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Whispers of Darkness (The Deadwood Hunter Series)

Page 4

by Rachel M Raithby

  “Hey! I only have clothes that have been bought by those two,” she gestured behind her to the men following like dark looming shadows.

  “Alice, leave Lexia alone, there is nothing wrong with what she’s wearing!” Lincoln grumbled.

  “No, nothing at all if you want to be middle-aged and stay indoors all the time! Just because you aren’t single, Lex, doesn’t mean you have to dress like a spinster!”

  Lincoln grumbled again but Lexia just laughed, “God I’ve missed you!”

  “Ooh this looks promising!” Alice dragged Lexia across the street and through a shop door.

  Lexia immediately got lost in the racks of clothes. “Maybe I could do with something other than sweats,” she mumbled, picking up a jacket.

  Alice turned and blocked the entrance to the shop. “You three stay!”

  “What! Alice, no, we are here to protect her,” Lincoln protested.

  “Look!” Alice huffed, her hands resting on her hips as she glared, “we do not need you three following us from clothes rack to clothes rack like some crazy-ass bodyguards! There are no Hunters inside! The only thing that will be getting hammered is your credit card, Linc!” She held her hand out, a hard look in her eye that made Lincoln decide not to protest.

  “Here!” he shoved it at her, “be nice to her!”

  “I’m always nice, silly!” she beamed, shutting the door on them.

  Lincoln, Caden, and Tate all turned at once. Arms crossed they leaned against the shop door; if they couldn’t go in, no one could go in. Passersby gave them a wide birth and eyed them warily and the men smiled, sometimes it felt good to be intimidating.

  “How much do you think they’ll spend in there?” Lincoln asked.

  “Dude, that card will be on fire by the end of the day!” Tate answered with a smirk.

  “I don’t think Lex is going to be the problem,” Caden added with a smile.

  “Yeah, it’s the she-demon you’ve gotta watch out for!” Tate said.

  Lincoln and Caden lifted their heads at the same time, glancing towards Tate. “She-demon?” they said in unison.

  “Yes, she-demon! Try living with her! That girl is a force of nature. She drives me mad on a daily basis; you’d think I wasn’t doing her a favor by keeping her and her family alive!”

  They all chuckled to themselves, resuming the menacing stance against the shop door.

  Inside the shop, the girls were chatting nonstop. Lexia’s hands were being filled with clothes as Alice threw them at her.

  “And this! - Ooh your legs will be killer in this.”

  “Hey, Alice, you realize I have no money, right?” Lexia asked.

  “You do now!” Alice sang, waving Lincoln’s credit card in the air.

  “Oh my god! How did you get that off him?”

  “You’re not the only one with special powers, girl!”

  “Don’t I know it!” she laughed.

  Thirty minutes later Lexia walked out of the shop looking and feeling like a new person. She’d kept on some of her new clothes; a long tight skirt, which skimmed to her knee in white and blue stripes. She tucked a simple white blouse into the waist and added a bright red belt to show off her small waist. She’d bought the dark blue jacket she’d picked up as she’d first walked into the shop, its cropped length and short, flared sleeves went perfectly with the outfit. Paired with killer heels, Lexia was nearly as tall as Lincoln as she kissed his stunned face and handed over her many bags for him to carry.

  Alice linked her arm through Lexia’s and the girls sauntered off talking of finding some more shoes. Three disgruntled bodyguards followed at their backs looking far less menacing with an armful of girl’s shopping bags.

  “So do you think we can go home now and relax before going out later?” Caden asked.

  “We’re going out?” Lexia squealed at Lincoln.

  “Yes, why do you think Cade bought you a dress? Although I’m guessing you have another dress now to go out every night of the week,” he answered.

  “Probably,” she smiled. “Is it safe for me to be out at night? I’m surprised you let me out today.”

  “It’s taken me a month to convince him,” Alice piped up from behind her.

  “It’s your birthday, Lex. For one day I can control my obsessive need to keep you hidden from the Hunters. And we have an extra person with us today,” Lincoln told Lexia.

