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Untamed Darkness

Page 8

by Kate Wendley

  It was a long drive, about forty five minutes, but once they arrived she was so glad Marc talked her into it. Well, she could do without all the other people here, but this was someplace she could run and run and never worry about ending up in a residential neighborhood.

  Also, there were wild animals she could chase. She didn’t want to think about what would happen once she caught one. That still grossed out her human mind so she tried not to dwell on it.

  With everyone scattering to the woods, stripping out of their clothes and going through the bone crunching, tendon snapping and muscle tearing changes she’d be going through in a few minutes, she actually felt at ease being here. These were her people now, like it or lump it.

  Marc brought her to an area that was semi private for them to shift together. He saved her the embarrassment of wondering who’d get naked first by simply stripping as soon as they picked a spot.

  “You’ll want to fold up your clothes and try to find a spot a little off the ground to stash them. But even if they get lost, or wet with condensation overnight, there are more in the vans and in everyone’s trunks. We all keep spares in case of emergency.”

  “In case of an emergency shift?” Her eyes wandered all on their own to Marc’s generous manhood. Ahem.

  “Yes, in case of an emergency shift. Now strip so I’m not the only one being tormented by hot looks on a night I can’t do anything about it.”

  Whoops. “Ok, but I’m warning you, there’s not a lot to see.” She wasn’t as well endowed as his women friends that she’d seen him with.

  “Everything about you is perfect, Helena. Now strip so we can shift. My skin is itchy from holding it back.”

  Damn him. Always saying such nice things to her.

  “Your skin itches from holding it back?”

  “Doesn’t yours?”

  “I just get jumpy if I wait too long.”

  “Everyone’s different. Store your clothes next to mine and let’s go.”

  He smacked her on the ass as she walked by him and she let out a little yip, then couldn’t stop thinking about him spanking her in her bed… ugh. She needed to make a decision about him, and soon.

  “Ok. Now we shift?”

  He looked her over, up and down, with a small smile on his face, then shook himself. “Yes. Let’s go.”

  He crouched down, and then the pain of the night started.

  She watched Marc for a short time, but there wasn’t much to see at first. He put his hands on the ground in front of him, then let his head hang low. Finally she realized he was panting, and when he looked up at her, his eyes were blazing gold. He opened his mouth to speak, but his muzzle had started to form so all that came out was a harsh sound that she thought was the word ‘shift’.

  She followed his lead and crouched down, too, but she went to her hands and knees, then leaned back and looked up at the moon. It helped to see the big shining globe in the night sky each month. It cleared her mind and was just the right thing to coax her wolf to come forward for real.

  Something snapped in her mind and then the pain started. Her muscles quivered uncontrollably, her arms and legs felt achy and started moving on their own as they elongated, and worst of all, her mouth felt heavy and full as her muzzle began to form.

  Her head grew heavy and she let it hang in front of her, then somehow had the wherewithal to look for Marc. He was watching her as his own transformation continued. Gone was the happy, easy going guy she’d been getting to know. In his place was an increasingly agitated wolf, snarling and snapping in the air as his body kept changing shape. She never worried for her own safety, and actually felt a little giddy that she wasn’t the only one having to go through this tonight. Sad, but true.

  His wolf was gorgeous, too. Of course. He was tall and lean with hard muscle and sable brown hair quickly growing over his entire body.

  She cried out as her own shift finished off the most painful bits, then shook herself after the prickly, itchy feeling of fur sprouting all over her body died away.

  Tingles of residual, fading magic snapped and popped until all that was left was the rush of adrenaline from her wolf finally being free.

  They took off running, chasing and nipping at each other as they raced into the depths of the forest.


  Helena woke feeling like she was recovering from an intense workout. Actually, that was pretty close to the truth, but thanks to her werewolf healing powers she’d feel less stiff in a few hours. Her memories of the night were another story. They were spotty, as usual, and seemed more like a crack addict’s chaotic thoughts than actual memories.

  Marc stirred beside her, his body warm, firm, and naked. He lay on his side with his arm thrown across her stomach, sleepily grasping her as she moved.

  Helena fought girly tears as she thought about how grateful she was to have Marc here with her. He’d become her rock, the one person she could talk to about anything, and most importantly about wolf issues. But mostly, he’d grown on her in a big way. Maybe she’d been wrong about him all along. After all, when she first saw him in the bar, kissing that woman, he hadn’t been taking part in the silly games his friends were into. And at the concert, all he’d been doing was giving a woman a piggy back ride. And drinking along with his friends. From the time she’d spent with him, he’d turned out to be easy going, caring, and all out sexy. So why did she keep resisting him?

  She turned her body to face him, which woke him from his deep sleep.


  He huskily groaned, “Good morning.” He stretched his arms, which only accentuated the cut of his muscles, then settled his hands tentatively on her again.

  She reached out and pet the edge of his stubbled jaw and his eyes grew more alert. She’d only ever reached for him once before, and since then, they’d stuck to just being friends, nothing more. This morning felt different, though. They’d been through too much to keep pretending they didn’t want each other. Just the fact that they’d woken up entwined yet again told her all she needed to know about her subconscious desire for him.

