Book Read Free

I Need You

Page 13

by Mercy Amare

  I sip the champagne at the party. I hate the taste, but by the second glass it starts to calm my nerves. Toby stays close by, which I am grateful for. Usually by now he’s convinced some girl to have sex with him.

  “This is kind of boring,” Toby says.

  “I’m cutting into your sex-time, aren’t I?” I joke.

  “I know, right?” he says. “So many girls who don’t know me, so many possibilities.”

  “I haven’t really seen anybody I know. I figured at least some people from school would be here.”

  “Tonight really isn’t a big deal,” he says. “Like your dad said, it’s more of a political thing to make Mike Newman look good to voters. That’s why we are here. The Evers family is pretty impressive.”

  I shrug. “I don’t see how it’s all that impressive. Sure, Dad is rich, but all he did was create a website.”

  “Staying Connected is a lot more than just a website. Studies have shown the average person spends over sixteen hours a month on Staying Connected,” he says. “People have found long lost friends and loved ones. People have found romance. It’s changed the way that people connect with each other.”

  “Sixteen hours? Geez, does anybody have a life?” I ask, wrinkling my nose.

  “You just say that because your dad invented it. You aren’t on there because you know that Mark can see everything you put on there,” he says. “I bet if Mark wasn’t your dad, you’d be like every other teenager in America, glued to your cell phone.”

  “Probably,” I agree with him. “Though, I’ll be honest, I’m glad he created it. I don’t want to live my life online.”

  “Me either.”

  I feel a pair of arms side around my mid-section. I’m about to scream when I hear, “Hey, beautiful,” in my ear. It’s Gabe. I turn around in his arms and squeeze him back.

  “I was so worried about you,” I tell him.

  “Sorry,” he says. “I wanted to come and surprise you.”

  Gabe leans down and kisses me gently on the lips. When he pulls back, I look over to see Ty standing beside him.

  “So, did you find anything?” Toby asks them.

  “No,” Ty answers. “But I have a plan.”

  I feel disappointment. “What’s your plan?”

  “You’ll find out,” he says. “Tonight. When the four of us show back up at his dad’s. He will be there. Alone.”

  “What?” I half-shout. “Are you crazy?”

  A few people turn to look at us, so I lower my voice.

  “Why would I want to come back here? Especially once I’m safely away from here.”

  “You will see,” Ty says. “You just have to trust me.”


  He said the magic word.

  Ty knows that I trust him. And even though the thought of going to Mike Newman’s house scares the crap out of me, I will do it. I know that he wouldn’t ask me to do this if he didn’t think I was safe.

  “Okay,” I say, nodding my head. “I trust you.”

  Tonight, I am going to Mike Newman’s beach house. My stalker’s home. I have no idea what is going to happen. I don’t know if I will be okay. But one way or another, this ends tonight.

  I’m okay.

  I think.

  9 p.m.


  Dad lets us leave the party early, so Toby, Ty, Gabe, and I head to a coffee shop to catch our breath. We aren’t going back to our hotel before we go back to Mike’s house later tonight, so I’m glad I wore comfy shoes. Going to a serial killer’s home in high heels just seems like a bad idea.

  Actually, going to his house period seems like a bad idea.

  Am I really doing this?

  We order coffee and then take a seat in the back of the coffee shop. I scoot in first, then Gabe sits on the outside. He puts his arm around me and I lean my head over on his chest. I can feel the steady rhythm of his heartbeat, and that makes me feel better. For this moment, I’m just a normal teenage girl hanging out with her boyfriend.

  Ty speaks and ruins the fantasy. “Dad left Angela in Mountain View, so there was no getting into his office.”

  “Do you think she knows?” I ask.

  He shrugs. “I don’t know. I mean, if she does, that’s pretty crazy. Who would stay with somebody who murdered their ex-wife?”

  “Somebody who is scared to leave? Maybe she’s scared of being the next target.”

  “Maybe,” he says. “But it doesn’t matter. It’s ending tonight.”

  “So what’s the plan?” Toby asks.

