Whispers of Darkness (The Deadwood Hunter Series)

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Whispers of Darkness (The Deadwood Hunter Series) Page 16

by Rachel M Raithby

  Lexia didn’t argue with him, she snuggled herself closer to him and relaxed, listening to the steady drum of his heart.

  She must have dropped off because when she opened her eyes again she was inside the house being carried up the stairs.

  “Thought we were eating?” she mumbled.

  “It’s not ready yet, thought you’d like a nice hot bath to relax.”

  “Hmm sounds good... Glass of wine and a good book would go nice with that bath, too.”

  Lincoln’s laugh rumbled up his chest, vibrating against her. “You realize we are on the run? Be grateful your bath is in a tub and not a river.”

  Lexia had a sarcastic comment on her tongue when she noticed an open door. “Hey Linc, put me down.” She struggled from his arms and went to push open the door further. She knew whose room it was, of course, she’d caught a glimpse inside before.

  “Wait Lex, don’t go in there,” Lincoln gasped.

  She pushed open the door and walked inside, taking in the room’s contents: the single bed with a blue, white, and red striped throw over it, the toy boxes filled with boy’s toys, some scattered on the floor as if the child would be back any moment to play with them. Lexia picked up a silver photo frame, studying the picture she turned back to Lincoln who stood in the doorway.

  “Why won’t you come back in here? This is your room, isn’t it?”

  Lincoln sighed, “Who told you?”

  Lexia smiled at him. “Why are you so sad? Caleb confirmed what I had thought and seeing as you are the only child in the photos around the house, it doesn’t take a genius to work out this is your childhood room.”

  He smiled at her but his eyes were sad as if remembering the past.

  “Why didn’t you want me to know this was your house?”

  “It’s not that I didn’t want you to know... I just... I wasn’t ready to talk about it. I’m still not, really. Being here in this home, it hurts, I think I’ve only just started to come to terms with what happened to my parents.”

  Lexia grabbed his hand and dragged him into the room, he stiffened as he looked around. She wrapped her hands around his head and pushed up on her tiptoes to place a soft kiss on his lips. “I understand but you need to remember the good times you had here.”

  “You’re right, I do,” he replied, glancing around the room. “Come on, time for that bath.”

  Lexia took his hand and walked from the room. She paused on the landing and then walked to the door that was always shut. “What’s in here?”

  “Lexia please, I’m not ready to open that door.”

  “Linc, it’s time to let go of the past.” She opened the door.

  Lexia walked into the bedroom and froze, she wasn’t expecting this. Her heart started to hammer in her chest as she slowly took in her surroundings. The walls were painted in a soft cream with the slightest touch of pink to it, a bunting hung around the walls, made of patchwork fabrics in pastel shades of pink, green, and purple. Her eyes went to the corner where a small cradle sat, soft folds of chiffon floating down in a canopy over one end.

  Lexia looked at Lincoln who was frozen in place out on the landing, his eyes full of the horrors of the past. “I don’t understand,” she whispered, suddenly wishing she’d never opened the door.

  Lincoln said nothing, he just stood there frozen.

  Picking up a pink teddy bear from a nearby shelf Lexia hugged the teddy to her and then took one last look around the room. Placing the bear into the cradle Lexia walked back out the room and closed the door. She wrapped her arms around Lincoln and whispered the horrible conclusion she’d made. “She was pregnant... Your mum was pregnant when she died?”

  His eyes suddenly hardened and his words were half growled as his spoke, “She was six months pregnant when she died. The Hunters killed my mother, my father, and my unborn sister.”

  As she looked at him she realized now how he had been before he’d met her, hardened with a dark hatred and a thirst for revenge. Lexia placed her hand over his heart. “Let it go, baby. The Hunters will pay for what they’ve done but don’t let them take you as well, it’s time to remember the happy memories.”

  His eyes filled with sadness and a single tear trickled down his cheek. “I won’t let them have you,” he whispered.

  “They can never take away what we feel for each other. Remember what you told me? Well, I’ll always be inside of you, too. You own my heart, Lincoln, and they can never take that away from you,” she whispered, wiping the tear with her thumb. “Come on, let’s run my bath.”