  She leaned in and kissed him, and he immediately cupped her head in his big hands, turning their embrace into a desperate need to get closer. With the tension from their self-imposed resistance to each other finally gone, the heat between them was free to take its own course.

  She whimpered at the taste of him, her body needing more. Much more. Marc moaned in response to her greedy hands trying to pull him closer, then rolled over so his firm body hovered atop hers.

  They broke from their steamy kiss for a moment, and Marc’s eyes shone bright and excited. His hard erection prodded against her stomach, and she immediately reached for him.

  Marc’s lids drooped as she wrapped her hand around his hard cock, then slowly stroked him, up and down. He quietly groaned as he watched her.

  “Fair warning. If you keep doing that, I take no responsibility for what’ll happen next.”

  Her body clenched as racy ideas ran through her head. “I’ll take my chances.” She rocked her hips against his body and he moaned again, then leaned down and gave her another scorching kiss.

  His hand slid between their bodies, inching towards her aching thighs until he reached her core. She sucked in a breath at his gentle, yet firm, unrelenting touch. Marc knew what he was doing with a woman, that was no doubt. It almost made her jealous since she’d seen him being sexy with at least one other woman, but this morning she got to be the recipient of his expertise.

  She took her own time exploring him while he continued to make her whimper, but when he slid his long fingers inside her and found out just how wet she was for him, he became more than a little anxious.

  “Take me Marc. Now.”

  She didn’t have to ask again. Both of them were frantic by the time Marc slid inside her needy body. The moment he was inside her, a jolt of energy sizzled through her, forcing her eyes wide open in surprise. Marc stopped mid thrust, the same look on his face.

; “Did you feel that?”

  She nodded.

  “Did it hurt?”

  She smirked. “Hell no.”

  His eyes sparked and he immediately thrust back inside her, the jolt of energy continuing to ebb and flow as their bodies worked feverishly in time with each other.

  She imagined them waking each morning and doing exactly this, every day. Marc’s hard body and experienced hands grasping and petting and touching her just the way she liked it until he couldn’t take it anymore and just had to be inside her. Then his hard cock slipping into her so wet body, enveloped in her need to have him thrusting in and out, back and forth with an energy only two werewolves could sustain.

  When she realized she didn’t have to be careful of her werewolf strength with Marc, and that he was even stronger and more energetic than she was while making love, a franticness overcame all her thoughts.

  She bit Marc’s muscular shoulder, needing to be closer, and needing to taste him. She licked him, his skin salty and his scent musky. But she needed more, so she bit down until the coppery taste of blood singed her tongue.

  Marc buried his head in her neck and moaned, then quickly bit her as she urged him on. He was hers and no one else’s, and once she felt him break the skin and taste her blood as well, that erotic surge of energy bound them together. Her back arched all on its own while Marc bucked against her, his thrusts slower but more emphatic now.

  When he raised his head to look at her, the drop of blood on his lips drove her crazy. She reached between their bodies and stroked her aching clit as Marc thrust in and out of her, the desperation in his eyes finally pushing her over the edge.

  She nearly cried out loud as she came, her muscles tensing, then contracting over and over again. Marc’s body soon tensed as well, and he orgasmed with a loud, satisfied grunt.

  Aftershocks rocked through Helena, and she finally realized it wasn’t just from good sex. There was something between her and Marc that she couldn’t explain, some energy that seemed to call out to only them. And right now, with their bodies still entwined, it felt magical. There was no other word for it.

  Marc breathed heavily, his muscles shaking as he hovered above her. She nudged him to his side to lay beside her.

  He quietly said with a cautious look in his eye, “No regrets?”

  “No regrets.”

  “Good. Because I have no idea what just happened. That was incredible.”


  “I don’t know what direction takes us back to the car.”

  Marc tapped the side of her nose. “Use this. Smell the air. We’re near the others and the parking lot isn’t that far away.”

  She tried to focus on her senses. “I smell… people. Others. And… metal and oil and stuff.”

  The walk back took a little longer than she liked, but it was very freeing to be out here, buck naked, and to know that this place was a sanctuary just for them. Not that she wanted to be parading around in front of other people, but everyone they ran into before they found their clothes was in the same boat as them. Just looking to get dressed so they could go back home.

  Some looked pretty hung over actually, but she felt invigorated. Instead of being worried about letting go last night, she’d willingly let whatever was going to happen, happen. And this morning… she was fine. More than fine.

  She squeezed Marc’s hand in hers, then let him lead the way out of here.

  Chapter 11

  Marc felt incredible now that Helena had let her guard down with him. Everything about being with her was fantastic. From the crazy energy between them, to the mostly drama free, easy going relationship they were forming, to the incredible sex they now had every chance they got. And who knew she’d like to be spanked so much?

  Life just couldn’t be better.

  “Let me make you dinner at my place sometime this week.”

  She teased, “I finally get to see your place?”

  “You can come over any time you want. In fact, we can sleep in my bed for once.”

