Page 23
collaborative care example, 182–184, 186
collaborative way of being, 122
collective body, 6, 78
collective projection, 64–65
collective transformation, 28, 87–88
collectivism, 57
accountability, force, and, 75–76
conversations of, 116
in large-group methodology, 24
lip service as enemy to, 144–146
questions for achieving, 109–111
saying no for beginning of, 139–140
without barter, 102
commitment conversations, 129, 130, 143–144, 144–145, 195–196, 198
common good, 96
communal possibility, 50–51, 132
communal transformation
communal projections and, 64–65
conventional thinking about, 77
gathering for, 78–80, 97–98
individual versus, 6
leadership in, 89–90
small scale starting of, 185–186
See also transformation/change
communities. See neighborhoods/communities
authentic, 29–30, 98
belonging in, 187
benefits of, 4
creation through ownership conversations of, 133–134
emotional and relational essence of, 76
fragmentation of, 2–3, 18
key to creating/transforming, 10
nature of, 77–78
as problems to be solved, 32–34
questions for defining, 133
reconciliation of (See reconciliation of community)
restorative (See restorative community)
retributive (See retributive community)
safe and peaceful (example), 124–125
sense of, 1–4
social fabric of, 9
undermining, 75
well-being of, 17–18, 21
community building
approaches to, 34
challenge for, 82
citizenship as willingness for, 69
conversations for (See conversations)
Covington, Kentucky, example, 83
designing new spaces for, 198
elements of restorative, 54
lack of insights for, 41
political agendas and, 40
power questions for, 112
restorative, 50
social architecture of (See social architecture of community building)
strategies for, 30–32
community culture. See culture; restorative community; retributive community
community form of rebellion, 141
community restoration. See restoration; restorative community
community services. See health care and human services
compassion, marginalization of, 44–45
competition, 29–30
complaint versus dissent, 130
conference model, 22–23
conference room design, 159
conflict, 18–19, 20, 98, 168, 170, 171
Cold Spring, Kentucky, example, 95
creating, 65
elements of, 85
icebreakers in gatherings for, 154–155
language of, 50
in neighborhoods, 176–177
questions for, 111
social capital and, 17–18
conservation commissioner example, 163
consumer model, 96
of authentic community, 30
choosing, 59
community action, 39
of conversations, 111
conversations for shifting, 56–57
creating new, 32
versus culture, 60
of entitlement, 74–75
fact-based, 60–61
futility, 32–34
of gatherings/groups/meetings, 79, 107–108, 129
in health care’s, 182
media as messenger of, 46–47
power of, 15–16
for restorative community, 190–191
of retribution, 45, 60, 64
shift from retribution to restoration, 59–61, 77
See also restorative community; retributive community
control, 75
convening. See gatherings
accountability and belonging, 50, 102
for authentic community, 98
building relatedness, 29
changing example, 52
community as, 31–32, 55–56
community building, 37
contexts and types of, 111–114, 115–116
entrepreneurship, 178
fear-and-fault, 64
future creation, 22
giving form to experiences with, 30
heart of the, 197–198
hospitality in (See hospitality)
identifying the new, 11
improving, 15
invitation (See invitation conversations)
“just-talk,” 116
marginalization of compassion in, 44–45
media’s cue from public, 46–47
nature of, 3, 99
power of, 26
problem solving, 39
questions for (See questions)
for relatedness, 191
restoration creation through, 49
retributive community and, 34
retributive debate, 69
role of social capital in, 17
sense of belonging through, 4
shifting context of, 56–57
starter questions for, 25
steps for impacting, 27
traditional, 13, 105
transformation, 6
youth forums, 176
See also language; linguistics
Covington, Kentucky, 83
crime, 18, 61, 138, 176–177. See also violence
criminal justice programs, restorative justice, 54
attempts to change, 78
changing the room for changing the, 159
versus context, 60
controlling a, 75
