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All Worked Up

Page 9

by Eve Vaughn

  “And that’s your problem. You’re so bitter that I left you for Janine that you’re trying to drive a wedge between me and my son.”

  “No one is worried about you and your wife. You always did think the world revolved around you. But I’ll admit, it did hurt when you left me but now, I see you’ve done me a favor because I can’t imagine being tied to you for the rest of my life.”

  Cordell was silent for a moment before he spoke again. “If that was the case, why is my son telling me that he doesn’t want to visit me? Summer is coming up and I think, it would be a good idea for him to spend some time with me. I mean, he needs a man in his life. Living with you and that roommate of yours can’t be healthy. That’s why he doesn’t play sports or do things boys his age should be doing.”

  “Wow, that’s pretty presumptuous of you to ask CJ to spend the summer with you when you can’t be bothered to call him on a regular basis. And, you have to run that kind of thing by me first. CJ has his heart set on going to science camp this summer.”

  “That kind of stuff is for nerds. That’s exactly why he should come out here this summer. Janine and I even have a room for him out here. Maybe you’re worried that if he comes to visit, he won’t want to leave.”

  “Why would he want to stay? He hasn’t seen you since we moved to Philly. You have a decent paying job so there’s no reason you can’t come and visit him. You’ve basically been an absentee father. And you barely paid attention to him when we were together.”

  “Well, maybe I want to change that. Besides, I’m paying an awful lot of child support. Maybe we should split custody to be fair.”

  Gloria had had enough. “You sorry son of a bitch! Is child support what this is all about? Seriously? Just when I think you can’t sink any lower, you somehow seem to manage to do so.”

  “Upset because you’re scared of losing a check?”

  “I’m not going to lie and say that I don’t depend on those checks but every single penny goes toward the care of our son. I’m keeping a roof over his head, food on the table, clothes on his back and his science equipment. And that’s when you can be bothered to send payments. If CJ wanted to spend time with you, I won’t stand in his way because I feel that every child should have a relationship with their father. The problem, however, is you. You’re a stranger to him. I’m not saying anything negative about you. I don’t have to. Your actions speak louder than any words I could say.”

  “And where was all this fire when we were married?”

  “You snuffed it out. But it’s back. And you can’t hurt me anymore and I’m not going to let you hurt CJ. You can’t come in and out of his life as you please. It’s not fair to him.”

  “Maybe you just want me to come visit so you can see me again. I don’t want you. It’s time for you to move on with your life. Maybe if you lost some weight and took more pride in your appearance, you wouldn’t be so angry.”

  Gloria had had enough. “If that’s what you need to believe in order to help you sleep at night, then go for it. But my life is great thanks. I’m dating someone who is more of a man than you’ll ever be. And there’s nothing you can say anymore that can hurt me because for the first time in a very long time. I’m quite happy. I can always lose weight but you’ll always be a narcissistic douchebag with a Napoleon complex.” She hung up before he could reply and tuned the ringer off her phone before he could call again.

  Gloria couldn’t believe she’d been married to that jackass for so long. She saw that he tried to call back but she wasn’t interested in hearing anything he had to say. Instead of answering the phone, she walked to CJ’s room to see how he was holding up.

  “CJ, honey. Are you all right?” She asked as she walked into his room.

  CJ was sitting on his bed with his knees drawn to his chest. Gloria took a seat next to him and put her arm around his shoulders. “Are you okay, baby?”

  CJ didn’t speak at first.

  “CJ, it’s okay if you tell me how you feel. I won’t be upset.”

  “I hate him!” He shouted all of a sudden.

  Gloria was taken aback by his outburst considering how laid back her son usually was.

  “Oh, sweetie. You shouldn’t say things like that.”

  “But I mean it. He always says mean things about you and I tell him to stop but he doesn’t. I don’t want to go live with him. Please don’t make me, mom.” CJ threw his arms around Gloria’s waist and burst into tears.

  Gloria rocked CJ in her arms until he calmed down. “Do you feel better?” she asked when he finished crying.

  CJ sniffed and nodded his head.

  “Sweetie, it doesn’t matter what your father says about me. All that matters is your relationship with him.”

  “He doesn’t even care about me. If he did, he’d want to see me and he’d stop telling me that I need to toughen up. Why can’t he love me for me?”

  From the mouth of babes. Gloria didn’t realize Cordell had said those things. If she had, she would have cussed him out. “Well, you know what? I think you’re great just the way you are. If I don’t tell you enough, I love you and I’m so very proud of everything that you do. You’re my superstar.” She gave him a kiss on top of the head.


  “Yes, sweetie?”

  “Do you think I’m weird?”

  Gloria laughed. “Aren’t we all a little weird?”