  “You’ll see when we get there,” Ty answers. “It’s better if nobody knows. You guys don’t know my dad like I do.”

  “I don’t want to know your dad anymore than I already do,” I say, shivering.

  Gabe tightens his grip around me and kisses the top of my head.

  “Do you two have to be all lovey-dovey right now? We’re planning the take down of a serial killer,” Ty says.

  “So this is really almost over?” I ask. “Like really, really.”

  “Yes,” Gabe answers me. “By this time tomorrow, Mike Newman will be behind bars, and you will be free to live your life in peace. No more fear.”


  “Oh my God.” My eyes fill with tears.

  “What’s wrong?” Gabe asks.

  “This is really happening. I’ve dreamed of this moment for so long, but it’s finally happening.” I let the tears fall from my eyes. “I can’t wait until tomorrow.”

  “Me too,” he says.

  Everybody agrees.

  This has gone on way too long.

  “My dad should have everybody cleared out around twelve tonight,” Ty says. “There are too many reporters, so he won’t risk having any female guests over tonight. He will be alone, and this is the perfect time.”

  “So are we just going to go in there unarmed?” Toby asks. “I mean, what if he has a gun. Of course he has a gun…”

  “We aren’t going unarmed. Just trust me,” Ty says again.

  “Do you know the plan?” Toby asks Gabe.

  Gabe nods. “I helped him come up with it.”

  “And we really aren’t doing anything reckless?”

  “It’s a little reckless,” Ty answers. “But it’s this, or he continues to wreak havoc in Kihanna’s life. What if the next person dead is Kihanna? I don’t think there is any other way.”

  “I don’t know…” Toby says.

  “I know,” I tell him. “Ten months of this… I’m ready.”

  “Then it’s settled,” Ty says. “We end this. Now.”

  “Okay. So what do we do?” I ask.

  “We wait outside of his beach house,” Ty answers. “We’ll wait a few blocks away, and wait for the last guest to leave. He won’t even notice us, because he won’t be expecting us. That’s what we want. Then we will go to the front door and knock.”

  “That’s it? Just knock on the door?” Toby asks. “That seems so… I don’t know… easy?”

  “But he isn’t expecting it,” Ty tells him.

  “What will he think when the four of us just show up at his house?” I ask. “Don’t you think it’ll be suspicious?”

  “Maybe, but he won’t let on. My dad is all about appearances, and he will deny any involvement. I know him. And the three of you will just have to act normal. I mean, what would your dad say if we showed up at his beach house at midnight?”

  “He’d be cool with it,” I tell him.

  “Exactly. So as far as you guys know, my dad is just like yours,” he says. “So he’s going to invite us in because that’s what he’s supposed to do. Of course, he’ll be planning my punishment for later, but you guys won’t know that. Once we’re in, well… leave that to me.”

  “Okay,” I say.

  If somebody would’ve told me six months ago that my life would depend on me trusting Ty, I would’ve laughed at them. Of course, at that time, Ty had just cheated on me with Jacqueline. I mean, obviously I don’t trust hi
m to be faithful, but I do trust him with my life. He’s turned out to be one of my best friends and I’m so glad I have him in my life.

  After drinking our coffee, we all get up to head out to the limo. I grab Ty’s arm as Gabe and Toby walk out the door.

  “Are you sure you’re okay with this?” I ask him in a low voice. “I mean, this is your dad. There is no going back once you do this.”

  “I have waited a long time for justice,” he tells me. “I’m finally doing what I should’ve done a long time ago. I have never been more certain of anything in my life.”

  Ty walks out the door and I walk out behind him.

  Good or bad, this is really happening.

  11 p.m.

  As safe as one can be when it comes to a psycho with a gun.

  Ty, Gabe, Toby, and I are sitting a block away from Mike’s beach house. Once the guests start leaving, they clear out pretty fast. Dad and Veronica are among the last to leave. Once everybody is clear, we head toward the house.

  As we walk to the house, I feel sick to my stomach. I’m pretty sure my whole body is trembling.