of hospitality, 155
of human services systems, 180–181
of marginalization, 7–8
patriarchal, 74
restorative (See restorative community)
retributive (See retributive community)
Cunningham, Ken, 168–171
customer model, 94
Dannemiller, Kathie, 23
DeBello, Tom, 83
decision making, 125
declarations, power of, 131
declaring the possibility example, 124–125
deficiencies, 12–13, 32, 147
democracy, 18, 22, 24, 68, 92, 144, 164
Democratic Party, 101–102
denial, 130, 134, 140–141, 142, 147, 149, 195
dependency, 40–41
depth over scale, 79–80
design, 26, 72. See also physical space design
destination strategy, 80–84
DiBello, Tom, 83
disconnection, social capital and, 17–18
complaint versus, 130
conversations of, 116
denial versus, 130, 195
diversity of, 102
inauthentic versions of, 140
See also rebellion
dissent conversations
about, 129–130
allowing “no,” 139–140
distinctions for, 140–142
making space for doubt/reservations, 137–139
police and citizens example, 138–139
questions for, 142–143, 151, 195, 197
views of, 137
diversity, 178
Don’t Just Do Something, Stand There! (Weisbord and Janoff), 123
doubts/reservations, 137–139
ams/dreaming, 131
economic classes, 174
economic measures of community, 43–44
economy, 44, 177–179, 180
education, 72
elected officials, 94–96
electronic connections, 2–3 Elementz, 64–65
emergent design strategies, 27
caring for well-being of the whole through, 91
choice for, 120
of citizens, 41, 45, 79
citizen-to-citizen, 190
employee, 198
forms of, 95–96
questions as tools of, 107–108
ways of, 25
engagement-centered leaders, 92
versus accountability, 50
antithesis of, 76
burden of, 91
confronting, 70
context of, 32
conversations about, 50
costs of, 74–75
creation of, 32, 68, 74, 75
forms of, 134
environment, designing. See physical space design
Erhard, Werner, 14–17, 27, 35
experiences, designing our, 90
faith, 42, 69
faith community, 186
Family Independence Initiative (FII), 28
family well-being, 179–181
fault, marketing of, 38–39, 60
fear, marketing of, 37–38, 39, 60, 75
fear-retribution cycle, 61
feedback, 149
Feldstein, Lewis M., 18
FII (Family Independence Initiative), 28
Findley House example, 92–94
force, 75–76, 120, 162
Fossett, Jay, 83
fragmentation of community, 2–3
Freedman, Michael, 167–168
argument against, 171
effects of, 73
escape from, 61
Future of Freedom (Zakaria), 68
insights on, 20–21
political, 178
understanding of, 28
Freedom Center, 63
free will, 71
futility context, 32–34
future, creation of alternative, 6, 31, 70–71, 80–84, 83, 190
better, 33
bias toward, 25
clockwork strategy for, 80–81
for controlling alternate, 108–109
conversation as, 106
declaration for creating, 132
legislating the, 39–40
limiting our, 63–64
past as creator of, 71
pattern language for, 87
as possibility beyond reach, 129
possibility for, 16–17
problem solving versus creating, 22
questions for creating, 110–111, 151
restorative, 180
wish for predictable, 109
Future of Freedom (Zakaria), 68
Future Search, 22
advisory groups, 141
affinity groups in, 155
answering questions in, 135–136
art of convening, 92–94, 123
associational, 13–14
capacity of elected officials for convening, 94–96
contexts of, 129
creating energy for, 98
decision to attend, 122
energy exchange in, 162–163
functions of, 91
gifts of, 148–149
hospitality in (See hospitality)
large group methodology, 21–25, 101
large groups (See large groups)
versus meetings, 90
platform height, 164–165
purposes of, 100
reasons for gathering in, 85
small groups (See small groups)
speaking to groups, 101
structure and context of, 79
for transformation, 98–99
workshop example, 120–121
See also invitation; invitation conversations
gift conversations
effects of, 116
of gatherings, 148–149
knowing and accepting gifts, 149
overview, 129–130
questions for, 148, 150, 151, 196–197, 198
role models for, 102
confronting people with their, 148
distinction between deficiencies and, 147
focusing on, 146–147
insights about, 12–13
goals, establishing, 80–81
goodwill, 151
Grameen Bank, 25, 27–28
groups. See gatherings
guilt, acknowledging, 134
