’t answer the door and I saw your car in the driveway so I figured you must be in the shower or something. And judging by the wet hair, I guess I was right.” Pete pulled out a bottle opener. “Aww, here it is.”

  “Or maybe I didn’t fucking answer the door because I didn’t want any visitors. Taking a hint was never really your strong suit, was it?”

  “Chill man, I brought a peace offering.” Pete pointed to a six pack of Landon’s favorite beer. He pulled one out and opened it. “These are still ice cold.”

  “Leave.” It wasn’t so much that Pete thought that he could bribe Landon with beer. He was still upset that his friend could put down someone Landon really cared about and not so much as offer an apology.

  Pete frowned. “Dude, is it really that serious? You’ve basically been ignoring me for the past month and frankly, it’s ridiculous that we’d let a woman come between us.”

  “Is that what you think this is all about? A woman coming between us? No, it’s not just any woman, it’s someone I really care about and if you didn’t believe me the first time I said it, I’ll say it again. I’m going to make that woman my wife. I don’t appreciate the off-hand way you talked about her and I especially can do without this nonchalant attitude of yours like it isn’t a big deal. So, you can take you beer and shove it up your ass.” Landon yelled the last few words.

  Pete took a step back as if he’d been stuck. “You’re serious?”

  “As a heart attack. Now, get the fuck out of my house.”

  Pete didn’t speak right away. Instead, he stared up at the ceiling for several moments before returning his gaze back to be Landon. “I didn’t realize you were that serious about her. If I would have known, I wouldn’t have said those things.”

  “And that’s your problem. You shouldn’t say shit l
ike that about anyone regardless of how I feel about them. I always have to check you about the things you say about people’s appearance because it’s just not cool. It reminds me of the assholes who used to pick on me when I was in high school. I was scrawny with a face full of acne and I was awkward as hell. The things people used to say about me made my life hell. It didn’t help that I had to deal with that shit at home, too, from my own mother. I knew you could be a bit shallow but you crossed a line. So yeah, I’m fucking serious about that.”

  Pete went as white as a sheet making his red hair appear even brighter. “I…I don’t know what to say except that I’m sorry. Look, I know I can be a bit of an asshole but if I knew what this woman meant to you, I would have kept my mouth shut.”

  Landon groaned in frustration as he raked his fingers through his hair. “You see that’s part of the problem, Pete. You shouldn’t say that stuff about anyone. For instance, a client overheard you saying that she had cankles. I had to convince her, she misheard you and I offered her two months free membership. You may not think one dissatisfied client is a big deal but bad news travels faster than good does. Maybe, you should fix yourself before pointing out other people’s flaws.”

  “Wow, I didn’t realize how strongly you felt about this. I mean, I know I can be a bit of an asshole but have I really been that bad?”

  “Some of the things you pawn off as jokes, aren’t really funny. Pete, we’ve been friends since college and you’ve been there for me during some tough times in my life. But, it’s time that you grew the fuck up. Just because you prefer a certain type of woman, doesn’t mean I have to fall in line with your ideals. And, let me tell you something about Gloria. She’s beautiful, caring and has a generous spirit. She has more warmth in her little finger than any of the bimbos you parade around. So when you made those unnecessary comments about her appearance that was the final straw for me. And to answer your question, yes, you have been that bad.”

  Pete looked as if he was considering Landon’s words before he spoke again. “Wow. I didn’t realize that you felt that way.”

  “I’ve been telling you how I’ve felt for years but you refused to listen. You know my history, man. It’s really not that cool for you to say some of the things you do.”

  “Yeah, I’m realizing that now. And you’re right, what I said about Gloria was uncalled for. I apologize. I didn’t mean for my comments to rub you the wrong way. Maybe, I’m battling my own insecurities. My parents always instilled in me that I had to be the best at everything and when I wasn’t, they let me know in no uncertain terms what a disappointment I was. And I guess, how I sometimes talk about other people is my defense mechanism.”

  Landon had met Pete’s family a handful of times and they were the kind of people who had to have the best of everything and had to associate with the right people. They seemed nice enough but Landon could tell they didn’t quite approve of his friendship with their son because of Landon’s background. Except for the occasional times when Pete talked disparagingly of other people, he wasn’t a bad guy. In fact, considering the kind of parents who’d raised him, Pete was a pretty upstanding guy. Landon sighed. “Apology accepted. I might have come on a bit strong but I meant everything I said.”

  “Does this mean we’re still friends?”

