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Mine at Midnight [Boys of Sinn Island 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

Page 7

by Leah Blake

  “You knew I was your sub.” Trevor mirrored Marcus’s position, their legs brushing, bodies close. His eyes dropped to Marcus’s mouth, craving his kiss, a kiss he had yet to be gifted. The tease back at the water pool wasn’t enough to satiate the intimacy he craved from Marcus’s kiss. Instinctually, Trevor traced a finger along the seam of his lover’s mouth. “How?”

  “I recognized you,” Marcus said, giving Trevor’s fingertip a playful nip. “Not hard despite the gap since I last saw you.”

  “But your guard didn’t know me.” Trevor raised his gaze to Marcus’s observant blue eyes. “Or did he?”

  “Why don’t you stop picking at the layers and ask what it is you want to know. Stop walking on your toes around me, Trevor.” Marcus brushed aside fallen waves from Trevor’s forehead, leaned forward, and placed a soft kiss between his brows. “You’ve always been timid. Stop.”

  “Fine. How did you get my name and know I was going to be a sub? It’s all confidential information. I suppose that the owners might know, but other…than…” Even as the words rolled past his lips, everything clicked together and the final picture made perfect sense. “Shit. You and your brothers own Sinn?”

  “A risky business investment that’s been extremely successful.”

  A sharp breath fled Trevor’s mouth as he dropped back onto the mattress. He snickered. Should’ve known.

  Marcus lowered himself alongside Trevor, draping a leg across his own. The man kissed his shoulder, slipping his palm against Trevor’s, and lifting their hands. “Sure hope you don’t believe everything you read in the tabloids, Trev. You have your own resources, do you not?”

  “Yeah, but nothing to the extent you possess,” he admitted, shifting so his back nestled against Marcus’s front. He closed his eyes for a moment, absorbing the heat from Marcus’s body, the righteousness of being back in his lover’s arms after all this time. “Found out you visited almost weekly. I saved up for months to get here. Worked my ass off in hopes that I’d find you.”

  “You know, hunting me down in California would’ve been much easier,” Marcus said, his breath caressing Trevor’s ear. A pleasurable chill slithered down to his groin when Marcus nibbled his earlobe. Trevor folded his fingers between his lover’s, bringing his knuckles to his lips to kiss each one. “And not as strenuous for you.”

  “I needed to make sure you knew that I meant this.” Trevor spread open Marcus’s fingers and exposed his palm. He brushed his lips against his lover’s sensitive flesh, stealing a nip here and there. Marcus’s cock jerked against his ass in response. “I wanted to make sure you understood that I was as sincere as a man could be when I said I was sorry.”

  Marcus slipped his hand from Trevor, gingerly pinched Trevor’s chin between two fingers, and turned his head. Staring up into the handsome face of Marcus Stark made everything bad disappear.

  When Marcus leaned down, Trevor closed his eyes and awaited that final connection that lay behind the airy brush of Marcus’s warm breath and the electrical tease of his lips so damn close.

  “Trev, I can see through to your soul. All you needed to do was knock on my door and I would’ve seen the sincerity before you even spoke a word.”

  Trevor’s heart leaped into his throat. Elation filled him to bursting. It wasn’t an acceptance of his apology, but Marcus’s soft-spoken assurance gave him something to hope for and cling to.

  All of that faded the moment Marcus’s lips feathered over his. The man’s tongue teased his bottom lip until Trevor couldn’t bear the torture any longer. He opened his mouth and flicked out his tongue, tentative in this first renewed kiss.

  Marcus’s hand cupped the side of Trevor’s face, angling his mouth to accept the full, exhilarating sweeps of his tongue. He tasted like the Marcus he remembered. Hot, masculine, intense. Marcus kissed him without reserve, taking, drinking, imprinting each delve of his tongue, each soft groan of delight. Trevor reached up and wrapped an arm around his lover, holding him close, never wanting to let him go. He fed the fuel that Marcus poured into his soul, the withered fire of their lost love mushrooming into a brand-new, searing-hot explosion.

  Marcus’s cock stiffened against his hip, his own dick swelling with new need, but his lover apparently had other ideas when he tugged Trevor’s lower lip and ended their kiss.