hallway design, 161
health care and human services
changing the approaches to, 51–53
Clermont Counseling Center, 51–53
family well-being, 179–181
privatized, 181–186
honoring our word, 146
connecting citizens to each other, 154–155
design of physical space (See physical space design)
late arrivals, 155
leaving early, 155–156
providing food, 156–157
restorative community through, 118
welcome and greeting example, 153–154
Hoxsey, Joan, 93–94, 176
Hoxsey, Michael, 93–94, 176
human interest, 42
Humanities Series, 120–121
human services. See health care and human services
human suffering, 174
hurdles, conversations about, 125–127
idealism, 122
belonging and, 31
building, 141
community, 30, 46, 55
institutional, 44
sources of, 16, 60, 65, 136, 147, 194
storytelling and, 35, 50
taking our, 33
Ihara, Les, 43
inclusion, 123
individual changes, 6, 78
individualism, 30, 57
individual transformation, 6
inducements, 118–119
Alexander’s, 18–20
Bornstein-Cohen, 25–27
combining the, 27–28
for community building, 41
Erhard’s, 12–14
on freedom, 20–21
Koestenbaum’s, 20–21
large-group methodology, 21–25
McKnight’s, 14–17
on power, 14–17
Putnam’s, 17–18
interdependent communalism, 57
inversion/inverting our thinking of cause and accountability, 50, 70–71, 183
for change, 21
examples of utility of, 70–74
health care, 183
accepting refusals, 125, 126
conversations following the, 129–130
declaring the possibility example, 124–125
elements of powerful, 193
versus mandate, 102, 118
naming the hurdle element of, 125–127
personalizing, 127
properties of, 122
reinforcing the request in, 127
restating, 154
risks of, 119–120
Shackleton’s, 126
as way of being, 122
See also gatherings
invitation conversations
creating hospitality through, 117
distinction for, 118–119
questions for, 150, 197
radical aspect example, 120–121
who to invite, 123
workshop example, 120–121
See also conversations; gatherings
Isaacs, David, 23, 90, 101
effects of, 3–4r />
feeling trapped and, 162–163
reducing, 153
reinforcement of, 45
of retribution, 49
Jacobs, Jane, 55, 82
Janoff, Sandra, 22, 123
Job and Family Services (JFS), 180–181
jobs/wages, 34, 44, 71, 178, 180
journalism. See media
justice, restorative, 54
Kaufman, Harriet, 124–125
Keene, Jim, 8, 83–84
Koestenbaum, Peter, 20–21
Kretzmann, Jody, 14
labels/labeling, 13, 51, 61–63, 179–180
laminating the vision/mission, 81
activation of restoration and, 50
importance of, 55–56
invitation as act of, 122
of invitations, 154
power of, 15
of promising, 144
transformation and restoration through, 105–106
See also conversations; linguistics
large groups
interventions by, 101
methodology of, 21–25
power of small groups within, 192
small groups within, 100
See also gatherings
large-scale change, 26, 78–79
laws/legislation, 39–40
caring for common good, 96
conversations about, 40
dealing with dissent, 143
engagement-centered, 92
inverting our thinking about, 72
renegotiating social contract by, 135
roles of, 78–79
shifting focus to citizens from, 191
as social architects, 90
tasks of, 91
acts of, 123
in communal transformation, 89–90
convening as primary element of, 96
facilitating groups, 101–102
initiative programs, 122
justifying style of, 68
pattern language of, 87–88
restorative, 89, 92
romantized view of, 40–41
small scale, slow growth, 26
tasks of, 92, 147, 192
vision-setting by, 91
Leadership Diamond, 20–21
life/work separation, 146
limitations, 4, 13, 29, 34, 105, 111, 147
limiting stories, 15–16, 35–36, 130
of community, 77–78
shifts in, 102
of transformation, 31–32
See also conversations; language
lip service, 144–146, 179
as action step, 138–139
for changing context, 102
as driver of communication, 73
FIndley House example, 92–94
LivePerson, 161
local economy development, 177–179
Longmont, Colorado, 139
Lopez, Barry, 33–34
mandates versus invitations, 102, 118
marginalization, culture of, 7–8
marginalization of compassion example, 44–45
marketing/advertising. See advertising/marketing
McCartney, Mike, 101–102
McKnight, John, 12–14, 27, 43, 63–64, 67, 82, 141
crisis-based, 75