  “Okay! Let’s go then, I can’t wait to go out and eat some nice food!” Linking her hand with Lincoln’s, Lexia walked towards Caden’s with a happy spring in her step but then she paused as her eyes fell on a pair of leather boots displayed in a shop window.

  “No!” All three men moaned.

  “Aww come on, please! It is my birthday and I need a new pair of boots after the last pair got trashed, please?”

  “Only because it’s your birthday and I can’t resist that smile,” Lincoln smiled, kissing Lexia on the cheek whilst Caden and Tate whined.

  Both girls practically skipped into the shop and Lexia went straight to the boots she’d seen asking the shop assistant for her size. Lexia flopped onto the sofa in the shop and waited, watching Alice scan the shelves of shoes.

  “How about these, Lex? They have a killer heel.” Alice held up a pair of leather boots with at least four-inch stiletto heels on them. She was about to answer when the shop assistant came out of the back room, a smile on her face.

  “Here we are.”

  “Thanks.” Lexia slipped off the heels she had on and realized how sore her feet were; it had been a while since she’d worn heels.

  With both boots on, Lexia hopped up and walked around the shop, getting a feel for them. She walked past Lincoln who slapped her on the ass as she passed, making her squeal. Tate stood by the door outside making sure no one entered and Caden was looking bored, lost in his own world by the sofa although he’d not sat down.

  “I still think these will be better,” Alice moaned, holding up the four-inch heel boots.

  “I’m going for practical, Alice,” Lexia answered.

  “You’re even more practical than normal! It’s boring.”

  The shop assistant wandered back into the store room leaving them alone. “I’ll show you why I need practical, Alice,” Lexia whispered and then glanced at Caden.

  Smiling, she spun around on one leg, tucking her other leg close to her chest and then releasing it with just enough force to knock Caden off balance. He never saw her foot coming, his eyes widened as he fell backwards into the sofa with a thud.

  Lincoln and Lexia burst into laughter. “Need to work on keeping your guard up there, Doc!” Lexia teased, holding out her hand to pull him back up.

  “Some bodyguard you are, hey Cade,” Lincoln laughed.

  “And that, Alice, is why I need flat boots. Can’t be doing that and running for my life in four-inch heels, now can I?” Lexia laughed.

  “Are you sure having them over your knees won’t interfere with flexibility?” Lincoln asked.

  “No, it’s only over the front, see? If anything, it’ll be a bonus if I land on my knees on the road.”

  “Good point – sold.” He handed over his credit card again, thinking his grandfather will go nuts when he sees all the money gone out of the account that are clearly not company expenses.

  Lexia slipped off the boots and placed her feet back into her heels. “Happy, babe? Back to silly shoes that I can break my neck in,” Lexia said to Alice as she slipped her hand through her elbow. “Let’s go back to Caden’s and have a girly chat with ice cream?”

  Chapter 7

  Lincoln sat watching Lexia; she and Alice were on the small two-seater sofa, legs tangled together as they faced each other and talked. They had some girly chick flick on that neither of them were watching but he had a feeling if he changed the channel he’d get shouted at.

  Tate had disappeared into another room, clearly bored by the girl conversation going on in the room. He wasn’t really listening to what they were saying but just
watching Lexia as she laughed and talked with her best friend. Every now and then she’d throw her head back in laughter, her dark hair spilling over the sofa arm, enticing him to run his fingers through it. She still had on those ridiculously high heeled shoes she’d bought today; one hung off her toe and her foot jiggled up and down. He found his mind wandering to what she’d look like naked in just those shoes, her hands on her hips, showing him all her glory. Hmm, maybe I’ll do that later.

  He glanced at Caden, who was watching them, too. He trusted his friend with his life and Lexia’s, he’d already proved worthy by coming for them in the forest, but he wasn’t quite sure of Caden’s feelings towards Lexia.

  He knew Caden would never do anything even if he did have feelings for her. There was just something about Lexia, the way she seemed to radiate light and power; the only problem was not everyone wanted to bask in her light, but take it.

