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The Fireseed Wars k-5

Page 16

by John F. Carr

  During Verkan's time on force, Danthor Dras and the Paratime Police had been in a blood feud, which was how Kalvan, who had done his share of policing Appalachian hillbillies and moonshiners, might have put it. Danthor had been picked up for a minor Outtime Contamination infraction on one of the Alexandrian-Macedonian timelines, but Chief Zarvan had made a "Federal Case" out of it. Danthor was astute, a master manipulator and string-puller, so it wasn't hard to see why he'd gotten under Zarvan's skin.

  After all, Danthor had climbed his way to the top of the Styphon's House hierarchy in less than two years! Danthor was also one of the keenest observers and social realists-at least for someone from out of the Dhergabar University henhouse-that Verkan knew. Once Danthor had realized that Verkan was not going to continue his half of the feud, the Scholar had done an admirable turnaround and was on the way to becoming one of Verkan's friends, if not allies. Who would have guessed?

  Verkan watched as Danthor, dressed in a powder-blue shimmersheen tunic and matching breeches, made his way into the Constellation's main dining room. He was trailed by hangers-on and newsies, like the alpha male of a pride of lions on his way to feast on some tasty wildebeest, followed by jackals and hyenas. And there was the head hyena, Yandar Yadd, followed by his sycophant and Tri-Planet legman, Shabron Larv. Word must have slipped out that Verkan and Danthor were going to meet publicly-leaks were happening a lot these days.

  The newsies and paparazzi-another useful word from Kalvan's Europo-American Subsector-were probably expecting fireworks. They would have to be disappointed.

  Verkan rose to clasp hands and received a brief hug from the Scholar. Verkan thoroughly enjoyed the look of sheer horror that opened up on Yandar's countenance! Then he activated the privacy screen and they both sat down.

  "It's good to see you, Verkan," Danthor said, shaking his head. "I knew things were bad in Balph, but the nasty goings on in the Inner Circle make the Dhergabar Faculty Union meetings look like democracy in action."

  They both laughed.

  "I take it things have gotten worse since Sesklos died?"

  "The old fraud didn't die of natural causes, I think the new Styphon's Voice had something to do with it. He was way too self-satisfied about his passing, like that of a cat after eating the family bird. The poison was unfamiliar, but it reminded me of curare, an alkaloid taken from one of the Moonseed plants and used as a poison in certain primitive cultures on the Southern Continent, Minor Land Mass."

  Verkan nodded, he was familiar with its uses. In his youth, he'd spent some time on a Fourth Level, Europo-America Alexandrian Subsector where the Aztecs and their allies had created an empire that extended up from the tip of the Southern Continent, Minor Land Mass to the middle of the Northern Continent. Passing as one of the local outtimers had been one of the most dangerous and difficult assignments of his career. In fact, he still had that feather headdress and blood-stained stone knife that he'd pried out of the hands of the Priest he'd killed. Maybe it was time to put it in his display cabinet.

  "I'll tell you, Verkan," Danthor said, while making a washing motion with his hands, "I've been in a lot of middens in my centuries of outtime research, but this one in Balph is getting to be the worst."

  "What happened?" Verkan asked. It was almost unheard-of to see Danthor nonplussed and Verkan didn't like it.

  "It's the new Styphon's Voice, Anaxthenes. Since Roxthar's been out bleeding the Hostigi countryside, Anaxthenes has been consolidating his control over the Inner Circle until he's got them in the palm of his hand."

  "I thought Roxthar owned Balph from the buildings down to the cemetery stones."

  "Not anymore. The Investigator spent too much of his time and his power out of Balph, harassing and murdering the Hostigi people. His absence gave Anaxthenes the breathing room he needed. First, he consolidated his control over the Inner Circle, killing at least two of his intractable opponents-that I know about. Next he marginalized the opposition, led by Archpriest Dracar. He won't murder Dracar because Anaxthenes learned, by Dracar's reactions to Roxthar, that he's a baseless coward and more useful alive than dead. Dracar's now the unofficial Inner Circle whipping boy.

  "He used the other Archpriests' fear of Roxthar-highly understandable, of course-to coerce them into supporting his Election to Styphon's Own Voice and his reforms."

  "That's not at all like any of the Anaxthenes we know from the Kalvan Control Time Lines! Are you certain he's not been replaced?"