  Chapter 28

  Lexia slowly lowered herself into the hot water, a sigh escaped her as the water encased her sore, tired muscles. She closed her eyes and dipped below the water, her hair floating around her. She stayed under the water for a minute, holding her breath and shutting out the world around her.

  A hand dipped into the water and pinched her nipple. Lexia pushed her head out of the water with a gasp looking at Lincoln who now had on a pair of jeans, the top button still undone. “What was that for?”

  Lincoln loomed over her, a grin on his face. “Just making sure you weren’t drowning yourself.”

  “Just drowning out Caden’s and Caleb’s bickering,” she answered, leaning her head back and closing her eyes.

  “Yes, they are like old women,” he chuckled.

  She heard him move next to her; the sound of fabric brushing against his muscled body, his feet brushing against the tiled floor.

  “Are you okay, pretty panther?” Lexia asked quietly.

  “I’m getting there... Are you, my wild cat?” His voice whispered against her skin, making goose bumps erupt over her skin.

  “Mmm,” she sighed as desire pooled in her belly.

  Lexia could feel his eyes on her, his body so close to hers, his heat making the already steamy bathroom even hotter.

  “I am trying to relax remember,” she murmured.

  “I’m not doing anything.” She could hear the smile on his lips as he spoke and it only made her want him more, her thighs clenched together and she squirmed. The little hitch in Lincoln’s throat confirmed he’d seen the effect he was having on her.

  This is insane! He’s not even touching me and he makes me crazy for him!

  “I can feel you fucking me with your eyes, Lincoln!”

  “Lexia! As if I’d do such a thing!” He laughed as his hand delved into the water and pinched her nipple again.

  Lexia squealed as a jolt of electricity travelled to the now aching flesh between her legs. “Linc! Relaxing remember!”

  “Hmm, carry on relaxing. I’ll entertain myself.” His voice was a rough whisper against her cheek before he placed a soft kiss there, warming her heart.

  His hands started to roam her wet skin, pinching and pulling her breasts, making the water spill over the sides of the tub as Lexia wriggled and moaned. His hands travelled further, heading towards the apex between her legs. He took his time, his rough calloused skin sending sparks through her nerves. He paused, his fingers millimeters from the bud of nerves desperate for his touch.

  Lexia was panting, her whole body alive, begging for release. She snapped open her eyes as he stopped and looked into Lincoln’s face. “Relaxing is so overrated,” she said in a breathy whisper.

  He smiled at her, slow and sensual, and delved his fingers between her soft folds. His free hand caressed her body, squeezing her breasts and teasing her nipples until they were little hard pebbles.

  “You are mine, Lexia... Your body, your heart, is mine; I won’t let anybody else have you!”

  His mouth closed over her neck, sucking and kissing, setting her skin on fire. He travelled up her to her ear, along her jaw, soft, sweet little nips and sucks, whilst his fingers worked her clit, circling around it, never quite pressing were she really wanted him to press.

  “I love you, Lexia. I love your plump breasts that just beg for my mouth, I love your soft milky skin that tastes so sweet, and I love your tight little pussy tha
t welcomes me so greedily.”

  Lexia could barely breathe, her breaths came out in shallow pants. The air was so hot, her skin felt on fire, every fiber in her body buzzed, desperate for relief and his words, so possessive, so hot, made her crazy. He made her crazy.

  “You are MINE! Every bit of you MINE!” he growled as his teeth sunk into her neck and his finger finally touched the tight bud of nerves nestled in her swollen flesh.

  “Lincoln!” she cried out as she shattered into a million pieces, her back arching and electricity firing through her nerves.

  When she came down from her high, Lexia opened her eyes. “Well I’m relaxed now,” she smiled.

  A wicked grin crossed his face. “No relaxing for you! Out and in the bedroom, I’ve not finished with you yet!”

  He stood and Lexia’s eyes focused on the bulge in his jeans. She quickly got to her feet and climbed from the bath, holding his arm to steady her shaky legs. She placed a soft kiss to Lincoln’s lips and then dropped to her knees. His jeans were dropped to the floor and his dripping, hot cock slid into her mouth.

  She closed her eyes and moaned as she worked his length, hard as steel and soft and silky, he tasted so good in her mouth.