  “Of course, we are. You’re like a brother to me. You get on my fucking nerves sometimes but it doesn’t mean, I’ll suddenly stop caring for you.”

  “Good, because the past few weeks not talking to you hasn’t been much fun, bro.”

  “Same.” Landon gestured to the six pack. “Hand me one of those beers.”

  Pete tossed him a bottle.


  “So, Gloria. Why don’t you tell me about her? She must be really special if you’re calling her your future wife.”

  “She’s very special. You may think I’m crazy, but I’ve had the biggest crush on her for the past 14 years.”

  “That long huh? How come you’re now just pursing her?”

  “Well, when we originally knew each other, she was a teacher and I was her student. Not to mention she was engaged to be married at the time.”

  Pete raised both brows. “Get out of here. She was your teacher? How much older is she than you? She doesn’t look much older than us.”

  “She was twenty-five at the time, so she should be 39 now.”

  “She looks good for her age.”

  “She looks good period.”

  “I was giving her a compliment.”

  “I know. I just wanted to point out that no qualifier was necessary. Anyway, I finally got her to go out on a date with me.”

  “Congrats. Was she surprised that you’d asked her out because of your past connection with each other.”

  Landon took a swig of his beer before answering. “I think she was more surprised about me asking her out because she’s a bit insecure about her body. Yeah, she’s a little heavier than when I knew her but I still think she’s gorgeous. I think she got a pretty raw deal from her ex which is why she doesn’t see what I see when I look at her. It’s my goal to make her feel beautiful.”

  “Sounds like you really have it bad.”

  “I do. And, I have Sharon to thank for getting me a date with Gloria.”

  “Okay, you have to tell me that story.”

  Landon told his friend about the confrontation between him, Gloria and Sharon.

  “Whoa, that was way out of line.” Pete shook his head when Landon finished relaying the story.

  “Damn right it was. I was so proud of Gloria for putting Sharon in her place. And to think, that’s who you wanted me to hook up with. See? She might be attractive on the surface but on the inside she’s ugly as sin.”

  “I’m seeing that now. The last few women I dated were supermodel hot but none of them could hold an intelligent conversation. When I was younger, that didn’t really bother me.”

  “That’s because you’re growing up. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t find a hot woman who is smart as well. You can have both. Just take the time to get to know them before jumping in to bed.”

  “I’m going to take your advice. When do you and Gloria go on your first date?”

  “Tomorrow. I’m nervous as hell actually.”

  “I think, you’ll do just fine. Just be yourself. Anyway, she said yes to you so there has to be some attraction to you on her end.”

  “You may have a point but I wonder if Sharon hadn’t forced my hand, if she would have accepted.”

  “I haven’t seen you this twisted in knots over a woman since our freshman year in college.”

  “I don’t know how to explain it, man. It’s just that Gloria makes me feel emotions I haven’t experienced since I was younger. Since we met up again, I think about her all the time. And I can’t help but think of everything that could go wrong if I fuck this date up.”

  “Stop thinking about what ifs. Just focus on winning your lady love’s heart.”

  That’s exactly what Landon intended to do but he hoped that Gloria was willing to give them both the chance they deserved.

  Chapter Eight

  Landon sat back in his chair, enjoying the way Gloria ate her food. It was refreshing to take a woman out who didn’t pick at her meal as if consuming calories would kill her. With every morsel Gloria slid between her luscious lips, Landon wanted nothing more than anything than to be her fork. He shifted in his chair, trying to ease the ache in his throbbing dick.

  She looked up from her tilapia, a half smile tilting her lips. “What?”

  He smiled back. She was so lovely, but he knew she wouldn’t believe him if he told her. If he had his way, he’d make sure she knew how precious he thought she was. “Nothing.”

  “Then why are you staring at me like that?” Her smile fell. “I don’t have any spinach between my teeth, do I?”

  A chuckle erupted from his throat. Gloria was adorable. “No. Your teeth are perfect.”

  “Then stop staring
. Didn’t anyone ever tell you it’s rude to stare?”

  “I can’t help it. I like watching you in motion.”

  She placed her silverware back on the table with a laugh. “You’re making me self-conscious.”

  “That wasn’t my intention. I guess it’s hard to believe you’re here with me after all this time. Did I tell how lovely you look tonight?”

  She grinned. “Only a hundred times, and that’s rather nice of you, considering we’re both still disheveled from our workout session.”

  “You’d look good under any circumstance.”

  Gloria giggled, her mirth light and melodious. “If you keep those compliments up, I just might have to keep you around.”


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