  Caden noticed him looking and then glanced away. “I’m going to go lay down; you girls wore me out with all your shopping,” Caden said as he left the room.

  Lexia glanced at him and smiled and then glanced at Lincoln for a second. Lincoln wasn’t sure what it was about her look that made him feel compelled to commit it to memory. Maybe it was the sparkle in her eyes that he hadn’t seen in such a long time. What had happened back at her childhood home had changed her, hardened her. Or maybe it was the smile on her face, as bright and warm as the sun. Or the way she laid back, relaxed and content, for once not on high alert, ready and waiting to be attacked. He’d noticed that too since the forest. Every night she sparred with him, so serious and determined to be better, stronger, her body had hardened over the past weeks, muscle replacing soft flesh.

  She looked back to Alice as she said something that amused her and then it hit Lincoln what it was - she seemed young, young and carefree, like she should feel on her twentieth birthday. Right at that moment, her mother, the Hunters, the deaths she’d caused, were nowhere in her mind and Lincoln knew he’d do everything in his power to keep it that way. He didn’t care what it took or how long, one day Lexia would never have to look over her shoulder or be burdened with the lives she had to take in self defense. One day she’d be free.

  Lexia escaped up stairs and threw herself onto the bed, her eyes felt heavy. “I’ll just have ten,” she murmured, closing her eyes.

  It wasn’t long after her body had relaxed, slowly slipping into sleep that she heard the door opening. She never opened her eyes, she’d felt him coming up the stairs and now the room was filled with the wild, musky scent of her panther.

  He climbed onto the bed, slowly crawling up her body and kissed her exposed neck. “I’m sleeping,” she grumbled with a smile.

  “You just stay sleeping, I’ll entertain myself just fine,” he disappeared back down her body.

  For a second she thought he’d left, the room grew deadly silent. She was about to feel for him when his hands clamped onto her knees and dragged her down to the end of the bed.

  She squealed as he flipped her onto her back with a chuckle. Her skirt had ridden up around her waist as she’d been dragged and now all that she had between her and his mouth was a thin slip of lace.

  “You know you really shouldn’t have such skimpy panties on with such a short skirt, I’ve been getting peeks of your ass all day!” He nipped at her skin making her gasp. “Driving me mad, you were.”

  “You’re the one that bought all my underwear! Plus I had jeans on when I left this morning.”

  His rough jaw grazed against her thigh. “Time for them to come off I think,” he whispered against her heated core as he took hold of her panties with his teeth pulling them off.

  Spreading her legs he murmured, “That’s better... Ready for your other present?”

  Lexia never had time to answer before a hot, wet tongue delved between her soft flesh, wiping her mind of any coherent thought. She moaned and dissolved against him as he explored her with his mouth.

  “You taste so good, baby,” he said as she arched her back with a cry.

  The familiar feel of her body tightening had her breath catching in her throat and she gripped the sheets trying to process the sensation rippling through her body. His tongue went in hot circles around her clit, teasing until he finally clamped his mouth over the bud of nerves and sucked.

  Again and again he did it, until she stopped trying to be quiet over concern of the people in the house and just begged Lincoln to make her come. Lincoln slid two fingers into her wet opening and thrust once, twice and she came apart.

  A scream tore from her throat as her whole body clenched and then went limp. Sensation sizzled through her veins like a drug and all she managed was to curl onto her side with a sigh.

  Lincoln ignored his raging hard on and lifted Lexia further up the bed. He smiled at the content sigh that left her lips and laid down behind her. He closed his eyes with a smile. “Happy birthday, my sweet wildcat.”

  Chapter 8

  Lexia looked at herself in the mirror. The dress Caden had bought her was beyond stunning; it was so simple and yet so sexy. The black material fit her like a glove showing the curve of her hips and breasts, the high, straight neckline was sophisticated and grown up. The material skimmed over her shoulders and disappeared, leaving a deep cutout, showing off her whole back.

  The dress was short, it left a lot of her skin exposed but she didn’t feel slutty, she felt stunning.

  Running her hands through her hair, she frowned. “Alice!”