  She hesitated for a split second, and it made his stomach drop. Hadn’t she made her decision as her human self that she wanted him?

  “Ok. When?”

  “Friday night. That’ll give me a chance to clean a little before you come over.”

  He dropped her off at home, then went straight to his apartment to clean like a madman. Why did he think having her over would be a good idea? Oh yeah. Because he wanted to feel like this was a real relationship, not just him trying to force it on Helena. A heavy feeling settled in his gut because he was still trying his hardest to keep some things about himself from her. Like almost everything. But he was a changed man now. Did he have to tell her about how he used to be?


  It was Friday night and Marc was nervous about bringing Helena home. What if she didn’t like it? What if it wasn’t up to her standards?

  He parked and she helped him get the groceries out of the back for the baked chicken he was going to make. On the walk around the front of the building to his place in the rear, the sound of a crazy party seemed out of place. It was only six thirty on a Friday night, and people in this complex didn’t usually have parties.

  A sick feeling grew inside him as he approached his door and realized the noise was coming from his apartment. “What the hell?”

  He handed the bags of groceries to Helena. “Wait here.”

  It was a full on party inside. Rio and the crew were all there, and it was just like the old days. Some of them were running around totally naked, a couple were screwing on the couch, music was blaring, bottles of booze, glasses and cans of beer were everywhere, and a video of an orgy party from a few years ago was playing on his big screen TV.

  He turned in horror when he felt Helena’s presence. She stepped tentatively into his place, her troubled gaze taking in the whole scene. When a familiar voice sounded from the TV, he swiveled around to see himself, front and center, having sex with Natalie. His life’s biggest regret was playing in high definition and surround sound for everyone to see and hear.

  That party was the night he’d lost all respect for himself. He was just a body to Natalie, and to every other woman he’d ever been with. And he’d used all of them the same way. Sure, they’d all pretended to want to get to know each other, but it was never real. None of them ever got past the surface layer of what really mattered to them. They were just using the high of sex and the thrill of the emotional ups and downs as a way to detract from the fact that they had nothing meaningful in their lives.

  He swiveled back around in deep dread. Helena’s eyes were glued to the TV. She turned ashen just before all expression on her face closed down.

  He and his wolf were instantly of one mind. They raged and roared in fury, then raced straight for Rio, the only one of his so called friends who’d dare do something like this to him.

  From the look in his eyes, this was exactly what Rio had been waiting for. Marc punched him square in the jaw, but Rio just picked himself up and rushed him, which turned into a full body tackle. People screamed, bodies clamored to get out of the way, and all he could see was red. He punched and clawed and bit until blood freely flowed, and he had no desire to stop.

  “What the fuck is your problem, Rio?”

  “Where were you at full moon, asshole? We always shift together. And you’re not coming to the gym anymore either.”

  Marc slammed an elbow into best friend’s guts. “What, are we fucking married? Give me a break! When you were dating Laney I didn’t hassle you about not being around as much.”

  “Fuck you. Laney is gone and you know it.”

  Rio kicked him in the knee, which did not feel good. Marc dropped to the ground in pain, then realized this gave him an even better angle to gut punch Rio again.

  “So what? What difference does that make?”

  Rio gasped as he doubled over and spit up blood, then said with honest to God hurt in his voice, “The difference is you don’t have to try so godda
mn hard to get whatever you want in life. I do.”

  “You’re an asshole, Rio.” He got up and kicked him in the back as best he could. Luckily wolves healed quickly. “You can get girls just as easily as I can. And you go to the gym as much as I do, you just don’t try as hard while you’re there. And you have everything you want, too.”

  “Except a best friend, dickhead.” Rio tried to kick his feet out from under him, but all he managed to do was make Marc stumble backwards.

  Marc took his time huffing and puffing against the wall as Rio lay on the ground, holding his stomach. “You want to talk about being a best friend? You never listen to a damn word I say anymore. How many times have I told you about Helena, and yet you always ask me who the hell I’m talking about. Shit, even Kev knew who she was because he saw me dancing with her at the concert.”

  Rio snapped to with a crazy look in his eye. He spat out, “I saw you dancing with her, ok? I saw you, and saw that you actually liked her. Ok? Are you happy?”

  “Then why did you keep pretending you didn’t know who she was?”

  “Because she’s not like us! She’s not one of us!”

  Marc stared at Rio in horror. His best friend had purposely tried to sabotage his relationship with Helena?

  Rio limped out of the apartment cursing and acting like Marc was the one at fault for all this. That left Marc alone with the old party video playing and some nosey stragglers. “Get the hell out of my place! Now!”

  People scattered, though some looked pissed off that he’d kick them out. Like Natalie. Whatever.

  He looked around in frustration after the last of them were shoved out the door. They’d made a hell of a mess in the short time they were here. What great friends he had.

  And, not like he expected her to still be there, but Helena was gone, too. He stumbled outside, his knee still throbbing, just to see if maybe she was hanging around somewhere. She wasn’t.

  This was a disaster, and if Helena had any lingering doubts about him, her mind was surely made up now. Dammit.


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