  I don’t know what’s going to happen. I don’t know if I am going to survive this. All I know is that I cannot live like this anymore. What I’m doing is not really living. I’m ready for freedom. And if this is what it takes to finally be free, then I’ll do it. A hundred times over, I’d do it.

  Gabe grabs my hand and squeezes it as we get closer.

  “It’s going to be okay,” he promises and kisses me on the cheek.

  I nod my head in response. I’m not sure I could reply to that even if I wanted to.

  “I love you,” he tells me.

  “I love you too,” I say, hoping it isn’t the last time I get to tell him.

  If I survive this, I am going to tell him just how much I love him every day for the rest of my life. Hopefully it will be a really long life.

  I’m not ready to die. I’m only eighteen and there is so much stuff I haven’t done yet. There are so many places I haven’t been to — starting with Bora Bora this summer. I want to come back from Tahiti, watch my little sister be born, and then start college this fall. I want to go to parties, make new friends, and have a real college experience. After I graduate, I want to marry Gabe and spend the rest of my life with him. Every new experience I have, I want Gabe to be there with me.

  My heart skips a beat.

  What if I survive and Gabe doesn’t? How could I live with myself? All those months I wasted with Brian when I should have been with Gabe.

  No. No. No. I can’t even think that. I will survive. So will Gabe, Ty, and Toby. We will be okay.

  My heart beats hard against my chest, and we are all walking slow, because we all want to prolong these last moments as long as possible.

  Gabe doesn’t let go of my hand, and I savor his touch.

  As we get to the front door, we all stand there for a moment. Gabe wraps his arm around me and I bury my head in his shoulder. When I pull back, Ty gives me a nod, then knocks on the door. A few seconds later, the door swings open.

  Mike Newman is standing there. He has taken off his suit jacket, and his tie is loose around his neck. The top few buttons of his shirt are undone, and for a few seconds I forget this guy is the one who has made my life miserable. Mike is very attractive, and seeing him look so… normal… is shocking. Ty looks so much like him.

  “Ty,” he says, not smiling. “What a surprise.”

  “I decided to fly in tonight to hang out with Kihanna,” he says. “I forgot to bring my key. We’re going to hang out here tonight.”

  “Oh,” Mike says, not kindly.

  “That’s all right, isn’t it?” Ty asks.

  “Of course.” Mike’s smile is tight as he pushes the door open. “Come on in.”

  “Thanks,” Gabe says to him.

  “Kihanna, you left the party early,” Mike says. “I didn’t get much of a chance to talk to you.”

  “I didn’t really know anybody,” I say, trying to act normal.

  “Yeah. These parties are always boring. I can’t imagine attending them as a teenager,” he says. “Of course, I didn’t have to worry about that. I was raised in a middle class family, so we were never invited to stuff like this. Ty doesn’t realize how lucky he is to have the world at his fingertips. Though, I guess you do… You’re a real Cinderella story.”

  I shrug my shoulders. “I guess. Stuff doesn’t really matter to me.”

  “That’s nice,” he says, but his voice doesn’t match his words. I can tell that he doesn’t like having me here right now… Any of us. “I am going to head to bed. You kids have fun.”

  Mike turns to walk away.

  “Actually, Dad, we were wanting to talk to you,” Ty says.

  His back stiffens as he turns around. “I suppose I could stay up a little longer. I’ll meet you guys on the balcony. It’s such a beautiful night. I don’t think we shouldn’t waste it by sitting inside.”

  “Okay,” Ty says.

  Mike walks towards his office and the four of us head outside. Once we’re on the balcony, I turn to Ty.

  “What do you think he’s doing?” I whisper.

  “Probably getting a gun,” he whispers back. “I think he’s onto us.”

  “Oh my God. Are we safe?” I ask.

  Ty lifts up his shirt, showing me the gun tucked into his pants. “As safe as one can be when it comes to a psycho with a gun.”

  A few seconds later, Mike walks on to the balcony and takes a seat. We all sit down too.

  “So what did you want to talk about?” Mike asks Ty.

  “Did you know that Kihanna has a stalker?” Ty starts the conversation.

  Mike clears his throat and looks at me. “I heard about that. Your ex-boyfriend, right?”