  "No, there's no First Level involvement; I've watched his personality transform myself; it's been enlightening."

  Anyone else but the Scholar would have used the word incredible.

  "He's also created his own army, the Sephrax Guard, with special uniforms and absolute loyalty to Styphon's Voice. He used the other new Archpriest, Grythos-a former Knight Commander of the Order of Zarthani Knights-to create it for him."

  Verkan nodded. "Anaxthenes knows that Roxthar owns the Temple Guard down to the soles of their boots. It makes sense that he'd create his own praetorians to counter Roxthar's ability to coerce the Inner Circle and the priesthood."

  "It's understandable, but this crew of his makes the Red Hand look like Boy Scouts. From all evidence, including his 'retirement' from the Order of Zarthani Knights, I believe Grythos is a sadist and misses military life for the opportunities it provided him to indulge his desires for domination and humiliation. A lot of the ex-soldiers he's recruited for the Guard are out-and-out sadists and bullies."

  "How did they miss jumping aboard Roxthar's Investigation?" Verkan asked.

  "Roxthar is a true believer; he recruits from the lower ranks of Styphon's priesthood. Grythos has gotten the majority of his men from gaols, dungeons and Styphon's debtor houses in Sephrax, which is the most backwards princedom in Hos-Ktemnos. A lot of them are ex-mercenaries that were cashiered for atrocities and exotic tastes that even their commanders couldn't stomach."

  Verkan said, "In wartime a plethora of those types emerge and have the opportunity to indulge themselves. 'Like flies to wanton boys.'"

  Danthor looked up, surprised. "You're familiar with the Bard's works?"

  "Yes, I'm too young to have met him, though."

  "That's a shame. I met him as an undergraduate-he died a couple of years later. Queen Bess, too; now, there was a ruler. We had our tiffs, but getting back on track, Anaxthenes' next step was to coerce the Inner Circle into declaring a State of Emergency, granting him full powers."

  "I thought the Grand Host just defeated Kalvan, not the other way around."

  "No, this has nothing to do with Kalvan, and everything to do with Holy Investigator Roxthar, who is neither holy nor much of an investigator. However, he is an expert at picking up fear and taking advantage of it; he may be a latent precognitive. It's too bad he's not an empath."

  Verkan grinned wryly. "These types usually aren't; empathy would blow his mental circuits."

  "Which would be a good thing, Verkan. Let me tell you about the meeting we had yesterday afternoon. I was called into Anaxthenes' quarters-a penthouse at the top floor of Styphon's High Temple, formerly the headquarters of Styphon's Own Voice Sesklos. Even the God Alexander, on Fourth Level Alexandrian-Macedonia, doesn't have such opulent furnishings. The overall effect, whether he's aware of it or not, is a hypnotic induction from all the over-stimulation and ceremonial ritual involved in a face-to-face meeting."

  He used his first level recall to reconstruct the meeting for Chief Verkan:

  "Archpriest Danthor, I take it you are happy with your new position in the Inner Circle?"

  "Yes, Your Divinity. It is afar distance from my previous temple in Bletha Town."

  Anaxthenes laughed. "I'm not laughing at you, Archpriest, but at my memories as the youngest son of a Baron who had more children than he could feed. I know neglect as well as the boredom of hayseed provinces. I helped elevate you, Archpriest, because I saw that we shared a similar background and need for acclaim. Is that not right?"

Your Divinity. I cannot thank you enough for your faith in my abilities and for my present high position in the Temple."

  "Good," Styphon's Voice said, all but smacking his lips. "Then, maybe you can help me with a difficult problem."

  "What would that be, Your Divinity?"

  "Great King Cleitharses has begun to present Us with a bit of a problem."

  Danthor raised his eyebrows, fearing what was to come. He liked the gentle king with his love of reading and scroll collecting. King Cleitharses had the best library outside the Temple Archives in the Five Kingdoms.

  "It appears that the old fool is going to appoint Marshal Valthros as the new Lord High Marshal of the Ktemnoi forces in the Grand Host and request that Prince Anaxon return to Ktemnos City."

  "Your Divinity, how does this bode ill for Styphon's House?"