  “No. I’m serious. The other kids in school think I’m weird. But I can’t help that I like what I like.”

  “CJ, you’re fine just the way you are and if those other kids can’t see that then that’s their problem. Don’t let anyone ever tell you that you’re not great. One day you’re going to change the world and I’m going to be right there cheering you on.”

  CJ didn’t respond right away but finally, he smiled. “Thanks, Mom. You’re the best.” He hugged her again.

  Later that night as she lay in bed, Gloria reflected on both conversations she’d had with her son and her ex. She realized how much she had allowed her ex’s negativity to get her down to the point where she had stopped loving herself. Telling CJ how great he is just the way he was, brought everything full circle. It was then Gloria could finally acknowledge that she was worthy to be loved just like anyone else. She not only was good enough for Landon, she was good enough for herself.

  Chapter Eleven

  Gloria stared at herself in the full-length mirror. Since she’d started training with Landon, she’d lost fifteen pounds and was down a dress size. The weight was slowly coming off, but the loss of inches was more noticeable. She couldn’t remember the last time she looked this good in her blue halter dress. Maybe she’d never be a small woman, but Landon made her feel beautiful. He never ceased to compliment her at any given opportunity.

  Whenever she was with him, he treated her as if she was the only woman in the world. They could be in a room surrounded by women clad in string bikinis and his attention would be focused solely on her. She liked the way he found excuses to touch and kiss her. Gloria didn’t know what she’d done to deserve someone like him, but what they shared transcended age and any other trivial issue. She, in fact, found him more mature than most men her age.

  Cordell’s harsh words of the past no longer haunted her. She’d learned in the past few months from dating Landon that she was worthy of love and no one could take that away from her.

  “You look pretty, Mom.” CJ walked into her bedroom and flopped on the bed.

  Gloria beamed, running her hand over her outfit. She felt pretty. “Thank you, honey. How does my hair look?” She patted her fresh twist out that she’d pinned up in the back, hoping it would hold up.

  “It’s nice, but I like your hair down.”

  “Hmm.” She removed the pins from her hair and let her tresses fall to her shoulders. “You’re right, it does look better this way.”

  “I bet your date will like it, too.”

  “I hope so.”

  “You don’t need to worr
y, Mom. I still think you’re beautiful no matter what.”

  “Aww, thank you, baby.”

  CJ made her proud to call him her son. Someday he would make one young lady feel very lucky.

  She turned back to the mirror to study her appearance again, making sure she looked just right. It was important that everything be perfect tonight. Not only did she plan on giving herself to Landon, but it would be the first time he’d meet CJ. Gloria had not wanted to make the introductions until she was sure of the relationship. She took a seat on the bed next to her son and stroked his head. “Are you sure you’ll be okay tonight? I probably won’t get back until late.”

  “Sure, I’ll be okay. Grandma is coming over and Aunt Rae will be home later. Although, I’m old enough to stay by myself,” he grumbled. Her mother had babysitting duty tonight because Rae was also currently out on a date with someone she’d recently met.

  Gloria smiled, stroking his cheek. “You’re only nine.”

  “But you said I’m mature for my age.”

  “I know, but it’s for my peace of mind, okay? It’s not that I don’t trust you. It’s the bad guys out there who worry me. You have my number, just in case you need to reach me.”

  “Mom, stop worrying. I’m not a baby.”

  “You’ll always be my baby.” A brief silence fell between them. Gloria cleared her throat before tackling the subject she wanted to discuss with him. He was aware she was dating someone, but she hadn’t told her son everything about Landon. “CJ, before you meet Landon, I think you should know something about him.”


  “He’s a little younger than me.”

  CJ frowned. “How much younger?”

  “Ten years.”

  He shrugged as if it wasn’t a big deal. “That’s not so bad. He’s old enough to drink alcohol, at least.”

  She raised a brow. “And, what would you know about that?”

  “Aw, come on, Mom, I’m not stupid.”

  “No, you’re not.” She sighed with relief that he’d taken it so well, but would he be so congenial about her other bit of news. “Honey, Landon is white.”

  “I know.”

  “You know? How?”

  He rolled his eyes. “I saw him one night from the window when he dropped you off. Didn’t you teach me it wasn’t the color of the skin, but the content of the character?”

  “I sure did.”

  “So why would I care about something like that? I want you to be happy, Mom, and since you started dating Landon, you smile a lot more. You weren’t like that with Dad, so he’s cool with me as long as he treats you right.”

  Tears sprang to her eyes. Gloria knew her son was growing up and maturing fast, but sometimes, she didn’t realize how much. He was truly a blessing. “How did I end up with such a wonderful son?”

  “Dunno. Luck?”

  Gloria laughed, wrapping her arms around CJ’s slender shoulders. “I’m very lucky indeed.” She dropped a kiss on top of his head.