  “Look at me!” he commanded.

  Lexia opened her eyes and looked into his as she slowly slid her mouth off his cock. Her hand clasped around him, working him up and down whilst her tongue swirled the head, collecting the drops of liquid that gathered on the end.

  His hands fisted into her hair, forcing her to take the full length. Her fingers gripped his muscled thighs as she worked him faster and desire started to pool between her legs again.

  “Fuck, stop,” he groaned.

  “What?” she asked with a smile.

  “I want to come inside you! Bedroom now!”

  Lexia walked from the bathroom into the bedroom. Lincoln spanked her naked bum and she giggled and squealed as his arm snaked around her waist dragging her back. He pushed her up against the wall, thrusting himself into her as his fingers gripped her bottom. the wall shook as he slammed her against it and a picture frame fell to the floor.

  “Shush! They’ll hear you!” Lexia whispered.

  “We live in a house full of shifters, they will hear you even if you whisper.”

  The wall shook again, Lexia wrapped her legs around his waist taking him deeper inside of herself, moaning in pleasure.

  “Food’s ready!!” Caden called from downstairs.

  “I swear he does that on purpose,” Lincoln grumbled.

  “We’ll be down in a minute!” Lexia called back, and gasped as pleasure rippled throughout her from Lincolns thrust.

  “Make that ten!” Lincoln shouted as Lexia cried out, her nails digging into his flesh.

  “You are so bad!” she giggled against his mouth.

  “No baby, I’m so good!”

  Chapter 29

  “Where’s Caleb?” Lexia asked, taking a bite out of the burger in her hand. “Mmm god s’good.”

  Caden shook his head and chuckled, “He said he went to find something... Your burger good?”

  “Oh shut up... It’s been forever since you’ve let me eat some real food!”

  “Well, you had almost died,” he shot back, a lopsided grin on his face.

  “Now, now, children,” Lincoln said, taking his seat next to Lexia. “Where the hell did you find burgers and buns?”

  “They were in Caleb’s freezer, although that was the last of the food. We are on canned products for the foreseeable future I’m afraid.”

  Lincoln and Lexia groaned together as Caleb walked up.

  “Less of the grim faces, my friends, look what I found!” he shouted, holding up the two bottles in his hands.

  “Dibs on the vodka!” Lexia squealed. Jumping from her seat, she placed a kiss to his cheek. “I officially love you, Caleb!”

  Lincoln growled and slapped her bum. “Stop kissing him and bring me those lips!”

  Lexia giggled as she was dragged into his lap. “Oh vodka, how I’ve missed you,” she cooed, stroking the bottle.

  “Careful now, Linc will get jealous!” Caden laughed.

  “Nope, I’ve seen her intoxicated, she can love the vodka all she wants. I’m having one hell of a party later!” Lincoln murmured before kissing her.

  “So what do we get, Caleb?” Caden asked.

  “Whiskey,” he answered, pouring three glasses. “You need a glass, Lexia?”

  “Nope, I’m all good with the bottle,” Lexia answered, mustering up her most innocent smile.

  “We should start a bonfire, it’s freezing tonight,” Caleb said.

  “Are you sure? We are on the run... Remember?”

  “In all the time I’ve lived here, no one has ever come across this place... Plus, I’ve laid a few traps, trust me we’ll know when someone is coming.”

  Lexia looked to Lincoln, a question in her eyes.

  “Oh alright, screw it. Let’s get drunk and have some fun!” Lincoln yelled with a cheer.

  Laughing, Lexia gulped down some vodka, feeling it burn her throat and warm her insides. She felt a happy buzz going through her veins that had nothing at all to do with the vodka. Moments like these, laughing, being surrounded by friends, these were the moments people lived for.