  "Ever since the disastrous Battle of Phyrax, when Soton retired from his position to protect his Knights and left the Ktemnoi forces to face Kalvan's guns unsupported, Anaxon has blamed Grand Master Soton for the destruction of the Ktemnoi Sacred Squares. He has confided to his most trusted advisors-some in Styphon's House's pay, of course-that upon his uncle's death he will 'cleanse the palace of those cowardly yellow bedsheets and rule as a proper Great King. Not as some plaything of some pox-ridden priests."

  "Truly, "Anaxthenes continued, "it is not in the Temple's best interests to have Prince Anaxon return to Ktemnos City-either now, or later-to be invested upon the Golden Throne. He is needed now in the fight against the Daemon Kalvan; later when the Usurper is vanquished, an accident may befall him. After all, wars are dangerous places and many people die in battle."

  Danthor nodded, wondering where all this was leading, and fearful that he knew.

  "However, Anaxon's premature return could cause us problems with both maintaining the Ktemnoi soldiers now in Hos-Hostigos and those whom We may wish to send there in the future."

  "What do you want me to do, Your Divinity?"

  "I want you to act as my agent and ensure that King Cleitharses dies under normal conditions."

  Danathor blanched. This was not something he'd enjoy explaining to the Paratime Commission-even if he were willing to kill a harmless old man.

  "I understand this may be difficult for one not accustomed to the realities of life in Balph. However, most of us who have risen so high in Styphon's favor have bloodstains not only on our hands, but our robes as well."Anaxthenes nodded down to his scarlet robe of primacy and grinned evilly.

  Danthor felt a chill run down his spine.

  "Now, I fear, Danthor, it is time to dirty your hands. You are the only member of Styphon's House that the old fool will permit in his presence."

  Cleitharses may be a silly old woman, but he's not stupid, thought Danthor.

  "I would have him dealt with in my own way, but so many have been poisoned in Balph these past few years that even Cimon, our Peasant Priest, would be suspicious. We know the old King's habits very well; every half moon he has a concubine brought to the palace from the Brothel of Zaphrya to administer to his baser needs. Zaphrya is a very discriminating madam and I've convinced her that forging a good relationship with Styphon's House was more valuable than the King's gold coins."

  Anaxthenes' smile was chilling. "Since I threatened to denounce him as a pedophile, King Cleitharses has abandoned his child lovers-which is unfortunate as it will make it more difficult for us to undermine his authority. The people have little patience for those who voyage upon such paths. I have arranged with Zaphrya to provide the King with a concubine that we will procure."

  As far as Danthor had been able to determine, Cleitharses had never laid a hand, or anything else on his Royal Pages; however, he was nice to them, which in this culture meant he might very well have less obvious and more base motives. The old king was smart enough to have figured out that if Anaxthenes might blackmail him for things he might have done, then others might not be far behind. These days he was never alone with any man younger than his nephew and his current pages were all well past puberty.

  "The new concubine, who has worked for us before, will come to the palace. I want you to see that she is undisturbed and bears witness to the Kings 'natural' death."

  "But-"Danthor began.

  "I'm not asking you to do the deed yourself. She will give him a small dose of some compound which will leave his system weakened. Then she will press down upon him in the act of their union so that he has difficulty breathing. If this is not effective, she will smother him with a pillow. Either way, he will die. And, you will arrange it so that you are available to offer your services as a healer. They trust you in the palace and will believe you when you explain that Cleitharses expired due to his congress with the woman.

  "Trust me, once word is out, the old fool will find himself more highly regarded in death than in life. Are you with me, Danthor?"

  Danthor knew Dralm-damned well what his future would be if he refused Anaxthenes' orders. He 'wouldn't live long enough to see the old king die.

  "Yes, Your Divinity. It is a very well thought-out plan. There does appear to be one possible problem you have not anticipated."


  "What if Anaxon decides to return to Ktemnos when he learns of his Uncle's death and assumes the Golden Throne? What then, Your Divinity?"

  "I have taken this into consideration, but it is a pertinent question. First, the Great King's death will take place in about two moons, which means that the Grand Host will either be chasing the Usurper into the Trygath, or be at battle with his army. As the commander of the Ktemnoi forces, Anaxon will not find it easy to disengage from the Grand Host when he is most needed, To do so would leave the Prince and the Kingdom of Ktemnos open to blame should the Grand Host fail in its mission, or worse bring a charge of cowardice. Anaxon is no fool."