  “YES?” Alice called back.

  “I have nothing to do my hair with!”

  Alice appeared through her doorway a second later, a blood red dress covering her small frame. “Fuck, Lex! That dress is sexy as hell!” she said with a whistle.

  Lexia turned and grinned. “Don’t look too bad yourself, chick!”

  “So did you seriously just say you have nothing to do your hair with?”

  “Yes, remember I have been housebound forever and have only had guys buying me things. I’m lucky I got a hair brush!”

  “I honestly do not know how you survived living like a caveman! Be right back.”

  She laughed as her friend ran from the room and shouted ‘Caden!’ from the top of the stairs. What was she planning on doing, sending him out for hair supplies?

  A few minutes later Alice walked back through the door, Caden on her heels carrying a suitcase that must have been heavy from the way he was carrying it.

  “Put it on the bed,” she ordered with a wave of her hand.

  “Alice, you realize I have super human strength and could have carried that myself?”

  “Lex, just because you can do a man’s job, does not mean you should,” she said, her hands on her hips.

  Caden snorted and then looked up, his breath catching in his throat. “Wow... Lex... Wow,” he stammered, his eyes trailing over her body.

  “Yeah, yeah, ogle later, we have work to do,” Alice said, shoving Caden out the door. “That man has a serious crush on you!”

  “He does not! He’s like my brother,” Lexia muttered, opening the suitcase.

  “Yeah, a brother that just undressed you with his eyes! Linc will rip his throat out sooner or later. Shame, really he’s hot,” she laughed, fanning herself.

  “Shut it!” Lexia flipped open the case to find hundreds of hair products, makeup, curling tongs, and straighteners. “Jeez, Alice how long are you planning on staying?”

  “Well, I had to be prepared, you know, just in case something crazy happened and we ended up on the run.”

  Lexia burst into a fit of giggles. “Alice!” she spluttered unable to talk through her laughs, “Honestly! How would you carry this running for your life?”

  “Well, obviously that’s what the three men downstairs are for,” she huffed.

  Lexia couldn’t answer. Another round of giggles hit her as she imagined two cats and a wolf trying to carry a suitcase.

  “Laugh all you want but I’d be the one looking good while y
ou look like a homeless person!”

  When Lexia finally controlled her laughing she turned to Alice’s disgruntled face and asked, “So what are we doing with my hair?”

  “Let’s curl it some more. Here,” she threw the curling iron at Lexia. “You start that while I finish my makeup then I’ll do the back for you.”

  Lexia stood in front of the mirror, hot curling iron in her hand and she couldn’t stop smiling. It was silly, really, being so happy over such little things like doing her hair and having Alice next to her applying makeup. Such mundane things and yet Lexia had missed them so much; she guessed you never really appreciated the little things in life until they were taken away from you.

  “Tell me you’re putting makeup on,” Alice asked.

  “Yes, no need for a lecture,” she answered, sticking out her tongue.

  “Well you haven’t worn any since I’ve been here. I know you’re all mated and shit but no need to let yourself go!”

  “Oi! Cheeky bitch” Lexia said with a giggle hitting Alice in the shoulder. “I don’t have any makeup, it has nothing to do with being with Linc.”

  She rubbed her shoulder. “That freaking hurt, Lex, and why didn’t you have one of them get you some?”

  “Because I was too busy worrying about Hunters than what my face looked like.”

  “Well, here, use mine and no Hunter talk. Today is a Hunter-free day.”

  “Sounds like my kinda day. Here, do the back will you?” Lexia handed over the curling iron and set to work on her makeup.

  “Jeez, Lex, we should have taken you to a hair salon! You have so many split ends.”

  “Could you have imagined walking into a hair dresser with those three? They’d have tackled the poor hair dresser to the floor when she reached for the scissors!”

  The girls burst into a fit of laughter again and then heard Lincoln shout up the stairs.

  “Are you two getting ready or just rolling about laughing? Five minutes and we need to go!”

  “Yes, boss!” they both shouted together and started to laugh again.


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