  Ty answers for me. “Well, he was actually getting paid by somebody else to stalk her. Apparently a kid at our school, Kasbian, was paid too. Of course, he felt guilty and was going to tell Kihanna the truth, but somebody shot him. And, of course, you know about the hit man that broke into her house, killing her butler.”

  Mike nods. “That’s terrible. Are the police any closer to finding out who did it?”

  “No,” I answer.

  “The police have no idea,” Ty says. “But we do. It took us a while, but we’ve finally figured it out.”

  “Shouldn’t you take this information to the police?” Mike asks.

  “Yeah, but we need your help.”

  “Of course,” Mike says. “What do you need?”

  “I know it’s you,” Ty says. “I know that you’re the one who has been stalking Kihanna. You paid that hit man in November. You paid Kasbian and Brian. And you’re the one who killed Jacqueline Hoff. Not only Jacqueline. You also killed my mom.”

  “You know that accusing somebody wrongfully is a crime,” Mike says. “As a senator, I don’t take defamation of character lightly.”

  “Cut the crap. I know it’s you.”

  “Where is the proof?” he asks. “According to the law, I am innocent until proven guilty.”

  “Do you really think we should show you our evidence?” Ty asks him. “How stupid do you think I am? You would take the evidence, burn it, and then you’d kill us with the gun you’re hiding under your shirt. You’d claim it was a break in. I’m sure you’d say you tried to save us. Maybe you’d even kill the person responsible and look like a hero. I know how you are.”

  “You’re not that smart, Ty. If you were, you wouldn’t have shown up tonight,” Mike says. “Do you not see how easily I could turn this on you? You wanted revenge because Kihanna dumped you for your best friend. I can tell everybody what a troubled child you were, ever since your mom was murdered. People will sympathize with me.”

  “You can’t always get away with murder,” Ty says. “One day you’re going to slip up and the whole world is going to see the evil person you really are.”

  “I haven’t gotten caught yet,” he says.

l, this time you messed with the wrong person.” Ty leans forward in his chair. “Why did you do it? Why Kihanna?”

  “I should’ve killed Mark Evers a long time ago,” Mike says. “He ruined my life. He slept with my wife and had zero consequences for his actions. Even after Veronica found out, she still forgave him after only three months of separation. He is the reason my wife is dead.”

  “No he’s not. You are,” Ty says. “You killed my mom.”

  “And I’d do it again,” Mike says. “She cheated on me.”

  “You cheated on her too. All the time. She messes up one time and you make her pay by killing her. It’s not right.” Ty stands up, moving closer to Mike. “You killed my mom while I watched.”

  “I’m also going to kill your girlfriend while you watch,” Mike says, pulling the gun from his pants. He aims it towards my head. “Mark Evers needs to pay for his sins, and losing his daughter is the perfect way for that to happen. This isn’t the way I planned it would happen. I planned on having a little fun with her first. Though, maybe I still will.”

  My whole body trembles, but I remain very still.

  How easy would it be for him to pull the trigger right now and end it all?

  “I can start by killing her stepbrother and her boyfriend while she watches,” Mike tells him. “Then I’ll shoot you, careful not to kill you. I just want you to bleed a little, so you can watch what I have planned. I’m sure you’d love that. After all, we do share girls a lot.”

  “If you touch her, I swear to God I will kill you,” Ty says.

  I want to scream, but I can’t. I can’t even move as I watch Ty and his dad. The gun is still pointed at me.

  “Oh, how sweet. You really love her, don’t you?” Mike says, his voice full of malice.

  “Love obviously isn’t something you would know about.”

  Ty is so calm as he faces his dad. This is something that should’ve happened a long time ago. I don’t know how he can be so brave. He walks in between his dad and me, standing directly in front of the gun.

  “I loved your mom,” Mike says. “I loved her more than anything.”

  “No you didn’t,” Ty says. “If you did, you wouldn’t have killed her. If you did, you wouldn’t have treated her as badly as you did. You would’ve been a real dad to me. Instead, all I’ve ever known from you is hate.”


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