  "He could abdicate his post to Grand Master Soton who is fully capable of leading the Host to its inevitable success, Your Divinity."

  Anaxthenes smiled, shaking his head. "No. Grand Master Soton will not be re-joining the Grand Host instead he will be marshalling a new force to attack the bloated pig that sits upon the Throne of Light!"

  "King Demistophon?"

  "Yes, now that Kalvan is out of the Great Kingdoms and on the run, it is time to cleanse all the houses in the Five Kingdoms, starting with Cleitharses and Demistophon, and ending with that Dralm-lover King Sopharar. When they are all gone, Styphon's House will rule over the temporal rulers like the Inner Circle rules over Styphon's Highpriests."

  It struck Danthor as a remarkable plan for both its arrogance and its strong chance for success. Anaxthenes was on his way to turning Styphon's House into a true theocracy, and he was going to have to help him-or else.

  "So, Archpriest, are you with me, or are you going to disappoint me?"

  "I will do as you bid, Your Divinity. Styphon's Will Be Done!"

  Danthor summed it up: "That, Chief, is how I got sucked into Anaxthenes' plan to dominate the Five Kingdoms."

  Verkan tugged at his beard. "You did all the right things, Danthor. Your friend there had you by Styphon's Own Bollocks. You have to join his conspiracy, unless you want to disappear-by the way, where does Anaxthenes think you are now?"

  "I told him I would take a short vacation so that Cleitharses would miss our readings and thus want me even closer than usual at his attendance."

  "Good procedure."

  "So you don't think this might qualify as Paratemporal Contamination?" Danthor asked.

  Verkan shook his head. "Sorry, you're not going to get out of discorporating the Great King. It's something any member of the Inner Circle could-no, would-do, if so ordered by Styphon's Voice; no Paratime Contamination involved. If you don't go through with it, it'll shoot down your credibility as an Archpriest-if Anaxthenes doesn't have you killed right away to plug any leaks. Sorry, Danthor, but you're going to have to go along with the plot."

  Danthor sighed. "I've done everything I can do. But, you're right, Verkan, t
his is too good a position to throw away for someone who's already a dead man, but just doesn't know it yet."


  Grand Master Soton was at the Grand Arena seated in the best box, reserved for Styphon's Own Voice, waiting for Anaxthenes to arrive. Roxthar had already left for Hostigos in a huff, while Soton had been busy putting together a large train of supplies and troops for the Grand Host before he left. In some ways his return to Balph had been exhilarating; everywhere he was acclaimed as the man who had destroyed the Daemon's Kingdom-"Styphon's Fist!" He only wished that he'd been able to bring Kalvan's head with him to mount on the city gates. Regardless, after all the recriminations he'd taken for the loss at Phyrax, it was nice to receive some credit for a victory well won.

  He wondered why Anaxthenes had invited him to the Great Arena, as he watched a band of swordsmen (condemned prisoners of war most likely) dressed in Hostigi uniforms fight against a small unit of Styphon's Own Guard in full regalia. He tried not to yawn at the pedestrian display. Only an idiot would believe that there was any other possible conclusion to the fight than complete destruction of the Hostigi fighters. Now, give those Hostigi rifles, and it would be a different game.

  The slaughter of the swordsmen by the Guardsmen was so interminable, he was tempted to go back to his quarters and retrieve his warhammer and show them how it was done. At least, he was spared one of Roxthar's equally interminable rants. He supposed one could come to miss them, but not anyone he knew.

  There was a sudden roar and Soton looked up to see one of the Temple Guardsmen skewered on a Hostigi sword. The crowd was screaming its approval, showing that Styphon's Own Guard were no more popular in Balph than they were in Hostigos.

  At long last Styphon's Voice appeared, followed by a trail of black and yellow-robed Highpriests and the sparkling silver-plated armor of his new bodyguard. He had mixed feelings about Anaxthenes' Sephrax Guard; privately, he thought there were already too many Styphon's House guard units, most of whom owed very little loyalty to Styphon, and far too much to their paymasters. On the other hand, he could see that Anaxthenes needed a counter to Roxthar's alliance with Styphon's Own Guard. Moreover, he was pleased that Anaxthenes was no longer asking him to use the Order of Zarthani Knights as his own personal bodyguard.


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