  With an arm draping around Trevor’s chest, Marcus pulled his back flush to his front again. “Come here, Trevor. Let me enjoy holding you again.”

  Chapter Eight

  Marcus drowned in these precious moments, never wanting them to end. He traced the curves and rivets of Trevor’s body, reacquainting himself with this new, more defined terrain than that of the twenty-year-old man he’d fallen so desperately in love with. Tipping his head, he inhaled the crisp scent of Trevor’s soft hair, mixed with a tinge of salt from sweat and the ocean breeze coming through the open French doors. His skin was feverish, firm, and felt so nice against Marcus’s fingers.

  He drew his bottom lip between his teeth, savoring the taste of Trevor’s mouth.

  “I miss your hands, Marc. The way they touch me after you’ve had your way with me,” Trevor murmured. “I miss everything about you.”

  “If you think that isn’t reciprocated, you’re sorely mistaken.” Marcus watched Trevor’s dark lashes flutter and fan over his cheek when his eyes closed. The day-old stubble that lined his jaw enhanced his magnificent bone structure and the deep hollows of his cheeks. “I would have given up everything to be with you, Trevor. All the money in the world couldn’t lure me away from what we had.”

  “I know.” Trevor sighed, the weight of his emotions coming out in that single breath. “You’ve never struggled for money. You’ve no idea how intimidating money can be to a kid who has busted his ass all his life just to make ends meet, especially when you’re twenty.”

  “One thing I always loved about you. Your humble mindset. It’s damn sexy.”

  “Do you think it could ever be again?”

  Marcus dipped his head, tracing the cut of Trevor’s cheekbone with the tip of his nose. “You and me?”


  “It’s possible, I suppose.” Marcus wasn’t about to let Trevor in on his pleasure of hearing those words from his mouth. He graced his jaw with an openmouthed kiss, the scrape from his stubble sending tingles down his body. “Anything’s possible.”

  “I wouldn’t want your money, Marc. Not a penny. I just want you.”

  “Baby, you don’t need to clarify pennies and dimes right now.” He lowered his hand to Trevor’s hips, molding his hand over the man’s hipbone. His fingers spread along Trevor’s muscled thigh. His handsome young man had transformed into an immaculate creation, just like his paintings. Trevor’s muscles quivered beneath his touch. His chest stopped moving with his breaths. “Tell me. What have you been doing all these years?”

  “Surviving.” Trevor curled his hand around Marcus’s. “Barely.”

  “Ah, Trev.” Marcus bit the edge of his chin and lashed his tongue along his jawbone. A quiet moan rushed past Trevor’s lips. “Where are you living? What do you do for work?”

  “I spent a short time in Nevada before going north to Oregon. I’ve been logging and painting. Two things that give me enough to get by.”

  My dear Trevor, a logger?

  “You picked a, um, dangerous job.”

  “Keeps my mind off things. If I’m not watching what I’m doing and what’s going on around me, I’d be dead.”

  Marcus played with the ends of Trevor’s hair, hating the fact that this man could’ve been lost to him and he would’ve never known. “I don’t like it.” He pinched Trevor’s hard stomach. “Even if it gave you all this extra muscle.”

  Trevor chuckled, the sound so relaxing. “I’m bigger than you now.”

  “Not by much, pet.” Marcus laughed, wrapping his arm around Trevor’s waist and tugging him close. “I still hold the whip.”

  “That you do.” Trevor nestled so right against him
. “And you, Marcus. What’ve you been doing since your father died?”

  “Ahh.” Marcus scraped his teeth over Trevor’s shoulders. Goose bumps erupted over the man’s arm. “Working. Stark and Sons was handed over to Julian, Alex, and I, and we’ve been building business with the financial institute. We’re looking to branch out in the next couple years, once Sinn has returned the majority of our investment.”

  “At ten grand a pop, that should come pretty fast.”

  “This was the best thing we could’ve done.”

  “I’m sure.” Trevor snickered. “Your brothers can get their fill of beautiful men and women.” He nudged Marcus in the ribs with his elbow. “You, too. How many have you had?”

  Marcus hesitated, gauging the tone Trevor used. The teasing edge in his words was a silent warning that Trevor was curious, but not lighthearted about the subject.

  You ask, baby, I’ll tell.