  He pulled out of her embrace, his embarrassment evident. “Aww, Mom. You don’t have to get so mushy.”

  “Hey, I’m your mother and it’s my right to get as mushy with you as I can, any time I want.”

  The doorbell rang.

  “That must be your grandmother.” She stood and glanced at herself in the mirror one last time before going to answer the door. “Hi, Mom.”

  Gloria’s mother gave her a hug. “Hi, baby. You look fabulous.”

  “Thanks. I haven’t been able to fit in this dress in ages.”

  “It looks like your training is doing you a lot of good. Wendell and I are thinking about signing up for some sessions ourselves. But is it the training or the trainer? You’re glowing.” Her mother winked at her.

  CJ rushed out of his bedroom. “Hi, Grandma. I learned a new piece on my trumpet. Would you like to hear it?”

  Lena Redmond smiled. “Of course. Just let me have a talk with your mom, first. Why don’t you take my things to the guest bedroom?”

  “Sure.” CJ picked up the suitcase and carried it out of the room.

  Lena turned to her daughter. “So, tonight I finally get to meet the elusive Landon.”

  Gloria took a deep breath. “Yes.”

  “Don’t be nervous, baby. I can see he’s done you a world of good. There’s a spring in your step and a sparkle in your eyes. This Landon must really be something.”

  “He is, Mom.” Gloria had already told her mother about the age and race thing and she seemed to accept it, so when he came there’d be no surprises.

  “Rae and I were talking and we’re both glad things are over between you and Cordell. The only thing that boy cared about was himself.” She shook her head, her lips tight with displeasure.

  Gloria had always suspected as much. Rae had never bit her tongue where Cordell was concerned but Lena had been more diplomatic. “You never said anything before.”

  “How could I? You were in love, or, at least, you believed you were. If I would have said anything, you might have stayed with him to prove me wrong. As much as it hurt me to see you go through what you did, I knew only you could make the decision to leave.”

  Gloria laughed without humor. “He made that decision for me. But it turns out, that was the best thing to ever happen to me besides having CJ and reconnecting with Landon.”

  “The only good thing that came from that union is CJ. I’m glad he takes after you. I guess what I’m trying to tell you is, whether your Landon is 25 or 105, I’m happy for you as long as you are.”

  They hugged. “Thanks, Mom.”

  The bell rang again, making Gloria jump. “That’s him.” Nerves shot through her. This was it.

  “Go ahead and answer the door.”

  When she opened the door, her heart beat at a rapid pace. Dressed in black from head to toe, with a stray lock of blond hair falling over his forehead, Landon looked so fucking hot. His green eyes lit up as they raked over her in appreciation.

  He handed her one of the bouquets he held and gave Gloria a light kiss. “You look fantastic, babe.”

  “You don’t look so bad yourself. Come in and meet my mom and son.”

  Landon entered her house and Gloria introduced the two.

  “Landon, this is my mother, Lena Redmond. Mom, this is Landon Barnes.”

  “I’m very pleased to meet you, Mrs. Redmond.” He handed her the second flower arrangement.

  “Please, call me Lena. Thank you for the flowers. It’s nice to finally meet you. Gloria has told me so much about you.”

  Landon grinned. “Good things, I hope.”

  Lena smiled back. “Of course.” She wiggled her eyebrows at Gloria. “You didn’t tell me what a good-looking young man he is.”

  Gloria wanted the floor to swallow her up. Her mother had a way of making her feel like a teenager all over again. “Mother!”

  Lena waved her hand dismissively. “Well, he is.”

  Landon seemed amused by the interchange. His grin widened. “Thank you. You aren’t the only one Gloria’s been keeping things from. She never told me how lovely you are. You two could be sisters.”

  Lena giggled like a schoolgirl. “Gloria, if you don’t watch out, I’m going to steal him away from you.”

  Gloria rolled her eyes heavenward. “I think Mr. Wendell would object.” Wendell was a man Lena had apparently been dating for months but had recently only decided to introduce to Gloria by inviting him over to Sunday dinner. Lena had said that she wanted to make sure that the relationship was going somewhere before she sprung him on the family. From what Gloria could tell, her mother was extremely happy and Wendell was a nice guy. He was a retired lawyer who was looking forward to traveling the world with Lena by his side.

  Landon took her mother’s hand and brought it to his lips. “I’m sorry, Miss Lena. As tempting as stealing you away from your boyfriend sounds, my heart already belongs to your daughter.”

  His answer seemed to please Lena. “Please take care
of my little girl. She’s been through enough and I don’t want to see her hurt again.”

  Gloria groaned. She loved her mother to death, but sometimes she could be a little over-protective. “Mom,” she said in a warning tone.


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