  Hours later Lexia danced around the roaring fire, the nearly empty vodka bottle in her hand. The clear liquid sloshed about as she wiggled her hips in a circle, hands above her head. Caleb had brought out an old CD player and some old music she didn’t know blasted out of it. It had a rocky, brassy beat that vibrated through her body. She was completely hammered, her eyes heavy and slow with a happy, goofy glow on her face. The three shifters she’d come to see as her family were laughing and bickering with each other. Their hearty, good-natured laughs echoed around the forest, bringing the dark night to life. Lexia giggled to herself as she swayed and stumbled, her eyes catching Lincoln’s across the fire. For a second they froze, staring at each other, both with matching ridiculous grins. Lexia felt a pulse in her chest, a surge of joy and happiness that came from the bond between them. The bond that she didn’t understand but knew without a doubt was incredible and unbreakable, she knew in that moment staring into the depths of his golden brown eyes that this was true happiness. This moment in time was one that she’d treasure, this is what she and Lincoln fought for, what she kept breathing for.

  She stumbled again and giggled.

  “Come here, sexy girl” Lincoln said with a crook of his finger.

  Lexia giggled again and sauntered up to him, skimming her hands over the contours of his abs and over his sculpted chest, finally resting them linked behind his neck. Her hips twisted to the music, a playful smile on her lips.

  “Yees ba-by?” Lexia slurred.

  “You, my wild cat, are drunk!”

  “Hmm I suppose I am,” she giggled, pressing her twisting hips closer against him.

  “Remember the first time we danced? How you teased me and left me begging for more?”

  Another silly giggle escaped her lips. She turned around in his arms, twisting towards the floor, her fingers grazing down his body. Brushing back up him, Lexia linked her hands together behind his neck, arching her back. His hands wrapped around her, gripping her hips as he nibbled along her neck, igniting her nerve endings.

  “I don’t know what you mean, baby,” Lexia whispered, turning her mouth up to his ear, pulling his head down further so she could take it between her teeth. Biting gently she said, “Do you mean this? Or how about this?” Lexia rocked her hips, pressed her bum firmly against the growing bulge in his jeans.

  He growled softly, the vibrations rumbling up his chest. “Do you like that, baby?” she whispered softly, twisting and rocking, teasing him further. Her hands unclasped and greedily roamed his body as she turned to face him, slowly kissing him, sucking on his bottom lip, her heart racing as he moaned.

  “Mmm, such a tease. Only this time I won’t be left wanting,” Lincoln murmured. />
  A slow mischievous smile spread on her lips as her hands skimmed down and caressed the throbbing cock in his pants.

  “Oh really? You’re so certain?” Lexia gripped him through the worn denim. “So hard, so desperate. I remember that night, how intoxicated I was by you, how as your hands touched my body the whole world dropped away and I remember the bulge in your pants as I ran away.”

  “No running away tonight.”

  Lexia giggled again and twisted from his grip. She jumped away, laughing as he growled, swaying from one side to the other as he slowly advanced toward her.

  “Help, help! There’s a big bad puddy cat!” she squealed, jumping behind Caden and Caleb.

  The panther flashed into his eyes as a wicked smile lit his face. “Oh you just wait until I have my hands on you!”

  “Save me, Cade, save me!” Lexia laughed, pushing him into Lincoln’s path as he made a lunge for her.

  She ran as fast as her drunk, dizzy body would take her and hid behind a tree.

  “Come out, come out wherever you are!” Lincoln cooed.

  Lexia clamped her hands over her mouth to try and stifle her giggles.

  “Found you!” Night glow eyes flashed before her as his hands grabbed hold of her and slung her up and over his shoulder.

  “Lincoln!” Lexia laughed as his hands roamed up her dress, gripping her at the top of her thigh, branding her.

  “Time for you to satisfy my cock!” Lincoln declared, walking back towards the house.

  Lexia laughed and squealed as she was carried into the house. She caught one last glimpse of Caden and Caleb by the fire, both laughing and shaking their heads, glasses of whiskey in their hands clinking together in celebration.

  I really hope they are not toasting to me satisfying Linc’s cock! Lexia’s drunk, silly mind thought before she was thrown onto the bed and all thoughts left her as her hot sexy mate hovered above her.

  As Lexia fell to sleep that night, drugged from the alcohol and the pleasure still coursing through her veins, she wondered if they could really spend forever hiding out in the forest, living in Lincoln’s family home. Hidden inside a bubble, away from the rest of the world, she thought it could work, they could all be happy here. Only Lexia didn’t know how wrong she was, how her happiness would come crashing down around her, what pain the next day would bring.


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