  “I’ve taken a few to bed.” Marcus nibbled along the hard curve of Trevor’s shoulder, wrapping his leg around Trevor’s. “Pussy is nothing compared to you, baby. And I haven’t fucked an ass that could satisfy me the way you do.”

  Trevor looked back at him, pain etched in his dark eyes, despite the small grin on his lips. “You’ve taken many lovers since I left.”

  Marcus held his gaze, closing down his vulnerable heart. “Trevor, I didn’t leave you.” He rolled onto his back and raked a hand through his hair. Staring up at the ceiling fan, he added, “Should I have stayed faithful to a man who broke my heart and disappeared without a damn trace? Is that honestly a fair expectation of me?”

  “I’m sorry.” Trevor settled on his side, his back to Marcus. “I would never expect you to wait around for me.”

  “Fuck you, Trev.” Marcus shoved himself to his feet, anger and anguish boiling up in his gut. “Fuck you for leaving me. I brought a few lovers to my bed to try and fill that void you left. I can list them on one hand, if that satisfies your jealousy. But I’ve buried myself in work and play to keep my fucking mind off you.”

  Marcus growled, pivoting away from Trevor’s tempting backside. God, all he wanted to do was fit his body against that hard curvature of Trevor’s spine and hold him. Forever.

  He laughed, this bittersweet reunion wearing on his fragile nerves. When tomorrow night ticked into Sunday morning and the guests of Sinn were chartered to a nearby island to catch their flights back to the glitz and glamour of home, what would become of these frail moments?

  “I’ll be right back,” he grumbled. He needed a shower. He needed to clean Trevor’s scent off his skin so he could think straight. His heart was bleeding for the man in his bed, the man who could just as easily rip open his delicate organ and bring back all of the suffering if he wasn’t careful.

  Marcus punched in the showerheads he wanted to activate on the control panel built into the tiled wall of his bathroom. Water spilled out of several faucets, including the six wall-mounted fixtures. He stepped beneath the cool jets, not waiting for the water to heat up. Cold might be best. It could kill the swelling of his cock and bring him back to reality.

  Damn thing about this island. People paid a fine dollar to come here and forget the worries of high society. They wanted to pretend and play. They searched for their deepest and darkest fantasies and made them come to life.

  And when they left, the fantasies stayed here on Sinn.

  Marcus snatched up the bar of soap and lathered himself down with rough strokes. He barely felt the sting in his eyes until he leaned over to get his legs and realized he had tears sliding down his face.

  My fantasy came to me in the flesh and like everyone else, will leave this island and everything we shared in the Caribbean.

  Things were much different when real emotions and real hearts were at stake.

  He dropped the soap on the shelf and squeezed a dollop of shampoo into his palm. He worked the spiced lather through his hair, biting back the knot in his throat that wanted so desperately to purge out a sob. Fuck, he was a Dom, a Master, and here he stood, crying silent tears over his sub.

  My lover. My goddamn lover.

  He leaned his head into the hard spray of the multiple jets, rinsing the soap from his hair. Water splattered around his feet, hiding the evidence of his heart-wrenching pain in white suds.

  Rough hands splayed over his shoulder blades. Marcus squeezed his eyes shut, his body stiff beneath the tender touch. Always tender when I was rough. Trevor tempered his emotions, reformed them into something pure and magical when all he wanted to do was control and claim. The slow strokes of both hands tracing down his back, molding over his ass, and finally coming around to his front and trekking up to his pecs stole away the last of his frustration. He melted beneath the slow, loving touch, giving himself permission to step out from behind his reinforced walls and embrace what he dreamed of for years.

  If only for these few short days, I’ll take this gift and treasure every moment.

  “Marcus.” Trevor’s tongue licked the length of his spine from his lower back to his neck. His cock pulsed back to life from its semistiff stance, thickening with each erotic lick and nip Trevor delivered to him. The water sprayed over his head, streamed down his body, and tapped against his cock from the wall fixtures, adding a new tingling sensation to his heightened nerves.

  Trevor’s thumbs flicked across his nipples. Marcus jerked, swallowing down a growl. His nipples grew erect beneath his lover’s rough pads, each lash creating sparks of delight that sped down to his dick.

  “I love you, Marcus. Love you with my heart and my soul.”

  Marcus forced down the knot in his throat. “I love you, too, Trevor. Never stopped.”

  The only man he’d ever hand control over kissed his way along Marcus’s ribs and slowly came to stand before him, blocking the jets of water from the wall. His broad shoulders forced Marcus to straighten off the wall. He dropped his hands against Trevor’s solid pecs, feeling for the first time just how taut and hard he was. His large frame pressed into Marcus, one hand cupping the back of his neck, one arm drawing him flush to Trevor. Their cocks touched and glided up along wet skin, crushed between their stomachs.

  “Let me show you how much I love you,” Trevor whispered, closing his mouth over Marcus’s and kissing him with slow, full strokes of that sinful tongue. His arm loosened around his waist, the flat of his palm curving along Marcus’s ass, his fingers slipping between his crack.

  Marcus groaned into the kiss, urging his lover to give into the hunger he knew simmered just below the surface. Trevor kept calm, controlled, his wet fingers playing with the rim of Marcus’s hole, testing his muscles with the gentle probe of the tip of one finger.

  Marcus rocked his hips into Trevor, his cock slipping along the man’s abs. Trevor’s kiss tapered off, but his lips remained open against Marcus, his breaths steady. His strong hand against Marcus’s neck prevented him from leaning back. Drops of water slid across Marcus’s tongue, carrying a salty edge from Trevor’s skin, shattering everything but the thrumming hunger building up with each beat of his heart.

  “Let me have you, Marc,” he murmured into his mouth. The slight motion of his lips as he spoke left Marcus aching for more of his kiss. Fuck, how could he deny Trevor? The only man he’d ever allow inside his body?

  God, he fucking ached, the gentle taunting of Trevor’s fingers at his anus making it impossible for him to think straight. Each faint motion to reignite their kiss left him dizzy and desperate. He rubbed his dick against Trevor, seeking even the slightest reprieve from this intense seduction that damn well drove him crazy with lust.

  “Take me,” Marcus whispered.

  “Love you, Marc. I will love you.”

  Trevor slid around Marcus, his body remaining in contact with Marcus’s hot flesh as he came up behind him. Marcus braced his hands on the wall, the jets spraying a line down the front of his body, each bead of water vibrating over his cock like he vividly recalled the hum vibrating through Trevor’s mouth.

  Trevor reached past him and picked up the opened condom packet from the shelf closest to the edge of the doorless shower. He withdrew the sheath and a tube of lubrication. Marcus tried to settle the vicious throb in his cock, but each second that went by brought him closer to complete satisfaction.

  Marcus blocked most of the water from the showerheads as Trevor prepped himself. It wasn’t long before Trevor’s deft fingers slid through his crack, spreading a generous amount of lube through the crease leading down to his hole. He found himself chewing his bottom lip, wanting his man to fuck him, frightened that he would regret allowing Trevor this degree of control.

  As he remembered, Trevor took his time, working his anus with his lubed fingers first. He stretched and primed, each stroke and twist unleashing a higher level of delight.

  “I’m not hurting you?” Trevor asked.

  “God, baby. Absolutely not. It feels amazing.”

  “I’ll be gentle.”

  Marcus glanced over his shoulder. He caught Trevor’s eyes beneath the thin crease of concentration and the wet strands of hair hanging over his brows. “Trevor, you’re always gentle.”

  “We balance each other.” He pulled his fingers and replaced them with the head of his cock. Marcus dropped his head between his arms and relaxed, trying his damnedest to make his body accept Trevor’s slow advance. The pressure of his cock filling him, gliding so easily along his inner muscles left him quivering and his cock jerking.

  When he hit that single most potent pleasure spot, Marcus gasped, followed by a low moan. “That’s it, baby. That felt damn good.”

  Trevor gripped Marcus’s hips, sinking himself to the hilt. The gentle brush of the man’s sac against Marcus unleashed another shockwave of pleasure.

  “Oh god, Marcus,” Trevor breathed, fingers biting into his hips. He inched his dick out of Marcus, keeping only his crown lodged at the entrance, then pushed back in.

  Searing heat splashed against his sac and prickled down his cock each time Trevor struck his prostate. Marcus clenched his teeth, guttural growls escaping his throat with each deep-seated thrust. His knees weakened. Pleasure coiled in his lower gut, slithering up from his sac.


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